Vacuity (Sebastian Sallow) |...

Od EllaSallow

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A year after being incarcerated in Azkaban, Sebastian Sallow is granted his freedom when evidence surfaces th... Více

Vacuity (Sebastian Sallow)
Vacuity | Prologue
Ch 1 | Seventh Year
Ch 2 | The Return
Ch 4 | The Trigger
Ch 5 | Biggest Fan
Ch 6 | The Acceptance
Ch 7 | First Tension
Ch 8 | The First Signs
Ch 9 | A Start
Ch 10 | The Butterfly Effect
Ch 11 | Grasping
Ch 12 | The First Day
Ch 13 | Giving Up
Ch 14 | The Nickname
Ch 15 | It's Over
Ch 16 | The Fight
Ch 17 | Mixed Feels
Ch 18 | The Ignorant Girl
Ch 19 | Scars
Ch 20 | The Missing Touch
Ch 21 | Triggers
Ch 22 | The Pattern
Ch 23 | Climax
Ch 24 | The Memory *
Ch 25 | The Cliché Stop
Ch 26 | Lost and Found
Ch 27 | The Safekeeping
Ch 28 | Healing
Ch 29 | The Nightmares
Ch 30 | Forbidden Butterfly
Ch 31 | The Learning *
Ch 32 | Untold Truth
Ch 33 | The Breaking Point 1
Ch 33 | The Breaking Point 2
Ch 34 | After-Care *
Ch 35 | The Three Words
Ch 36 | He Said It

Ch 3 | Brutal Reunion

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Od EllaSallow

• Ch 3 | Brutal Reunion

Y/n's Perspective

The home was so silent, it was almost tangible. As if the air itself had been frozen in place, along with the cracking fireplace.

My movements and breathing seemed amplified, echoing loudly through the space, breaking the spell of the silence.

Sebastian wasn't saying anything. What I expected to be a heart-filled reunion was becoming more opposite than ever.

But I didn't want to give up.

I could feel my own feet move forward, opening my mouth as I called out his name once again.

"S-Sebastian?" I stuttered, nervous.

It was as if he had shut down, his mind numbed. I wanted to reach out to him, to try and comfort him, but I was also fearful of what the reaction would be.

"I wanted to be alone," Sebastian said.

His voice was deeper. Way deeper than what I last remembered. Perhaps, I envisioned such a joyful high-tone fifth year boy in my head the last year, I couldn't believe I was now confronting a mature, deep voiced man.

I swallowed my own saliva, keeping my hands tangled over my knitted dress below me.

"I know, and I would gladly respect that, but...I, I wanted to see you." I let out breathlessly.

Again, mute.

Sebastian just stared at the same fireplace. I fought the urge to shut it off with my wand to just make him watch me.

I walked forward again, slowly reaching out to touch Sebastian for the very first time in a year, hoping to establish some kind of connection between us.

But things weren't always sunshine and rainbows.

The dining room chair squeaked through that wooden floor loudly as Sebastian's body scrambled out of it and backed away from me from the attempted touch.

"Leave me alone." Sebastian hoarse out, turning his eyes away from me.

I could see the ravage of Azkaban on him, his body wracked with muscle spasms, and his mind clearly not his own.

My heart ached. I was sensitive already, but I've hoped for a warmer welcome, an indication that, maybe, possibly, we could've finally reconciled since the last time we saw each other.

"What?" I could feel my voice crack slightly, not wanting to believe that this was really happening. "Sebastian, don't do this."

Sebastian kept a frown.

Is this what Ominis meant? Sebastian Sallow didn't remember? Or did time really change that he can't recognize? Was Ominis trying to warn me in code? My head throbbed.

"Don't you remember me?" I said, almost pleading.

Sebastian's face remained blank. His gaze fixed on the stupid flames below us, as if I wasn't even there.

"It's me, Y/n." I spoke out, "Sebastian, we been through a lot together and—"

Before my own hand could reach over the side of his face, I could feel Sebastian's hand clutching over my wrist, pushing it away aggressively.

My body made a slight weighted movement, losing my balance from his force, like if I had just touched something hot and caught my fall toward the table, injuring my arm from the cut wood.

I lifted up my sleeve, feeling the heat of blood rush down my arm, but ignored it. It wasn't intentional. I should've listened to Ominis.

I could hear more footsteps enter the home in seconds and from the corner of my eye I could see Ominis and Anne enter rapidly from the sounds.

But I kept my eyes on Sebastian Sallow. I watched as he distanced himself away from me, emotionless as he never stared back at me once nor apologized.


Before Ominis could say a word, I saw Sebastian walk passed him with a hit of the shoulder, mumbling out words.

"Don't ever bring her here again." He said before walking out of the home.

The rejection stung, and I felt my heart begin to break like a glass. It was like it was thrown in my face. A nightmare coming to life.

Sebastian didn't see me anymore. It was like I didn't matter.

"Y/n!" Anne took sight of me, worried about the injury.

I breathed heavily, finally feeling the hot tears trickling down my cheeks, not knowing whether to feel broken or angry toward the reunion.

