Harry Potter and the Shadowed...

By user50746591

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After the final battle Harry learns some unsettling truths about himself and those who he trusts the most. Fo... More

Chapter 1: The bonds that hold us
Chapter 2: Unlocked potential
Chapter 3: A look beneath a mask
Chapter 4: The master of 3
Chapter 5: Hello old world, I'm back
Chapter 6: Honey I'm home
Chapter 7: Snake in the Nest
Chapter 8: Revenge served cold
Chapter 9: Magical Maze's
Chapter 10: Allies and Enemies
Chapter 11: Friends old and new
Chapter 12: A web is cast
Chapter 13: Then there were three
Chapter 14: Let the disillusionment begin
Chapter 15: Black family values
Chapter 16: New experiences & namely friends
Chapter 17: Fate really does like certain events.
Chapter 18: Unravelling a web
Chapter 19: far fetched reality
Chapter 20: Four out of five
Chapter 21: Second Year
Chapter 22: A peacock and two weasels
Chapter 23: Traditions
Chapter 24: Building bridges
Chapter 25: secret chambers and sacred maps
Chapter 26: How to get rid of a peacock
Chapter 27: Foolish plans of a peacock
Chapter 28: theft and compulsions all around
Chapter 29: A diary
Chapter 30: Yuletide
Chapter 31: An inner Circle?
Chapter 32: Mortem Magicae
Chapter 33: Call me Marvolo
Chapter 34: A complete soul- more or less
Chapter 35: Relocation
Chapter 36: A baby dark lord in the making
Chapter 38: Part Two- It begins
Chapter 39: It's not all sunshine and daisies
Chapter 40: Bug Hunting
Chapter 41: The First step
Chapter 42: Will there be dragons?
Chapter 43: Magical interventions
Chapter 44: I see fire
Chapter 45: How to catch a goat
Chapter 46: End of a legend

Chapter 37: Part Two

467 19 0
By user50746591

Harry upon winning the war discovered that Dumbledore and the Weasleys alongside Hermione had betrayed him and were only using him for his power and fame, having drugged and compelled him into being a hero. He discovered that Voldemort had been his soul mate and with his death he would have eventually died having not been for him having won the allegiance of the deathly hallows, instead he was suffering. Realising this he returned to his 11year old body with Deaths help to get revenge and save his soul mate.

He got Sirius released from Azkaban with the help of the goblins who know about his time travel and status as MOD, they also named him goblin friend. Pettigrew was imprisoned and Dumbledore realised Harry wasn't his pawn, many hijinks ensued as the old goat tried to regain control of his weapon with the help of the youngest two Weasleys and Molly. Sirius teamed up with Remus, Lucius and Severus to help Harry complete his goals after they realised that Dumbledore had been using compulsions on them.

Also during his first year he was sorted into Ravenclaw, befriended, Neville, Hannah Abbot and Susan Bones, eventually adding, Draco, Blaise, the Weasley twins, Luna and Pansy to the group. He allowed Hermione to face the troll on Halloween without intervention and Stole the Philosophers Stone. He started the ritual to return Marvolo's soul and has just got him back.

Marvolo is currently living with the Malfoy's as Dumbledore is obsessed with getting control of Harry, who is about to enter his 3rd year.


Warning there will be a time skip in the next chapter.



Luna twirled around to a song only she could apparently hear. The hum of the magic around her was beautiful and she couldn't help but be moved by it. Her Lord was happy and nearly complete. Soon a new chapter in this tale would begin and a new age of magic would reign...

Giggling at the thought Luna hummed, she couldn't wait for the future to start. With that, she quickened her dance, waving her arms above her head to help clear the air of dark energies that caused nightmares.


Harry schooled his features as he sat down with Ms. Mirwood in the parlor. He truly liked the woman, she was passionate about her job and truly wanted to help children, which Harry genuinely respected however he was finding it increasingly difficult to keep up his façade of innocence and maintain his childlike mannerisms. He had never truly had a chance to be a child and often wondered if his mask was truly believable, however going from her positive response he guessed it was working. With an internal sign Harry plastered on a naive grin while mentally going over plans he needed to implement and the many things he still had to do before returning to school.

"Tell me Harry, how have you been since I last saw you?" she asked.

"Fine, thank you," he replied.

"How are you enjoying school? You're going into your 3rd year, right?"

"It's good, I enjoy being with my friends. And yes, I am."

"Are you excited to start your chosen subjects?"

"Yes, I picked Ancient Runes and Arithmancy."

