beautiful one, sharer of my l...

Galing kay sssadora

16.9K 625 192

who but you will ever hold my heart? Lu Yun Gojo Satoru is to be wed to the daughter of Zen'in Naobito. What... Higit pa

1: Duties
2: Smile and bear it
3: Water is good luck
4: Falling victim
5: Swim in a pond
6: Mail is here!
7: Naoya's letter
8: Gojo Satoru's bad handwriting
9: Adventures at the post house
10: New friends
11: Scorned child
12: High-maintenance
13: Big news
14: Letters to home
15: Dinner with friends!
16: Geto
17: Satoru is home
18: Real pain
19: Family ties
20: Shithead brother-in-law
21: Late honeymoon
22: Kiss and make up
23: The lion tamer and her small cat
24: The heartbreak of Maeda Jun
25: Misfortune upon the Zen'in siblings
26: Megumi's bad attitude
27: Allegiances and devotion
28: Tank!
29: Happy birthday Satoru
30: First snow
31: Pathetic and entirely manly
33: Happy new year!
34: Unease
35: Zen'in return
36: Conspiracies of the Kamo and Zen'in
37: Perfect preparation
38: The war effort
39: Enlightenment
40: I love this bar
41: Just us and Toji
42: O, children
43: Lifelines
Ending notes

32: Good times, more bad times

241 12 0
Galing kay sssadora

It was as close to sunset as it could get when the Zen'in family arrived. The sky was barely beginning to shift, and in their wake of footprints in the snow, along came a chilling silence in the town square. Zen'in Naobito wore an indifferent look as the men of the Gojo fief stared him down while Naoya looked at you with an enraged look in his eye.

Megumi was avoiding looking at the older men as he trailed behind. For that you could not blame him.

Finally, behind Megumi, were your next to worthless older half brothers, all seven of them. The pleasant look on your face was almost marred by the fear of seeing everyone again but to your relief, Satoru was ignoring formalities altogether and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. He smiled down at you before placing a kiss to your temple and murmuring "it's okay."

"I'm fine." you assured.

"I know," with that, he looked back to the unwanted visitors and smiled wide. "Welcome, all! I know, I know, everybody, you aren't a big fan of this!"

"You're damn right!" a voice shouted from the crowd (everyone laughed), making your family's faces fall into scowls, but Satoru only laughed as he met your father in the middle but tugged you behind by the hand.

"We're all gonna be nice for tonight!" he finished off his statement and bowed to Naobito who had only ducked his head in response.

Grumbles from the townspeople sounded around you as you bowed and then looked up at Naobito for the first time in months. He was not a welcome visitor and neither was Naoya, but for tonight, you had to pretend that they were.

"My daughter," Naobito said quietly, "how much you have grown since I last saw you."

You smiled a pleasant one, but your mess of a father didn't know it was nervous in the slightest. He raised his hand slightly and you felt yourself tense. Eyes widening slightly when Naobito pulled you in for a quite informal hug, his bony hand holding you in place (although it's strength had faltered).

Satoru kept a close eye for a second and then looked over his shoulder at Geto who was grinding his teeth in discomfort. You were clearly not okay with this, but tried to put up with it for the time being but ready to intervene if things got worse. If you recoiled into yourself, Geto would be there to swipe you away. If Naobito cursed at you, Satoru would cut his tongue out.

No matter, Satoru kept a close watch on the way your breath shallowed as the one sided hug went on for far too long, until he pulled away and you subtly stepped back to your husband's side.

"Now, Naoya has something to say. Do you not, son?"

With a short sigh, he stepped forward while you pressed into Satoru's side further. Naoya must've noticed based on the raise of his brow but instead of commenting, he clicked his tongue and spoke quietly.

"I am sorry I had pushed you too far, and I am sorry you came close to losing the fetus."

You automatically looked up to Satoru with a furrowed brow. Did this guy just call your child a fetus? Your husband looked confused too and when you turned back to Naoya, you found that he was completely serious.

"Thank you." was all you managed to say. Naoya then cleared his throat.

