~Marriage Of Asmodeus~ (Updat...

By Cyrilwolf

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The sequel of Love for Asmodeus is here! I didn't really think I'd continue this story, and here I am, made t... More

~Serious Conversation~
~The Dream~
~The Abnormal Morning~
~Unexpected Visit~
~The Date~
~The Fear~
~Helping out a Friend~
~Plans Afloat~
~Difficult Day~
~The Condition~
~Paint of Love~
~The Mark~
~The Fight~
~The Fault~
~Final Stop~
~Happily Together~


95 5 0
By Cyrilwolf

The two hell spirits travel through the sky and then May makes a spell using her scythe, creating a portal that teleports them into a location May wanted to go with Filimena. The portal soon teleports them into the right place as now they face in the yellow and orange sky of beauty. The atmosphere, the buildings, and all fashion speaks of sweet as honey, and royalty like a queen bee. The place was filled with honey comb buildings, and palm trees, even a bunch of imps and hellhounds were around the blocks. Filimena looks down at the scenery of everything, se was amazed that she hasn't seen this part of Hell, given she mostly goes to Lust all because of Asmodeus and how she was created to be inspired there. May looks around, and spotted something in the distance, she drags Fei's hand to float faster.

"This way, I know where to go!" 

The headed straight for a huge house that had many honey combs, almost resembles a bee hive, and there were loads of people there. Filimena sees most of them were imps and hellhounds, and she's not use to it a whole lot, not always a public person mostly. May and Fei landed and head straight inside through the door.

"Feast your eyes, because this will be the best one you've been in today!"

May announced as she pushed her upfront, to let her see the front view. She saw a lot of beings chatting and dancing while feasting onto delicious and addicting food that was served. The colors and all the visuals were extraordinary, the most colorful she's seen in Hell. She didn't think she'd be hit in the face with this much color and beautiful aesthetics around her.

"Oh my, it's so...Colorful, and everywhere, it smells very sweet." 

"Yeah, that's gluttony ring for ya, it's always a blast, Bee here throws the best cuisine parties on special occasions, but well, I may need to tell the queen herself, sense well, we aren't suppose to be here."

She laughed nervously and Filimena turns around to her.

"What? We're trespassing!? Then why are we here!"

"Relax, I know the gal, I've been here for longer than you have, besides, she's cool, I'm sure she'll understand once we find her."

But then, the light went off, and a voice appeared in the background, getting everyone in the party all hyped up. May and Filimena looked up to see a glowing figure flying up on a giant disco ball.

"What's up all ya wild animals! Are you ready for all the craziest and most delicious things you stuff inside your dirty mouths!"

Everyone howled and the hell spirits watches as the lights come back to life. Revealing what seems to be a mixture of a fox and an insect that has hair, stomach, and tail as if they were glowing, and moving like lava lamps. She was extremely colorful, that it was hard to notice the patterns on everything about her. May whistles.

"Yep, there she is! Perfect timing! Filimena! I like present to you, the one, the only, Beezlebub!"

She said as the fox bee creature, Bee herself, performs on stage and flies around the house with her singing her iconic song "Cotton Candy" Filimena sees of what Bee does, and was shocked not just her singing, but the way how she portrays. She sees her feeding all her guests with treats and honey, which seems to take major effect on others, making them all dizzy or drunk. May cheers her on as the show goes on.

"Uh, May? How do you know so much about her? Clearly, I don't really remember Beelzebub to see all..."Foxy"?"

"Oh yeah, I'll explain later, for now, let's go see her, she's about done already!"

She drags her later as Beelzebub herself was finishing up her lyrics and her performance. Everyone cheered and howled for her, and she gave a grateful bow.

"Thank you! Thanks for showing up! I hope you all enjoy yourselves now, and have all the food you can get with no restrictions!"

She flies down to where the stairs were, but then, the voice of May yells towards her.

"Ms. Bee! Wait up already!"

This stops her when she saw the Hell spirit float to her and land back down to the ground.

"Oh, can I help you two?"

She asked, curious on their appearance.

