By michaelawritess

135K 6.9K 521

Katana Ashton is a hard working, independent woman working in the city and studying to become a doctor. Jay... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Sixteen

4K 248 3
By michaelawritess

Hey guys! Thank you so much for all the reads and votes.


Jays Pov

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Katana had asked me the exact question thirty minutes ago and thirty minutes before that as if she had a timer set.

"I didn't tell you because I needed time. I needed to accept the idea that my sister was dying," I reply and the last words come out as a whisper. I'm grateful that she doesn't pester me instead she places her hand on top of mine and kisses my cheek.

Moments later we arrive at the church where the funeral will be held.

The pastor greets the family then continues to the podium where he begins to speak.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Jennifer Abigail Ovard. Her years on Earth were short but her life and memories will live forever. Today, we will hear from her siblings and anyone else that wishes to speak of her. The first to speak will be her brother, Jay." The pastor says then smiles at me and motions for me to come up.

"Hi everyone," I say and they all reply back in somber hi's.

"I was there when my sister died. I saw her and today while I am somber, I'm not sad because that would selfish. I'm not sad because as I held my sisters lifeless body, I felt her pain and suffering release. I'm ok.
I know she's happy now. While this is a funeral, I'm not sad. Instead of talking about her death i'm gonna talk about Jennifer and who she truly was. Jennifer was funny, and not in a goofy way but in a dark, sarcastic way. She could make anyone and everyone laugh till they die. No pun intended but she would've laughed at that." I say and everyone begins to laugh.

"Jenn was lazy as hell. God, she worked so hard in school but she was lazy and a procrastinator. You could give her an assignment and say that it was due in 2055 and she'd still wait until New Years Eve of 2054. Jenn was protective. One day I came home and my glasses were broken and I had a scratch on my cheek and she made me tell her who. I said Bobby Ashton. Bobby, what did she do to you?" I ask and he stands.

"She kicked my ass." He says laughing and everyone follows in.

"My sister was a fighter, a lover, and my best friend. We had our issues but as I stand here today, I can't remember what we fought over. All I remember is her smile, and her jokes. I miss her so much but I am not sad because my sister was not a sad person." I finish and return to my seat.

Everyone else took their turns but I can't tell you what they said. The entire time all I could hear was the beeping and her voice. The shrill sound blared loudly and I had to wonder if I'd ever forget it. A part of me wished that I could but there was this piece of me that never wanted to lose that final piece of her.

Katana's POV

After the funeral we all met up at Jays parents home to discuss Jennifer's belongings and to make plans of where her things would go. I had told Jay that I could go home to give him and his family time alone but he had insisted that I stay.

"Okay everyone, if I could have you take a seat." The lawyer says motioning to the people in the room.

I stand to leave and give them privacy but the lawyer stops me.

"You must be Katana" I nod and he continues "This is for you." He hands
me a small box and an envelope both with my name written in light pink letters.

Everyone watches and waits for me to open them both and I do just to satisfy them.

"It's a charm bracelet with my initials on it and little pink birds?" I say slash ask after opening the box then I move on to the letter.

"It's a symbol of sisterhood." Jessica explains while showing me her own.

I nod and go to read the letter aloud.

We didn't get off on the right footing and I'm sorry. My brother is the only one I have and every older sister wants to believe they're doing what's right by their siblings. I know that you're what's good for my brother, I see it now. The way he smiles around you makes me happy. I'm glad you're in his life and make sure you tell him I said to marry you, quickly. All jokes aside, I can see us becoming quite close. You're like me in many ways. You're smart, independent, and strong. I like that."

I sniffle but I continue.

"I need you to remember some things for me. My brother is strong and he doesn't like to break. Don't coddle him, he hates that, just love him deeply. He's stubborn but don't give up because he is worth it even at his darkest. Lastly, he may push you away sometimes but I need you to stay. I need you to love him. Please." I finish and as simple as it is, it means the world to me.

As we're lying in bed I decide to call Nana Mae. The phone rings for awhile before she finally answers and I put her on speaker so Jay and Mya can hear her.

"Oh baby K, how are you?"

"I'm good Nana, Jay and Maya are here. Say hello."

We all talk for awhile. Jay tells her about his sisters passing and Mya talks to her also about random things. She tells us about her day as well and we all make plans to meet up some day soon.

"She's cool, I like her." Jay announces.

"Can I sleep in here tonight?" Mya asks and of course we both say yes.

As we all lay there I remember the letter. For the longest I believed that Jennifer didn't like me but after reading it I know the truth and I'm glad I found out.

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