Normal Girl

By iGotHighhopesz

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I never thought that I would fall for a woman at first sight and she would have me jumping through hoops just... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 18

171 6 0
By iGotHighhopesz


I can't believe that Chris gave me the best orgasms I ever experienced in my 31 years of life, I did have some built up tension in my body. I can say that all the frustration is somewhat gone but that fact that he brought something out of me makes me want to feel his touch even more. He touched and kissed on my body like he was cherishing a piece of sacred treasure. It was like all of his love poured into me and I was overwhelmed with so many emotions that I didn't know how to feel when he stopped. I knew that it'll hurt once I feel the real thing in between his legs but I'll be ready when I get a divorce from Cain and be free of this agony. I was mad that he wouldn't join me in the tub because I just wanted for him to hold me and feel skin to skin contact. I promise I wasn't trying to do anything even though my body was reacting to his every touch. 

I got out of the tub after cleaning myself up and putting my robe back on then went into the laundry room to check on his clothes. I put on some leggings and a tank top then opened the dryer they were almost dry, I hit the button to turn it back on and walked into my room to see him hugging the blankets sleeping so peacefully. He really was tired, I kissed his forehead and grabbed a canvas from behind my dresser then grabbed some paint out of the drawer. I looked at him and got the image in my head of how I wanted to paint him then started to outline everything on the canvas. I was so deep into painting I didn't realize that he was woke and sitting behind me until he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Did you have a good nap?"-I said still painting

"Yes the fucking best, my bed feel like sleeping on a cloud and I had dream that I made love to your body."-He said kissing my cheek

"This is my bed Maurice and get your mind out of the gutter."-I said still painting

"It's actually our bed now since I haven't been home in days and you asked me if I had a good nap so I told you."-He shrugged

"Yeah you've been here a lot lately huh? Might as well clear a drawer out for you."-I said sarcastic

"I mean it's only right since I will be running over here all the time."-He said getting up

"Pick a drawer then---

"What? I'll take this drawer."-He said opening my panties drawer

"Why you in a towel first of all and secondly close up my panties drawer thank you."-Olivia

"You got me wet so I had to strip in order to dry my clothes, what's the big deal? You're going to be seeing all of this soon so. Ow the panties drawer let me see."-Chris

"The big deal is you free balling in cold air, you'll get sick and don't you dare touch my panties."-I warned him

"Aww you care about me, what's these granny panties?"-He said holding my panties up

"Put them down now."-I said knocking over the paint

"My bad, don't beat me up you going need some sexier panties if I'm going be rippin---

"Don't even finish that sentence and stay out of my drawer."-I said slamming the drawer

"Damn Ms aggressive, it's sexy when your short ass is mad"-He said smirking

"Go put your clothes on, you're distracting me"-I said going back to the bed

"Oh am I?"-He said smirking again

"Yes now get out and don't come back until you have clothes on."-I said trying not to smile

"You so goofy, I'll do whatever you say baby."-He said winking

I smiled and cleaned up the paint I knocked over then felt a smack on my ass, I turned around to see a fully clothed Chris smiling hard as fuck.

"Do you ever not keep your hands to yourself?"-I said rolling my eyes

"Nope"-He said feeling all over me

"Stop I'm painting you know"-I said sitting back on the bed

"Yeah I see, you are a creep painting me while I was sleeping"-Chris

"So you sleep like a big baby and the fact you were drooling is adorable"-Olivia

"Nah I sleep like a grown ass man and well now we can swap spit on the same pillow when I'm gone."-Chris

"You get on my nerves sometimes"-Olivia

"Yeah that's how it's supposed to be but go somewhere with me."-Chris

"I can't, what if someone else is out there to get me and I'll be devastated if they harm you too"-I said panicking 

"You don't have to worry about any of that because I'm your protection, who would be stupid enough to cross me? Trust me, ain't nobody laying another fucking hand on you with me around. So get dressed I want you to meet somebody important to me."-He said kissing me

"Okay I trust you."-I said smiling in the kiss

"Don't you put on them granny panties."-He said laughing

"Now you just killed a good vibe, mood killer"-I said walking into my closet

I didn't know what to wear because I started sweating bad thinking that this important person might be his mom and what if I don't give a good impression of myself? What if she doesn't like me? What if it's one of his kids and they don't like me? 