Joanne smiled at that, raising an eyebrow, "not the easiest of subjects," she commented.

Harry snorted lightly. "Hopefully they'll keep me engaged."

"Ahh yes, I'd heard that you're somewhat of a prodigy,"

Harry did allow his eyes to roll then. "Hardly, I just pick things up quickly."

He hated being thought of as a prodigy, he wasn't, not really. He was just older than his peers, he'd already learnt everything being taught in classes, he'd lived through a war where he was taught how to fight and survive and now, he was able to study whatever he wanted. Yes, his memory was considerably better and he retained the knowledge he learnt but he was not a prodigy, not like Marvolo and even Dumbledore, though he hated to admit that.

"Well Harry, I can honestly say that I have no concerns about you or your situation."

Harry smiled, "so this'll be it? Nobody is going to try and take me away for Siri?"

"Nobody is going to take you away," She confirmed.

Harry grinned; he was genuinely pleased with the result.



The burrow, Ottery St Catchpole, Devon


"And you're sure that this will work?" Ginny asked her mother, eyeing the potion boiling in the cauldron.

"Yes dear, it's an old family recipe," Molly said, concentrating on timing the stirs just right, it was a delicate brew.

Meanwhile, hidden from view their plans were being spied on. Fred turned and shared a grim look with George. Their mother had been brewing on and off a lot more this summer but hearing this confirmed their fears, she was planning something, and they doubted that the results would be good.

"But the last potion didn't work!" Ginny whined, "You promised he would be mine!"

Finishing the final step Molly took a step back before turning to her daughter.

"I know my dear, he will be yours. This potion isn't like the last few; it doesn't cause compulsions or fake love. It simply plants the seeds. You'll need to build a relationship, make him fall for you."

"But he's gay!"

Molly turned sharply, her face contorting in fury. "He is not gay! He's just confused. You will make him fall for you, the potion will help, don't worry darling, you'll be Lady Potter."

Ginny nodded, a sick look of pleasure crossing her face, "good."

The twins stilled at that, they couldn't believe their mother had turned into this person, but at the same time a small part of them wasn't shocked. She had always been overbearing, controlling and quick to judge, not just them but everybody, but they had ignored the signs growing up as she was their mother and therefore had their love and loyalty, but now...


Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire


Marvolo signed and rubbed at the ever-growing headache he had developed since he had started to read the documents gathered by Lucius and Severus. He had started with their reports on his supporters, hoping that like Lucius, most would have be smart enough to keep themselves free and out of jail, yet it seemed that many of his faithful had not had the Malfoy lords keen sense. Only a small handful of his skilled followers remained free and even fewer of those had recovered their positions within society. Sighing once more, he snapped his fingers to summon an elf.

"Master Dark Lord Sir called for an Elfie." A young elf squeaked, physically shaking in terror when it looked at him.

Eye twitching at the sound of the high pitch squeak, Marvolo fought to keep his temper. His control over himself and his emotions was getting better by the day, yet he found that when he was annoyed, he was quick to take action without thought. Like now, his wand was already in his hand and pointing at the creature on reflex, causing its eyes to widen impossibly further and its shaking to double. Reluctantly slipping it away, he turned and faced the window, clenching his fist as he felt the hum of his magic die back down.

"I require a headache reliever and a pot of tea," he said briskly, as his magic settled itself.

The elf squeaked and popped away, mumbling 'yes sirs,' and 'right away, sirs' almost incoherently under its breath.

Placing the documents on the desk he stood and walked to the window allowing the summer breeze to caress him for a moment. He had so much to fix and get back on track before he could even think about making a move towards his goals, most significantly himself.

Hearing a pop, he turned and saw the tea and potion had been placed on a table and left for him. Turning away from the breeze he moved and picked up the potion. Allowing his magic out to test it before opening the vial and sniffing it, one couldn't be too cautious. Finding nothing wrong he downed the vial, letting out a hissed breath when the throbbing in his head slowly dissipated.


The British Ministry of Magic, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones' office


Amelia grimaced as she fought the pounding headache that was rapidly building in her temple as she read the mess masquerading as a report in front of her. A raid. An illegal raid. On the home of a Lord- but not just any Lord; No, the recently acquitted and shockingly powerful Lord Black. Great.

She had been shocked when she received Sirius' Patronus, telling her about the raid after it had been done. She hadn't known about or authorized it; she certainly wouldn't have allowed it. This was the 4th raid on 'dark families' in the last few months that had occurred without her authority and she wasn't impressed. No, she would get to the bottom of this.


