Crushed Chimere

By Mxxnchild07

857K 55.7K 11K

The world lays at his feet but his world is her. The king bows to no one except his queen. ☆°•°☆☆°•°☆ " How c... More

00. love the connection we can't explain
01. Things go wonderfully right (or horribly wrong )
02. 50 shades of pain.
03. Grumpy beginnings
04. How to escape from the mess you didn't made.
05. T is for Trauma.
06. spoiler alert: you will see me in pain.
07.Emotions? how about no.
08.Bee stung heart
09. Cactus flowers
10. The God of Mischief
11. Mr bright side pleasing the storm.
12. Cupid screwed up
13. Thanks, I hate it.
14. Shadows and Secrets
☆Author Note☆
15. Bittersweet
17. The art of miscommunication
18.Mis(understanding) each other
19. Ferris wheel of emotions (1)
20. Ferris wheel of emotions (2)
21. Veil of darkness
22. The twilight of Innocence
23.lessons learned, bonds forged
24.In the grip of envy
25.Hard feelings
26. elle est un rêve
27.Glimmers of past
29. Paint the town red
30. Is that a coping mechanism?
32. Colour me red
33. Drunk words=sober thoughts
34. Pretty boy
35. Reverse icks
36. Make me blush
37. Me, him and the moon.
38. Show me.
39. Glazed breaths
40. The way I loved you.
41. Draped in your love.
42. Let me show my love.
43. Body language cheat sheet
44.I bet u think about me
45.Mouths smashed,

16. Sour endings

19.5K 1K 207
By Mxxnchild07

♡Arhaan's pov♡

You know the best days of life are not always the ones which are filled with adventure and excitement or grand thrilling triumph.
They best parts are often the ones filled with sweet, little moments. Little moments which are often overlooked.

The pleasure I am getting rightnow is greater than any happiness in the world.

My feets are tangled with Inayah's , her head on my chest, her hands tightly holding my waist.

My heart burns. Fucking burns because of the love that I am currently feeling.

This perfect slow morning and unrushed felling of love is something that I would crave for an eternity.  Cherish forever.
Our room is completely messed up with a broken bed and feathers scattered everywhere.

Trust me, I still can't believe how I got this lucky to share this moment with her.

For somtime my heart feels full, I know it's a big statement to claim but like seriously she is fixing some of my lost parts without even realising or trying.

I don't know how else to explain this but the world feels possible again with her.

But like all moments gets broken to form into a beautiful memory, this quick sweet moment came to an end , due to buzzing alarm next to us.

I hear her soft groan and I literally had to bite my tongue the moment she cluched my tshirt a little tighter.

God she can be sweet sometimes.

Nuzzling a little more, a cute pout forms on her lips.

And I swear I am physically holding my self back, to not kiss that adorable pout of her face.

Like I said she makes my heart burn.

A fucking witch. Her control over me still doesn't get any less even in her sleep.

Snoozing the alarm, I hold her a little tighter.

I guess the rituals can wait for another 15 minutes.


Something you should know about me is that when I am mad at someone, I usually try to stay calm and silent, because if I speak my mind, shit is gonna get real.

My dear father is definitely craving that I put a bullet through his fucking head, because the shit he is doing in my absence screams that.

I am currently sitting outside, because of one of the business deals I had to attend. Inayah is in the room getting ready.

I also ordered a new bed, because we broke the previous one yesterday, it will be arriving soon.

I call one of my most trusted men after Kabir.

"Hello boss, I just sent you the list of people."

"hmm, I'll check that, but also add Anand's name to that"

"I don't know boss, I mean he is a powerful man and his sudden death may cause the sudden interest of your enemies."

Pulling out one of the cigarettes, I take a drag from it.

"Are you questioning me?" I ask in a low voice.

I know he was just doing his job, but i fucking know what I am doing.

"N-NO! I was just reminding you. I'll add the name right away."

Hanging up the phone I sensed someones presence and just as I thought my mood couldn't get any bad.

My mood dampens a bit more when I see Dhruv walking out of his room. His face is blank, but I know exactly what is going inside his head.

But the moment he sees me his face lights up, the blank neutral face now layering up with mischief.

He walks towards me, lips turning up in a smile. But I know its fake.

Dhruv has a weird coping mechanism, first he will get himself stuck in shit and then would just laugh it out like its no big deal. But I know its fucking big and killing him from the inside.

And currently I am in no mood for drama and a headache, but to my dismay Dhruv smells like both.

" what sup bhai, I thought you were in your room with Inayah bhabhi. Heard a lot of laughing at 2am"

Looking at the list of people I would have to kill for this upcoming deal, I send it to Kabir; My manager to inform the other people.

Its not like they are innocent or shit, they are criminals wasting my time. I am just sending them to hell a little early that's all.


"Are you even listening to me"

Without glancing at his way I reply
" I am listening to you just not paying attention."

"bhai for real, I know you are pissed and all but this is important."

I look at him, and when I see guilt on his face I know he fucked up. Again.

"what did you do this time, and where were you yesterday?"

"where was I ? hmm, that's a very good question."

" so you are not going to tell me?"

