Nowhere || Beomjun | yeongyu...

By fictionxcafe

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One was irritatingly pretty. Other was dangerously familiar. (18+) More

Chapter 1: Out of nowhere
Chapter 2: NDA
Chapter 3: Not so mean?
Chapter 4: 206
Chapter 5: Whore behaviour
Chapter 6: Devil
Chapter 7: The innocence
Chapter 8: Friend
Chapter 9: Filthy hands
Chapter 10: Successful-
Chapter 11: Don't you dare kiss me
Chapter 12: joke
Chapter 13: war is not over
Chapter 14: his own tragedy
Chapter 15: Trouble
Chapter 17: Kalopsia
Chapter 18: Ugly love
Chapter 19: Core
Chapter 20: whelve
Chapter 21: rain
Chapter 22: Cat and dog
Chapter 22: Apricity
Chapter 24: Cheat
Chapter 25: Shatter
Chapter 26: Crap
Chapter 27: Slow dancing
Chapter 28: slow-fucking
Chapter 29: 13th march
Chapter 30: His royal highness?
Chapter 31: Wreck
Chapter 32: Torn
Chapter 33: Finale (part 1)
Chapter 34: Finale (part 2)

Chapter 16: Benefits.

998 53 107
By fictionxcafe

The span of 45 hours wasn't the most unbearable experience for Beomgyu; it stretched into two days. Taehyun had shown kindness, regularly checking on Beomgyu every 6 hours. Beomgyu didn't particularly warm up to Taehyun's dog, but that was beside the point. Soobin and Kai had also dropped by to visit him. Now, he was in the midst of waiting for Yeonjun's return, drifting into sleep. However, as the hours ticked on, Yeonjun's delay became evident. He was running 7 hours behind the timeframe he had given Beomgyu. Despite the growing concern, Beomgyu eventually dozed off.

It was at this moment that the entrance to their dwelling creaked open—the one and only Yeonjun, of course.

Yeonjun's eagerness to reunite with Beomgyu was palpable. Having freshened up at Taehyun's lab, a habitual practice after returning from a mission, he was driven to see Beomgyu without delay. As he entered the room, his eyes immediately fell upon Beomgyu, who was peacefully asleep. Yeonjun moved closer, drawn to the sight of Beomgyu's delicate features. An almost frustratingly attractive face, he noted, with some stray strands of hair resting on Beomgyu's forehead and scattered beside him. Yielding to an impulse, Yeonjun took a seat and lightly brushed his fingers through Beomgyu's hair, a gentle gesture that roused Beomgyu from sleep.

"Uhh... you're here," Beomgyu murmured, his voice drowsy as he adjusted himself, creating more room for Yeonjun. "Yeah," came the simple response. Beomgyu noted, "You're a bit late... I've been waiting." Yeonjun explained, "Yeah... I... was at Taehyun's lab."

Yeonjun's presence felt reassuring to Beomgyu, and he shifted slightly to accommodate him better. As they settled into the moment, Beomgyu's jealousy remained, prompting him to inquire further, "At Taehyun's lab? Everything alright?" There was a hint of concern in his voice.

Yeonjun nodded, his gaze softening as he looked at Beomgyu. "Out of habit..." He paused for a moment before adding, "I'm sorry for being late though. I didn't mean to keep you waiting."

Beomgyu's expression softened, understanding the demands of Yeonjun's life. "It's okay, really. I'm just glad you're back." A genuine smile touched his lips.

"Seems like you're doing well? Is the pain still bothering you?" Yeonjun inquired, concern evident in his voice. Beomgyu shook his head, a mixture of surprise and gratitude coloring his expression. "I'm actually feeling much better now," he admitted, somewhat taken aback by the advanced medical care he had received.

Yeonjun's approval was apparent as he nodded, a small smile forming. "That's good to hear." To keep the conversation flowing, Beomgyu seized the opportunity to engage. "Are you feeling tired?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Yeonjun's head moved in a negative shake. "I managed to catch some rest earlier at... Taehyun's place." Beomgyu couldn't help but feel a pang of envy at that revelation, although he nodded understandingly.

As if to transition into a different topic, Yeonjun proposed, "How about joining me for a drink?".

"Of course," Beomgyu replied, his excitement evident. He was more than eager to share a drink with Yeonjun, the one-of-a-kind guy who, despite his past jerkish behavior, seemed to have changed for the better lately. An amused chuckle escaped him as he added, "Yay"

Yeonjun had a couple of exquisite bottles of beer at home, and he retrieved two of them from his collection. Placing the bottles on the table in front of the sofa, he settled down on the floor beside Beomgyu. With a thoughtful gesture, Yeonjun poured a glass of beer for Beomgyu, who drank it down with pure excitement. Yeonjun couldn't help but look at him admirably – he was just too cute.

"It feels like ages since I had a drink," Beomgyu remarked, a hint of longing in his voice, and he gestured for more. Yeonjun obliged, pouring another glass for him with a smile. Beomgyu then inquired, "Are you not going to have some too?" Yeonjun's response was straightforward, "You didn't pour for me." Seizing the opportunity, Beomgyu playfully suggested, "Well, let me?" He took the bottle from Yeonjun's hand and poured a glass for him.