"Ugh"-I said yelling

"What's wrong with you?"-Chris said walking into my closet

"Who am I going to meet because I don't want to make a bad impression by dressing inappropriately?"-Olivia

"Li calm down, you made the best impression on me soon as you walked out of your car besides my mom said you're beautiful."-He said kissing my forehead

"How does she know that?"-I asked curious

"I showed her the picture I took of you"-He said scratching his head

"But I'm the creep, okay, okay. I'll find something."-I said going deeper into the closet

I grabbed my chocolate brown dress with the crisscross strap in the back and my brown heels with a white bag that had a silver strap to it and put on my silver watch, I was putting on lip liner with my brown gloss and covered my scars with makeup when I felt something cold go around my neck. I looked up to see Chris putting a heart shaped necklace on me.

"This is beautiful"-I said in awe

"Something I brought with the matching necklaces but wanted to save it for a special occasion."-He said closing the clasp

"Thank you"-I said smiling

"You look beautiful by the way, this dress hugging all of them curves too"-He said hugging me from behind

"Thank you, I think we look good together"-I said blushing

"We do though I said that when I saw our reflection in the window, the first time you let me come to your crib"-Chris

"I'm ready"-I said more to myself but out loud

"Legoo"-He said grabbing my hand

We walked out the closet to the elevator but I hesitated for a minute then remembered that we can go straight to the parking garage so nobody would see us together. I put the new code in and we got on the elevator then the doors closed.

"I knew ya sneaky ass put a new code in to stop me from leaving when ya brother left"-Chris

"Hey can't blame me when I was trying to explain myself."-I said shrugging

"Yeah you're right"-He said grabbing me

"Still can't keep your hands to yourself"-I said biting my lip

"I mean this dress doing things to me"-He said grabbing my ass

"Stop we about to get off the elevator"-I said blushing

"So I don't care who sees me feeling you up"-He said smirking

"I do because they'll go posting pictures and make it viral then Cain will see and accuse me of having an affair then I can't put him in jail for what he's done to me."-I sighed

"Don't you trust me?"-He said grabbing my face

"I do"-I said biting my lip

"Then stop worrying, let's go and besides I brought out the Lambo with the dark ass tints. Who is going to be able to see us?"-Chris

We got in his Lamborghini and I was too excited to be in here because I always wanted to test drive one but I brought my Mercedes first. It felt too luxurious to have something like a Lamborghini.

"You want to drive?"-Chris

"Yes please?"-I said excited

"Switch seats then"-Chris

He grabbed me by the waist before I could move and put me in his lap then put on the seat belt and stepped on the gas.

"This is not what I had in mind when you said I can drive."-I said holding the steering wheel

"I mean you are too excited so I think it's best that I control the gas and you control the steering wheel, your whip like a game controller and this is different."-Chris

"Not really it's about the same, I can handle it by myself."-I said trying to get out of his lap

"You can't move because then you'll lose control of the wheel and we might crash so be still"-He said holding me in place

"How is it going to look when we pull up to wherever we're meeting your mom, with me getting out from being in your lap. Some good first impression right?"-I said shaking my head

"You're right then pull the car over and I'll move to the passenger seat"-Chris

I turned the wheel to pull over to the side and he hit the brakes then parked the car. He unbuckled the seat belt and he lifted me up, god he's strong as fuck. He slid to the passenger seat and I adjusted the seat to my liking, started the engine then pulled off.

"Ow this is amazing"-I said excited

"Somebody's too excited still, turn here"-He instructed

I turned and we ended up in front of a cozy house, not too big and not too small. It was like a home for a family, I was in awe at how it reminded me of back home with my parents, I miss them so much. I got out after parking the car and Chris opened my door once he got out.

