Girl In Black | Winclair

By peoplearedominoes

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I fell in love with her, the dark gloomy storm cloud, the girl with the middle name intimidating, the girl wh... More



244 7 0
By peoplearedominoes

I sat with Yoko and a few other girls from Ophillia hall, we discussed the Poe Cup, as it's tomorrow and we can't forget our game plan. Yoko's breadstick feel out of her hand and she began clawing at her throat. I picked up her bread and took a bite, garlic. Shit, she's allergic. I pick her up and run toward the nurses office. The nurse wasn't there!

"Nurse! Nurse! We need you!" I start YELLING. The nurse burst in, I guess she was also eating dinner, but that doesn't matter right now. Yoko could DIE!

"What's wrong dearie?" Can't she see that Yoko can't breathe?

"She ate garlic bread, she's allergic to garlic." The nurse nods and gets out a shot. Yoko is still gasping for air and I rub soothing circles on her back. The nurse gives her the shot, and Yoko starts breathing regularly, or well less labored.

"She'll be alright dearie. She just needs a few days rest now, I'll monitor her. You can go off to bed now." The nurse ushered me out. I took one last look at Yoko, who gave me a slight nod that she'd be alright and headed to my room. On my way to my room I was stoped by one of the girls who'd be doing the canoe race with me tomorrow.

"Hey, is Yoko okay? Can she compete tomorrow?" As if the biggest concern was the Poe Cup.

"Yoko is fine, but she'll need to rest for a few days." I give a small smile and try to continue to my room.

"What are we going to do tomorrow, drop out?" I hadn't even thought about not being able to compete in the Poe Cup.

"We'll figure something out. I'll ask Wednesday." She owes me for the bees.

Lying in bed, I reflected over the whole ordeal. Yoko was fine, thank goodness, I don't know what I would have done if she didn't get the shot in time. Tears started pouring down my cheeks, Yoko almost died. Wednesday came in, I almost forgot about her. I jump out of bed to face her.

"Where have you been? I'm nearly having a heart attack right now, Yoko is in the infirmary right now." A growl nearly rips out my throat as I begin to pace.

"What happened?" She sounds like she already knows.

"Garlic bread incident at dinner, she had a major allergic reaction. Meaning she's out of the Poe Cup, and I don't have a copilot." I could care less about the Poe Cup right now, but Yoko and I have spent the last month building and designing our canoe, and I'd be damned if it were for nothing.

"It wasn't an accident, Bianca is behind it." Of course it was Bianca, when isn't it because of her.

"How do you know?" I ask, Wednesday looks away.

"Doesn't matter. You and I are going to take her down tomorrow." She'll really do the Poe Cup? Even though it means she'll have to socialize?

"Wait, you're joining the Black Cats? You're willing to do that? For me?" I take a step closer to her, my voice softening, she steps back.

"I want to humiliate Bianca so badly the bitter taste of defeat burns in her throat." I wish it was for me, but I honestly want to kill Bianca right now so her utter humiliation sounds nice.

"Yeah but you're mostly doing it because we're friends right?" My voice is almost a whisper now, my tears have dried up, but I fear they'll start leaking again if she says no.

"Tell me how she keeps winning." She turns away. To hide a blush I hope.

"It's a real brain cramp, the past two years no other boat has made it across the lake and back without sinking." It's not really a brain cramp, she's a siren, one of her sirens probably propels the canoe the whole way.

"Sounds like sabotage." Wednesday states, I roll my eyes.

"There are no rules in the Poe Cup, and she is a siren which makes her faster in the water." The fact that there's no rules doesn't mean there aren't lines that shouldn't be crossed, like I don't know, causing a person a major allergic reaction where they almost die. Yoko almost died for a win.

"Then we just need to beat her at her own game." Wednesday has her planning/devious face on. I'll let her be captain.

It's race day! I'm so excited. But this is the morning after Yoko almost died, and my mind is such a disaster, I'm mad/sad that Yoko can't participate. Wednesday and I had woken up early today, she wanted to make some modifications to our canoe, and I wanted to visit Yoko. I skip down to the nurse's office. The halls are fairly empty as everyone is outside getting ready for the race. The nurse gives a smile when I walk in and I head towards Yoko,

"Feeling better?" I ask. Yoko looks up from her drawing and gives me a smile.

"Yeah, I'm able to breathe, so I'd say that's an improvement." She jokes.

