In this Life

By sunshinexxv

17.8K 495 276

Morgan is on the outside, just a normal teenager, but maybe she has an untold part of her life that she would... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chaper 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

1.6K 46 39
By sunshinexxv

TW mention of suicide.

Morgans POV

I woke up to a lovely summers day. A big smile on my face and the sun shone on me. The birds chirping on the tree just outside my window made their everyday morning song.

I got up from my bed and made my way downstairs to go wish my dad and mom a good morning. I approached the final step to nothing.

I look up at the clock to see if I had possibly woken up earlier than them but no not this time.

10 a.m. the clock said. My parents always woke up a 8. I found it weird since they don't have work till much later in the day. I just told myself that they enjoy the morning air.

This morning I was not greeted with smiles and good mornings while the smell of breakfast filled the air.


I called out "Mom! Dad!" no reply.

I made my way to their bedroom in case they just overslept. Before entering I made sure to knock but again nothing. So this time I began to slowly open the door making as little noise as possible as if they were asleep they wouldn't be best impressed if I were to wake them.

The door got wider to the point I could see their whole room but again nothing.

The bed had been made which meant they had been awake.

Did work call them in early?

I tried searching the house for a note that my mom had written to say if work had called them in.


Worry grew as I had been left alone with no indication as to where my parents were.

Something was off.

I decided that maybe they had gone to the shop and so with that thought newly printed in my mind as the others stayed at the back of my mind I decided to go and sit on the sofa and watch some TV for whenever they decide to come back.


I looked up at the clock to see it was now noon and still nothing.

I tried to make the loud voices in my head quiet down as I went to go to the toilet.

I approached the bathroom located upstairs. A smell had filled the air. A smell I had never smelt before it wasn't too much to the point I could vomit but it was present to the point you could tell it was there.

It was coming from the bathroom.

I told myself that maybe it was a pipe and so with that thought, I began to open the door. The smell got more intense.

Too intense for it to be a dodgy pipe.

The door swung open.

"Mom?" was all I could say.

Over and over again screaming and crying as there she was.

Hanging from the light.

I screamed so loud hoping maybe just maybe she would wake up.

"Mom!" I called out again for any sign.



"Morgan" I heard I wiped my tears as I looked at my mom for any sign she had just said my name.

"Morgan!" It wasn't my mom it was too far.


My eyes flew open. No summer morning. No smile on my face. No birds singing.

Tears fell. My breathing was all over the place but hands were placed on my face. Cupping me.

There she was Ava looking at me with worry all over her face.

Just another nightmare.

This was different though. Normally it would be me in my room alone wiping the tears away as I sit in my bed too scared to sleep for the remainder of the night.

Tonight Ava was wiping my tears away and I sat in her bed.

She brought me into a hug "I'm so sorry" that was all that could leave my mouth.

"You have nothing to be sorry for" she reassured me which helped my heart to slow down just a little.

"I didn't mean to wake you," I tell her as I tighten my grip around her.

"I know you didn't but look we are here now you are in my arms nothing can harm you. Just me and you" Her soft voice filled my head and I found myself a lot calmer than I was moments prior.

"Thank you Ava all of this you have done for me showing me your spot, being there for me no questions asked showing me that some people are worth knowing, allowing me to sleep here tonight and now here you are comforting me from my nightmare. Thank you" I wanted her to understand just how much she's done for me. For once I don't feel completely alone in this world.

"I'll always be here for you no matter what" She pulled away from the hug and cupped my face where our forehead rested on each other. Our eyes met and with that, we spoke so many untold words. Brown meets blue.


Me and Ava managed to fall back asleep after she told me she wasn't gonna let go of me. So for the rest of the night me and Ava were asleep entwined with one another.

The sun had risen and was now shining through the window of Ava's bedroom as the light made its final destination on me and Ava.

It was as if me and Ava were in some fantasy island worlds away from reality. In this room, there was just me and Ava. Anything else took place outside this room.

To me, this room was my fantasy island. I lay next to Ava for several minutes taking in the wonder of her room. Every brush stroke the walls had. I thought of the stories behind each stroke.

Each picture would surround the room. Like a time capsule of all Ava's memories. This was what it was like to wake up and not be scared of the outcome of today.

I noticed movement next to me which had broken me out of thought. I realised it was Ava waking up. "Good morning you"

She looked up at me with a smile painted on her face. "Good morning"

It felt so weird waking up next to her in a room where there were no worries. Not terrified if your dad is gonna be awake to wish you good morning with slaps and punches.

To be able to smell breakfast instead of hearing the growling of your hungry stomach.

"What are you thinking about?" Ava's raspy voice melted my heart and managed to catch my attention immediately.