"I also want to introduce you to my fiancé," he said, turning his head slightly and jutting it to the side for the poor soul to stand beside him. The woman that sauntered up was familiar to you. Her feet crunched the snow on the ground and as you met her daunting, competitive, and utterly mean eyes, you could only smile with a small scoff. "This is-"

"Yoko," you finished for him. Naoya looked caught off guard but the woman's smile only widened. This is the same bitch from that day in the fief with Maki. The same she-devil that decided she hated you for existing and here she was like a leech, coming after the same lifestyle she hated you for. "Lovely to meet you again." You smiled. That grin held poison.

"You know her?"

Her, Yoko, smiled at you, almost a smirk. You hated to admit to yourself that she was absolutely beautiful, with dark hair and equally as dark eyes, she was a sight to behold. But still, compared to you,
titled by numerous nobles to be the most gorgeous woman in all the southern fiefs, she was nothing.

On the same token, you could not be nasty to her either. As a daimyo's wife, a seishitsu, you were to uphold the graces of your husband's name. Arguing with this girl in public is a horrible look.

"Oh yes. We spoke once years ago. Very enlightening," you said, your voice a scary even. So even and monotonous that Satoru's ears perked up for the drama. "Clearly the conversation stuck with me. Welcome to the family."

"Thank you, y/n-san."

Megumi hissed in a breath.

"Gojo." you corrected swiftly.


Satoru snorted and Geto wheezed behind you, while Naoya narrowed his eyes. The surrounding citizens began chuckling behind their hands. Yoko, obviously to you embarrassed (because she should not yet hide her emotions), smiled nervously because the last time she saw you, you were not this...tough.

Not to mention the look that your lady in waiting was giving her.

You looked at Yoko like a bug that needed to be squashed this time...not the other way around.

She'll fit in great with this family. She is but a monster.

She was unprepared for this.

"Yeah, woman, it's Gojo-sama!"

"Only we call her y/n-sama!"

"Zen'in witch!"

Naobito and Naoya's faces were two sides of the same coin. Your father's was unnerved at the cutting tone of your words, but Naoya once again looked fucking furious.

"Do not embarrass her this way."

"I have done nothing to her."


"How about we get this parade started, Zen'in-san?" Satoru said through stifled laughter, ignoring the way the man's eyes flared when he grabbed Megumi by the belt of his kimono and pulled the both of you through the crowd to get a good view of the event.

Part of you regretted what you did to the poor girl, but...part of you didn't. However you didn't dwell on it too much as you stood in between many of your new fief's citizens with your husband (likely blocking the view) and Megumi who was still chuckling from the entire debacle.

"Can't believe you did that, y/n." Megumi shook his head.

"Hey, someone needed to," Kurusu popped in behind you with Yuji and Nobara in tow. They had brightened up when they set eyes on the dark haired boy, choosing to harass him with yelling and questions as the excitement settled in for the whole square. "Proud of you, girl. She needed to know her place."

"Kurusu-san, I cannot help but feel bad."

"Don't!" her daughter, Hana, said hurriedly.

"Nah, you don't need to!" another man chimed in behind her. One you did not know but smiled at nonetheless.

"If you did not, I would have." the smooth voice from Geto Suguru sounded behind you and you rolled your eyes as you looked at him.

"Me too!" Satoru said. He leaned down for attention which you happily obliged. "You're my girl, after all~"

"Hush, hush." you said with a smile. Satoru wasted no time in leaning in to kiss you, probably to just steal all the heat from your body in this weather. He's a thief of more things than that.

As you stepped aside to let the two men talk, you grinned when you decided to people watch.

The atmosphere was incredible. It was truly something out of a fairy tale, the whole fief lining the streets with freshly laid snow, alcohol and clinking of glasses, distant music playing and the clamor of happy conversation. Miko priestesses were making their way up the hill from their shrine, and the moment you saw Utahime walking with Shoko (who was obviosuly not in appropriate priestess attire), you and Jun were half walking, half jogging through the thinned out snow to meet them.

Naoya and Naobito watched side by side as you hugged an odd pair of women, then to be greeted by two men with contrasting hair colors, seeing you laugh while looking at the smiling one, they felt sick.

"I thought I had raised her better," Naobito mumbled. "Clearly the beatings did nothing."

