Izuku: The Ultimate Weapon

By CotyMeanor

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What if deku was kidnapped at the age of 4. What if he was experimented on and was made into the ultimate wea... More

Chapter 1: Birth of the Ultimate Weapon
Chapter 2:Awakening
Chapter 3: New Beginning
Chapter 4: Enter Izuku Kayama
Chapter 5: My Hero Academia
Chapter 6:Life at U.A
Chapter 7: The Boys Are Back
Chapter 8: Assault on the USJ
Chapter 9: Burst Mode
Chapter 10: Season 1 Finale
Season 2 preview
Chapter 11: The U.A sports festival
Chapter 12:The calvary arrives
Not a chapter
Chapter 13: Shadow vs Mystique and Tournament battles
Chapter 14: The boy born with everything vs The boy who lost everything
Chapter 15: Last Man Standing
Chapter 16:Names
Chapter 17: Internships, Villains, and the Family
Chapter 18: Stain and Terra
Chapter 19:Shadow v Stain and Terra
Chapter 20: Shadow vs Sabertooth
Chapter 21: Sending A Message
Chapter 22: Wanted
Chapter 23: Shadow vs ALL!
Chapter 25: Poison of the Past
short stories
Chapter 26:Shadow vs Pyro
Chapter 27:Shadow and Bullseye
Chapter 29: Agents of Trinity
Chapter 30: Rings off
Chapter 31: Who is Izuku Kayama?
Chapter 32: Finals
Chapter 33: Shadow vs All Might and Endeavor

Chapter 24: Battle of the Ultimates

566 13 5
By CotyMeanor

AN: Hey peeps, welcome to a new chapter and let's begin the battle we have all waited for. The Ultimate Assassin vs. The Ultimate Hero. Let's all find out who the true Ultimate is. Comment will be shown next chapter, right now let me ask you all a question. Are you ready? No, no, no, no, no.

**I said... ARE...YOUU... READYY!**

This is it, Shadow vs Deathstroke. Everyone was on the edge of their seat and the fight didn't even start yet. The combatants were just staring at each other. Everyone that knew about a fight or had been in one, and not some super powered fight. A real fight.The real fighters, the martial artist, boxers, kickboxers, MMA, and so on. They knew that those two had already begun, and they were waiting on who's going to make the first move.Espio was watching this fight with keen interest, he was longer sitting on the floor meditating, but standing near the couch with his eyes on the television. He heard about Deathstroke, his skill in martial arts would be a challenge for Shadow.

They say that Slade is the best fighter in the world and now his brother will put that to the test. Espio wanted to be there, not to help Shadow, but to watch this battle in person. He envies everything single moment of it, it was just like his brother to fight the strong ones without him.

"Do you think-"

"Shh. Just watch." Espio said silencing BB. He didn't want no speaking, no thoughts, his attention was on nothing but the fight.* * *Deathstroke looked at Shadow with keen eyes, he could tell that there was more to this boy. He analyzed his stance, hoping that he could spot any openings, but there were none.' _Even when it seems that there is no guard, he has zero openings to give me. Impressive.'_ The assassins mused, he decided to put Shadow to the test with his gun. Slade quickly drew his pistol and unleashed four shots at the teen.Shadow was not afraid as he saw them coming, he didn't even dodged them. What he did was swiped his sword left and right deflecting the first three bullets, and on the fourth bullet was nothing short of incredible. Shadow saw the fourth bullet coming and brought the stolen sword down in a vertical slash and cut the bullet right in half.The two halves of the bullet hit the walls behind the ultimate weapon, leaving small bullet holes while Shadow had his eyes still solely on Deathstroke.

' _My quirks, I can't feel them. None of them in fact. How is this possible? They were working against Penguin's thugs and the bird, then they shut off...when Slade arrived. He must be doing this, but how?'_ Shadow looked at Slade and analyzed him. He could see that Slade was packing, he could see that he had hidden weapons, but the thing that caught his eye was his mask.' _Slade's mask, why is one side visible and the other covered? Could that be the source of problem? If it is then my quirks will be a no show in this fight, but I'm fine with that. I want this fight to be one on one. No powers, only skill. It's been a while since I've tested myself in just my martial arts.'_"Woah." Everyone viewing said as even Slade himself was impressed with what he saw."Did you teach him how to use a sword?" Mt. Lady asked Midnight and she simply shook her head as everyone continued to watch.