Yeonjun downed his glass in a single gulp, impressing Beomgyu. "Whoa," Beomgyu exclaimed in awe. Yeonjun let out a soft laugh and refilled Beomgyu's glass. Taking another sip, Beomgyu shared, "You know, I turn into a total mess when I'm drunk, right?" In his mind, Yeonjun thought, *No, you're adorable when you're drunk*, but he responded, "Yeah, I've witnessed that 'disaster' firsthand."

They both shared a quiet moment, simply sitting together in companionable silence, drink after drink. However, as the glasses continued to be emptied, Yeonjun started growing concerned about Beomgyu's alcohol intake. "You might want to slow down now," he suggested, his worry evident. Beomgyu turned his gaze towards Yeonjun, the unspoken emotions lingering between them. After a brief pause, he sighed and responded, "Atleast let me have this, okay?" Yeonjun's mind immediately began to speculate, wondering if Beomgyu was stressed.

"What do you mean, 'at least'?" Yeonjun's question was met with silence from Beomgyu. Seeking clarity, he pressed again, "Beomgyu?" Beomgyu's drowsy nod prompted Yeonjun to scoot closer, a gesture of concern. Beomgyu shook his head slightly, prompting Yeonjun to inquire further, "What's wrong?" He sought to understand, his worry etched on his features.

"I... I guess I'm just feeling a bit lonely," Beomgyu mumbled, his words almost a quiet contemplation. His tone seemed more like he was talking to himself, causing Yeonjun to involuntarily flinch. "Lonely?" Yeonjun's voice held a hint of concern. Beomgyu offered a nonchalant chuckle and brushed it off, saying, "Don't worry about it." Yeonjun attempted to reassure him, starting with "You're not al-" but Beomgyu interjected, his words somewhat sharp, "Your presence here doesn't... really ease the loneliness."

Yeonjun's response was a quiet "Oh." He then turned his attention to Beomgyu, asking, "What could make you feel less lonely?" Beomgyu met Yeonjun's gaze and offered a somewhat lighthearted suggestion, "Maybe another glass?" He chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood, but Yeonjun's expression remained unchanged, his concern lingering.

Silently, Yeonjun poured another glass for Beomgyu, who accepted it readily and drank without hesitation. Observing Beomgyu, Yeonjun decided to let him have his drink, respecting his unspoken request. Then, Yeonjun shifted the conversation, asking, "Did you have any friends in the palace?" Beomgyu noticed Yeonjun's expression, recognizing that this was the first time Yeonjun had asked something like this. And beomgyu was sad that yeonjun didn't knew the real him. He knew beomgyu, not prince ben. Reflecting on the question, Beomgyu replied, "Not exactly friends, but I had companions, good ones." Yeonjun acknowledged his response with a nod, while Beomgyu pondered further. It struck him that he had never truly had friends, even during his time in the palace. The constraints of his position as a prince had prevented him from forming such bonds; the risk was too great.

"You know... I did mention it earlier... that we're... friends," Yeonjun said, his gaze avoiding Beomgyu. It was a statement he couldn't quite believe he was uttering. How had he come to the point of considering Beomgyu a friend? Especially when he had once harbored such intense hatred for him. But here they were, in this new dynamic.

"Were you serious, though? I figured you said that just to pacify me," Beomgyu responded, voicing his skepticism. A chuckle escaped Yeonjun as he retorted, "Why would I bother trying to please you?" Beomgyu nodded, acknowledging the point, and added, "Well, yeah, that makes sense."

They lapsed into silence for a brief period until Beomgyu's drowsy voice broke it. "So, you're my friend?" he inquired, his slightly intoxicated state evident. Yeonjun found himself captivated by the sight, recognizing the trouble that came with Beomgyu being this cute while drunk. He couldn't help but admit to himself that he had a fondness for the version of Beomgyu that emerged when he was drunk.

"Yeah, we are," Yeonjun affirmed, only for Beomgyu to set his glass down and unexpectedly throw himself onto Yeonjun. The sudden weight caught Yeonjun off guard, momentarily stealing his breath. "Hey... what are you doing?" he questioned, surprised by the sudden closeness.

Beomgyu nestled even closer against Yeonjun's body, their forms pressed together. Mumbling softly, he explained, "You said we're friends." Yeonjun's attempt to gently push him away was met with a tighter hug, Beomgyu holding on with determination. As their bodies pressed together, Yeonjun found himself trembling slightly against the carpeted floor, an unusual sensation for someone who had always been as solid as a rock.

This small figure, Beomgyu, had managed to unravel Yeonjun's normally steadfast composure, leaving him trembling beneath the weight of this unexpected but welcome intimacy.

"Seriously?" Yeonjun hissed, unable to mask his surprise. Despite his initial reaction, he had to admit to himself that there was a minuscule, almost imperceptible sense of contentment from the proximity they now shared. But that was something he wasn't quite ready to acknowledge openly.