"Hey Chris, this must be the beautiful Olivia you were gushing about"-Chris's mom

"Yes ma'am"-Chris said taking my hand and walking in the gate

"Nice to meet you"-I said nervous

"You don't have to be nervous, I won't do no harm"-His mom said smiling

"She's not so shy, she has a mouth on her"-Chris said smirking

"Stop embarrassing her, come on in"-His mom said grabbing my arm

I looked back at Chris and he smiled while closing the gate. We walked in and there were a few people here too, oh god did he bring me to a family gathering? 

"Ma why didn't you tell me that it wasn't just you here? I didn't want her to meet a lot of people yet. I just got her outta her shell, you ready make her go hide"-Chris

"You called last minute and I didn't expect that many people would come, sorry."-She said sincere

"It's fine, I'm okay"-Olivia

"Let me show you around and yall don't have to be out here with them."-She said pulling us into the house

"Okay"-I said walking in the door behind her

"This is the living room"-Chris's mom

"Is that you? Aww you were so cute"-I said picking up his baby picture

"So you saying I'm ugly now?"-He said joking

"That's not what I meant and you know it."-Olivia

"Leave her alone and call me Momma J"-Momma J

"Now"-I said sticking my tongue out

"Childish"-He said laughing

"I like her already"-Momma J said laughing

"I think I do too"-He said winking

"This is the kitchen, the dinning room, upstairs is my room, the kids rooms, down here is the game room, movie theater, basketball court, and here is Chris's room when he doesn't want to go home. Yall can stay here if you don't want to meet anybody right now."-Momma J

"This reminds me of my parents home. Thank you for welcoming me, you have a beautiful home by the way."-I said smiling

"Thank you for coming and where are you from? I can hear a hint of accent in your voice"-She said smiling back

"Houston, Texas"-Olivia

"Oh you got a southern beauty huh?"-Momma J

"Yup you should hear her scream"-Chris blurted out

I turned so red when he said that, I was so embarrassed. I hid my face behind my hands, why would he say that?

"That wasn't meant to be said out loud"-He said smirking

"Haha, do you want something to drink or eat Olivia?"-She said ignoring Chris

"I'll take some water please"-I said blushing

"Okay I'll be right back, don't be embarrassed he doesn't know what to say outta his filthy mouth sometimes"-She said glaring at Chris

"My bad"-He said shrugging

She walked out and I pinched Chris.

"Ow jerk"-He said rubbing his arm

"That's what you get for saying stuff you are not supposed to."-I said mad

"Well don't blame me for what I said, you were screaming earlier"-He said smirking

"Wipe that smirk off ya face because that's the last time I'll be screaming since you told our business"-I said sitting on the bed

"Yeah we'll see about that"-He said pulling me down to the edge of the bed

"What are you doing?"-I said trying to lift up

"Shh be quiet, I just want a little taste before you meet the family"-He said lifting my dress up

"Nope and not in your mom's house with a whole bunch of family present"-Olivia

"What I tell you, I'm a grown ass man. Nobody can stop me from doing what I want."-He said kissing my thigh

"No Chris stop"-I moaned when his lips touch my kitty

"Shh you gotta be quiet baby"-He said licking slowly up and down my kitty

"Oh god"-I moaned

I felt my legs shake as soon as he flicked his tongue against my slit, it was like pure ecstasy going through my body. I wanted so badly to run but he wouldn't let up and it was bothering me that this was happening in his mother's house with his family. I know I'll be embarrassed if they can hear what's going on right now. But it felt so good to be touched for once and loved like I was everything to someone. I could feel a sharp pleasurable orgasm shooting through my stomach and my kitty was throbbing. If he messes up my dress I'll never stop complaining until we get back to my place. I let out a quiet purr and let go all of my juices that came out like a waterfall.

