The Heart Thief

By forevertoofar

273K 12.7K 1.4K

Millie Jenson is heading to 32 and she is still single. Her life lacks excitement and love. The love she's be... More

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4.5K 236 28
By forevertoofar



          Returning from my walk, I slid my hands into my pockets and strolled towards my apartment. Sunday was a quiet day, and as I approached the entrance of my building, a car horn blared, startling me.

           I spun around, and there was Isaac, waving from the driver's seat. I quickened my pace and reached his car, spotting Shane in the backseat.


           Isaac's expression turned slightly frantic as he implored, "Could you please get in? We need to leave."

           Without a moment's hesitation, I opened the car door and slipped into the passenger seat. He wasted no time in pulling away, the car's engine revving to life.

          As we merged into traffic, I couldn't help but wonder about the urgency in Isaac's voice. "What's going on?" I asked, glancing between him and Shane in the rearview mirror.

           Isaac's grip on the steering wheel tightened, and he took a deep breath before responding. "It's Roman," he said, his voice laced with concern. "He's in trouble, Mills."

            My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Roman's name, a sinking feeling washing over me. "Trouble? What happened?"

           Shane leaned forward from the backseat. "We can't say but show you."

           The tension in the car was palpable as Isaac drove us to an undisclosed location. Finally, we arrived at a building tucked away in a remote corner of the city with a few cars parked around it. The muffled sounds of a crowd and the faint glow of neon lights spilled from the entrance. Isaac parked the car and we got out.

          "Stay close," Isaac said, as he grabbed my arm in a tightly secure hold. Shane led the way, and I followed closely, clutching my phone tightly. We entered the dimly lit, makeshift arena, where a crowd of spectators cheered and jeered, their faces obscured in the shadows. I could barely hear anything but my heart, which was beating crazy.

          At the center of a boxing ring, two shirtless fighters were going at it with raw intensity, pounding each other's faces in, their bodies glistening with sweat under the dim lights. Every time one of them landed a punch, cheers and claps burst across the room. I couldn't count how many people were in here; there were too many, squeezing each other. There was nothing but smell of sweat and blood. Why did Isaac bring me to an underground fight? Squeezed in between the two men, they found us three empty seats.

           "Where's Roman?" I asked Shane, hoping I was loud enough for him to hear the question.

           He leaned forward, "Somewhere around, I hope," he shouted back. "He told us to meet him here."

           I nodded, bringing my eyes back to the ring, where the two fighters continued to beat each other mercilessly. I flinched at every crack of bone and every blood. I kept stretching my neck to see if I could catch a glimpse of Roman in the crowd, but he was nowhere to be found. I tugged at Isaac's sleeve.

           "Did he say anything else to you?"

          He shook his head in response. Before I could ask anymore question, the fight was already over and a body was picked out of the ring. The crowd fell silent as the announcer came on the ring.

           "Ladies and gentlemen, and now, this might surprise you, but our next contender is a first-time fighter, willing to spill blood for the sake of love. If the lady of his heart is present among us, his victory depends entirely on your support, and his loss, your silence. I give you, the one in love, the only, RH!"

           The crowd went wild, and all heads turned toward the entrance as a figure made his way toward the ring. I stared up as the fighter RH got on stage and his face was suddenly before me, illuminated by the lights. My heart momentarily stopped, and I found myself standing, my gaze riveted to Roman's face, bathed in the harsh glare of the lights. He appeared flawless, from the taper of his hips and slender waist to his broad shoulders. The V-shape of his obliques led to his black shorts, showcasing a physique sculpted with well-defined muscles, each one taut and chiseled.

          The shock of seeing him here in the ring, ready to fight, left me speechless. Isaac and Shane, standing beside me, were equally shocked, their expressions mirroring the disbelief that coursed through my veins.

           "What the fuck?" Shane cried in alarm. "What the fuck is he doing?"

          The cheers and chants from the crowd seemed to recede into the background as a wave of disbelief engulfed me, leaving me standing there, immobile. It felt impossible, surreal even. It couldn't be true, couldn't be Roman standing in that ring, prepared to fight. My mind struggled to process the sight before me.

          I swiftly left my seat and moved through the crowd, making my way toward the ring. Isaac and Shane tried to call me back, but I ignored them. I couldn't just stand by and watch. My heart ached with worry, and I had to take him out of the ring before the fight could start.