"Oh yeah uh, Sorry to interrupt your "awesomeness!" But I would like to produce a celebration stand for a special guest here!"

"Huh? Oh, special you see, well I mean, depends on who it is-"

But then, she notices something about May, and she frowns.

"Wait a sec, didn't I know you from somewhere?"

May bit her lip and looks at her nervous but tries to hide it.

"W-What? No! That's uh..You must be mistaken me for someone else!"

"No no! I remember every bit and pieces about you, wait- You're that girl from last year, aren't you!"

She shouted, it seems that she wasn't too happy about it. Filimena was a little confused in this situation between May and Bee.

"Oh yeaaaahhh! That one! I think I get what you need, but that was a long while ago!"

"Haven't I made it clear to you that you are not welcome back there, after you pulled the most reckless destructive act of yours you did, almost causing my house to be broken, and almost killing my party guests?"

Filimena was shocked about it, she didn't know that happened, and she was pretty annoyed as well."

"May! You were banned! Why didn't you tell me any of this, even causing a house to collapsed?!"

May shrugs.

"I'm sorry, but whatever plan you wanted me to pull onto this time, it's not gonna happen, I can't let anyone like you wreck up my party again, even if it's important, so I kindly ask you to get out of here and go cause mayhem somewhere."

May was a little pushed, and was starting to get impatient with Bee's firm advice.

"Now you listen! I have a cousin here that desperately needs to party her brains out, I came all this way to make it special for her, even after knowing she's getting married by one of your lord buddies! Hints, marrying Asmodeus."

The music stop when May said the name, everyone all stopped and gasped when it echoed around the house, even some that are super shocked, they couldn't even move. Bee was surprised for a moment, but had her doubts.

"Oh...Really? Well, that's ridiculous, Asmodeus never nor was ever considered having a suitor before, not in a million years, so where your proof on that?"

May scoffs and grabs Fei's hand to show her the ring on her finger. Beezlebub sees it, and she had a mind-blowing moment for a second, knowing what May was saying was really true.

"Oh..My..So..It really is true! Holy crap! You! How in the hell did you know about Asmodeus, and how did you get him to this position!"

Bee suddenly asked Filimena, which everyone were all gossiping about too.

"Oh uhh..Well, it's a long story, I've met him my entire life, they were..Lifelong friends, and soon, I grew feelings for him, and that's when he accepted me, it's just..true feelings what got him thinking that way."

She was a little awkward or scared to talk, but this explains a lot to Bee and the others, as Bee howls and flies around in circles before quickly landing back down to the ground. She had her arms around her for a side hug.

"My oh my! How did I not see this coming! A lifelong friend turns out to be Asmodeus's suitor? That's crazy! I never knew he'd finally have a softer side to accept his fate to marry, I've heard a lot about him, and he definitely hates love, but you, you got lucky there!"

Filimena awkwardly chuckles.

"Uh, Y-yes, I did."

Bee puts her down and looks at her.

"Well, this really does call for a celebration! Everyone! Over to where I stand, we got ourselves a fiance to our lords here! Give her a raise of glass to be one with the impossible!"

Everyone cheered as some raised their glasses, Filimena sees as people started to come towards her, basically making this whole thing crowded, everyone seems to want to talk to her and are amazed with her right now. May smirked as she sees Filimena with others, they were all asking questions to her, even about Asmodeus, Filimena simply answers them all politely and honestly. The real party was getting started, and Filimena was still overcrowded with everyone who now take a giant fond with who they thought would be the next queen of lust.

"So what's it like being with the lord of lust himself, were you two already a thing when you guys met?"

One hellhound said, asking her a question she wanted to know.

"Oh well, it's a long story, we were just friends before, but, I grew onto him for so long, and it took years to finally tell him."

"What was he like in bed? You guys ever hook up?"

Another one asked, which Filimena was flustered.

"Oh, Uhh..That's personal, I mean, He's the lord of lust, I mean, it depends, I guess on certain occasions."