The assassin hoisted the gun away and got into a stance with his bow staff. The battle was about to begin as Shadow put both hands on his sword, the blade facing toward Deathstroke. **{Play Adrenaline by shinedown}**Shadow instead of waiting any longer dashed to Deathstroke first and the assassin got ready. Slade twirled his bow staff as Shadow closed in on him. The teen swung his sword in a diagonal slash and Slade with a time block and then swung the staff knocking the weapon out of Shadow's hand.Shadow was now weaponless, but he would never be defenseless for he is body is a weapon trained to its physical peak. Slade saw in opening and twirled the staff at tremendous speed, he was aiming to take Izuku's head off.

Deathstroke swung the staff to the left and Shadow caught it with his hands, he then pulled Slade towards him and kicked him in the abdomen. Slade was stunned and Shadow was going in for more. The teen went in for a forward elbow strike, but Slade recovered and blocked with his staff, he then spun it and hit Shadow in the side.Shadow felt the staff connect with his ribs and felt the pain, Slade was not through as he brought the staff back and roundhouse kicked Shadow in face, sending him flying to the side.Shadow crashed into the side of the cage and growled. As he got up he felt pain in ribs and he tasted blood in his lip. He couldn't believe that part and to be sure he put a finger in his lip to be certain.

Shadow with widened eyes saw red on the white glove, he then smiled. Everyone saw him smile including Slade and the assassin raised his eyebrow behind his mask. "Heh, nice kick." Shadow completed Slade as he got up.Everyone saw Izuku cracked his neck and stretched his arms, almost as if the teen was warming up. "You know I realized that my quirks can't work, but I don't care." The viewers heard him say as he now stretched his legs, the teen still had a smile on his face."Because for the first time in a very long time I can finally fight someone on an even playing field. No powers, no quirks, no backup, just a good old fashioned fight. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda excited."

"Oh, and why's that?" Slade asked as he was amused by the teen, he's not what he thought he would be."It's simple really and a little bit rude. There are arguably three people in the world that can match me in hand to hand combat. Eraserhead is one of them, but since I can't fight him everyday and he's my teacher. I can't always see who will win. The other is...an old friend of mine and the third is you." Shadow told him and Deathstroke let out a slight chuckle."And pray tell what number am I on the list?" Slade asked and Shadow gave him a sly smile as he was done warming up.

"You might be number two. Eraserhead is three for certain and one, well that's a different story. But no matter who I fight the outcome is the same for all of you." Izuku told him cockily, arrogance was all over his tone."Your right, that is rude. I should be number one." Slade said with an amused tone while Aizawa and Espio looked Shadow with some heat.' _Cheeky, bastard/brat.'_ Both martial artists thought, they would make sure that they get their matches with Shadow and show him their skills."Well if were done talking, let's get back to the fight." Shadow nodded his head as everyone watched the fight pick up again.

Slade twirled the staff as Shadow dashed at him again and this time Shadow had the plan of getting rid of that damn stick. Slade went in for a quick poke, but Shadow it coming.He jumped over the staff and landed behind Slade, the assassin being the specialist that he is pushed his staff backwards and Shadow caught it again. Shadow this time gave Slade a shoulder block to his back which stunned the assassin again.Shadow went on the attack with a few quick jabs to Slade's face, he connected with them, but Slade had enough and blocked one with the staff. Slade spartan kicked Shadow a few meters back and brought the staff down on him.

Shadow saw it and parried with a punch, he then punched the center of the staff pushing Slade back. To the fighters that were watching this battle it was a like a chess match between to world champions. Both men had a counter for the other's move.Slade was getting cornered as Shadow moved forward so he lunged at the teen, but Shadow with his quick thinking let Slade roll over top of him and the teen got up quickly for an attack.Shadow again struck Slade with two jabs and an elbow, and this time the assassin had enough. Slade unexpectedly hit Shadow on the neck on his right and then brought the staff up for an uppercut, but he was not done as he brought the entire staff down on Izuku like it was hammer.Shadow felt the hits, but didn't let it show. He couldn't show Slade his pain, the teen saw the staff coming down on him and moved to the side.