          Reaching the edge of the ring, I stood there, just outside the ropes. I screamed his name, trying to catch his attention. His head turned in my direction, and our eyes locked. There was a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. The crowd's anticipation hung in the air as Roman approached the edge of the ring. He didn't leave it, but he leaned over the ropes, his voice low.

          "You came."

           My voice quivered as I replied, "What are you doing? Get down from there."

           He cast a glance toward the ring and then back at me, his gaze intense. "If I come down, will you take me back?" I stared at him, rendered speechless by his unexpected ultimatum. He looked back at the ring, then back at me, his eyes searching mine. "Unless you agree that we're meant to spend the rest of our lives together, and you don't push me away anymore, Millie, then I'll come down and go home with you."

           My disbelief and concern turned into anger. "What the hell are you playing at?"

           Roman sighed, a somber expression clouding his features. He pulled back, turning away from me, as if retreating from our conversation. I tried to get his attention again, but he seemed determined to ignore me. The announcer's voice boomed through the arena, introducing his opponent, Berserker, a giant who towered over him, and I felt a knot tighten in my stomach. It was clear that Roman couldn't win against him.

          Desperation surged within me as I reached out to him again. "Roman, please, come down from there. You're going to get yourself killed by being stubborn."

           He remained steadfast, his gaze fixed on Berserker as he flexed his arms at his sides, stretching his fingers out and bouncing on his calves. It was as if he had made up his mind, and he was just waiting for me to make mine. The crowd's excitement grew, the atmosphere charged with tension. There was nothing more I could do from the sidelines except watch.

           As the fight started, I could hardly bear to watch. Roman threw the first punch that connected and knocked Berserker's face to the side. His opponent evaded the second punch, came back up and hit back. I flinched at the power in his punch, his muscles contracting and tensing, working and releasing, with each punch he delivered. It was so much obvious that he was more experienced with the way he moved, his speed, and his strength.

           As the fight progressed, Roman was taking a beating, blood trickling down his face and staining his bruised body. Tears welled up in my eyes, and my heart ached with every blow. Despite the pain he was enduring, he wore an unsettling smile. Each time his opponent pushed him against the ring, he turned to look at me with bloodied but hopeful eyes, shouting over the ring, "Millie, are you willing to get back together with me?"

           The sight of him, battered but still hopeful, was tearing me apart. I could feel the pain in every punch he took, both physically and emotionally. Each punch and kick landed with bone-crushing force, sending sprays of sweat and blood into the air. The crowd's cheers morphed into bloodthirsty roars as they reveled in the violence before them. A ragged breath of relief left me when Roman jumped back up and wiped blood from his lips, but he took another punch that swung him back to bounce against the ring.

           My voice cracked as I begged, "Roman, please, stop this. We can talk, but not like this." But his determination remained unshaken. With each glance my way, he was asking for reconciliation, even as his body bore the brunt of the fight.

           His once-handsome features now marred by swollen eyes, a busted lip, and a rapidly darkening canvas of bruises. Blood trickled down from a gash on his forehead, matting his hair. My heart felt like it was going to explode. I couldn't stand there and watch.

           I blurted out, "Okay!" with tears blurring my gaze as I shouted again. "Okay, Roman! I'll do anything you say." I was on the verge of hyperventilating when Berserker grabbed his hair and knocked him back against the ring. I rushed toward him, clutching his sweaty arm, separated by the goddamn ring. My lips trembled with his name.

           Roman stared at me, his chest rising and falling. "You promise?" he asked, panting, his eyes wild on me.

           I saw Berserker charging towards him again, so I yelled out, "Yes!"

           He grinned and managed to lift himself to his feet before he jumped off the ring. It was as if time slowed down when he landed gracefully on the floor, and I rushed into his arms. As our bodies pressed close, I could feel his heartbeat racing, matching the frantic pace of my own. His warmth enveloped me, and for a fleeting moment, the fight, the crowd, and everything else didn't exist.

           The moment didn't last. With a menacing glare, Berserker leaped from the ring, intent on attacking him. But in a swift, protective move, Roman shielded me with his body, pushing me behind him. The crowd started going wildly, screaming Berserker's name, enabling him to go for another hit. He kicked Roman in the back, sending both him and me flying down to the ground, but Roman was quick to cover my body and head from touching the ground.

