Nexus: SpeedBound Redemption...

By GraysonCreates

66.1K 1.9K 1.2K

Y/n Thawne, son of the infamous Reverse Flash has been trying to live a normal life but he has a secret of hi... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1: Speed
Chapter 2: Unlike
Chapter 3: Thawne
Chapter 4: Teal
Chapter 5: Time
Chapter 6
Chapter 7:Suited
Chapter 9: Fierce Duel
Chapter 10:Speedster's Dilemma
Chapter 11:Playing with Fire
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13: New Faces
Chapter 14: Fold
Chapter 15: Gala
Chapter 16: Chaos
Chapter 17: Brunch
Chapter 18: Dawned
Chapter 19: Legacy
Chapter 20: Like Father, Like Daughter
Chapter 21: Sparks
Chapter 22: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 23: Running
Chapter 24: Attitude
Chapter 25: Instinct
Chapter 26: Into the Chaos
Chapter 27: SteamCity Speedsters

Chapter 8: Well

2.4K 83 53
By GraysonCreates

Y/n leaned against the wall as he watched the three West-Allen's standing, chatting while Cisco set some things up. "So your plan is to contact Wells?" Iris asked her daughter as they stood there.

"Yes," Nora sounded pretty confident in her decision as she turned to face Barry. "That's my plan, I know in the future you guys never bring in a Wells to help you catch Cicada so if you want a different result this time,"

"We gotta try something new," Barry finished her sentence, seemingly understanding her logic. "It's a great idea," Barry shrugged as he looked at his wife.

"Except it's not," Cisco chimed in as he fiddled with the device in his hand. "If you're looking for cooperation then trust me, this is not your guy," He added when he noticed everyone looking at him. "He is just an ass hat,"

"That is way harsh, Cisco," Iris rolled her eyes as she listened to him.

"I'm sorry, am I being harsh?" Cisco asked his rhetorical question as he looked at her. "Go ahead call him, see if you don't get a steaming pile of side-eye," Cisco went back to his device.

"Okay," Iris muttered as Nora hit the button on the table, The group of five watched as Harrison Wolfgang Wells materialized in the centre of the room.

"Yeah?" He asked as he turned to face the group and froze. "The Flash?" Wells scoffed as he studied them.

"Wait for it," Cisco almost laughed as he ignored the man.

"I love the Flash," Wells began fangirling as he fanned himself with his hand.

"What?" Cisco sounded so shocked as he looked at the grey-haired Wells.

"You, Barry Allen with the zoom zoom and defy the physics laws and gravity," Wells continued bragging as Barry chuckled. "And always with some style and the grace... Aww..." Wells turned his attention towards Nora next. "Das kinder Flash, child of the Flash," He gasped as Nora smiled at him. "Good to see you have your father's moral fibre and your mother's smarts and classic beauty," Iris was the next to start smiling uncontrollably.

"Oh my god, stop," Iris started straightening her hair at the compliments.

"Nononono," Cisco tried to intervene but apparently Wells wasn't finished yet.

"Is that Son of Reverse Flash?" He looked past the family and towards the man leaning against the wall. "You command the attention just like Reverse Flash, with power and speed," Y/n wasn't sure if he was being complimented or insulted but by the looks of Iris West-Allen, Wells wasn't saying anything good. "Here to right the wrongs set by father?"

"Not really, just here to make sure Kinder Flash doesn't get thrown across the city again," Y/n joked as he looked at Nora who acted very childish and stuck her tongue out at him.

"And your mother's kind heart, aww," Wells placed a hand over his mouth as he looked at Y/n.

"Enough, no one fall for this rouse," Cisco interrupted once again as he pointed at Wells. "Clearly this guy is putting on an act, his a charlatan," Cisco spat out as he glared at Wolfgang.

"But you hurt me, you stab me in the back," Wells made some weird stabbing motion as he looked at Cisco. "This guy who must be Cisco," He sounded disgusted as he spoke.

"You know who I am," Cisco fired back as he glared at him.