Slade was starting to get reckless now and he could see it as the so called Ultimate assassin left himself open. Shadow grabbed Slade's face and brought his knee up for a massive strike.Slade was falling back from the strike and once he landed on his back foot, he regrouped himself and swung the staff at the boogeyman. Shadow blocked it by deflecting the end of the weapon and delivered a straight judo kick to the staff."What's wrong, Slade? I thought that you were supposed to be the _Ultimate_ assassin, the Terminator. I expected more." Shadow mocked Slade and people could see that there was more to this fight than Izuku defending himself from an assassin.Wesker laughed as he watched the fight. "What's so funny?" Killer Frost asked and the chairman answered her while continuing to look at the fight.

"He's proving a point to Slade. That he is the only **Ultimate**. It's actually quite humorous.""So the kid's going to win with ease, huh." Killer Frost said as she grabbed some popcorn and went back to watching the fight."Oh, no. Shadow will win, but not with ease. This fight is only getting started. Electrocutioner was the only one that was going to be easy for him. The rest will push Shadow and then I will see how much he has grown." Wesker told her as the fight continued.

"Do you see that?" Scandal asked as she cleaning a cup. Everyone in the bar minus Tomura was wearing uniforms and taking orders from customers. Tomura being the exception because everything he touched turned to dust, meaning that everyone drinks will be nothing but dust."What's happening?" Tomura asked as he couldn't see what the lesbian was talking about."He's pushing him." Killmonger said as he was talking about Izuku actually giving Slade a run for his money.* * *

"You'll see why I'm called the Terminator, brat!" Slade told him as the assassin took out a flash-bang from his suit and dropped it. Shadow covered his eyes as they were blinded with bright white light."YEAAA!" Shadow heard as his vision was returning and he saw Slade in the air lunging at him. Shadow widen his eyes as he brought his arms up for a block and Slade went on the attack. The assassin swung the staff back and forth like it was a baseball bat and his target, Izuku's head.Shadow's only defense was his forearms as he brought them up to protect his head. His arms were taking the damage, but he pushed past the pain and when the time was right he saw his opening.

Shadow grabbed staff stopping the next attack and head butted Slade, stunning him. Shadow then went into a beatdown on the assassin as he was throwing jabs, body shots, and short uppercuts."Kick his ass, Deku!" Katsuki screamed at the tv as he was seeing his best friend beat the assassin. Everyone was cheering for Izuku to win while the criminals were cheering for Deathstroke to win for they had money on fight.Shadow throw two more punches at Slade's face and then brought his right fist down in a hammer strike. The last strike broke Slade's mask and made blood drip down his mouth, the assassin saw his mask on the ground and tasted blood in his mouth.

Shadow saw the assassin face. Slade had a white goatee, with snow white hair, and when he turned his face back to him. When Izuku saw his face, he saw something that made him widen his eyes."Your...your eye," Shadow said in shock as he saw Slade's eye. One eye was blue, but the other was red and glowing. Shadow has seen that eye before, and now he knew why his quirks weren't working."Dad," Aizawa whispered as he saw the Slade's right eye, the red eye belonged to his father. His father was the pro hero **Negater** and his quirk was very similar to that of his son, but there was a small difference.Negater's quirk didn't get dry eye unlike Aizawa's. "Come on, Izuku." Aizawa whispered with some emotion, everyone could see that teacher wanted Deathstroke defeated more than anyone.

"Heh, my original right eye was taken from me in my last with Negater. When I killed him I decided take his eye, you know the old saying. _An eye for an eye._ It cost me a fortune to have this eye implanted and took even longer for me to control, but with time it became my own." Slade told Shadow as the teen was seething.Shadow was now pissed, Slade had ticked him off and now he was going to make him pay. "This for Negater!" Shadow told him as he dashed to the staff and both hero and assassin fought for control of it.

Shadow was not going to let Slade get a hold of the staff, so he spartan kicked him in the stomach and that forced his grip off of the weapon. Shadow now had the weapon in his hands lifted it into the air and brought it down on his knee, thus breaking it in half.Slade had saw his staff be broken by the boogeyman and quickly drew his pistol, the assassin began to fire shots at Izuku. The teen rolled out of the way and ran to the assassin, bullets were hitting the ground and one cut Izuku in the arm.