           Just as Berserker was about to strike, Isaac and Shane sprang from the crowd, their fists flying as they attacked him. Their movements were a blur of punches and swift strikes, knocking Berserker off balance and sending him reeling. Roman shielded me with his arms and body, but my gaze soon fell on a group of men who rushed in. Their bulging muscles were evident even beneath their shirts, and anger etched across their faces.

           They swarmed Isaac and Shane, forcefully pulling them away from Berserker and joining the brawl. The situation spiraled into a chaotic, full-blown fight, fists and bodies colliding amid the chaos. The crowd screamed, hurling objects in our direction. Security hurried to intervene, while some fans leaped from their seats to get a closer look.

           It was terrifying. The scene was a jumbled mess of bodies, making it impossible to distinguish who was who in the fight. Roman struggled to lead us away from the chaos, his arms wrapped protectively around me. He shielded me from every blow, even throwing his own body over mine when someone came dangerously close to stepping on me.

           He managed to get us out of the fight to a secluded corner. He leaned me gently against the wall, his labored breaths punctuating the silence. With a trembling hand, now smeared with his own blood, he tenderly cupped my cheek. "Are you okay?" he rasped, concern etching his voice.

           I nodded, still too overwhelmed to find my voice, my gaze locked onto his battered and bruised form. He interpreted my silence as a sign of assurance, his eyes searching mine for confirmation. With a nod, he lowered his hand.

           "Stay here, don't move," he murmured, his lips pressing a blood-stained kiss against my ear before vaulting back into the chaos, leaving me pressed against the wall, my heart shaking.


           The ride back to Roman's was just moans and groans in the silence. Fortunately, neither one of them got arrested, but they escaped with injuries. I drove Isaac's car because none of them were in the right state to drive.

           As soon as I parked the car, I got out and went around the passenger's seat to open it, helping Roman out of the car. He tried to speak to me, but I ignored him and marched right inside. I was angry. So angry I thought I was going to explode. I went straight for where he kept his alcohol, pouring myself a glass and downing it in one go, hoping it would calm me down.

           Shane was behind me, pressing a tissue to his bleeding nose. "Ugh, please, pour me one." He dragged an empty glass to his front, dabbing the tissue to his nose. His left cheek was red and his lip was swollen. He didn't take as much beating as Isaac, who had already started spotting a black eye with a split lip and swollen jaw.

           I helped pour whiskey to Shane's glass, grabbing another glass to Isaac, who was slumped against the chair.

           "Oh, thank you," he said, taking the glass.

           I watched Roman walked down the hallway, probably to get to his room. Shane appeared to be watching him too, because as soon as he disappeared, he spoke.

           "He's a psychopath."

          Isaac attempted to chuckle, but it turned into a painful groan. "Damn, it hurts to laugh."

           "Then don't laugh, asshole," replied Shane. "You're probably going to be in pain for two days. I guess I got off lucky."

           "Only because they were throwing themselves at me. You, on the other hand, looked like you were auditioning for a dance-off."

           "I was trying to protect my face. I'm a celebrity. People will ask questions. Now I'll have to confess to my manager what went down, hoping my face doesn't make headlines tomorrow."

           I regarded him with concern. "Do you think people took your videos?" My voice held a hint of worry. It was a major issue. If there were pictures or videos of Shane involved in the fight, it could result in serious repercussions, especially given his status as a public figure. Also, resorting to physical violence was also legally problematic.

           Shane let out a wry chuckle. "Are you serious? Didn't you see all those camera flashes?"

          Isaac interjected, "Millie was probably too shocked, Shane. Are you confident your manager won't tell your coach?"

          "He won't. He has no choice, but we got to make sure my name and face isn't tomorrow's news. I'll call him and confess, just to be on the safe side. It's probably going to cause me games."

           "Shit, sorry, dude."

          "No worries."

           I glanced back in the direction Roman had gone, my concern for him overriding my anger. He had looked even worse off than both Isaac and Shane, leaving my mind unsettled.

          Shane, who had been observing my anxious gaze, let out a snort. "Go," he urged. "Look after him. He definitely needs it. And once he's better, be sure to tell him I'll kick his ass."

            "I second that," murmured Isaac, letting out another groan.

           I hurriedly got to my feet, almost stumbling over my own legs as I raced after Roman to his room. Entering his room, I found him seated at the edge of the bed, having just emerged from a shower. His hair was damp, and he clutched a bloodstained towel in his hand. Wrapped around his hips was a white towel, while droplets of water glistened on his battered skin. As I approached the bed, I was struck by his unsettling silence, standing before him.