"Cisco, don't be rude," Barry motioned for Cisco to calm down. "Look, I'm sorry," Barry quickly apologised to Wells. "We need your help, catching a Metahuman serial killer,"

"Yeah, I've heard of this Cicada, I've got the message from Kind Flash," Wells pointed at Nora who simply nodded. "Unfortunately I am otherwise occupied and unable to assist you at this time,"

"You can't?" Nora spoke up, worry filling her voice as she did.

"Nein, but I have done one better," Wells smiled as he looked at her. "And called someone who can, this man is a legend, this man is the greatest detective, this man is the greatest detective in all the multiverse," Wells seemed to oversell this pitch. "So I've attached his coordinates, if you want to look now," He motioned to the laptop and Iris quickly began checking. "Do you see it," He yelled.

"Got him," Iris smiled as she turned to the scientist. "Cisco," She motioned towards the device.

"Cisco what? Do you want me to breach him here?" Cisco asked, still very irritated as Iris nodded. "Hello!" He stuck his bandaged hands in the air. "I just got Betty Hyde, hurts a little bit,"

"Sorry," Iris apologised as she turned away from the man.

"Let's do it the old-fashioned way," Y/n chuckled as he dragged Cisco away from the family.

"Ay man, thank you for this, this is great," Barry spoke to Wells while Y/n and Cisco grabbed the stuff needed.

"Privilege and an honour to help the Flash, und Kind Flash und Iris Flash, yeah," He smiled as he looked at the three. "You too Kind Thawne," He called out as he waved at Y/n. "Bye Kind Flash," He basically screamed as he waved at Nora before disappearing.

"Nice guy, what are you talking about man, he was awesome," Barry called out to Cisco as he joined them with Y/n next to him, the device in hand.

"He is not awe-" Cisco pinched the bridge of his nose before taking the device away from Y/n. "You know what, let's just turn on the extrapolator and get this master detective here," Cisco then pressed the button and a familiar blue portal opened up with a shadow inside of it.

Everyone watched as a Wells dressed in a coat walked through, his judgemental eyes hidden behind his sunglasses. "Well," He began as the portal closed behind him. "I imagined your earth would be colder," He muttered as he took his coat off and threw it at Cisco. "Harrison Sherloque Wells, at your service," His voice drawn out as he spoke. "I'm here to catch your killer,"

"You see? No one was hurled across the city this time," Nora chimed as she leaned on the table, joining him in his private 'coffee studio' and watched Y/n prepare some coffee.

"It's still early, you never know," Y/n fired back with a smirk as he glanced at her.

"But my idea didn't get anyone hurt," She returned with an equally challenging smirk.

"Cute dress by the way," Y/n almost laughed when she went red, completely forgetting her argument as she looked down at her green dress.

"Um, thanks," She smiled as she turned her gaze back to the Barista as he continued his work. "So uh, how was your night?" She asked as he began finishing up his drink.

"Without you here, it was quiet," Y/n offered her a smile as he responded, chuckling at her gasp.

"So you didn't like having me around?" She glared at him.

"I never said I enjoyed the quiet," He fired back as he slid a cup of coffee over to her before picking his own up and leaving the room, heading to join the rest.

"Barry, what is he doing?" Y/n walked into the room after a slight detour around the labs, only to find Sherloque was busy making some type of coffee as well, the rest of the team just watching him.

"I don't know, maybe it's some kind of-" Barry began trying to answer his wife as they watched in confusion.

"Shh," Nora silenced her father, Surprisingly she had beaten Y/n to the group but not that he was complaining because it seemed like he hardly missed anything.

"Voila," Sherloque spun around with a small shot of something as he sniffed it. "That's the stuff," He muttered as he took a sip. "And now we can begin," His eyes landed on Y/n for a moment as the Thawne took a seat next to Caitlin, eyeing the detective as well.

"Tea?" Caitlin asked as everyone stared at him, Sherloque simply nodded his confirmation. "We've been watching you for twenty minutes..."

"You're welcome," Sherloque cut her off as he held the cup to his lips. "You cannot rush excellence and judging from your boyfriend's drink of choice, he can agree," His statement was met with two simultaneous coughs from Y/n and Cisco, the former choking on his drink and the latter, on pure air.

"They aren't dating," Nora informed Wells as she looked at the shocked expression on Caitlin's face while Y/n and Cisco tried not to laugh at her expression.