Yoko's eyes widened at the word beatings. Her head shot up when she saw you and the Gojo daimyo being so casual with townspeople and the two teenagers very clearly making Megumi smile (she had not seen him do it once yet). She grew confused when said teenagers ran up to you, the short haired girl hugging you with a faint blush on her cheek, the pink haired boy pointing an accusing finger at a blond man, and Megumi rolling his eyes when the daimyo himself attempted to lift him onto his shoulders.

Naobito was not happy. You had never been this happy. When did you smile that wide? When did you begin scolding grown adults? When did you make friends with anyone you spoke to? Why were you happy? You weren't supposed to be.

Not to mention calling yourself a full Gojo bothered him the slightest bit.

"This place is makin' me sick." His son echoed his thoughts.

"Gracious, these children," Utahime sighed at their excitement as she stood next to Jun, "they are a handful."

"You're tellin' me!"

"Yes, they are. When it is only Yuji and Nobara, they often fight since they only have each other," you smiled, "when Megumi is around, I think it makes all of them much happier."

"He's a nice kid." Shoko commented as she lit up her smoke. She then passed it to Geto who, after winking at you, blew the cloud of smoke into your husband's sensitive face.

"Suguru-ack!" he coughed dramatically, "why?!

"You're being weird." Him and Megumi replied at the same time.

"I haven't done anything, Megs!"


"Megs!" Yuji imitated with a short cackle. The dark haired boy's eye twitched before he shoved Yuji into the snow covered ground.

"Calm down, Megs!" Nobara egged on.

"Shut up!" he spat, crossing his arms and going to stand by Nanami.

"My love." you reached out to your husband, hands shaky from the lack of covering.

He frowned once he saw the chilled, red skin. "I'll keep you warm, just stay here," Grinning, you leaned into Satoru, who kept you pulled flush into his chest. His heavy coat was more than enough heat, but you felt even warmer when you felt him kiss your forehead again. "I love you so much, I'm so glad you're here."

"I love you more," you said back. "though I wish the twins and Toji were here."

"Hey, Megumi!" Satoru barked.


"Where's your dad?"

"None of your business."


"He's at home, y/n," he said sadly. "The Master didn't want him to come."

"And the girls?"

"The same."

"Do you like your dad?" Yuji asked curiously, "he seems like he's pretty mean."

"He can be...but he tries his best," Megumi said. The tinge of a smile was on his face as he told it. "People say we look a lot alike."

"You're kidding." Shoko mumbled, much to his chagrin.

"He's definitely kidding." Jun pressed.

"Look! They're coming!" Nobara pointed up the road in excitement, just as you heard the march of soldiers and the music matching their pace.

Your eyes tried to find them while your front was still pressed against Satoru, but when you saw them, you couldn't help but let your face light up in happiness. Soldiers donned in purple and white marched down with horn players following behind them. Children weaved in and out of their lines to imitate them, and Yuji was nearly itching to go himself. As they came down the hill, snow kicked off their boots. The townspeople cheered and pressed forward to give them little sips of their beers but of course, these soldiers had an image to maintain.

They continued on and you swore, with this new family of your husband, his adopted teenagers, his best friends and the fief who had come to love you as their own, you swore you had never felt this free in your life.

Even with you feeling your father's eyes on you across the street, you had never felt this elated, this joyous, this...completely enamored with life. Life was incredible this way. Without titles and standards yet with friends and real family, there was nothing life could throw at you that you couldn't wait to see another day.

When the beginning of the march made it in front of the family of the two lords, both Zen'in and Gojo met in the middle and led the men down to the square. Everyone, with their cheers and laughs, with your hand in Satoru's (not three steps behind, as Naoya's future wife was ordered to do), you grinned and you did not stop until the blessings were said by the lead priest.

A new year of peace and prosperity for both clans, although only one would likely get it.

Satoru (always a preener) kissed you in front of everyone, only to spur on cheers as the music begun again. And then the soldiers were off, and the fief was free to celebrate and eat and play until the next morning.

"I don't ever want to leave," Megumi said as you sat on a bench with him. You had begun watching the group of adults play a game of darts in a stall, only to be followed by Nobara and Yuji who were atop Shoko and Nanami's shoulders, respectively. "It's so much better here."