July 31st, 1992, Malfoy manor, Wiltshire, England


Stepping from the green tinted flames, Harry allowed his eyes to roam briefly before they landed on the impeccable figure of his mate. Their separation, although it hadn't been long, had been harder on him than he had anticipated. Seeing him standing there, Harry allowed is magic to flare slightly and sighed in contentment when he felt Marvolo's own magic rise within him and flash to meet his. The combination was intoxicating, and to Harry it felt like coming home.

Entering the room properly Harry noted it wasn't the usual receiving room he had entered.

Seeing the confusion on his mate's face, Marvolo answered the unasked question.

"I redirected your floo connection, making it so that you would land here."

Harry nodded, confused at why his mate would do something so needlessly complicated without reason.

"I see..." he replied, drawing out the word in question.

Smiling at the confusion Marvolo showed his hands, which had been hidden behind his back. In them was a small wrapped parcel.

"I wanted to give you your present while we were alone."

Smiling bashfully Harry stepped forward and took the parcel, stroking the paper almost reverently.

"You didn't have to get me a present."

"No? I disagree; have you not given me my very life?"

Harry tilted his head in contemplation, "I did that for myself, you just happened to benefit as well." It was true, without a soul mate Harry was dead, that it happened to be Marvolo was inconsequential.

Marvolo smirked at the reply, how very Slytherin of his little raven, "and benefit I have."

Harry snorted at the response, "shall I open it now?" he asked holding the small package up.

Nodding, Marvolo watched Harry open the gift, taking care not to rip the paper. The hesitant touches of his mates actions, reminding him of the fact that Harry didn't get gifts or presents growing up.

Placing the paper to one side, Harry looked at the small box it was too big to be a ring box but not by much. Opening it he saw a platinum pocket watch, with himself, Sirius, Remus and Marvolo on. It was a smaller version of Weasleys family clock.

"This is amazing," Harry said, stroking the intricate design on the front. It was a thunderbird seemingly doing battle with a phoenix.

Marvolo felt his lips twitch at the happiness his mates green eyes showed. "I am glad you like it, charming it was surprisingly easy once I got the basics down."

Harry rolled his eyes lightly at that, "for you I'm sure," he said, smiling slightly to ensure his mate knew he was joking.

Stepping up to him, Harry hesitated for a moment before hugging the man. Feeling him tense before relaxing Harry smirked, before pulling away.

"Thank you, this is truly an amazing gift."

Marvolo nodded once, a sharp jerk of his head. His mate had hugged him. Him. He couldn't remember the last time he had been hugged. Had he been hugged?

Seeing Marvolo's internal dilemma Harry reached up and grabbed his hand, giving it a soft tug. "Come on, we should go meet up with the others. I'm shocked that Sirius isn't screaming the house down trying to find me."

Pulling himself from his shock, Marvolo noted the hand in his and gave it a light squeeze before allowing Harrison to drag him out of the room. He had another surprise for his little mate.


Neville twitched as he looked around the opulent manor he was standing in, he was used to Longbottom manor, which was rustic and homey.

"Don't look so scared Nev," said the surprisingly silky voice next to him.

"That's easy for you to say, you've practically grown up here." Neville hissed through clenched teeth as he once again scanned the room, eyes lingering on the blonde portraits hanging on the walls which seemed to be staring right back at him with equal amounts of curiosity and distain.

Blaise hummed, "true, but you're Harry's guest. Nothing will happen to you," the boy replied easily.

Neville nodded his head. He trusted Harry. He did, but this was Malfoy manor, if his gran knew he was here she would skin him, cure him and then do it again for good measure.

"Don't worry boys, we're safe here; our Lord is very protective of us," Luna sang, appearing from seemingly nowhere.

"Luna?" Neville asked, "I thought you were in Sweden all summer?"

"I was until a few hours ago, but daddy decided to let us return early."

"Did you have a fruitful time?" Blaise asked the vibrantly dressed girl whom he had come to love as a friend.

"I was so sure I would find a Crumple-Horned Snorkack, but no matter where we looked they kept hiding." She sighed, pouting at the end and scrunching her nose up sadly at her lack of Snorkack.

Both boys shot each other looks of amusement before making sympathetic noises, used to their friends' oddities and loving her more for them.

"Why is it at every gathering I have to search for my friends who hide in the corners?" Draco asked rhetorically as he approached the group.

"Hello Dragon," Luna said, smiling blindingly before latching herself on to her fellow platinum blonde.