"So like, did you put a love spell on him to make him fall for you"

The third one asked as well, everyone kept asking, more intrigued to know more, which makes it harder for Filimena to answer all of them at once. The help came when May sneaks through the crowd and grabs her from behind, pulling her away from the others, at this point, Filimena was more relieved when seeing May right now after all that.

"Oh, thank you May, that was..A lot to pressure myself."

"Nah don't worry about it, they can easily fascinated, anyways, glad I got you out of that, because, I need you to do something for me!"

Filimena didn't the sound of that, but she lets her proceed.

"What is it?"

"Well I kinda made a "small" fuss with someone, and well, I was challenged to a drinking challenge, and I need you to feel in for me."

She smiled, which Filimena groans in exaggeration.

"Why do I have to do it, you know for certain I don't drink a lot, can't you do it sense you love doing reckless things?"

"And miss out on trying the special beverages here? Hell no! That's where you come in, look, it's only gonna be a few rounds, and you're done!"

Filimena frowns, May sighs.

"Would you stop being such a buzzkill, it might be a good opportunity to show off some good vibes onto you, I want you to have fun, remember, you only live eternally, and things will eventually go away and never return. So come on! Put on some grown up pants and get to drinking some jugs of honey!"

"May! I'm not going to drink! Just because you got into trouble again!"

But then suddenly, someone came up to them, a bulky tall Imp who crossed his arm, and cleared his throat to get both of their attention. The two looked over to see him, who seems to be a little intimidated.

"Oi! You there greenie! Ya think you're just gonna walk off without knowing you've lost me bet! Well I've got news for ya, it ain't gonna work on me!"

He said firmly, Which Filimena was a little scared by. But May casually readdressed him on her own.

"Ah, why yes, I know I owe you a deal to challenge me at a honey drinking contest, but you see, my stomach may be an eternal blackhole, but I am pretty full and I don't wanna "overfill" it. But! My cousin here would love to take my place for you!"

She said, pushed her over to him with a cheeky smirk. Filimena looks up to the tall imp, and anxiously waves a little.

"Ha! Well, ya too scared huh? Well what is this pinkie gonna do, I can tell she ain't tough and just might wanna not break a nail or something!"

Filimena was offended by his teasing, which she did try to confront him.

"Now you listen here sir, I may not be as strong or ruthless like May, but I won't tolerate such bad mouth in front of me! So, if this is really going to be like that, well, I can consider challenging you to prove I'm no coward!"

She said confidentially, act in her own character as she comes closer to show off on him. The tall imp laughed and of course leans down at her.

"Oh alright then, let's see what ya got then! This challenge starts now!"

He yells on top of his lungs to alert people in the party to hear his announcement, which it did work as everyone are now intrigued, even it caught Bee's attention from upstairs. So the challenge of drinking was starting, and for Filimena, even if she's already filled with confidence, she still had her doubts on what was going to happen next afterwards.

Soon, the contest was about to start with Filimena and her challenger now in position with 10 jugs of honey in the dance floor, She sees them and gulps. Then, Bee spawns in as she flew down with a microphone.

"Wazzup and welcome! Here in this contest, the two opponents must drink 10 jugs each and all in order to win, whoever drinks the most wins the biggest round! Hopefully everyone's ready, and we start right now!"

The clock was ticking, and everyone roars as the contest start with Filimena's opponent now drinking the jugs, Filimena looks at him, and then at the jugs, proceeds to take it slow and drinks from a long straw, after tasting it for the first time, Filimena realized something after taking her first sip. The flavor was sweet, and it was even filled with other ingredients that the nectar has inside. The taste was indescribable, and also rather addicting, Filimena then took another sip, and another one, which then led to him drinking her first jug whole. The escalated quickly as Filimena drinks another jug, a lot faster than expected, soon, she was going crazy after drinking all the nectar, her tension to drinking was rising rapidly. Filimena had a thing for sugar before, so this still happens, not mostly when she was just a small spirit. She kept drinking, and goes even faster than her own opponent who saw her speed increasing, distracted, he was way behind by her incredible fast pace sugar drinking. Soon after, Filimena was down to two, and now one, drinking every last sip of the nectar, it was clear Filimena won the contest, and everyone cheered and roared for her.