Soon the teen was able to get Slade and grabbed the gun, but Slade was not going to let it go that easy. A power struggle began for the gun as both warriors were fighting for control.Both the hero and the assassin were battling for the gun, their struggle made shots be fired as one was trying to get over power the other. Slade aimed the barrel to Izuku so he could kill the teen, and when he pulled the trigger Izuku moved his head out of the way.The bullet nearly grazed his ear as he felt it ringing. Shadow with the gun still in his hands unloaded it, letting the clip fall out of the gun and giving a quick kick before it even landed on the ground. Slade then kicked Shadow back and he now had an open shot, but when he pulled the trigger nothing happened."Your empty." Shadow told him as rubbed his forearms, they were bruised, very bruised. His arms had purple coloration all along them, he knew they had some serious damage and that Recovery girl is having a panic attack right now. But none of that matters, once he deals with Slade his quirks will return and so will his healing.

"So it appears." Slade dangerously said as he toss the gun to the side. Shadow and him were back at a stalemate, to everyone watching this battle was something else. It was move after move and if they hadn't even got to the best part yet.Shadow and Slade were standing across from each other like it was a standoff, both waited for the next move. Shadow decided to move first as he reached into his back pocket and quickly threw his shuriken stars. Slade saw the shuriken come at him with tremendous speed and reacted just as quickly.

Slade caught two of the shurikens with both hands, but the third hit in the temple. The small star pierced his skin, it was in that it drew blood, but not deep enough where it could kill him."Ahrrrg!" Slade howled as he felt the star cut his skin, he went to his head and pulled the star out. As he was doing Shadow came flying at him with a kick, Slade side stepped it and leg swept Shadow bringing him to the floor. With the teen on the ground Slade went to crush him with his boot, Shadow rolled out of the way as Slade's boot left a small crater in the ground.

Shadow quickly regained himself and got up, but Slade was already on the move as the elder man speared him into the cage. Shadow was not going to be man handled and began to deliver crushing elbows shots into Slade's back, the assassin brought his head up to Izuku's chin for a massive hit. Shadow heard a crack and he didn't know whether it was from his chin or Slade's skull.Slade was not done as he began to punch Izuku in the face, blood was soon on the teen mouth from the force of the punches. Slade like Izuku initiated a beatdown on the teen as he was throwing body shots and Izuku felt his ribs crack. Izuku knew he had to get out of this or it was over for him.When the next body shot came Shadow prepared himself for the impact as he was about to make his move. When it came to Shadow literally felt the rib break, but now it was time to move and go on the attack.

Slade tried to bring his punch back, but he couldn't move as Izuku held it and he widen his eye as he saw Izuku throw his head at his nose, breaking it. Slade screamed out as blood dripped down his nose and he backed up.Izuku coughed up some blood making everyone worry, but the teen still got up. He still saw that Slade was stunned and jumped at him, to everyone's shock Shadow wrapped his legs around Slade's head in order to choke him out. Everyone that knew MMA could see that Izuku had a triangle choke hold on the assassin. Slade knew that he was in trouble and slammed Izuku down on the metal floor, leaving cracks in the floor."ARHH!" Izuku screamed out as his back hit the floor, but he still did not let go and neither did Slade. Slade picked Izuku up again and just like before he slammed him down, and still Izuku held on.

Slade picked him up for a third time and slammed him down even harder making a loud thump be heard. Slade thought that he had won when he felt Izuku's body go limp. He was kneeling on the ground as he tried to regain air his lungs, but that is what Izuku wanted as he quickly went back into the choke hold.Izuku wrapped his legs tightly around the assassin's neck, he held his arm and used his elbows to deliver punishment on Slade's already broken nose and face.

Slade screamed out in pain and frustration as he picked Izuku up for the fourth time and this time he used his strength to jump into the air and powered bomb the teen into the ground. Now Izuku officially let go as his back, maybe even his spine had gained massive amounts of pain.Slade gasped as he got air back into his lunges and crawled away from the teen, he had to think of another game plan. Slade turned around to see where Izuku was and he saw the teen crawling away as well. His gun was gone, his staff was destroyed, and that means there was only one weapon he had left. His sword. Slade got up as he was tired of this and ready to end this battle."Ughh," Izuku groaned as his body was aching, he can't remember the last time he's been this hurt. As Izuku crawled to regroup himself he heard a cry from Slade and widen his eyes."DIE!" Slade screamed as he was diving at Izuku with a sword in hand and pointing down towards the teen. Shadow rolled out of the way and luckily for him he landed right next to the sword that Slade took away from him. There was no hesitation as Shadow grabbed the sword to defend himself from the assassin attacks.