"Hello Luna," Draco replied in slight exasperation. Her limpet impression nothing new and something he resigned himself to after the first time she had declared him comfortable.

"Hey Dray," Blaise said, nodding his head at his fellow snake.

"Blaise, Neville." Draco greeted in turn.

"So... the dark Lord," Neville said, hoping for some details.

"He's..." Draco broke off, "he's not like I was expecting but at the same time he is?" he said sounding unsure.

He didn't know how to say the man was utterly petrifying but he wasn't afraid of him, not really, no, he was in awe. Never had Draco felt power like the Dark Lords, the closest was when Harry lost control and even then Draco knew that he had never felt the full force of his friends' magic. Being around the Dark Lord was surreal, his power intoxicating and terrifying. The man wasn't the monster he had feared growing up but he did fear him slightly, he was so powerful, he was the embodiment of darkness Draco thought whimsically. He could hardly imagine the charming man he had come to know as anything but what he was, a dangerously powerful, handsome and cunning wizard, yet he knew the man had been a monster before Harry had intervened, and knew the potential for it to happen again was still there. The man was lord Voldemort, yet not the Voldemort the wizarding world knew from the last war; No, he was much more.

"Helpful that."

However before Draco could try to put into words how his summer with the Dark Lord had been the doors opened, and Harry appeared; Holding hands with the Dark Lord... actually looking close it was more dragging him by the hand, arguably much worse and much more surreal in Draco's humble opinion.


Marvolo didn't pull his hand from Harrison's as his little mate dragged him through the manor, content with the small physical contact. He also enjoyed the shocked looks on the faces of everybody in the room they had just entered when they noticed the small contact. The children in the corner looked delightfully terrified, with a dash of incredulity mixed in to add to his enjoyment. Well apart from the oddly dressed blonde girl who was hanging off the Malfoy heir, who he assumed was the Lovegood child, she was beaming brightly at their hands and bouncing on the spot slightly.

Seeing his friends Harry smiled, "another surprise," he said, squeezing Marvolo's hand in thanks.

"I thought you would enjoy the company of your friends so I had Black invite them."

"Thank you, with everything going on I haven't had chance to see them this summer. I even missed Neville's birthday."

Marvolo nodded, he didn't really understand Harrison's obsession with friends, but if they made his little mate happy then he would indulge him.

Letting go, Harry walked and greeted them, leaving Marvolo as he doubted his friends were up to introductions just yet. Even Draco who had been living with the man looked slightly fearful at their entrance. As soon as he was within distance Harry had an armful of blonde as Luna launched herself from Draco onto him. Expecting this Harry hardly faltered at the added weight and simply hummed a greeting, petting her hair and allowing his magic to surround her.

"Little Moon," he greeted.

"My Lord" she replied, practically purring and arching into his touch like a cat.

"How has your summer been?" he asked

"Not as productive as yours it would seem," the girl said, smiling brightly when she saw how relaxed her lord was. He felt lighter to her now, his magic freer and his eyes clearer.

Harry felt his smile brighten, "yes, I have been rather busy," he agreed

Hearing a snort Harry looked up at the others gathered.

"Rather busy?" Blaise repeated, shaking his head at the understatement.

Harry smirked, "a tad."

Neville grinned watching them, like Luna he noticed the small changes in his friend, grinning at how much healthier Harry seemed.

"Happy Birthday Harry" he said in greeting.

"You too Neville, sorry I missed your gathering,"

"It's okay," the boy insisted and it was, he understood how hectic Harry's summer had been, between The Dark Lords return and Dumbledore's interference.

"Did you get your present?"

Neville grinned, "I did, I still can't believe you got my gran to agree into letting me have a pet."

"She was surprisingly quick to agree. Have you been to pick one out yet?" Harry asked, he had noticed Neville often stopped to pet cats around school so he had found a lady who bred kneazles with muggle and other domestic cats for Neville's birthday and simply pre-paid for Neville so he could go and pick whichever one he bonded with.

"Not yet, but I'm going to go before we go back to school." Neville replied happily, excited about getting a pet which he got to pick. Trevor, his old toad had been a gift from his uncle and had vanished during their first year. Only to be found in greenhouse three, Neville saw him every now and again during Herbology but didn't have the heart to take him back.

Harry smiled, "I'm happy you're pleased, you'll have to let me know what you pick out."

"Talking of happy," Blaise cut in, "you look much better."

Harry nodded, "a healed bond, even one that is incomplete is indescribable."

"Well he certainly looks different from the stories," the Italian said.