"Just how it all feels weird not bad weird but good weird," I told her hoping she would understand.

"What feels good weird?" she said with a slight smile which seemed like she was finding amusement from all these questions she was asking.

"This, us, this room, this morning, all of it" Ava seemed taken back by my words like it had put her in thought. "It's a good thing really," I told her in hopes she wouldn't think I was uncomfortable and that I didn't like any of this.

Ava looked up at me with a slight smirk on her face. "Us?". I froze I had no words I just sat there trying to think of any words.

Ava was slowly moving closer to me. "I mean me and you....being here" I gulped not finding any more words.

Ava continued moving closer. The butterflies had made themselves known in my stomach. My cheeks were burning.

What the fuck is happening.

Ava placed her hand on my cheeks and smiled once she realised just how hot they were.

Our lips were just centimetres away to the point I could feel her shaky breaths. I tried holding my breath to try and hide just how nervous I was.

"Breath Morgan breath," she said in a little whisper for nobody to hear just me and her. I took her advice and breathed.


Just before our lips could meet the door of Ava's room swung open. Ava cleared her throat and turned to see who had interrupted her.

"AVA ITS BREAKFAST TIME" the voice of a small boy shouted. Once he noticed me he stood still in his tracks. "Av's who's that?"

"This is my friend Morgan" she replied to him with a slight hesitation towards the word friend.


Do friends almost kiss?

I was broken out of thought by Ava placing a hand on my leg with a worried look.

"Uh yeah hey nice to meet you, little guy" I said a bit dazed by the last couple of minutes.

"I'm not little! I'm the tallest in my class" he said proud of himself.

"I don't doubt that you are," I said with a slight chuckle.

"Alright, Ethan let the girl get ready. We will be down in a moment" Ava interrupted with a smile.

"Don't be too long we need to leave for school soon" he said as he made his way out of the room with a little skip.

I chuckled and got out of bed where I realised I had no clothes for the day. I hummed to myself trying to think of what I could do.

"You know you could just wear my clothes," Ava said where she had been watching my every move.

"Err but they're yours and what if they don't fit and how am I gonna get them back to you-" Ava made her way off the bed where she ended up in front of me.

"Shhhhh, first of all, calm down and second while you are here everything in this room is ours so that includes the clothes" She smiled at me and made her way to her bathroom with some clothes in her hands.

I looked at all the clothes she had and I didn't want to pick anything that looked like it cost a lot or anything too nice in case I ruined it. So I picked out some sweatpants and a hoodie. Seems like that's becoming my regular outfit these past days.

I sat patiently on Ava's bed waiting for her.

After several minutes Ava made her way out of the bathroom. Where I was taken aback by just how beautiful she was. My cheeks started burning again and so I took that as my cue to look down.

Ava must have noticed because she slightly chuckled to herself. "The bathrooms free"

"Umm okay thank you" I swiftly made my way into the bathroom where I closed the door and let out a sigh.

She was fucking beautiful.

I quickly got changed and brushed my hair and teeth hoping not to spend too much time in there. In case Ava needed the bathroom.


Ava and I had made our way to the kitchen hoping not to be too late.

"Good morning Ava" both Ava's mom and dad said in sync.

"Good morning, Dad This is Morgan" Ava said with a smile.

'Hello, Morgan are you joining us for breakfast this morning?" Ava's dad asked in a polite tone.

"If that's okay Dad?" Ava asked.

"Of course it is kiddo there's your favourite...pancakes!" Ava's dad said with a slight smile it almost looked the same as Ava's.

Me and Ava made our way to the table where everyone was talking about their days and what they have going for the rest of the week. This is a new environment I didn't have much to say but Ava would check up on me to see if I was okay.

She's so sweet.


A car horn went off outside and Ava stood up from her chair where she signaled me to do the same.

"Conner's here," Ava said to her family.

"Alright honey have a good day It was nice meeting you Morgan"

I was still unaware of what was happening but I replied "It was nice meeting you too"

Ava signalled me to follow and so I did. We made our way out of the house where I was greeted with a car and a boy inside. I could only assume that was Conner.

"This is Conner he drives me to school," Ava told me as she could see the confusion on my face.

"Is that all I am to you? I see how it is" Conner shouts from the inside of the car.

"Of course not he's also my best friend," she says with a slight chuckle "And this Conner is Morgan"

"Blink twice if she's kidnapped you," Conner said with a smile.

"Oh fuck off Conner" I let out a giggle when Ava opened the car door for me.

"Thank you" I smiled at Ava and she smiled back.

"Ava I have news!" Conner shouts as Ava makes her way inside the car.

"Go on," Ava said with a confused tone.

"Well, there's a party tonight what do you say?"