"This is a waste of time," Cisco slowly gathered himself as he elbowed Y/n. "Thank you very much for coming, Cumberbatch," Cisco gave Wells the most sarcastic smile as he spoke.

"I'm sure you would like it if I took my leave, right," Sherloque fired back as he swished his cup back and forth. "Could have more time to recover from your recent heartbreak,"

"What are you talking about?" Cisco asked, sarcasm now becoming confusion.

"Subcutaneous under-eye bruising which indicates you've been crying," Everyone watched as Sherloque read Cisco like a book. "Flakey skin indicates dehydration, probably from alcohol consumption," Y/n was shocked, impressed and annoyed at the same time. "Alcohol plus crying can only mean one thing," Sherloque paused for a moment before raising his cup to his lips. "You have been dumbed," Sherloque literally sang as he took a sip of his tea.

"Wrong detective," Cisco fired back. "I have not been dumped,"

"Don't say it," Y/n muttered to himself as he glanced at Cisco who had stood up.

"No?" Sherloque asked, clearly amused by this.

"It was a mutual decision, okay," Y/n just shook his head at Cisco's answer. "Cynthia and I reach the decision together, as a team," Cisco continued arguing while Sherloque just nodded and agreed with him, mockingly of course. "And I haven't been sobbing, in fact, I can't remember the last time I cried about it," Cisco spoke confidently as his eyes seemed to fill with tears. "Excuse me," Cisco stormed out of the room.

"You're the resident Speedster I presume," Sherloque turned to Barry.

"How did you-"

"Who favours stepping on his right here," Sheloque jumped onto his right foot as he spoke. "Can tell from the wear and tear on your footwear, it's uneven," Sherloque continued as he took another sip of his tea that still somehow wasn't finished. "A trait that you have inherited from your father," He motioned towards Nora, who seemed confused. "Although you do share a little bit more body language with your mother, who's been touching her left shoulder since I've come around here, what are you hiding from me?" He playfully spoke as he inspected Iris.

"Excuse me?" She didn't sound pleased as she looked at Wells. "I'm not hiding anything,"

"Yes you are, but what?" Sherloque seemed to be playing some game as he looked at Iris. "You touched it like there's something there and gone again, something removed, a tattoo, right?" He smiled as her smile faltered. "Yes, perhaps from a former lover,"

"Okay!" Iris cut him off.

"And you," He turned his attention towards Y/n, whose face gave away his emotions clearly. "You are very open with the lovely Miss Snow," He spoke as he watched Y/n twitch slightly. "And protective, if not her lover then I take it she is your guardian, no?" He asked playfully, not waiting for an answer. "You are an open book Mister Thawne, You let people read you in order to prove you are nothing like your father, however," Y/n didn't like where this was going, Iris seemed more interested, Y/n simply rolled his eyes at the thought of how much she really doesn't trust him. "There is someone who has you on your guard," Y/n looked at Sherloque once more, meeting his playful gaze. "I walk past you and Miss Snow and that's all right but you tense up whenever I'm near them, who could that be?" Y/n's eyes flicker from the Detective over to Nora for a split moment before back to Sherloque.

"No idea what you're talking about," Y/n let out a laugh as he shook his head, raising his drink to his lips.

Sherloque chuckled, clearly enjoying the exchange. "Ah, the defensiveness, the way your entire posture changes when I mention it." He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and propping his chin on his clasped hands. "It's like watching a dance of emotions right in front of me." Y/n simply sat there, keeping his gaze fixed on Sherloque.

"Oh, come on, Y/n," Sherloque chimed in, his tone a mixture of amusement and curiosity. "Is it a secret crush? Or perhaps a not-so-secret infatuation?" He raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying every bit of Y/n's discomfort.

Y/n leaned forward slightly, his voice low and teasing. "I'm sure you've deduced everything already, haven't you, Detective?"

Sherloque grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, I'm quite confident in my deductions, but where's the fun in revealing everything all at once?" He leaned back, his gaze shifting from Y/n to the rest of the group. "After all, the thrill is in the chase, isn't it?"

"You know what, I think that Sherloque has proven himself and we should really focus on Cicada," Caitlin jumped in, trying to divert the conversation away from its current topic However, the two men maintained their firm eye contact, one not wanting to back out before the other.