I pulled down my sleeve, ignoring the blood knowing magic could fix it, and stood up rapidly, wanting to catch up to Sebastian.

I was in a state of denial. When wasn't I in a state of denial? I had my reasonings. I knew Sebastian Sallow and this wasn't him. I couldn't bear the thought that Azkaban was going to affect him in a way where I couldn't even interfere.

"No," Ominis felt the wave of my direction and stood in front of me, denying my departure.

"Let me go, Ominis!" I cried, "I need to talk to Sebastian. Why is he being like this? It's not fair."

"I warned you he wasn't well—"

"It doesn't make sense!" I shouted with cries, "Why is he attacking me? Did he do this to everyone else?"

Ominis sighed, "Sebastian is still fresh out of Azkaban, Y/n. We can't really know the outcome of any reunion."

"It's been two months, Ominis—"

"He was in there for a year!"

"He could've been less if you let me break him out the moment we found out. We wouldn't be in this position. I had many plans to cut Azkaban shorter and you refused!" I pointed at Ominis angrily.

"Because we all would've been in Azkaban by then!" Ominis frowned, "I apologize, perhaps, your plans were valid, but what if we did break him out? Keep him in secret? We would've been caught."

"But we would've had him back. Himself." I breathed, "What did I do wrong?"

"My brother might be in an emotional response." Anne let out.

I stood quiet, listening.

"It was unusual for him to refuse to see Y/n since his release. Considering you two were closer than any of us in general. A-And I know my brother cares about you, a lot Y/n...he would tell me that all the time." Anne let out to me.

I lowered my eyes, trying not to remember the last few memories between Sebastian Sallow and I before the battle. It would've made me more emotional than I am now.

"You were there with Sebastian all fifth year, witnessing every event with him. You were also there when he...took our uncle's life." Anne sniffed.

I was there for Sebastian Sallow. Every step. Even if most of our time was planned or to benefit us like a game — we experienced traumatic things one can't just bear.

"I suppose, the Dementors might've recalled his wrongs during his time in Azkaban...since that's their job. To basically rot away their prisoners until death..." Anne sighed.

"And you were in most of his wrongs. You were right next to him." Ominis spoke softly to me.

I blinked, wanting not to process the information that was being given to me.

I understood the psychological nature of a human. I knew it well because Sebastian taught me in his ongoing list of books fifth year. This felt ironic.

"So, it's my fault." I sniffed, blaming myself.

"No, no," Anne sighed, "Nothing is your fault, Y/n. Believe me."

I felt guilty. How was one supposed to feel?

"It's just...if the Dementors were replaying his wrongs over and over again, brainwashing and torturing him, every single hour, day, for twelve months," Anne furrowed, "I-It damaged him."

"I suppose when Sebastian sees you now, it's like...watching those moments unfold all over again because it's what the Dementors  reminded him." Ominis thought.

"No," I refused, "T-That's impossible. There are more good memories in our relationship than there were bad ones. He has to know that—"

"Y/n, Azkaban isn't about reminding you of the good. Azkaban was made to remind you of the bad. It's a prison." Ominis corrected.

"No," I closed my eyes, holding in my tears again, "I know he's struggling, but he has to remember me. I'm not the wrong."

"You are not. Do not blame yourself, Y/n, but my brother is adjusting. We weren't keeping him away from you on purpose." Anne sighed.

I just sighed, wanting to process the truth, but it was so hard.

All the memories. All the laughs, the jokes — the caring. It felt like it was washed away for good.

"So, I'm just a trigger to Sebastian Sallow now?" My lips trembled at the thought.

"It's not like that, Y/n—"

"It sounds like it. He doesn't even want to see me." I pointed out.

"It's not—"


A deep scream echoed through the outer outside area of the cottage home and I gasped, realizing it was the recognition of Sebastian Sallow's painful shouts.

I ran out first, rapidly, opening the same wooden door and looking around the dark-lit village, catching my breath while looking for him.

"Y/n, I don't think it's a good idea—"

Ominis voice buzzed out my head when I saw Sebastian Sallow crouching on his knees, like a ball as he hid away and shouted for an escape.

"No, no, no," Sebastian cried, "Make it stop,"

It broke me. I didn't want to estimate the amount of pain I would begin to get this year, but just seeing Sebastian suffer this way was painful enough.

He was near the Feldcroft Well, and a distant 'ooo' sound echoed from it due to the night's wind.

"Hey," I bent, not caring about the consequences. I just wanted to help him.

My hands carefully reached down to Sebastian, wanting to pull his arms from his face, but they were so strong.

"Hey, it's okay," I comforted.

"They are near. They are coming." Sebastian said in fear, "Not again." He whispered.

Again, the cemented water well beside us made an awfully disturbing sound and I realized that they almost had the same sound effects as Dementors.

"Stop!" Sebastian shouted.

"Sebastian, it's okay," I cried with him, "It's just the well. I'll make it stop, okay?" I whispered to him.

I can feel my hands slip out my wand from my ankle boot and flicker off an easy noiseless charm to mute the echoing noise, silencing it.

