
By WhelmedGrayson

68.7K 2.7K 1.5K

She hunts monsters, but she's not a Witcher. The monsters she hunts are men who prey on weaker women. The tru... More

Not A Witcher
I'm Human
The Bard's Song
The Bunker
Evil Woman
He's A Snuggler
Sparks Fly
Mundane Thoughts
Lambert Is Sexist
Difference Between The Monsters
The Library
Dungeon Slumber Party

The Training Course

3.7K 157 59
By WhelmedGrayson

I woke up before anyone else. Or, at least, I thought I did. I had already been outside for ten minutes when Geralt came outside.

"It's early."

I stop swinging my sword to look up at the dark sky, "Really? I didn't know that."

I continue swinging my sword, practicing my form. I didn't realize I was getting closer to the Witcher until my blade almost sliced his face. He raises an eyebrow at me, and I pull my sword away slowly.

"Sorry, I didn't realize you were so close."

"Where did you learn how to fight with a sword?" he asks.

I continue moving around with my sword. Training has always been important to me, I will not let this Witcher distract me from it.

"My mother taught me."

He walks in front of me but keeps a safe distance between us, "You two must've been close."

"We were."

He nods, "Everyone should be up by now. Let's go eat breakfast."

"I'll go in when I'm done training," I say, swinging my sword again.

He grabs the blade, causing me to freeze. There's a look of amusement on his face as he speaks, "You'll go inside now."

"I'm not done."

Ciri runs out to us, "Breakfast is ready!"

She stops next to me, a small smile on her face. "You'll need to eat if you want to do the training course today."

I pull my sword away from Geralt and slide it back into its holster across my back. He smirks as we follow Ciri inside.

Everyone sits at the table eating. I take the seat next to Jaskier, and he smiles brightly.

"Good morning!"

I notice that his hair is much shorter now, "Good morning. You cut your hair."

"I thought it was time for some change," he says.


Breakfast was uneventful. Thankfully. Now, it's time to go to the training course. Everyone decided to come watch me, including the Witchers I haven't met yet. I'm starting to feel nervous now, but Jaskier's horrible jokes keep me calm.

"So, you've never been here before?"

Jaskier shakes his head, "Nope, but I've heard about it from Ciri."

We stop in front of what I assume is the training course. The spinning, sharp logs catch my eye, and I let out a breath. Maybe I spoke too soon. Because, now that I'm looking at the death trap in front of me, I am beginning to regret every decision I've ever made.

"You got this," Ciri says.

Geralt grabs my shoulder, "Remember our bet."

I shrug him off and make my way to the stairs. When I'm on the platform, I let out a shaky breath. The first obstacle is the swinging logs. It should be easy.

Taking a deep breath, I open my eyes to focus on the swinging logs. I step onto the narrow beam and ignore the yells from below. My body kicks into autopilot, and I run through it, surprisingly not getting knocked down.

I nake eye contact with Geralt, "You owe me now, you fucking Witcher!"

He has a smile on his face as he nods. I flip him off and move to the next obstacle. It's the spinning stakes, and they look extremely sharp. When I look closer, I notice that the ends of some of them are stained red.

I make my way through the spinning stakes, letting out a hiss as one of them tears through my arm. Ciri cheers loudly, as well as Jaskier. Now, it's time for me to make it across the makeshift steps that stick out of the mountain. They're spaced further apart than I had originally thought, so my anxiety worsens.

The crowd of Witchers stand below me. Some of the unknown ones are yelling while Geralt stares at me. I leap onto the first step, and my knees shake. I continue until I'm on the last step. The distance between the step and the swinging platform scare me.

I'm positive that I won't make it, but I have to at least try. My eyes drift down to the crowd, and fall onto a set of yellow eyes. Geralt nods at me, and that's all I need to take the leap.

My feet hit the platform, and I throw my arms out to catch the handrails as the platform begins to swing. I let out a breath, "Holy shit."

"Come on, Maneater!" Jaskier yells.

I stare ahead at the chains dangling in front of me. Using my weight, I begin to swing the platform back and forth. When I'm sure I'm close enough, I jump off.

My hands grasp the chains, and I use my momentum to swing my body. When I let go of the chains, I land on the final platform.

I run my hands through my hair, and let out a sigh of disbelief. My heart is racing in my chest, and my arm burns from the cut. I jump off the final platform and limp over to the group of Witchers. They all stare at me in shock.

"I'm not weak," I say.

Vesemir smiles, "You might be the strongest."

I shove through the crowd and make my way back to the castle. Luckily, I have fast healing, so my stomach wound was already healed, but it still hurts like hell. And, now my entire body hurts as well. Why did I allow myself to do this? I should've just let them call me weak.

My body crashes to the floor as soon as I make it to the main room. I roll over on my back and stare at the ceiling above. My breathing is still ragged, and my legs feel like pudding. But, it was worth it. The looks on their faces were priceless, and I wish I could remember it forever.

"There's only been one other person to complete the course on their first try."

I roll my eyes at the voice, "And who was that?"

Geralt stands above me, staring down at me with a smirk on his face. "Me."

"Of course it was," I mumble.

"You might want to get up. Everyone else will be getting here soon, and I imagine they will have a lot to say to you."

I force myself to my feet and sit at the table in my usual seat. Geralt sits across from me, like always. The front door slams open, and Ciri and Jaskier both run over to me.

"That was insane!" Jaskier yells.

Ciri sits next to me, "How did you do that on your first try?"

Vesemir, Coen, and Lambert join us at the table. Vesemir smiles, "Because her mother trained her like a Witcher."

"That's why your fighting style is so familiar," Geralt says.

"I don't care. I've completed the course, and now I wish for you Witchers to stop annoying me with your sexist remarks."

Lambert laughs, "Fine."

"You lost the bet, which means you owe me," I say to Geralt.

He crosses his arms, "And what do I owe you?"

"I haven't decided yet, but I will let you know when I do," I reply.

I stand up, "And now I will be taking a much needed nap."

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