"That was a sexy ass purr, I like how that came out of you"-He said getting up

"You're annoying my dress better not be messed up"-I said whining

"You good, I did lift your dress up enough so you don't get wet like you did my face. But let me brush my teeth and wash my face before we head out."-He said walking into the conjoined bathroom

"At least give me a wash cloth or something"-Olivia

"Stop acting like a baby and fix your face, you look adorable"-He said grabbing my face

I grabbed the wash cloth from him and cleaned myself up, put back on my almost ripped panties, pulled my dress down and fixed my hair after I straightened my dress. He brushed his teeth and washed his face then kissed me.

"See, you look good as new"-Chris

"I'm not a car so chill"-Olivia

"You gotta body though"-He said smirking

"Shut up, thank you"-Olivia

"You sure you're ready to meet my family? I mean we can stay in here until they leave"-Chris

"Nope don't know what you are trying to pull, but I can do this"-I said mostly to myself

"I'm good for now"-He said winking

I glared at him and he took my hand in his then walked out of the room into the backyard. It was full of people here and I felt out of place because one we just made whatever this is between us somewhat official and two this was my first time meeting anyone's family. I never even met Cain's parents because he married me at the court house with no witnesses. The only people who know of me are the people that work at the company. My life has been so miserable and it's like I was kept in hiding but Kyra just prancing around with him like the backstabbing horse she is. I cleared my mind and put on my best smile when we walked up to this man who looked like Chris.

"Olivia this is Clinton"-Chris said a little upset

"I'm his father, nice to meet you"-Clinton said extending his hand but Chris stepped in between us

"Nice to meet you too, I can see the resemblance"-Olivia

"Yeah we're going talk to some other people right quick"-Chris said dragging me with him

"We'll talk later"-Clinton yelled

"Uh huh"-Chris said while walking away

"You good?"-I asked stopping him

"I just don't know why he's here, he barely comes to anything"-He said angry

"Don't hold grudges because you never know what will happen if you never see each other again"-I said thinking about my aunt

"I guess, what do you want to eat?"-He said avoiding what I said

"Doesn't matter"-Olivia

"Dimples is that you?"-An older lady said

"Hey Auntie, when did you get here?"-Chris said excited

"Dimples?"-I said laughing

"Mind it"-He said hugging his aunt

"Just a few minutes ago, who's this lovely lady?"-His aunt said smiling at me

"I'm Olivia ma'am"-I said smiling

"This is my lovely lady"-Chris said smiling

"Stop with the formalities call me Auntie M. Beautiful name by the way"-Auntie M.

"Thank you, I love your earrings"-Auntie M

"I made them myself, here take these extra pairs I have in my bag."-Auntie M.

"You sure? I can buy them from you"-Olivia

"No, no if you can make my dimples happy as a kid in a candy store, they're a gift from me to you"-She said squeezing my hand

"Thank you so much Auntie M."-I said smiling

"You're welcome, you're from Houston aren't you?"-Auntie M.

"Yes how'd you know?"-I said shocked

"It's the way you say certain things, I can tell because I'm from there too"-Auntie M.

"No one ever really noticed before besides Momma J and I haven't met anyone from Houston other than my mom, dad, and brother."-Olivia

"Well you know me now, I'll be happy to show you around Houston someday"-Auntie M.

"I'll look forward to it"-I said smiling

"Where's your mom?"-Auntie M.

"Somewhere around here"-Chris said shrugging

"Is that Clinton? Um where's that tramp of his?"-Auntie M.

"Chill Auntie, don't start anything while my baby is here. She don't need to see you fighting"-Chris

"Okay I'll relax for now. It was nice meeting you Li"-She said hugging me

"Nice meeting you too Auntie M. See you later"-I said hugging her back

She walked away and I took a deep breath.

"Now she seems like a cool aunt."-Olivia

"Yeah she's the best, wait until you meet my uncle"-Chris

We sat at a table with Chris cousins I'm guessing because they all looked young and started eating when I felt somebody's eyes on me. I turned around to see some girl walking up to the table and she mugged me. Well damn who the fuck is this chick? 

