Because Of Trust! (Rimuru X O...

By FahnerichAce21

15.4K 578 37

In an attempt to get his father's trust, Richard with the help of his partner tries to complete a mission but... More

It All Begans
The Meeting
Armed Nation Of Dwargon
Wolf Pack
I'm Back
Squad 2
Operation Save
Unwanted encounter
Mother Figure
Wolf Formation


427 20 1
By FahnerichAce21

After I finally met my pack, Eins said

"Do you wish to meet Rimuru Sama, Akemi Sama?"

Hell yeah!

"Of course. Lead the way, Eins"


"I think that's enough hugging, Yksi. Kaksi"

Kaksi let go of me but Yksi doesn't react

"C'mon Yksi. I want to meet Rimuru. How I can walk properly with you clinging to me?"

Yksi remained quiet for a few moments before saying

"You should get new clothes first, Akemi Sama"

"Hmm? Why should I?"

Yksi then whispered in my ears

"You had a magical trace of demons in your clothes"

Did she notice it?! Una than said

"Yksi is right, Akemi Sama! Let's meet Shuna, right now!"

With that declaration, Yksi held my right hand while Una held my left before starting to pull me and running at high speed. The rest also start running with Eins in the lead until we reach in front of a shop. Eins entered first and shouted

"Shuna Chan! Are you here?!"

"Ah! Eins Chan. Welcome"

Shuna greeted Eins who quickly hugged her. Eins then released her hug before saying

"Shuna Chan! Shuna Chan! You still made custom clothes right?!"

"Yes, sure. You want one?"

"Not for me but for her! Everyone! Come in!"

Hearing that, the rest of us enter the shop. As I entered a shop, I saw the individual that they called Shuna and

"Aren't you Akemi?! The second leader after Rimuru?!"

Huh? I was surprised by Shuna's words and reply

"Sorry but, did we ever meet before?"


I looked around and saw my pack just hit their forehead after hearing my reaction. Yksi then said

"Akemi Sama. She is the pink ogre that you fought before"

Wait? She is? I look at her before saying

"You look very different from last time"

Shuna just smiles and reply

"How different?"

"Like, you are cuter than before"

[Oh! Don't know Master can praise someone like that!]

What? I'm just stating the truth

"Hehe. Thanks for the praise"

"You welcome"

Eins then said

"Shuna Chan! Can you make special clothes for Akemi Sama?"

"Sure why not? As long as you help me, Eins Chan"

"Yahoo! Well then everyone"


"Why do you push us OUTSIDE?!!!"

In just a few moments, Eins pushed the other pack outside the store before pulling me toward Shuna and pulling out a measuring tape

"Let's make a new clothes for you, Akemi Sama!"

3 hours later

"That should do it"

Shuna then pulled me to a mirror and I looked at my reflection


"How is it, Akemi Sama? Shuna Chan's clothes are good, right?!"

Eins asks which I simply smile and reply

"I love it"


Eins jumps into the air before celebrating her happiness with Shuna. I then said

"Thanks for the clothes, Shuna. Really appreciate it"

"You welcome, Akemi Sama. Come again if you need more clothes"

Look like she recognized my position. Oh well. It's not really bothering thou

"I will. C'mon Eins. Let's go"

"Yes, Akemi Sama!"

When we exited the building, my pack said

"Very nice clothes for you, Akemi Sama"

"Looks like a powerful leader"


"It suits you well, Akemi Sama"

[Looks like they can praise you all day long]

Just let them be. I then announce

"Alright then, can any of you lead me to Rimuru?"

"I'll do it! I'll do it!"

"No way! Let me do it, Akemi Sama!"

"I will lead you the way, Akemi Sama!"

"Hell no! I will do it!"

"I'm much older so I will do it!"

"As the oldest, I think I should do it"

"I'm way better so I will do it!"

"I'm a better choice!"

Looks like all of them are fighting whoever should take me to Rimuru. They want attention from me

"That enough!"

Hearing that, they immediately shut up

"I'll make up my mind. Zwei will bring me to Rimuru while the rest of you are dismissed. Understand?"

"Yes, Akemi Sama"

"Good. Zwei, lead the way"

"My pleasure"

Zwei then led me toward a building that at first glance reminded me of The White House but meh. Don't care whose the architect designed it. Once we entered it, I saw many monsters doing various types of job

[More like office work to me]

Yeah. So deja vu

Anyway, as we walked through them, several of them gave a weird look at me. I tried to ignore them but damn, they ask for a fight. That's until,

"Who's behind you, Zwei?"

"Shion San. Remember my pack leader?"

"Ummmm if I'm not mistaken, her name is Akemi. Why?"

"Here she is"

The individual named Shion looked towards me and said

"Ah! Greetings Akemi Sama! My name is Shion and I'm Rimuru Sama's secretary!"

"Yeah. Nice to meet you too"

Who is she?!

[Judging by her hair color, I think she is the purple ogre]

Shion then grabbed my hand before saying

"C'mon Akemi Sama. Rimuru Sama would love to see you"

And she starts to drag me through the hallways. Zwei quickly chase and shout

"Shion San! That's my job!"

Shion continues dragging me through the hallway while Zwei is chasing us. After a while, he shouts

"That's my JOB!!!'

Zwei jumped and kicked Shion in her neck making her fly into one of the rooms but the problem was, she was still holding me which I also flew with her

[This suck]



As both of us slowly get up, Zwei quickly holds my hand and said

"C'mon Akemi sama. Let's go!"

Now he is pulling me nonstop. Should teach him some lessons after this

[Want me to do the honor?]

No thanks. I do it myself

Zwei then bought me in front a room which he said

"Rimuru sama! I had something to report!"

"Come in"

He opened the door and said

"Rimuru sama! Akemi sama is back!"

I just looked inside the room and saw Rimuru looking from behind a pile of paperwork and said

"Akemi! You back!"

"Of course, I'm back. And looks like I missed tonnes of stuff"

"Very much. Lets me call everyone shall we?"

"My pleasure"

Rimuru then ordered Zwei to summon everyone in the meeting room which he quickly left. Rimuru then brought me to the meeting room where we took our seats first, waiting for the others. When Everyone arrived with Zwei standing behind me, Rimuru get up and announce

"Everyone! The second leader of our city had come back! Meet, Akemi Tempest"

I got up from my seat and was met by a round of applause

"Hey, Akemi! Long time no see!"

"Thought you wouldn't come back"

I just chuckle hearing Kaijin and Rigurd's words and reply

"Don't say like that. I had some part in this..... city"

I look at their faces one by one before saying

"Looks like they are some faces that I didn't recognize. Care to explain yourself?"

One of them stood up and said

"Greetings Akemi sama. I'm Benimaru. The red ogre that you encountered before"

"Ooohhh. That means the other faces that I don't recognize are your group?"

"Exactly. They are Shuna, Shion, Souei, Hakuro, and Kurobee"

I nodded and ask

"How about you?"

"The name is Geld, Akemi sama"

"Hello, Akemi sama! I'm Gabiru"

I nodded and reply

"Hello everyone"

And thus, I'm back on duty

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