Sebastian heaved at the silence, but his hands still remained hiding his face while his knees bent.

"You're safe now. You're free. Look," I encouraged, touching him once more.

Sebastian's skin was warm. So warm. It almost reminded me of how soothing his body temperature was. How cozy it was.

Oh, how I missed it so much.

I can feel his breath begin to decrease back to its normal rate and slowly, his hands release from his face, lowering them. He seemed almost like a lost and confused child.

I nodded and I could feel Ominis and Anne's presence near as they watched me.

Things were patching up. They were going okay at first, but Sebastian regained his consciousness again and let loose.

I watched as Sebastian took recognition of who was helping him out. His once softening gaze switched rapidly at the sight of me.

I couldn't see the spark between his hazel eyes anymore. It was, as if, I became a lost stranger in his eyes and it burned me.

"No," Sebastian frowned.

I gasped as Sebastian's hands lifted, grabbing me by the shoulders and dragging my body against the muddy grass below us.

"Please, don't do this, Seb—"

"You're not real. Stop being her!" Sebastian growled, "Go away."

His fingers clutched strongly against the skin of my shoulders and I began to wonder if he was about to choke me to death from his foggy brainwashing thoughts.

"Sebastian!" Anne shouted, nearing us more.

But Anne was also under a curse. Her running was weak and even if she attempted to help, it would break a bone.

"Stop." Ominis pushed him away, but Sebastian had gotten strong.

I groaned out, closing my eyes and attempting to do something I never thought I'd do to Sebastian Sallow.

I've been warned out with ancient magic since Ranrok's defeat. The Ministry measuring it only took my strength even more, but somehow, I still had the power.

My breath became steady before I felt the heightening energy flow through my blood into my veins as it traveled down my fingertips.

I cried, throwing Sebastian Sallow off me and finally taking a proper breath as I sat up in pain and backed away from the chaos.

Sebastian's back sat against the well again, but he regained his stability and turned his head to the side.

There was almost, and I mean almost a slight guilt that peaked through his face, but I could no longer read Sebastian anymore.

Once Anne leaned down near her twin brother, I shakily took hold of my wand from the grass and began to walk near the rocky floor of the cottage home, hiding my emotions.

Ominis followed behind, letting the Sallow twins alone, and tried to stop me.


"You were right, Ominis," I cried, "I should've listened to you. It was a bad idea to come."

I was lying. I didn't regret coming to see Sebastian. If I had to see him every day and struggle like this, I would. I had patience.

"No, you were trying to do the right thing. You did." Ominis defended, "You just helped him. Sebastian is just—"

"Sebastian hates me, Ominis. He thinks I'm not real. The Dementors ruined him." I reminded, "How am I supposed to process that?"

Ominis stood silent for a moment. His dark brows furrowed in guilt.

"Have you at least seen him improve since his release?" I asked.

Ominis nodded, "Yes, we have. He's progressively getting better. He will  eventually have to return to Hogwarts."

I scoffed, "Hogwarts? So, he can return back to school, but he sees me and it is hell breaks loose?"

"We hope he'll be better by then, Y/n." Ominis sighed.

"He will." I nodded, wiping my tears, "Because I am coming back. Again. And again," I confessed.

Ominis seemed surprised at my statement and I was preparing for him to deny it.

"Y/n, he would just hurt you."

"I don't care. I wield ancient magic. I've been through the worst. He can hurt me all he wants, but I am not giving up, Ominis."

Ominis and I stood quiet for a moment, processing everything that had just happened in one night.

I can hear my own breath vibrate through my ears as I watched the Sallow twins in the distance.

"You should go back, Y/n. We have school in the morning," Ominis reminded.

Again, I wanted to let out a big scoff at his statement.

"You expect me to go back to my classes and act completely normal after all this? Are you kidding me?"

"Well, eventually you will because Sebastian has to return to Hogwarts too."

I couldn't bear the thought of having Sebastian Sallow back at Hogwarts, let alone, not speaking to me. I didn't want to predict the outcomes of having Sebastian back, but losing him at the same time.

It hurt.

I nodded, too tired to keep fighting, and sighed, "I will be back."

"I know you are." Ominis said, almost in disappointment.

I turned, not wanting to glance at Sebastian in the distance knowing it might sting a little more, and called it a night, departing my way near the Floo Powder.

My dormitory was asleep by the time I arrived, making me hide my silent sobs in between while I slipped off my dirty and bloody clothing.

I didn't see sleep this year. It almost felt like I was reliving the sixth year all over again, but this time, he was here, but at what cost?

I wrapped my arms around my knees in that bathroom, crying away the loss.

Maybe, it was selfish to admit that this felt worse than a death. I didn't really lose Sebastian, he was right there in front of me, but at the same time, I felt like I had lost him.

Sebastian Sallow was a ghost, a shadow of his former self and I needed to do my best to bring him back.


I know it's a rough start, but I'll try my best to connect the plot soon.

I think when Sebastian goes back to Hogwarts it'll get more.......ya know.....interesting.

Thanks for reading this far!

Join the discord (18+) when you get the chance. It's fun to discuss any questions and theories. 


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