Espio had been watching the fight from the start and he hadn't taken his eyes off it, he didn't even blink. He watched every move that was the warriors made, and he narrowed his eyes as he saw his brother grabbed the blade.' _Do you remember our spars, brother?'_ The ninja of the family thought as the sword battle had begun. Espio was a trained swordsman, his katana was his greatest weapon and he had taken many lives with it. He had defeated many with it, but there was one that hadn't defeated and that was Shadow."Show me, brother. Show me how strong you have gotten with a blade." Espio said aloud as everyone could see his eyes be glued to the television.* * *

Slade came in charging with a strike and this time Izuku had defense as blocked Slade. "HA!" Shadow yelled as he blocked the attack and now both Slade and Shadow were in a deadlock as their swords grinding on each other.The wounds of their battle clearly shown on their faces. Slade with bloody and broken nose, he had welts and bruises on his face as well, and large gash above his left eye. While Izuku had a bloody lip, a couple of cracked if not broken ribs, badly bruised arms, and a black eye. But none of that matters to the two warriors. The only thing that mattered was winning and proven who truly is **Ultimate**.

"I'm impressed. I thought the stories of about you were just an exaggeration, but I can now see that you are what they say you are, boogeyman." Slade said with a smile as both men swords were still locked in battle. To everyone's surprise Izuku smiled as well."Well they do tend to go over broad." Shadow simply said as Slade decided to carry on."You're good, very good. Not many in long time have been able to push me this far, many pros today care all about their powers. They got forgot that there was a time where people used their **bare hands** to defeat their enemies." Shadow stayed silent at Slade continued on with his words.

"People like us, the true warriors. We're going extinct and it's the honest truth. Everyone cares about the quirks and how powerful it is. They think that if you have a powerful quirk you can take on the world, that your unstoppable. Those people are just plain stupid, and anyone who thinks like that will die in a real fight. But people like you and me, we see that there's more to a fight than a stupid power.""What's your point, Slade?" Shadow asked annoyed."How about you join me?" Shadow was honestly surprised to hear that and it showed on his face. Everyone watching was thinking that Slade was crazy to ask that and Izuku say no instantly, but what they heard next started to worry them.

"What?" Slade smiled at the reaction and continued."Hear me out. We assassins are painted as the bad guys because we're supposed to be, but in reality we're sometimes the good guys. We take on villains, dictators, and terrorist. Hell one could make the argument that heroes and assassins are cut from the same cloth. We get paid for the jobs that we do, while you guys get paid for saving a cat out of a tree. The heroes today are nothing but jokes, clowns, they live in a fantasy world where they think they're untouchable and unbeatable. They think that it's a comic book out here and what's worst is they've got the world eating that crap. I mean how many of them have actually seen a **real** **villain**. What are they going to do when real threat like me or someone else comes along." Their blades skidded on each other as Slade continued and everyone listened to his words.

"They are going to run and hide showing their true colors. I know you're smart enough to see it, so be smart and join me. Be my **apprentice**. You proved to me that you're not like all of them. You can fight. You weren't afraid of me, or anyone that got in your way. You showed them that they should be afraid of you." Everyone heard Slade's words and could see that Izuku had a look of consideration on him as he heard the words.Everyone even began to wonder if what Slade said was right, were heroes and assassins now the same. Assassins at least get paid by killing dangerous people and put lives on the line, while heroes can get paid for doing something that just plain right. Have the heroes lost themselves in their fame and glory, and forgotten what makes them heroes."Besides the benefits are not bad." Shadow became interested now."What kind?"

"Work when you want, travel the world, sleep with hot girls, great pay, and you get to fight some dangerous people. Best of all though is you get to decide how much you're worth, not some government." Everyone saw Izuku actually smile, they couldn't believe it.Shadow indeed did smile and moved his sword up to attack Slade. The assassin parried the strike with his own strike, and soon the blades met with vicious slashes as they created sparks. Both warriors blades soon met again in clash and Izuku gave Slade his answer."Thanks for the offer, but it's not for me. Besides no one would be able to afford me anyway, so I would be one broke assassin." Shadow said with a smile as both him and Slade tried to overpowered the other.