"Who's throwing this party?" Ava asked concerned.

"See this is the part where you don't get mad," Conner said slowly moving further away from Ava in his seat like he was scared.

"Who!?" Ava shouted.

"Saskia" Conner cleared his throat and continued driving.

"No fucking way" I could tell just how angry Ava was but I couldn't understand why.

"Look I know she's your ex and she messed you up but we don't have to speak to her. We can just go and do our own thing please Ava?" Conner says trying to convince Ava

I guess that's why.

"Conner my answer is no and that's the end of this conversation" With that we arrived at school. I made my out of the car where I thanked Conner.

I went to go to my locker like any normal day but Ava grabbed my arm to turn me to her. "Where are you off to?"

"Just my locker like usual," I tell her with a confused expression.

"You can hang with me today if you would like," she said with a slight smile.

"Erm are you sure I don't want to be in the way" I look down at my own words making me feel a little upset.

Ava places her hand on my shoulder and says "You could never be in the way"

I looked up at her and we stayed there for a while till we heard Conner shout "You guys coming!?" With that Ava cleared her throat and we both went to follow Conner.


The first half of the day was pretty normal apart from the fact in some lessons I spoke to Ava a little. Something I would have thought was impossible just a couple of days ago.

Me and Ava had finished history and were on the way to lunch.

Lunch meant cafeteria. The cafeteria meant so many people.

Before stepping into the cafeteria I hesitated in my step which caused Ava to turn around. "Are you okay?"

"Er yeah" I could tell Ava didn't believe me but she decided not to push on the matter any more.

Ava showed me to her usual table where she and Conner and some more of their friends sat.

I won't lie I was terrified.

Ava signalled me to sit next to her. So I did it helped a bit with my nerves but all these new faces that had no names to them made me feel like I didn't belong.

Lunch was spent with Ava and her friends talking about that party Conner had mentioned this morning.

After a while of all the friends convincing Ava to go she decided that she had nothing to lose.

I didn't get involved in their conversation as to them I was just someone Ava knew.

My lunch was spent playing with my food while my leg bounced up and down from the sheer anxiety I felt from this whole situation.

I looked up at the block and saw my next class started in just 4 minutes. So I picked up my full tray of food and emptied it. I swiftly exited the cafeteria hoping no one had noticed my absence.


Ava's POV

Just like that, she had gone. I knew she had class and that was the main reason for her leaving but I couldn't help but think something was wrong. She didn't even eat anything.

"So who is she your girlfriend?" one of the boys said as we made our way to class.

I sighed "No she's not my girlfriend she's just a friend I made since I tutored her is all"

Why did that hurt to say?

"Hmmm okay but I'm just saying she's a 10 I would -" I slapped him right in the face.

"Shut up you don't even know her," I say with anger taking hold of my whole body.

"Jeez for a friend you are very angry I'm just saying she's free game if, of course, you are just friends," he said with a smirk plastered across his face.

Oh, how much I want to punch that smirk on his face!

"She's not game she's a person and her name is Morgan" with that I stormed off to my class furious.


The rest of my day was hard to remember as all I could think about was her.

God, she has some hold over me.

Class had ended had it was now time to meet Morgan in the library for our daily tutoring lesson.

The library was quiet as usual with the only population being the librarian and the brown-haired girl that seemed to fill my head with every waking second.

A smile appeared on my face when our eyes had met. "Hey you"

"Hey," she said looking as beautiful as ever.

"I know I ask this a lot but are you okay?" When she heard those words she looked down and that's when I could tell something was bothering her.

"Um yeah, I'm still just getting used to the whole people knowing me thing is all" She looked up and gave me an apologetic smile.

"How about you come to the party, You don't need to interact with anyone but me and you. Will be away from your dad some more" I was nervous to propose this to her as I wasn't entirely sure how she would respond.

"I don't want to ruin your night by you having to babysit me all night I would much rather you have fun you have babysat me enough these last couple of days it's your time to have some you time" hearing those words made me feel a little sad she was way more than a person I babysit.

"I don't babysit you. I'm here for you because I said I will be because I want to be around you all the time. Morgan when I'm away from you. You are all I can think about." I didn't know where to look but I decided her beautiful brown eyes were just the place. Blue meets brown.

"I don't know what to say," she says with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Tell me how you feel Morgan tell me everything," I say in a whisper for only us to hear.

"I-" her phone started going off and she looked down to see who it was. Who was ruining our time? The fear in her eyes gave me all the answers.

Her dad

" I have to go. Have fun at the party" with that she was gone.

Her absence was so loud.


Editors note

I do hope you enjoyed this chapter just as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I hope you have a good rest of your day <3

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