"Hey Christopher"-She said touching his shoulder all cute

"Don't touch me Jessie and what the fuck you doing here?"-Chris said moving a little

"I was invited by your cousin Keyarra obviously, I'm still loved by your family remember"-Jessie chick said

"Well go find Keyarra and get out my face, you see I'm busy right?"-Chris

"Oh please busy sitting by yourself because I don't see nobody next to you"-She said smiling

I was about to say something but it wasn't my place because we not really together and she's not worth an ounce of my time so I kept eating.

"You must be fucking dumb if you don't see this beautiful ass, thick, 5'6, natural hair wearing, deserve to be on billboard across the world, smart, talented, mind blowing woman right here. This woman right here is my future wife so either you go back where you came from or get the fuck from around here. You did disturb our peace."-He said pulling me into his lap and I was smirking

"Jessie what you doing here?"-Momma J said interrupting

"Keyarra invited me."-She said with a dumb look

"Well go find Keyarra and stop bothering my son and his fiancee"-She said smiling

Jessie chick basically ran away and I was laughing inside but curious to know who she was.

"Thanks ma"-Chris said smiling

 "No problem, I don't know why Key would invite that devil. Something ain't right with ya cousin I swear. Li don't mind her we got your back."-Momma J said placing her hand on my shoulder

"It's all good Momma she's not worth any of my time. This food good by the way."-I said sitting next to Chris again

"You got a good one, I see"-Momma J said smiling

"I know ma"-Chris said hugging me

"That's a little too tight"-I said almost choking

"Damn I'm sorry baby"-He said moving my hair behind my ear

"Aww yall so cute, continue with what you guys were doing"-She said smiling and walked away

I ate in silence because I was wondering who this Jessie chick was and why she got a big reaction out of Chris like that? They must have had some history together if his cousin invited her and his mom definitely didn't like her. I can't make a big deal out of it since there's no label on me while I'm married. I got up to put my plate in the trash when I felt my arm being grabbed.

"You good?"-Chris asked concerned

"Yeah just putting my plate in the trash"-Olivia

"You know how to play spades?"-Chris

"I guess"-I said shrugging

"What's wrong?"-Chris


"You not being truthful to me Li, what's wrong?"-Chris

"I promise, I'm good"-I said getting out of his grip and throwing my plate away

I noticed a bench under a beautifully lit tree and a garden right next to it then went to sit under it.

"Everything okay?"-Momma J came out of nowhere

"I'm not sure"-Chris

"You do realize she's probably wondering who Jessie is and feels left out about the whole situation. I mean it is stupid of Keyarra to bring her here when yall broke up 6 years ago, kind of like both of them were plotting something. Your cousin is not wrapped too tight and Jessie is no better for coming here. Go talk to Olivia so you don't end up losing her, I can tell she's a nice woman and I really like her even though it took you 20 days to bring her around me."-Momma J

"Yeah you're right and I'm sorry just had to make sure she was the right one for me."-Chris said getting up

"Let everything out and don't hold back."-Momma J

"I will"-Chris said walking away

I was enjoying the breeze and smelled the flowers when I heard footsteps behind me.

"I got something to tell you."-Chris

"You don't have to, we not together remember?"-I shrugged

"I do because we are in something together and you deserve to know everything"-Chris said handing me a blue rose

"Thank you"-I said grabbing it

"You're welcome, come sit down with me"-Chris said grabbing my hand

I followed him into the garden and we sat on a bench with a fountain close by and birds were chirping around us. It was way more beautiful than the garden at the mansion because it looked like it was built out of love and patience.