As if sensing his inner turmoil, Beomgyu's nose brushed against the insensitive skin of Yeonjun's neck. The warm breath that escaped him sent shivers down Yeonjun's spine. "Don't push me away," Beomgyu's plea followed, but it was a bit difficult for Yeonjun to process as Beomgyu's words stumbled over themselves. "Yeon— Yenjh, Yeonjunnn," Beomgyu sputtered, his endearing stutter making Yeonjun's heart race even faster. Oh God, this was causing Yeonjun so much trouble.

"You know what? You really need to get off me," Beomgyu chuckled, his warm breath tickling against Yeonjun's neck. His words, slurred due to his drowsy state, were accompanied by some odd, drunken movements that made Yeonjun involuntarily flinch. Beomgyu continued with his peculiar rambling, uttering phrases like "so so rudezz" and "Yeonjvun is soso rudez."

In an unexpected twist, Beomgyu lifted his head, positioning it in front of Yeonjun's face, their eyes locked. In the midst of his inebriation, he managed to articulate, "The Yeonj- the one of a kind of a jerz- jerk." The garbled words and the playful, endearing effort behind them prompted Yeonjun to laugh, the sound mingling with the lightness of the moment.

"I'm what? One-of-a-kind jerk?" Yeonjun repeated, his laughter bubbling up once again. Beomgyu responded with an emphatic nod, his agreement oddly enthusiastic. "Yesz," he affirmed with a playful certainty.

"You're so heavy," Yeonjun complained once more, even though the situation had a lighthearted air about it. Beomgyu, still cuddling against him, responded with a playful tone, "Come on... you know I'm not heavy..."

Yeonjun decided not to resist any longer, allowing Beomgyu to be himself in this moment. However, as Beomgyu lowered his gaze to look at Yeonjun, their foreheads pressed together, something changed. Beomgyu's drowsy eyes were now wide open, and he appeared somewhat disheveled, his bangs grazing just above Yeonjun's nose.

"Don't you dare—" Yeonjun began, but Beomgyu interrupted with assurance, stating, "I'm not going to kiss you." This unexpected response left Yeonjun curious, and he inquired, "Then what are you doing?" Beomgyu took a few moments to contemplate before finally offering an answer, "Doing what friends do." The intimacy of the moment deepened as they shared this unspoken understanding of their evolving connection.

"I don't usually let my friends do this," Yeonjun remarked, a hint of playfulness in his tone. However, Beomgyu quickly retorted, "Well, you let Taehyun do it," leaving Yeonjun to ponder. Was Beomgyu, by any chance, jealous?

"It's different with Taehyun," Yeonjun explained. Beomgyu let out a sigh, his breath brushing against Yeonjun's cheek as he asked, "How so?"

Yeonjun hesitated for a moment before revealing, "We have some... benefits involved in our friendship." Beomgyu seemed to misunderstand, interpreting it as if he were being labeled as useless. He responded with a hint of insecurity, "You mean I can't provide any benefits?"

Yeonjun couldn't help but laugh heartily at Beomgyu's misinterpretation. "Oh, you're absolutely ridiculous, you know that?" he teased, appreciating the humor in their exchange.

Beomgyu shifted closer, his face now directly in front of Yeonjun's. He posed a question, searching for an answer, "Am I not attractive?" Yeonjun found himself at a loss for words, his breath momentarily caught in his throat, as he gazed into Beomgyu's eyes.

Yeonjun managed to stammer out, "You are..." before Beomgyu interrupted, asking, "Then, am I not attractive enough for you?" Yeonjun struggled to find his words, finally responding, "Not more than Taehyun?" The conversation was taking a decidedly complex turn as emotions and desires surfaced between them.

Yeonjun hesitated for a moment before confessing, "I don't find Taehyun attractive... We... it's different. We have something we both get from each other, and we don't mind it, you know?" He tried to explain the unique nature of his relationship with Taehyun.

Beomgyu appeared perplexed by this explanation and mumbled, "I didn't understand what you said." With that, he let his head fall onto Yeonjun's chest once more, causing Yeonjun's heart to race at the intimate closeness between them.

Yeonjun voluntarily placed his hand on Beomgyu's back, gently rubbing it in an attempt to soothe him. Beomgyu then looked up once more, his question persistent. "So... am I attractive?" he inquired once again. Yeonjun, despite a hint of irritation, couldn't help but be charmed by Beomgyu's endearing face. "You are, Beomgyu," he admitted.

Beomgyu's response, however, took a more daring turn. "Then can we also become friends with benefits?" he suggested, throwing a provocative idea into the mix.

Yeonjun coughed so abruptly that Beomgyu nearly jumped in surprise. Then, Yeonjun burst into laughter. "Are you sexually frustrated?" he teased, causing Beomgyu to blush in embarrassment. Beomgyu decided it was best to avoid responding, and he hid his face in Yeonjun's chest once more, choosing not to pursue the topic further.

And yeonjun also chose not to talk further, since only the glimpse of those benefits were taking his breaths away.

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