Filimena drops the jug, and laughed, already filled with energy and wasn't sober by whatever ingredients affected her low tolerance. Soon she fell off the stage from losing all her balance, but luckily May was there to catch her, she was proud and surprised with her.

"Wow, ya really did it! Great job cous!"

She said, but Filimena didn't really reply as she was pretty dizzy from the sugar. Later after the contest, Filimena and May had some more fun in the dance floor, they did so much together like not any other time they've spend together. Filimena was a lot more active and fun than she was, and this made May feel a little happy finally seeing the side she awaits for some time. Although, Filimena was going a little too crazy after all the drinking. May however didn't mind it too much as she was just trying to have fun. It hasn't been a few more hours as things took a turn when Filimena was going even more insane by drinking a ton more than ever, and the crowd goes wild for the love spirit's addiction to keep the party going. May shown no concern for this, she liked the new Filimena, and thought she made the right choice to bring her here, but, one of them, Bee herself saw the love spirit drinking, and was out of control in her party. She felt a little worried of how the situation is going, sure she had witnesses and incidents happening in her parties before, but she does have limits for not only her place, but for her people.

Bee then flew down to where May was while May was too bust dancing.
She then stops her by poking onto her head.

"Uh, hey there, it seems your cousin is going a little too much, I think she's about to collapse or break out any moment."

"Nah! She's fine, she's just being yourself for once, taking some time off being a nerd for once! Beside, it's her bachelorette party, sure she'll be alright."

She said while continue to dance, Bee frowns.

"I'm serious, I do think you should go check and see how she's doing, I do worry for the safety on others so you should too."

May took a moment to pause whatever she was doing, and realized what she wanted her to do, she didn't knew or where Filimena went while the two were partying, to her finally seeing things thorough, she did notice she was already gone, and it only had been 30 minutes. May doesn't always care about anything, including when it comes to Filimena's situations, but she still does care and sometimes does show some remorse and hospitality to help her in whatever huge problem it was, or how this case escalates.

"Hm...Maybe you're right, I should probably find her and let her take things a little slower."

May stopped and sighs, she does what Bee said and flew over to find Filimena herself. It was super crowded with people, it was kinda hard to make out as to where the pink glow hue was with all the bright colors. Until she found the glow she was looking for, but the situation wasn't going well.

She saw her spinning around the disco ball while the lights shine around, always blinding some people. Filimena was completely out of her mind as she's now uncooperative and too drunk. She giggles and makes weird noises along with the hiccups. May saw her from above, but saw that the support that was holding onto the disco ball was almost breaking due to Filimena putting some lava juice attached to a stick, the nectar was pouring onto it. This was not a good sign.

"Uh, hey there, Fei! Careful with that, it's not ordinary honey! That's literal lava nectar, just please come back and we'll take it easy right now..."

"Aww!~ But I'm just getting started! I feel loose and free, and I can't stop spinning and dancing to all the sugar I consume, I want to consume all sweets!"

Filimena laughed and some of the lava nectar almost dropped onto May, but she dodged it with her spell. Suddenly, Bee flies over to this conversation.

"What's going on, have you found her?"

She said, but then looks up to see her on her disco ball, and even the lava nectar was was being poured on it. She panicked.

"Agh! Hey! Don't let her play with that! That's my special Lava Nectar! She'll burn something with it!"

"Alright I gotcha! Just let me handle this."

As May tries to reassures her again, but it's still not working, Filimena has gone beyond.

Filimena then finished her glass she was using to drink earlier, and then she threw her it at one of the giant lava lamps from the upper floor. The good aim made a crack on it, eventually it sprays and pours out all the hot nectar in the party. This caused a huge burst as the lava burns the glass to melt it off to create even more messes and soon a deadly outrage when the lava pours onto people, causing so many to burn and melt by the sticky, yet blazing hot honey nectar that was kept as display.

May saw the party was crashing, and eventually gets Filimena from the disco ball, but the metal bar that was holding it broke off from the lava, and then falls down on the floor, killing more people that were trying to run for their lives but weren't fast enough to escape the fatal crush. Beelzebub saw the chaos, blown out of her head, but not in the good way as her house and all het people are now under attack by messes that Filimena made.