          Raising my hand, I gently guided it through his hair, tilting his head backward until our gazes locked. Roman's eyes were utterly captivating as they held mine. There was a slight swelling on the left side of his face, with a red mark on his lower lip. I drew in a deep, trembling breath, overwhelmed by the way he returned my gaze with those heartbreakingly intense eyes.

          "I hope you haven't forgotten your promise," he spoke, his voice raspy and sending shivers down my arms.

         I sighed, running my nails gently through his hair. "I don't know what to do with you, Roman," I whispered, allowing my gaze to wander down to his chest and arms. "You're hurt all over."

          "For you," he declared, gazing at me with unwavering sincerity that left me breathless. "I'd do anything to get you back." I could hear the raggedness in his exhale as he shut his eyes, his torment resonating deeply with me.

          "But not at the cost of you getting hurt. Why did you do that?" Our eyes were so near when I looked up at him that I could count each of his dark lashes.

          His voice was low and intimate. "To show you that I meant it when I said I needed you. I don't care how stupid or reckless, but as long as you don't run away or push me away, I'm willing to lose a lot more. For you." His eyes pierced mine. "There's no limit to what I can do for you. That's love, isn't it, Em?"

          My roughly spoken name and his confession stirred my head, and the way he said it affected me, freezing every nerve in my body. I felt like I was visibly shaking while also immobilised.


          Emilia. Millie. Em.


          "You love me?"

          His eyes sparkled as he cradled my face, his fingers brushing against my jaw and cheeks, the softness of his touch and the warmth of his presence washing over me in that uniquely comforting way only he could evoke. "I love you for all the times I did, and even for the times I didn't."

           My breath felt like it turned into heavy stones. His hands gripped my hips, causing my heart to twist painfully, almost eliciting a whimper.

           "You love me?" I repeated, a need for confirmation in my voice, unsure if he had truly spoken those words from the depths of his heart.

           Roman smiled, pulling me close and enveloping me within the warmth of his chest as he lowered his lips to meet mine. Our mouths grazed softly before melding together, and he parted his lips with a soft exhale that possessed my mouth, his tongue igniting a thrilling sensation of desire inside me. He traced his lips along my jawline, then nestled his nose against the nape of my neck, inhaling deeply, as if savoring every essence of me.

           "I love you, Em. I love your heart. I love your smile. Do you love me?" He wildly searched my face, and I felt just as wild looking back at him.

           My head swam with excitement, my heart beating wildly. "Yes," I replied hastily. His breath caught in his throat, and I hurriedly continued, my words tumbling out. "I love you." I swiftly moved my hands over his chest, planting tender kisses wherever I could reach. "I've missed you so much," I confessed with emotion, peppering his neck and jaw with kisses, gripping his hair as I pressed my face into his neck, desperate to be as close to him as possible.

           He enveloped me in a warm hug, his hand gently caressing my back before cupping my face as he whispered, "I missed you too," and sealed it with a kiss on my lips, then the tip of my nose and my forehead.

         His admission sent shivers through me. "But I missed your voice. Your hands. Your mouth... being with you... watching you... touching you... smelling you..." My words trailed off as I inhaled his enticing scent. I kissed him more passionately, and Roman seized my hips, pulling me onto his lap as if he yearned for that skin-on-skin contact with me.

          "What would I have done if something had happened to you?" I asked, squeezing my eyes.

          His eyes, as blue as ever, sparked a fire that warmed every inch of me. "I wouldn't have let anything happen to me, Millie, not when I plan to spend the rest of my life with you," he confessed in a deep, raspy whisper. "God, I never anticipated you, but then you entered my life, and I could see my future.

           Leaning in, he traced his nose along my temple, sending a shiver of warmth down my spine as he whispered softly into my ear. "I don't know what's going to happen next. All I know is, my place is by your side. I don't care what I lose as long as you keep loving me. That's all I ask of you. I'm so fucking in love with you that I don't know what to do with myself anymore." He gently tugged at my hair and drew me closer to his lips. "I'm yours, even when you think you don't want me anymore."

          Later, we were on the bed, and he lay in my lap, his legs stretched out in front of him. I thought he had fallen asleep, but as I tried to lift his head to place it on the pillow, he opened his eyes and clutched my hand, holding it tightly.

           "No, stay."