"Oh well, and here I thought that working with a legend such as yourself with be great.""What's with that whole legend thing. I thought someone had to be dead in order to be a legend." Slade decided to smile this time and Izuku became concerned."Oh, you are dead. You just don't know it yet." When Slade said that he grabbed Izuku's left arm where he held the sword and broke it."IZUKU/Deku!" Everyone yelled as they saw his arm fall limb."AHHH!" Shadow yelled as Slade had baited him, the assassin had grabbed his forearm and brought his elbow up, which led to Izuku's hanging limp.Shadow had no time to think as Slade came in with a sword strike, his target was his head. Shadow had to get creative, so he tossed the sword into the air and caught it with his left arm. Shadow then did a whole 180 turn and blocked the sword strike.

"That was cool." Tomura said in awe and everyone was nodding their heads to that move.With his broken arm now hanging and with Slade's constant attacking. Shadow was being overwhelmed, but he will be damned if he loses. He is the one true Ultimate, he is the best, and he will not lose to some old man."Your time is over, Slade." Shadow said as he blocked attacked from the assassin. Slade just laughed as he overwhelmed the teen with strikes. Izuku was now holding the blade in his only good arm and as Slade continued his assault."Hahaha, honestly child you have lost. I respect your skills, but I am a man, and you are a boy." Slade next attacked struck the sword out his hands now leaving the teen defenseless."It's time to end this." Slade pulled the sword back as everyone panicked, the family included. Slade then thrusted the sword forward and pierced Izuku.

"IZUKU/DEKU/SHADOW!" Everyone saw Izuku get struck in the side by the blade, but what they didn't see was that Izuku was smiling, and so was Wesker and Espio."Shadow wins." Espio said while Wesker watched with a proud smile on his face.Slade thought he won as he pulled the sword out, but it didn't come out. The assassin looked down to see Izuku holding onto the blade with a firm and hard grip. Slade widen his eyes and looked back up at Izuku to see that his head was raised and he had a smile on his face.' _He planned this!'_ Slade furiously thought as Izuku had begun his plan. Shadow had blood coming down his lips, blood on his hands, and was bleeding at his side, but through all the pain he was holding onto Deathstroke's sword.

Shadow then bit his teeth as he thrusted Slade's sword forward and brought him closer...closer for a beatdown. "Got you." Shadow told Slade darkly as he began to beatdown the assassin.Shadow was throwing it all, jabs, haymakers, right hands, left hands, low uppercuts, backwards punches, and elbows. Even when Slade let go of the sword and was backing up, Shadow kept pressing on, he kept attacking, and he kept on the assault."GET HIM, IZUKU!" Midnight cheered for her son as the news station and everyone else was doing the same, even the villains.

Shadow attacks were soon coming to an end as he saw fit to finish Slade. Shadow punched Slade to the right by giving him one mean left hook, blood and spit came flying out the assassin mouth. Then he gave Slade a solid right judo kick to the neck, and Slade thought that his neck was broken after that kick. The kick sent Slade back to the center and that's where Shadow will finish him off."W-What are... you?" Slade asked in shock and pain as Izuku gave him the answer."I am the one true **Ultimate** , bitch!" Shadow told him as he did a small jump into the air, with the sword still in his side. He turned mid air and gave straight kick to the chest. A kick that sent the assassin flying out the cage and crashing into a wall."And that was for Eraserhead." Aizawa widen his eyes and he wiped his eyes as a tear was threatening to come down.

His father's killer had been defeated and his student did it no less. ' _Thank you, Izuku.'_Everyone's jaw dropped, Izuku had did it. He had beaten the Terminator, the Ultimate assassin, Deathstroke had lost. Shadow was in the cage standing and pulled the sword out of his body, he felt the wound healing. He felt all his wounds healing and he felt the power coming back to him, meaning that his quirks were back and he was ready to get back the hunt.Shadow looked at the camera on the drone and held up the number two with his fingers. "Two down." He then held the number five. "Five to go, Black Mask." Black Mask watched with eyes of pure anger, he was pissed and that may not be the best word to describe him right now.

"I'm coming for your ass and none of those assassins are going to stop me!" Shadow proclaimed as everyone got the message. That this night was not going to end until Black Mask was brought down.

**Narrator:** **Slade and Electrocutioner may have been defeated, but there are still five more assassins out there and so is Black Mask. The night has just started as the worse has yet to come. Slade was the first real assassin, the first real test and Izuku defeated him, but it was not easy. How Izuku will fare against another of the assassins and will he be able to face his demons?**

**To be Continued**

**Chapter 25: The Poison of the past**

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