"uhh Bhai"

" you know Dhruv I shouldn't even bother asking you. You are the one who fucked up."

"calm down bhai. It looks like you need anger management asap."

That's it.

"I don't need anger management, I need people to stop fucking pissing me off."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways tell me, umm how was everyone? Kamla aunty, and all?" he was looking everywhere but at my face.

"Kamal Aunty is good."

"and ah h-how is she?" his voice cracks a bit with that.

"who Dhruv?" raising my eyebrow I ask.

I exactly know who is SHE.

"You know bhai, stop messing with me rightnow."

"Are you taking about Kamla Aunty's granddaughter?"

"yeah" his cheeks were burning now.

"Which one of them though?"

And that's how I dropped the bomb.


He glared looking at me

" Ask to her, yourself. If you have the guts after doing what you did."

He deserves this right now, as much as I hate to do this to him, he needs to learn this himself. Even if it's the hard way.


Currently I am waiting for Inayah and I am fucking pissed and annoyed because of the conversation with Dhruv like he kinda deserved to know the truth that he was wrong.
Like I could've agreed with him, but then we'd both be wrong and-

A-and I uhh-

I mean like-

Holy fuck.

Is it even possible to forget how to breathe? Because I sure forgot how to.

She walks in beauty like the colours of hope that appears after a stormy rain. A rainbow.
My rainbow in my stormy clouds.

I place my hand on my heart, the heart which would come back to life by just listening her name.

Hayee, Marne ka irada haii kya?

( Translation: do you have the intention to kill me?) ( hayee is said in a form of endearment)

My goddess is standing in front of me, even though I am an atheist. I know she just looks like one of them.

She is wearing a white saree with gold work on it, it's the one we bought when we went to shopping.

"I know I look good Arhaan, don't drool over yourself."

Fuck am I?

"who said I was drooling, never saw you in a saree before. I was just observing, makes you look a little better then before. Don't get ahead of your self." Saying defensiliy I move a little closer for a better look.

"Remember when I asked for your opinion? Me neither." She says rolling those pretty eyes.

What a feisty little thing but I would love to give her a reason to roll them in future.

"Got quite a mouth on you, don't you? Someone should teach you what to do with it."

She herself walks a little closer, shaking her head she lifts her head to look at me.

"yeah, like what?"

Hmm, maybe call me by one of your nicknames or kissing me or suc-

Yeah, No.

Lifting her chin from my finger, I lean closer to ear

"You look nice, try to take compliments sometimes." Whispering I take her hand in mine and start to walk to go downstairs.

She was about to take it away and probably gut me in my stomach but one of the workers walked in at the perfect moment.
Now she will have to hold my hand cause we are 'pretending' to be a couple in front of everyone.

For her it's all a lie, for me definitely more than that.

I also discreetly check whether I was drooling or not.

I was fucking not.

Little miss sure does know how to play with words.

As we go downstairs I see everyone sitting in the lounge area, everyone busy with the decorations and planning the upcoming rituals.

And at the exact moment the delivery for the new bed arrived.

Telling them where to place the bed, I see Kamla aunty walking towards us.

"kya hua Arhaan? Why did you ordered a new bed? You should have told me that the other one was not comfortable, I would have changed your room."

(Translation: what happened Arhaan?)

"Actually the bed broke yesterday, they are just replacing that."

"Aisa kya kar rahe the bhabhi, bhai aap ki bed hi toot gaya." Dhruv said from behind Kamla Aunty.

( Translation: what were you guys doing that the bed snapped.)

Sound of muffled laughs echoed in the room.

Why they are laughing?

The fuck?

Looking at Inayah confused, I see her glaring at me.

The deadliest ones till now.

Why? They are just replacing the broken bed.

The one we broke yesterday. At 2am
And dhruv heard laughters and now he thinks that we-

Now it clicks me.


Everyone thinks that. I mean even though I wished how this was true but its not.

I am going to kill him for real.

"Dhruv" I say calmly. Very calmly.

He stops laughing when I call him.

"bhai stop being so cranky."

"you should stop laughing Dhruv, playing with fire does not end up nice."

"umm Bhai, I just remembered that Maa called me outside." With that he runs outside.

Fucking prick.


I am an atheist, I don't believe in God.

You don't need Religion to have morals. If you can't determine right from wrong then you lack empathy, not religion.

And why should I believe that there is any heavenly body looking out for us, if your God cannot/ will not stop his own priests from raping children what makes you think he gives a shit about you?

I did believe in God when I was a kid, but not anymore. Not when I begged him, asked him why he gave me, put me through so much pain.

I stopped believing in him a very long time ago, but here I am at a temple for all rituals.

Only because I believe in her.

I believe in what she believes.

If she wants me to become a believer of God, I'll fucking do that.

The scent of incence hits me as soon we enter in the temple.
The room is glowing with soft flickering candle lights, casting shadows on the stone walls and marble floor.

Intricate carvings and murals depicting ancient tales have been craved on the white marble.

I watch as the head priest comes forward and start to chant prayers, many people join him. Closing their eyes. I see Inayah standing beside me, her eyes softly closed, hands joined together.

What is she praying for?