         I couldn't help the way my insides fluttered when I heard his pleading voice. I gently shifted back a little to ensure he was even more comfortable. "I was going to the bathroom. I wasn't leaving."

          "Don't go, please." He took my hand and placed it gently over his chest, his voice filled with texture as he locked eyes with me. "I'm afraid that if you let go, you won't return. It feels like a dream, and I'm terrified it will slip away."

         A rush of emotions surged through me as I felt his heart beating, slow and steady. I gazed into his eyes, seeing that same intense longing mirrored within them, and my love for him ran so deep that my heart seemed to sync with his heartbeat.

"This isn't a dream, Roman," I murmured. "This is real. I'm here and you're here. I'm not leaving."

         He raised himself to my face, his eyes locked onto mine as if searching for assurance that I was real and not lying. Content with what he found, he lowered his head to my chest and nestled against me. In return, I lowered my face and planted a gentle kiss on the top of his head, my fingertips tracing soothing patterns through his scalp.

          His voice, barely above a whisper, broke the silence. "Not even to go meet Alex?"

          I couldn't help but find his question both amusing and unexpected, so I chuckled softly. "What does this have to do with Alex?"

           "A lot," he replied, his voice still hushed. "The dating app matched you, didn't it?" There was desperation in his question, and I knew he wanted to know so badly.

           My laughter couldn't be contained. "What dating app?" I paused in amazement. I watched his chest rise and fall with each breath as he avoided meeting my eyes. If there was ever a moment when I felt completely flabbergasted, it was now. "Wait, you're talking about the matchmaking company? You know about it?"

           "Of course."

         "When? Why didn't you say anything?"

           Roman met my eyes challengingly. "Why didn't you?"

           "Because I didn't think it was something to worry about," I admitted, my arms wrapped around him, hugging him to my chest. I breathed in the familiar scent of his neck, finding it incredibly soothing.

           "You signed up for one of those things. It is something to worry and talk about," he pressed further.

         "No, I didn't sign up for it," I clarified. "I just started receiving emails from them, and I've never responded to them in any way. Isaac can vouch for me."

          "He knows? You told him and not me?"

           "He accidentally saw their email, and I asked him not to tell you because I didn't think it was important. I knew you'd worry, so I saved us both the trouble."

           Roman's face tensed as he posed the next question, his eyes filled with apprehension. "And the system matched you with Alex. It thinks you're a perfect match. Are you?" He seemed suddenly wide awake and acutely aware, worry etching lines across his features. It was clear my answer held great significance to him.

          I continued to run my fingers through his hair, gently caressing his jaw and neck, quietly loving every inch of him. "Roman, I'm here with you. Despite everything that's happened, I'm still here," I murmured, my lips grazing his ear. "Even when you acted recklessly for the third time, I forgave you. An algorithm doesn't have to tell me who I need to be with." I pressed a soft kiss to his ear. "You're my choice."

           His expression softened as he absorbed my words. He leaned into my touch, the tension that had gripped him seemingly dissipating with each gentle stroke of my fingertips. He exhaled a shaky breath, his body relaxing against mine.

          He buried his face in the crook of my neck, his warm breath caressing my skin as he whispered, "And you were mine the moment I laid eyes on you. It just took a while before I realised it." A small, contented smile curled at the corners of his lips as he nestled closer, our bodies finding a natural rhythm in our hug. His arms tightened around me, pulling me closer, as if afraid to let go.

         "Been thinking a lot on that, huh?"

          His fingers traced gentle patterns on my back as he whispered, "Yes."

           "Have you thought about how you're going to apologize to Shane and Isaac for all the hits they took?"

          Roman's fingers stilled for a moment, then resumed their soothing motion. "Do I have to? I didn't ask them to jump in."

           "Yes. As your best friends, they're required to defend you. You're at fault because they wouldn't have had to go through it if you hadn't made a terrible mistake."

         He paused, his fingers still on my back, and contemplated my words, offering a half-hearted defense. "I wouldn't exactly call it a terrible mistake if I got what I wanted."

          "Shut up," I said, a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips. "I'm trying to help you see that you're at fault."

          "Okay, okay," he conceded with a mock sigh, his lips curled into a playful grin. "I'll apologize to them, even though they probably enjoyed it." He raised his hand and cradled my face, pulling me closer to him. My heart raced because I understood that this was the first night of the rest of our lives, and I yearned for it to be just that.

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