"Excellent, let's find Cicada," Sherloque decided to break the lock as he turned to the entire group. "But first, the question of my fee," He spoke as he pulled out a pen and a piece of paper and started writing.

"You're charging us?" Nora asked, clearly taken aback by the mention of money.

"Yes, service is not free, right?" He looked at the three Allen Family members like he had just seen a ghost. "I don't work for charity, I can already tell the young doctor here is planning on hiring me for another case," Y/n looked over at a slightly confused Caitlin. "Just now you glanced at your purse and I'm happy to assist you in that mystery but first," He finished in a yell as he handed the piece of paper to Barry. "I think that we can all agree that a villain on Cicada's calibre will require a substantial fee,"

Y/n heard the three gasp and even Caitlin seemed shocked. "That's a lot of money, even from when I'm from," Nora whispered as she looked at her parents, Y/n calmly finished his coffee and stood up.

"I am very expensive but very worth it," Sherloque boasted as he looked at Barry.

"We could sell-"

Barry was cut off when teal lightning zipped past him, yanking the paper with it. Almost everyone jumped as Y/n came to a halt next to Nora, reading the price for Sherloque. "Give me about five or ten minutes," He scrunched the paper up and flicked it at the detective.

"What?" Caitlin asked as she watched Y/n roll his shoulder back.

"Aunty Katy," Y/n left the West Allen family and walked over to Caitlin. "We had this talk... Or we will have this talk in the future so can we not do it again... Or do it until then... Time travel is confusing when used in proper English," Y/n chuckled as he vibrated and dashed out of the room, his speed knocking a few chairs over as well as messing up a lot of hair.

Caitlin looked at the other four, blowing hair out of her face. "Ten years," She muttered as she shook her head. "How have I not killed him in those ten years that I've known him?" She sat down, listening to chuckles from the others in the room as she did.

"I would ask if I've missed anything but how he makes tea just isn't that interesting," Everyone looked over at the doorway, where a bleeding and bruised Y/n Thawne stood. "Of all the useless information my father has given me, how time travel would affect the tunnels was not one of them," Y/m muttered as he walked over and dropped the bag on the table in front of Sherloque. "Ralph... Nice picture," He commented as he sat down next to Caitlin once more while looking at the table.

"Har har har," Ralph rolled his eyes as Caitlin inspected the Speedster. "What happened to you? Forgot how to phase through a wall?" He fired back, listening to Y/n chuckle. "I'm not sure how things are in your time but this isn't the meaning of using your head," Caitlin elbowed the detective to shut him up as she checked on Y/n.

"What happened to you?" Caitlin questioned as she checked his pulse and inspected his eyes.

"Nothing, I'm fine," Y/n peeled Caitlin's hands off of him. "I'll heal," He shook his head as he turned to Sherloque. "Happy?" He asked as Wells lifted the bag up, inspecting the weight before dropping it to the ground next to him.

"Indeed, Mister Thawne," Sheloque smiled at the Speedster as he looked around the room for a moment. "Now I have reviewed your evidence and I know where to find your killer," He spoke without hesitation as he glanced around the room. "Alright, let's get this done before Dinner," He motioned for everyone to follow him out of the room. "Not so fast, baby giraffe," Sheloque stopped Ralph as they prepared to leave. "Two detectives only complicate matters, especially when only one of them is a master, so why don't you stay put? Everyone else follows me," He motioned as the three family members did just that.

"You alright, buddy?" Y/n placed a hand on Ralph's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just got shut down by Jean Claud Van Damn," Ralph joked as he turned to face Y/n and Caitlin.

"Mister Thawne, your assistance is also requested," They heard Sherloque shout from the hall.

"You go," Caitlin motioned for Y/n to leave. "Ralph and I have some other things to work on, Cicada isn't the only mystery that needs to be solved," Caitlin smiled at the two guys, Y/n nodded before giving Ralph's shoulder a slight squeeze and left to catch up with the group.

Soon enough the Scalet Speedster, XS and the newest Black-suited speedster stood behind a small truck. "Are you sure he's in there?" Barry asked over the comms.