"It's not fun at home, I know."

"It'll probably get worse."

"What do you mean?"

"He's royally pissed off tonight, so it'll probably drag on for the rest of the week," the boy said. "He's started hitting us more...but I haven't told my dad."

"Good idea. That would only start more conflict," you nodded sadly. You wrapped an arm around his shoulder and placed your head upon his own, a silent wish of protection. Although you both know it wouldn't help. "I would give anything for you to stay with us."


"Yes," you affirmed, "the four of you deserve far better. You always have."

"That's life, isn't it?"

"I'll get you out of there," you told him then. You didn't know how. It was impossible, but you'd figure something out. For him, for his dad and for Maki and Mai. "I shall talk to Satoru about it."

"It's not happening."

"It will," you told him with another hopeful smile. "This, I promise you."

"Fushiguro!" Yuji and Nobara ran over again, this time dragging a red-cheeked Gojo Satoru with them.


"Gojo-sensei said he'd take you to Nanamin's store!"

"I stole his key, let's go!"

As the two children and your husband dragged Megumi away, you smiled on from your spot on the bench. It was dark now, but snow on the ground still reflected the light of lanterns and small bonfires, of candles and the flash of Haibara's smile toward you.

And then, to ruin your night once again, you heard your father's voice before you.

"Act like a lady, y/n," he growled. You froze. "You are to be by your Lord's side at all times, are you not?"

You stood and turned to face Naobito with a small smile once again. "I believe so but, to my surprise, Satoru-sama cares not for formalities and rules."

"Everybody knows that." Naoya scoffed. You looked from him to his frowning fiancé behind him.

"I have not raised you like this."

"However do you mean, Master?"

"I raised you to be a spectacle, an example for women. This is not that example," he said angrily, "what are you teaching Yoko? To disregard customs and treat her husband as your equal?"

You eyes settled on the ground. Out of instinct, you could not look at him.


"You are a disgrace," he said, turning away. However he looked over for one more moment before speaking again. "If I find out that thing in your womb is a female, you are as good as dead to me."

"My child's sex has nothing to do with this argument, Master," you spoke evenly, but with an edge that let him know you were perfectly serious. Your eyes were still trained on the ground, however you could see in your peripheral that he was stalking back towards you. "Please do not wish harm on either of us because of this spat."

"You dare talk back to me?"

His voice was cold and it was rough, and it felt like you were a little girl again. Struggling not to break down in tears when he belittled you this way. Finding your voice when all you wanted to do was run away.

"I am doing no such thing-"

"You are," he snapped, and at your downturned silence he shouted, "look at me when I'm talking to you!"

Gasps sounded around the four of you, both citizens of the Gojo fief and you froze in your places.

Look up, y/n. Look at him.

Look at him, or you're gonna get in trouble. He's gonna hit you again.

You faintly heard Utahime's worried voice calling out to you, but all that ran through your mind was your husband coming to save you.

Your mouth opened slightly, seemingly to speak, but Naoya cursed inwardly when all that came out was a shaking breath. The cloud of cold oxygen came out of your mouth alone, no words and you showed no sign of looking at your father.

"y/n, do as he says." Naoya spoke calmly. He didn't know where this new defiant personality came from, but he didn't want to stick around to see the consequences as pissed as he was with you.

"Child," Naobito said, "please look at me."

Naoya could tell that your mind was battling itself.

But you didn't really have time to think, because he watched as in one swift motion, Naobito pushed your chin up with one hand and pummeled the side of your head with his other one.

"Dad, stop!" Naoya screeched and Yoko's eyes went wide the moment your head whipped to the side because immediately, absolute fucking chaos ensued. People rushed towards the Zen'in daimyo and you were being pulled into Geto Suguru's was a riot in the literal sense.

For you, it was all a daze. You were very clearly disoriented from the blow and Geto could tell. He fought against the masses of royally pissed off men to sit you down somewhere to collect yourself. Utahime and Jun helped him of course, shouting where the hell is Gojo?! but he had no fucking idea.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a flash of white hair was parting the enraged crowd towards the older daimyo, and your body shut itself down.

I tried to be stronger, but all it got me was a new world of hurt.

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