"Oh no no NO! What have you done!?"

She yells out, completely frighten by this, and tries to stop the causes. May nervous chuckles and tries to leave with Filimena still laying on her while she was carrying her.

"I'm so sorry, I should've have said she was pretty reckless when she's beyond tolerance!"

May yells back. Everyone soon screamed as they all run out to get away from the nectar, Bee had no choice but to escort everyone out to safety, May did get out of the house along with the others, but the ones that were in the back weren't so luckily as most were consumed and burned inside the nectar, slow death cries was too much to bare while everyone escaped.

Soon after successfully, but failed to get everyone out, the house was now covered in the hot boiling lava nectar from the inside, even created a waterfall from the windows.

Bee looks at her house, already distressed and felt pressure in her heart as May awkwardly walks up beside her while carrying Filimena still.

"Well, that...Didn't go the way I intended this to be."

At that point, Bee stared back at May, frowns in anger, which May stared at her for a moment.

"Uh, S-Sorry about the mess, I'll make sure it doesn't happen again, anyways, gotta go!"

She then flies away and teleports herself away, leaving the Gluttony Ring without looking back, May felt a little embarrassed on what happened, knowing it wasn't suppose to end like this, but she knew it was for the best before things got a little heated. For now, she had another idea on her sleeve, looking at the wasted tired Filimena, she knew it was the right option to do for now.

Later back in the Lust Ring, at the great giant tower in the middle of the city, inside a luxuries office room, Asmodeus was working on some paperwork to do for his next project for his merchandise and inventions. Right now, things are tight for him, as he was a little tired from work, as most of his work was going down into either a mess, or became a disastrous failure. Ozzie was never always stressed out, since he always has great ideas in mind, but thinking about what happen when he proposed to Filimena, he couldn't stop thinking about that night, and he didn't know if it really was the right time. The moment was interrupted when a succubus knocked and walked inside the office.

"Mister Asmodeus, Someone's here for you, should I let her in?"

She asked him, but Asmodeus dropped his pencil and groans impatiently.

"Not now, I'm not expecting guests right now, I have so much I need to get done, what is the name of a client, just tell her I'll check with her next week or something."

"Sir, she claims herself as May, she came to deliver someone named "Filimena" she said she's in a bad condition."

Ozzie raised up his head in panic, after hearing her news, he then changed his mind quick.

"What! well send her in then! Don't waste time!"

He yelled, the succubus nods and quickly goes to get whoever needs to be here. Ozzie was starting to worry after hearing about Filimena, he hoped she was okay, and didn't want to know what happened until the door opens to reveal May carrying Filimena while she was passed out. Ozzie saw the two and quickly ran towards them, and then he then grabs Filimena to hold onto her.

"Fei! Oh god, what happened! Who did this to her, speak now!"

He said, showing many signs of fear and worry all together as he comforts and holds onto Filimena while she was still passed out, unable to wake up from the heavy dose of alchol and sugar she had today.

"Calm down! She's just passed out from drinking too much, she's perfectly fine, so nothing bad happened."

Ozzie looked at her, and May stares back up at him.

"Drinking? So that's what this is about, how did she get into this."

May was a little nervous to tell him, but he knew he wanted answers, so she tried to be blunt as possible.

"Well, I did kinda take her with me to Bee's place in the Gluttony Ring, and she may have gotten hooked on some honey after I did force her to do some small contest I needed her to fill in for me while we were partying."

Asmodeus raised his eyes, but soon went to disappointment.

"So you made her drink at Bee's? didn't you know the drinks and food there aren't just any other food items, they're drugs mixed in sugar, and even more deadly substances, not only you made her get hooked on the drinks there, you also poisoned her as well."

He looked at Filimena again, seeing her ill face while she was groaning quietly. May scoffed.

"Oh, I-I didn't know there were that stuff was in the drinks and food, I guess that's why she was going crazy on her celebration."

"Celebration? For what? Explain yourself."