"Don't joke about that."I lightly punched her arm.

"Yeah, I'm doing better, just bummed I can't compete in the Poe Cup. Were you able to find a replacement under a short time crunch, or are the Black Cats unable to compete. Please tell me you found someone." She sighs sadly and I feel bad.

"Actually, Wednesday volunteered." I smiled and Yoko looked shook.

"How'd you manage that, did you charm her? Please tell me you made a move." I punched her again and she laughed.

"Shut Up!" I whine.

"No, I told her about what happened last night, and she was certain Bianca was behind it, and you know how she has some vendetta against Bianca right. So she like leapt at the opportunity to crush her. And honestly I really want to paint the ground gold with beetle blood." My claws started to extend toward the last sentence and Yoko nodded along.

"At least my hospitalization brings another opportunity for you and Wednesday to get close, what can I say I took one for the team." Yoko laughed at my red face.

"Shut up!" I wine for the like thousandth time.

"Alright, alright. Don't we have a race to get to?" Yoko starts standing up and I look around anxiously for the nurse.

"Don't you have to stay here for monitoring or something?" Yoko rolls her eyes, or I think she does, sunglasses block my view.

"Enid, I'm fine, and it's not like I'm going to compete, I'll just cheer you on." Yoko smile as she tugs me out of the nurse's office.

"Fine, but you better not die. Last night was scary enough for a lifetime." I nudge her shoulder playfully, but I'm not joking, it was terrifying.

"Will do captain, now go lead our team to victory." Yoko pushes me away as she goes to stand with the rest of the crowd. While I wait for Wednesday.

"We're all set." Wednesday's been getting her hand dirty, while I beat out the kinks.

"Good, Thing's in position." Wednesday still wont tell me what she did.

"Wanna tell me what you were up to?" I lean in smiling.

"And ruin the surprise?" Gosh we banter so cutely, she gets that this is flirting, right?

"Speaking of surprises, your costume is in the tent." I smile and she's unimpressed.

"Costume?" If looks could kill, I'd be dead

"OMG, you look purfect. Only thing, where are your whiskers?" Wednesday's so beautiful.

"Ask me again and you'll be down to eight lives." She's serious, but she's just so cute I can't take her seriously so I fight back a smile.

We head down to our canoe and I smile at the competition. I can't believe the Poe Cup is finally here!

"Focus." Wednesday says to me, and honestly it kinda confuses me, I am focused.

"What do we have here? The runt of the litter." Bianca taunts Wednesday. And now I think I should tell Wednesday to "focus" as I know she and Bianca will begin fighting, again.

"For the record I don't believe I'm better than everyone else, just you." Way to go Wednesday, sick burn.

We start the race in last place with an axe flying at us. I swear people are actually out to kill this year. We reach the island and Wednesday goes on to get the flag while the rest of us guard the canoe. All the Jokers had left so I clawed their canoe. One less competitor! The Jokers canoe starts sinking as we pass them up.

"I asked myself WWWD, what would Wednesday do." I smile, I hope she is proud.

We go into overtime trying to pass the Golden Bug, but for some reason we seem stuck, well until Thing jumps ship. Then Wednesday unleashes the spears and The Golden Bug sinks. We won, the Black Cats won!

"Wednesday we did it! This has to be the greatest moment of my entire life. Admit it you kinda got into the whole school spirit thing." I shake Wednesday's shoulders in excitement.

"You didn't tell me it was a dark vengeful spirit." She smiles, Wednesday smiles. Why don't I have a camera on me? Her face makes me want to smile.

Weems hands me a giant trophy, it's almost bigger than me, I raise it up for all to see. I hand it off to go find Wednesday as she has wandered off again.

"What are you doing down here?" I grab Wednesday's arm and lead her back to the courtyard.

"Hiding. People keep randomly smiling at me, it's unsettling." She's so funny. She doesn't try to pull away to hide, accomplishment unlocked!

"It's called having a moment, you took down Bianca, try to enjoy it." I lean in closer, shoulders practically smushed together.

"The girls were wondering if you wanted to hang out later. Could you?" I plead.

"I'll think about it." Yay! She'll think about it! That's the closest to a yes Wednesday will give. I smile and walk off allowing her to do her thing.


This is all from Enid's POV so I'm trying to incorporate a friendship between her and Yoko, partly because Yoko is the only one of the Black Cats that I knew the name of.

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