What's something that her God can give her and I can't?

I mean she has everything she needs.


"Arhaan, pooja start ho gayi hai." Maa spoke.

( Translation: the Pooja has started )

Even though she was standing so far from us, she saw that I am doing literally nothing.

Well if everyone is worshipping their Gods/Goddesses, I should worship mine.

Turning towards Inayah, I join my hands in the same way she did.

Smiling I think to myself.

'Aur kya hi Managun Rabh se, meri haar dua mein aap hi to ho.'

( Translation: And what should I ask/ pray to God, when you are already in my every prayer.)
( An: bruh this doesn't make any sense in English)

♡Inayah's pov♡

"hey Bhagavan kesa pati mila hai mujhe?" praying I asked.

( Translation: God, what kind of husband have I got?") (Here hayye or hey is not used in a good way)

We are currently at the most beautiful temple I have ever seen.
The temple is nestled atop a cliff. There is a terrace offering panoramic views of the surroundings landscapes. Dense forests surrounded us. There was also a garden labyrinth surrounding the temple grounds.

After praying we went to see this hidden chamber, only accessible by solving a series of mythology puzzles.

But like the dumb donkey Arhaan is, he couldn't answer one.

Thanks to Kamla aunty's connections that we were able to get inside.

An awe depicting the legends and myths of the temples history were adorned on the walls.

After a whole tour of the temple we are currently standing near a sacred lake surrounded by lush vegetation.
The water is crystal clear, revealing a mosaic of colourful fish and delicate water lilies floating on the surface.

For this ritual, we have to circle around a holy stone, making a large circle around it. we start moving in a line, Arhaan is walking beside me.

As I was about I felt someone tripping me. Stumbling a bit I balanced myself taking support of Arhaan's arm.

But when I felt a very strong jolt of pain in my ankles, I knew that a twisted my ankle.


The same which got twisted before.

Grunting a bit, I try to walk again but the pain was so agonising.

And at the same moment I hear some annoying giggles behind me.

Turning my head I see Arhaan's stupid cousin, whose name I forget, laughing with her stupid friends, who looked they don't wanted to be here.

This bitch-

All of a sudden I felt someone lifting me up.
Looking up, I see that I am in Arhaan's arms. Him carrying me bridal style with a hardened expression clouding his face.

Why is face suddenly so dull?

'Wait- does he think I am heavy?'

"Shut up Inayah you are not even half of my warm up weight."

Flush crept my face listening to him.

'Shit did I Said that outloud?'

"yess you did, like you are doing right now."

He spoke with a little teasing voice, the corner of his mouth lifting up.

And God how I hate myself for saying this but he does have a nice smile.

Just nice, yeah.

"Well you should also know that it was your cousin who tripped me." I stated, a subtle way of changing the topic. I mean I hate when I feel my cheeks getting heated up.

Worst feeling ever.

His smile instantly vanished the moment I said this, gritting his teeths clearly frustrated.

"oh I know, and I have a perfect thing planned for that."


I didn't even realised that we were still walking in a circle. After the ritual, the priest came smiling towards us.

"May your love get stronger and brighter and your life is blessed with happiness and warmth."

Wait what love?

There is no love, only fighting pandit ji.


It have been 3 hours since we came back from temple, I am currently sitting on the new bed which Arhaan ordered.

Speaking of the devil, I haven't seen him since he carried me in his arms the whole way back home even though I asked him not to do so.

My ankle is way better then before, it still hurts a bit but I can walk.

Standing up I was walking slowly towards the kitchen to refill my water bottle when I heard muffled noices coming from the room next to me.

Trust me guys I am not a nosy bitch, but the Indian genes in me craved drama and some Masala from time to time.

I walk a little closer to the door and the muffled voice was now fully clear.

" We were losing track of day and time I was, I am still addicted to you. Sometimes I wish you would take us over the edge, and we would be Forever Young and crazy in love. I know I broke your heart Aditi but mine hurts to. Your Memories our memories still burns my heart, Every night I promise myself I will forgive my skin these mistakes I made. And then every morning I wake up with new skin and make new mistakes upon it. And I am truly sorry for that, And now that you are gone I burn in those memories of your soft touch, sweet talks. I love you and-

I Can't hear this anymore, how could I ?

Guilt swirls inside of me after hearing this and guilt is the most powerful demon to bear, strangling you inside of your body.

I could've Gone inside to confront Arhaan about this. As much as I hate him, I am his wife.

But something stops me.

Memories flood my eyes and leave as tears.

How can I stop him to convince his love, because I know how it feels when you lose the only thing that matters in front of your eyes.


An: miscommunication coming up in future chapters 👀🥲

Thank you so much to everyone who take a little bit time out of their days to read this book,
I am forever grateful ♡♡

Hope you guys liked today's chapter

Don't forget to vote you guys (☆) it gives motivation to continue writing..

Follow my account on instagram the link is in bio, I am regularly posting Crushed Chimere content there♡♡

I'll see you guys soon, and you can comment your views in the comments section, lets make this page a bit more interactive ♥️😚

Byeee humans 🪐🌩🌕
Peace ✌️
Treat people with kindness ( even the mean ones)

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