Astraltation Supreme

By Astrapleiasfantasta

279 10 4

This story leads us in time before time, world out of the world, but still in the world. Prepare yourself, ca... More

1. An unexpected coup
2. Balloon of inspiration
4. The capital is Felix!
5. Venus
6. A Wicked fortune

3. Whisperer's dreams

18 2 0
By Astrapleiasfantasta

Matt: What's happening, where am I? Where are the others?

Matt let's go, you're going to be late for work! (Suddenly, a woman's voice is heard from another room)

Matt: Mom?!

Matt's mother: Yes, sonny, I am, who else would be?

Matt: Oh my God(says softly), sonny?

Matt went into the hall and saw himself in a large mirror with a dark brown medieval frame.

Matt: Jesus, I'm 18 again? Wow.

Mother: Who are you talking to? We will be late, are you dressed?

Matt: With no one mom. I'm just reading something in the newspaper. I'm almost ready.

Mother: Okay son, take your time.

And so they set off down the familiar street where Matt used to live. Soon, they reach the press shop...

Mother: One Marlboro for me.

Matt(in himself): (What is happening? How did I suddenly find myself in this place?) May I have this book please?

Matt: (Wow what a weird book about reptiles. Oh god! Reptiles. This is not the real world!)

Matt: (What's happening? Where did mom go? What is this place? Do I know this girl?)

A pretty blonde was approaching Matt, smiling at him. Came very close to  him and suddenly closes her lizard-shaped eyes.

Matt: Oh shit!

Matt jumps out of the window of the building and starts running across the big pink iron bridge. He soon recognizes that it is the building where he worked in his twenties as babysitter for adult girls.

Matt: Alas, this one doesn't give up. I'll fall if I step a little wrong.

The pretty blonde followed him and Matt tripped at the very end of the split bridge. He manages to get up and jump to the other end two meters away and finds himself in a completely different location.

Matt: What kind of building is this?

Matt was standing in the very center of the ground floor of the bulky church building.

Unknown passerby: They're here.

Matt: Who's here?

U. passerby: Aliens. They're hiding on the last floor of the building. We have to stop them. We've been preparing for this for a very long time.

(Specialists enter the building and climb the floors...)

Matt: How many floors does this building have?

U. passerby: This is currently the largest building on the planet. 357 floors sir.

Matt: Fucking kill me. Why don't you just bomb the building?

U. passerby: It's very complicated. Sir if you want to get out we have to start climbing.

Matt: A ha, ok(confused)... We're not going up the stars are we?

U. passerby: The complete electricity in a radius of 50 kilometers has been cut off due to the "electrocyphron power supply", so the elevators are not in operation.

Matt: What is electrocyphron power and who the hell are you anyway?

U. passerby: Long story. I'm Volt. What is your name?

Matt: I am Matt.

U. passerby: Cool, you're from here or?

Matt: Approximately... Ugh, only the fifth floor. How big is this building?


G. Lastra: He fell into a coma of Astral matrix. People are extremely vulnerable in such situations.

C. Eyunume: We have to get him out as soon as possible. We know that time in the Astral matrix flows 17 times faster.

L.O. templars: What if we put him on a teleport?

C. Eyunume: His mind could remain trapped in the matrix.

G. Lastra: This is human. Human souls frequently travel through the astral every night and return to their mortal bodies when they wake up. Teleport will work for him, but not for us. We need avatars to interact in the third dimension.

L.O. templars: Or we simply place ourselves in a secret astral location and project our own holograms.

G. Lastra: There is no astral secret location.

C. Eyunume: We have to try though. We have no other choice.

L.O. templars: Actually, we have.

G.Lastra: Teleporting in this form and starting a cycle of incarnations? I don't think so. I'm not going back down.

C. Eyunume: And yet, we're not left with much of a choice. This is how we risk the complete conquest of all higher dimensions.

Meanwhile in Astral matrix...

Matt: Phew, only three more floors.

G. Lastra: Matt can you hear me?

Matt: Lastra?! How? Where am I?

G. Lastra: You're trapped in Astral matrix.

Matt: Oh shit. Is it bad?

C. Eyunume: Soldier, don't go there!

Matt: But just a little more and we've arrived.

G. Lastra: Until what? The top floor in whose attic are the frozen alien predators?

Matt: Yes, how you know that?

G. Lastra: Because they just killed the special forces and they're coming for you Matt.

Matt: Oh shit. Run Volt!

U. passerby(Volt): He heh. I think you will run alone this time.

Matt: Volt?!

Volt transforms into a big ugly monster...


Matt: Oh shit shit shit.( starts running)

L. O. templars: Cerebral power at 84%. Little more and he'll be saved.

C. Eyunume: Unless something goes wrong.

G. Lastra: Matt, are you ok?

Matt: I'm good. I just had bad dreams.

Officer: We're entering into wormhole.

L.O. templars: With half the ship? It will tear us. Wait, what? A wormhole within a wormhole?

C. Eyunume:  It seems so. 

Zuummblupp!(sound of entering the wormhole)

L.O. templars: Again?!

Matt: Where are we now?

G. Lastra: It looks like planet Earth to me. 

C. Eyunume: I agree. We are on Earth, but many thousands of years ago.

Matt: Is that the Siememimiomagamma desert?

C. Eyunume: Egypt, "wolfuck"(Name for a very desolate place), call it what you want. We're stuck here and the fifth dimension has been conquered.

G. Lastra: Well, that city tells us that we're not far from our goal in times of the founding of great civilizations and hunting by reptilian usurpers.

L.O. templars: It seems to me like the feline civilization in which I once grew up.

Matt: Felines?

G. Lastra: Humanoid lions.

Matt: I read about them being peaceful and coming from the Lyra star system.

G. Lastra: That's not entirely true. There are other feline groups. The peacekeeping group is from the Lyra star system. And warrior group is from Sirius.

Matt: Warrior?

G. Lastra: Yes, a group that fights for peace and protects living beings from evil forces.

Matt: Like space police?

G. Lastra: Something like that.

L.O. templars: A village?!

End of third chapter.

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