"It's beautiful back here"-Olivia

"Not as beautiful as you"-Chris said kissing my hand

"So what do you want to talk about?"-I said blushing

"Remember when I told you an ex cheated on me with my homeboy?"-Chris

"Yeah"-I said realizing the Jessie chick was the ex

"Well Jessie is that ex that I proposed to and we were together for 6 years. She got pregnant and claimed the baby was mine, I was there for her with the entire pregnancy because I was excited to have my first child. Even paid for a baby shower, all the shit that was needed for a baby. I moved her into my crib and had decorated a whole baby room for a little girl. When the baby came out she looked nothing like me and you know my kids look like a split image of me. She looked just like the nigga she cheated with, I was blown that I went home and burned the whole house down. Those were my worst moments but I somewhat don't regret it. It took me a while to get over it and I started dogging women like it was nothing when I should've treated them better when it wasn't their fault at all. When you came into my life I knew what real love could be and I wouldn't stop from making you mine. So don't even worry about that bitch and you won't meet my cousin because both of them are probably plotting on me right now. Just know that no woman will come between what we got going on."-He said and started kissing me

"Chris we're at your mom's house out in the open"-I said in the kiss

"I know, I just can't get enough of you and want everybody to see how you make me feel"-He said smiling

"I get that but---

"See you guys made up but Chris has a room"-Momma J said laughing

"I know you ain't out in public sucking faces now"-A man about in his 40's said laughing

"Uncle Jay when did you get here?"-Chris said getting up

"A few minutes ago but you were too occupied to notice, I see you got a woman now instead of a girl"-Uncle Jay said looking at me smiling

"Yeah you know how I do, this Olivia by the way"-Chris said grabbing my waist

"Nice to meet you beautiful, you look familiar"-Uncle Jay said kissing my hand

"Sorry this is my first time ever meeting you"-Olivia

"Aye keep your lips to yourself, this woman here is mine"-Chris said grabbing my hand from his uncle

"My bad nephew, she's 50x more beautiful than that bitch you had 6 years ago. Which by the way you still ain't let Kiki whip her ass because you were too in love with her. She's still due for ass whipping."-Uncle Jay

"Enough of the small talk, I mean she's here with Key if Kiki wanna go at her"-Chris said shrugging

"Yeah yall not about to bring no shit here at my house"-Momma J

"My bad ma we just joking, I'm here with my baby nothing like that going happen, I promise you"-Chris said hugging me

"Glad you happy nephew, you deserve it but I'm going to grab some food and be over here. Come talk to me later and it was nice meeting you Olivia."-Uncle Jay

"Aight Unc"-Chris

"Nice meeting you too"-Olivia

"Chris you and your uncle better behave or yall getting kicked out. But Li can stay."-Momma J

"That was him"-Chris said throwing his hands up defensive

"Um hmm, you lucky Li here"-Momma J said walking away

"I see you and your uncle be getting into shit together huh?"-Olivia

"I don't know what you're talking about"-Chris

"Um hmm"-Olivia

"Dimples show me some dance moves, you too Li"-Auntie M.

"No I don't dance"-I said nervous

"She too scared to lose against me"-Chris said smirking

"This is not a dance battle and I'm not about to break my heels messing with you"-Olivia

"Just say you taking the L baby"-Chris said smiling

"Ugh you get on my nerves, you know I don't back down from a challenge"-Olivia

"Clear the way"-Chris said dramatic

Someone turned some music on and Ciara and Chris song "How We Roll" came on, I smirked because I remember the whole choreography by heart after watching the video so many times. I started singing her part and dancing like her then Chris started singing his part and dancing. I was having so much fun and smiling that I didn't notice we were being recorded until Chris got mad.

"Stop recording, delete it now"-Chris

"Why you and your new toy look cute together? Don't you think this should go viral?"-Jessie

"Watch your mouth, when you speak about me"-I said cutting in

"Or what?"-She said stepping forward

"Delete the fucking video and she ain't worth it baby chill"-Chris said stepping in between us

"I don't have to do anything because it's my phone and you are protecting some hoe you just met"-Jessie

"I think you've mistaken me for you, who cock their legs open for homeboys cough cough"-I said smirking

"Bitch I'll end you"-Jessie

Chris grabbed her phone out of her hand, unlocked it and deleted the video before it even posted. How he knew the code was beyond me. He dropped the phone and some girl stepped on it, grabbed Jessie goofy ass by her hair, and started whipping her ass. 