May sighs.

"Come on, you didn't even know? I was just trying to get her out of her house to do something fun, even after she told me what happened last night with you asking her to marry you, and I was going to bring her to the Gluttony Ring as a celebration for her being a newly bachelorette."

Asmodeus's eyes widens, stunned on what she said.

"You knew about this! She told you about the proposal! You were not suppose to know that!"

May was a little confused by his sudden outburst, as she notices his fur was going on fire, meaning this wasn't a pleasant reaction.

"W-What do you mean? Was she..Not suppose to tell me, what's the deal here? It's just a marriage proposal, it's not that it's some dangerous thing or what not."

"You don't understand, it's not just a simple proposal, and that you shouldn't have known that, or nether should she have told you about it, was it just you who knew about this?"

May kinda cringed a bit, and was rubbing on her collar.

"Ehh...Actually, I may, or may not have openly..Told the others at the Gluttony Ring, including Beelzebub about...It."

Asmodeus's flames brighten even more, hearing it made him even more furious, he even screamed on the top of his lung which the fire did made a small yet wide hole on the ceiling, which the rain started to pour down. May was shocked by the outburst, clearly wasn't expecting any of this.

"That's not of your business to tell! Not only you almost harmed Filimena, but you also told half of the Ring about something you were not suppose to tell, that's not a gossip material!"

"G-Geez man..I'm sorry, I didn't know It was that big of a deal, l-look, I've been in Hell for a long time, even with Filimena, and that I don't even know at all. So if..It's not just a proposal, then what is it?"

Asmodeus looked away for a second, he was still upset but didn't saying anything, but he firm spoke in a more serious tone.

"I want you to leave the tower this instant."

He said, May was bewildered by the request, she tried to defend herself in this argument.

"What? Leave? Why am I one to leave now? Would you just say what's going on?"

But this further anger him as he screamed out her in a demonic voice that puts the spirit in grave shocked.


The succubus walked in, and May looks over to see her giving her a hand signal to leave. May got up, and soon felt a pit of guilt and fear, she didn't say anything as she now slowly walked away and left the office. With the door close, Asmodeus sighs as the flames slowly go back to normal, he looked down to Filimena, still showing no signs to be awake or opening her eyes. He then decided to put her to bed, leaving his office, and heading down the halls to where his bedroom was. It was a long trip down to the elevator, and the succubi noticed him carrying Filimena, all were in confusion, but they decided to leave the lord be as he passed all of them.

It was a rough day, and Asmodeus was tired as well, but he didn't want to push himself any more when he arrived in his own dining room, and to the hallway that led to his bedroom. He gently puts her down on the giant bed, covering her with sheets to keep warm. Ozzie was really worried when seeing her lay down, with a gentle rub of his finger onto the locks of hair, he lets out a small groan and left to let her get rest. Ozzie closed the door behind him and went to the dining room to where the lounge room was, turns on the television to hopefully get some time to distract himself while trying to forget what happened.

But then, the TV turns on a local news channel, Asmodeus was about to change the channel, but something caught his eye when the news report reveals today's incident.

"Good afternoon demons, this here live we brings you our critical situation at the Gluttony Ring, it was report that the house of Beelzebub was unfortunately exposed to have been covered in blazing nectar, burning up the place, and even killed several of the locals. Beelzebub herself stated that this was all a big impact that was caused by certain beings who were trying to attend a bachelorette party. There was no evidence of who the two were that caused this mayhem, but someone did drew the suspects in crayon to describe the appearances.

The scene cuts to show a picture of a poorly drawn in crayon drawing of what seems to be May and Filimena together. Asmodeus saw this, and was further from pleased.

"It was definitely stated Beelzebub will be canceling special occasional parties until her house is complete from rebuilding, further information about demon puppies and the massive explosive in The Envy Ring will be addressed after these messages."

The news channel ended with some commercials, including one of Wally Wackford doing some marketing of robotics and machinery. Asmodeus had his hand over his face, showing weary in his voice, powerful exhaustion and so much stress. This was going to get more tense when Filimena finally wakes up from her sleep.

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