Harry nodded, "yes, the pervious lack of nose has thankfully he rectified."

"And he's... healthy?" Neville asked pausing on the world as he wasn't sure how to ask if the man was still a megalomaniac hell bent on racial cleansing and genocide.

Harry snorted at his polite friend, "he's healthy." He verified.

Neville let out a breath, "I'm glad."

Harry nodded; he knew how worried his friends were about Marvolo's return, especially, Neville, Susan and the twins. Thinking of them he wondered where the rest of their friends were, or at the very least pansy, the twins he could understand being missing and even Hannah and Susan.

"Where's Pansy today?" he asked.

"Her parents have taken her to France until the end of the summer, etiquette lessons," Draco explained, before adding "the twins for obvious reasons couldn't be here but send their regards and a request for you to and I quote 'unleash hell on the old goat', and our resident Hufflepuffs send their apologies but felt being here would be too much too soon, however they sent along your presents and said to save them a seat on the train."

Harry nodded, happy that Hannah and Suzie where coming around.

"Come on my lord, we have things for you," Luna said suddenly, dragging Harry over to a table that held an assortment of brightly wrapped presents.

Laughing at her enthusiasm, Harry noted his book on the table, Luna had stuck a giant muggle bow on it in Slytherin green. Shaking his head at her antics Harry allowed himself to indulge in the childish moment.


After spending a few hours talking to his friends and catching up on everything that had happened a tired Harry returned to Marvolo content. His impromptu party had been a surprise, he knew Marvolo didn't understand his need for friends, having never had any himself so Harry appreciated the gesture all the more.

"You look happy," Marvolo commented.

"I am. Thank you for today," Harry said, sending his mate a warm smile.

"I'm glad having that blonde hanging off you pleased you."

Harry snorted then, "Being around Luna was amazing as always I'll admit, but you have nothing to be jealous of."

Marvolo stilled at the word jealous. Jealous. He wasn't jealous. He just didn't appreciate strange blonde girls dangling off his soul mate. His.

"I am lord Voldemort. I don't get jealous." He hissed out, eyes narrowed when he noticed how amused his little raven looked.

Harry finding the whole thing hilarious simply agreed, "Of course not dear."

Taking a breath Marvolo stilled as he realised that he was being ridiculous. He knew of their bond, and he knew Harry was his. He didn't doubt his raven at all.

"You're humouring me," he said, happy his mate took his foolishness with such patience; truly he was blessed to have Harrison.

Harry grinned, "even if I didn't have you, I would never be with Luna, She is my sister. I love her completely but it is 100% platonic."

Marvolo grumbled under his breath, his slight bouts of irrationality where rare now, his occulmency and meditation had nearly healed his psyche but still seeing the blonde girl hang from his mate had sent a bout of rage through him earlier. It had taken a moment for him to rein it in and not to attack her for touching what was his. Was this jealousy?

Before he could respond a small hand appeared and grabbed his, "remember, I quite literally came back in time for you."

Marvolo squeezed the hand, "I know. It would seem that my emotions are still not 100%."

Harry hummed in amusement, a small part of him pleased that his mate was jealous.

"You're getting better every day."

"I'm weak."

"How many others would have recovered as much as you, in such a small amount of time? You're amazing, what you've achieved is beyond the scope of even the strongest of wizards." Harry countered with sincerity.

Marvolo hummed, noting a swelling of something warm inside himself as his mate passionately argued against him.

"Come, we have a lot to discuss with the others."

Harry nodded, birthday or not there was a lot to do before September.


"Did you like your surprise?" Sirius asked, once they had reached them in Lucius's study.

Harry smiled, "I did, thank you all," he said, sending smiles to the gathered adults, and noting with surprise that Narcissa was amongst them.

"Come and sit," Marvolo said, leading him to a chair before taking a seat next to him.

For the next few hours Harry watched in fascination as between them they mapped out his mates return. He had never known just how much sway Narcissa had in the social circles until this point. He was honestly in awe and more than slightly wary of the blonde woman. She knew gossip about everybody and had blackmail on even more, he had though Lucius was a good social manipulator yet compared to his wife he was a novice.

Seeing his face Sirius laughed.

"What did you expect from a Black?" he asked, grinning with pride at his cousin. At one point this level of manipulation would have horrified him, but now he could appreciate the delicacy of it. Why fight a war with spells when you can win it with a few well placed words?

By the end of the night they had a game plan, and Marvolo was set to slowly rejoin the world starting with the new season of the Wizengamot where he would re-claim the Slytherin lordship and seats.

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