"Aww shit Sy where the hell did you come from?"-Chris

"I was on my way here when I heard this bitch voice once I stepped in the yard"-Sy said after dragging Jessie to the gate and pushed her out

"Good timing because Li was ready to fuck her up"-Chris

"Well hopefully the video didn't get too much put out and you made sure you deleted it right?"-Sy

"Yeah, it was still trying to upload but I got it before it could."-Chris

"I'm Symone by the way, Chris's assistant and best friend."-Symone

"Nice to finally meet you"-Olivia

"Yeah if only it was under better circumstances but you're more beautiful in person, right bae?"-Symone said to someone behind her

"Thank you"-I said smiling

"Yeah no wonder he has been ducked off lately"-Drake

"I mean can you blame me, look at her?"-Chris said shrugging

I blushed and tried hiding my face but Chris grabbed my hands then kissed them. 

"Yall two are cute, I'm a matchmaker"-Symone said smiling

"Yeah I do thank you for setting up that contest or I would've never met the love of my life"-Chris

"Stop you embarrassing her, but I do accept cash for payment"-Symone

"It's okay I got used to it after what he did earlier"-I said blushing

"Now did you meet his favorite aunt and uncle? Them two are just like him"-Symone

"I did actually their pretty cool"-Olivia

"I love your whole outfit, where'd you get everything from?"-Symone

"Guess that's our cue to leave huh?"-Drake 

"Nope not leaving Li sight"-Chris said hugging me

"Uh you had been up under her for what 10 days and I can't have a conversation with her?"-Symone 

"Nope don't care, you can talk in front of me"-Chris

"Obsessed much?"-Symone said fake coughing

"More like possessive"-Drake said laughing

"Well that's how you know I love her"-Chris admitted

"Love? Oh hell nah"-Uncle Jay said walking up to us

"Yup that's what I said, Breezy is no more. I mean I gotta hang up the jersey if I want a real woman"-Chris

"Did I hear you say you're in love dimples?"-Auntie M.

"Yes ma'am"-Chris

"James leave him alone you would be in love too if you stop chasing them young dumb bimbos"-Auntie M.

"I wouldn't have to chase anybody if you stopped playing with my emotions, I mean I've been waiting to ask you this but you've been fake busy. Will you marry me?"-Uncle Jay said on one knee in front of Auntie M.

"Wait so they're not---

"Nope he's a friend of the family that I've known since I was little, she's my actual aunt."-Chris said smiling

"Oh my god, yes, yes, yes"-Auntie M.

"Congratulations"-Everyone said in unison

"I have to go to the bathroom"-I said to Chris

"Okay hurry back"-He said hugging me

"Okay I will"-I said blushing

I walked into the house and tried to remember which way to go when someone came in the house right after me. I looked up to see Chris's Uncle Jay. He looked at me suspicious and smirked.

"I know why you look familiar, you're that billionaire Cain Washington's wife. I was just at his company two weeks ago and I saw you there going up to the CEO's office after I asked about Cain's whereabouts. His assistant said he was on a business trip for two months and his wife was taking over for him. I don't know how you got my nephew to fall in love with you but you need to end it before he gets hurt."-Uncle Jay

"I am his wife but it's not what you think, I have real feelings for Chris and I will not leave him. Chris already knows everything about me and he doesn't mind me being married because I have been going through a loveless, emotionally damage marriage and my husband is having an affair with my ex best friend so there's nothing you can do or say to make me stop what myself and Chris have. It's more to the story and Chris fell in love with me at first sight, I didn't do anything to make him love me he did it on his own. I get you want to protect him but he's been protecting me."-I said turning around

"I have been investigating Cain Washington and if that's the case then you can help me out with some things, how well do you know him?"-Uncle Jay

"There's nothing I can give you"-I said walking towards the bathroom

"Cain Washington is not his real name"-Uncle Jay

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