"I'm certain," Sherloque's voice answered. "Now your evidence, while slight was enough to build a psychological profile," He explained before dropping his voice for dramatic effect. "This is a man hiding in the shadows, this is someone who has been pushed to the end of society, and now he sits alone waiting for the moment to strike." The was a slight pause as everyone took in what the detective was saying. "All this and cross reference his attacks, the profile narrows to one name, David Hersch."

"Nora's plan might actually work," Iris spoke up and Y/n rolled his eyes at the woman's lack of confidence in her own daughter.

"Or it will work," Nora muttered before dashing forward.

"Good job," Y/n's sarcasm echoed over the comms as he ran after her with Barry not far behind him.

"Once inside, you'll find a small booby trap," Sherloque explained as the three Speedsters enter the place, noticing a small blinking device.

"I'm on it," Nora smiled as she dashed over to the trap and dismantled it.

"That was too easy, even for-" Y/n was cut off by two things, The first was Sherloque's voice but not even that could be heard over the adrenaline rushing through his body as he watched three more traps get launched out of the ground. "NORA!" Y/n built all his speed into his take-off, dashing across the space and grabbing the Purple Speedster just as the bomb detonated. Pulling her to his chest as he launched the two of them out the blocked-off window.

Nora looked up at the man she had just landed on. "Sorry," She apologised as Barry came zipping around the corner. "Dad, I'm-"

"Flash," Y/n pointed at the man running away, Barry saw him and in an instant took off after him. "Go," Y/n tapped Nora on the back, snapping her out of it as she took off in a stream of Purple and orange lightning that was trailed by teal and orange lightning. "That's it?" Y/n looked at Barry who was kneeling next to the unconscious man.

"We got him," Barry spoke, not only to the two in front of him but the rest over the comms as well.

"Y/n!" A voice called out to the Speedster as he walked through the halls of Star Labs.

"That's me," Y/n joked as he turned around to face none other than Iris West-Allen as she walked up to him.

"Barry told me what happened early," Iris began as the two of them walked through the hallway. "That you reacted faster than even Sherloque could explain and that you were able to save Nora," She explained and watched as Y/n scratched the back of his head.

"I'm sure even Barry could have been that fast and he's probably exaggerating," Y/n chuckled as he shook his head.

"Whether that's true or not, I just wanted to thank you for saving Nora," She muttered before walking off, leaving the Thawne alone with his thoughts once more.

"Was she just being nice to me?" Y/n asked himself, Even though he was joking about it, it certainly was a surprise to hear Iris thanking him but forgetting that, Y/n made his way over to the little 'party' Cisco was talking about ever since they caught this Metahuman Jack the Ripper.

"Y/n Alexander Thawne," Cisco cheered as he watched him enter the room, walking over with a drink in hand. "Even though this has no effect on you, drink up!" He cheered like some Frat Brother.

"Sure, if you say so," Y/n chuckled as he took the drink from Cisco and began sipping it, enjoying the taste. Y/n's eyes easily found mother and daughter talking to each other and the detective standing on one side.

"There he is," Nora called out, causing Y/n to turn around only to see a defeated-looking Barry Allen.

"Hey," He sounded winded as he spoke.

"Dad, we're all set to celebrate our-"

"Hey, um," Barry cut his daughter off as he looked at the group. "Actually Hersh isn't Cicada," Barry explained as everyone froze, Sherloque almost choked on his drink.

"What?" Nora was confused as Y/n and Cisco looked at each other, equally as confused. "But he has to be?"

"No, I checked Cicada's boot print from both The Block and Gridlock's scenes and three sizes larger than Hersh's," Barry explained as the other two men in the room both glared at the super detective, waiting to see his response. "It's not him,"

"No, of course, it's him," Sherloque defended as he looked at the Scarlet Speedster. "It's always Hersh," This got everyone's attention. "Every time I capture Cicada, it's always the same man,"

"Wait a minute, you've caught this guy before?" Cisco asked as he looked at Sherloque.

"Thirty-seven times," Wells boasted as he looked at the scientist. "I've captured thirty-seven Cicadas, thirty-seven different worlds and every time I've tried to capture him, the trails always lead back to that Hersh, David Hersh." Sherloque defended his work as he sipped his drink.

"So this psychological profile that you created, you just made it up?" Cisco questioned Wells, his voice laced with irritation.

"Not the first time," Sherloque smiled as he looked at Barry. "Nor the next thirty-six," He turned his attention towards Cisco next. "But then I just trotted out there, you know to impress the client," He looked at Y/n and then Nora. "And then, skip to the end," He snapped his fingers.

"And here I thought you were just a bad detective," Cisco placed his drink down and brushed his hair out of his face. "But you're not a bad detective, just a lazy one," He mocked Sherloque, with a smile on his face.

"Fermes ta bouche,"("Shut your mouth") Sherloque snapped as he glared at Cisco. "I'm not lazy, I'm efficient but that's not the point," He muttered grabbing at Cisco's bandaged hand. "The point is simply that there is no reason for the Cicada from this earth to be anyone other than the David Hersh," He repeated himself as he looked at everyone.

"Well, there may be one reason," Iris spoke up as she leaned against the railing.

"What's that?" Sherloque asked and Y/n started questioning this man's brilliance after all.

"The timeline," Iris mentioned as she looked around the room, drink still in hand.

"Yeah, since Nora got here, things have changed a bit," Barry explained as he glanced at his daughter briefly.

"Oh man, no... You must tell me this, how can you not tell me this?" He started raising his voice as he looked at the three family members. "How am I expected to operate when you don't give me all the variables?" He turned to face the two behind him.

"I don't know but what we can expect is a refund," Cisco smiled as he held his hand out.

"Yeah," Even Barry agreed as he looked at the Detective.

"No," Sherloque began laughing. "That money is long gone," He explained as he looked at the two men.

"What do you mean it's gone? You spent all that money in one day?" Cisco questioned the detective, eyes as big as a saucer. "On what?"

"My ex-wife," He muttered and a chuckle was heard from behind Cisco. "Ex-wives.." This time a full-blown laugh caught everyone's attention as they turned to find Y/n leaning against the railing, covering his mouth as he laughed.

"All that money went to your ex-wives?" He burst into more laughter, eyes tearing up as he grabbed his stomach. "What do you owe them for?" There was no hostility in his words as he simply laughed.

"Seven marriages, Five wives," Sherloque explained as he shrugged his shoulders. "Lots of alimony but that's not the point," Sherloque turned to the confused West-Allen family. "The point is simply, this is not my fault, it's hers," He yelled as he pointed at Nora, stepping closer to her.

A deafening ring was heard as bright teal lightning filled the room and in a millisecond, Y/n was in between Sherloque and Nora, The previous laughter seemed to be nothing more than a hallucination as he glared at Wells.

"Bloody Timeline variants," Sherloque grumbled before walking past Y/n and out of the room.

Cisco simply scoffed as he walked over and handed the drink formerly belonging to Sherloque over to Y/n, who gladly accepted it. "Dad, you aren't going to let Hersh off the hook because of a boot print?" Nora asked her father. "He's a Meta, how do we know what this guy can do?"

"That's the other thing," Barry mentioned as he looked at his daughter. "Hersh has no dark matter readings, he isn't a Meta," He explained, watching the confused look on his daughter's face only grow. "Remember, from one CSI to another, we have to look at the facts, right?" He shrugged his shoulders as he spoke. "We got the wrong guy,"

"No, not this time," Nora fired back as she shifted her gaze from one parent to the other and back. "Do you know what we should do? We should throw him in the Pipeline for safekeeping until he talks," Y/n spun around to look at the girl with the most shocked expression ever seen. "I'm gonna go get him,"

"Woah," Barry quickly grabbed his daughter. "No you're not, we are not going to kidnap a suspect in police custody," Barry told her. "If you don't see what's wrong with that, then you can sit this one out," He warned her.

Nora watched her father for a moment before dashing out of the room, leaving a trail of purple and orange lightning. "Well, looks like we're back to square one with Cicada," Cisco muttered as he finished his drink.

"Yeah," Iris agreed as Barry moved to stand next to her. "Let's just hope it's not too late to save his next victim," She added as she looked around the room.

Y/n's attention was on the door, he heard what they said but as always, his mind was wandering off with him.

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