Build For Revenge

By reggie_winchester

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Three siblings. Same past. Different childhood. Different trauma. Different lives. Same deadline. Supernatura... More

Yn Winchester
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester


30 2 0
By reggie_winchester

It's been a long time. I don't know if it's been weeks or months but I know for sure that I have to get the fuck out of here. I see the door opening and John enters. He has a phone on his hands. I look confused as he sits right in front of me again. At the chair that he is always sitting.

"What's the phone about?" I say in a kind of tired voice but never non-brave.

"I hacked the messages of your phone. The voicemails. I want you to hear ten voicemails" he says.

"What?" he presses play at one.

"Yn, hey. It's umm ... It's Sam. Dean is sick. The doctor says that he is going to die and there is nothing that we can do about it. I need you to come back. Please".

I hear the beep which means that the message is done. I look up at him trying to hide my worries. Be presses play again at another voicemail.

"Hey, Yn. It's Sam again. Dean is better. He got saved. We will tell you about it when you come back. Please when you can call us".

The beep gets heard again and it stops. He presses play.

"Yn, it's Dean. I'm aware that you are on a mission but I need you to call me back. I have to know what's going on with you. Why does Peter have your phone?" silence. "Call me back".

Third voicemail done. Fourth.

"It's Sam. Dean and I got separate. He wants to take over a case saying that dad would do that but I want to actually find dad so we split up. He takes over the case alone and I'm going to California to find our dad. Well. I just needed to tell you that. Call me back whenever you can".



"Yn, it's Dean. Sam and I got separated. He wants to find dad and I want too but dad sent us coordinates and I'm taking over a case. Sam can't understand that. Whatever. I haven't heard of you since 28 days ago. Call me back to know that you are okay".



"Yn, it's Sam. I'm at the bus station right now and I'm waiting for the bus. It will come tomorrow. I don't know if I should call Dean or not. I also don't know why Peter has your phone. Call me back when you get my voicemail please".



"It's Sam. Dean and I got the case back. I went back to Dean anyway. I didn't go to find dad. Turns out Dean was in danger. I saved his ass. Anyway. We want you to call us. Please".



"It can't be true. Right?" I hear a sigh. "Let's take it from the beginning. Yn, it's Dean. It's been a month and a few days. We called you but Peter said that you are dead. That you died on a mission. Please call me back and tell me that it's not true".



"It's Sam. Call me and tell me that Peter is lying. That you are alive. Please, Yn".



"Yn, it's ... It's Dean. It's been two months since we learned that you are dead. I still can't believe that. I can't believe that you are dead and I never will believe that until I see your body. Damn it, man. You promised to come back, bitch" I hear him taking a shaky breath. "I know that you are alive. Call me".


The last beep. I manage to hide my worries and my sadness really well. I look up to John and he looks back to me.

"Nice game, Winchester".

"How should I know?".

"You always know".

"Not this time".

"I can't believe you".

We hear a gunshot and he immediately stands up. He walks over the door and opens it which I find stupid. Just then officers catch John and arrest him. I see an officer entering and then Peter and two more FBI agents.

"Yn, asshole" Peter says and I smile at him.

"I'm alive, dude. Now please untie me. I walk to stand up" they all chuckle.

An officer unties me and I stand up. John was letting me walk around the warehouse a few times a day so I'm fine. We all exit the warehouse and I see a few more officers and FBI agents outside. They all nod at me and I nod back at them. I enter Peter's car and he enters the driver's seat. Before he does or says anything I talk.

"Thanks for saying to them that I died" we look at each other.

"You told me to. Orders are orders".

"Thank you".

"So. Where to, boss?" he smiles and I smile back at him.

"Bus station" he nods at me.

He hands me my phone first and then he starts driving at the bus station. I see all the voicemails and the messages that my brothers sent me. I close my phone with a quiet sigh. We arrived at the bus station 2 minutes later. Peter parks the car and hands me a bag.

"Change clothes. Quickly" he says.

I change fast enough clothes. It's not the first time that I or Peter will change in front of each other. No one can see from outside the car so I'm okay. When I'm fully dressed, I get out of the car. Peter gets out too and I hug him. He hugs me back.

"Stay safe and call me when you arrive" he says and I smile at him.

"I will" he nods at me.

He hands me my gun and I place it on my waistband. Then he gives me my knife and flashlight. I place those on their place. Then he gives me my FBI badge wallet and nods at me. I nod back at me and enter the station to buy my ticket. Just then the bus comes and I enter. Peter enters his car and drives away. My phone buzzes and I check it. Voicemail.

"Hey, Yn. It's Dean. Well it actually helps a lot sending voicemails so yeah. I won't stop for a while. Anyway. Another job. In Chicago. Illinois. You know the place. I sent you a photo a while ago about where we are going. It won't be far if you are actually alive and decide to come. Well. A girl was murdered. Invisible killer. No idea who it is. That's what we thought until Sam from here and his new friend got in contact again".

"Shut up, Dean" I hear Sam saying and I softly smile.

"Whatever. She is the villain in this job. She is calling a spirit and it is murdering people".

"The thing is that she has her eyes on us right now".

"Not a problem at all. We climb up with guns and shoot the spirit when she calls for it".

"I told you that I agree".

"Anyway. That's the case. We will go there in 4 hours. I hope you are alive, bitch. Come here for help".


I let out a sigh, turned my phone off and put it back into my pocket. How nice that I'm going to Chicago right now. There's no bus for San Francisco. How lucky I am.

"Photo. Photo. Photo. Here it is" I say in a low voice.

I checked the photo that Dean sent me. I have gone there. For a case. I remember the place. I'll be there fast enough.

Skip 4 hours

I arrive in Chicago. Illinois. What a nice city. I immediately ran at the place that Dean told me about. When I arrive, I see his car. I open the engine and take salt bullets. I take a shotgun and rush inside. I look around but nothing. I go over the elevator.

"Great" I say under my breath.

I started climbing up but then I heard Dean saying something. I stop when I'm right up and I can see that. Only Dean can see me.

"Get a room you two" Dean says.

"I didn't mind" the girl says while she is still in sam's lap. "I liked that you were watching me. Come on, Sammy. We two can have a different kind of fun. A dirty one".

"Wanna have fun? Go ahead then. I'm a little tied up right now" Sam says and I smile at it.

The girl kisses slightly on Sam's neck. I notice that Dean is doing something with his hands. I try to climb up but then Dean makes a noise and I stay where I am. The girl stops and looks at Dean. She walks over to Dean and takes something from his hands. Knife. Dean smiles and then she goes to Sam again. Then Dean sees me and his eyes widened. I shake my head at him and he hides his face expression.

"It didn't work, Sammy" she takes something from Sam's hands too. Knife. She throws it away.

"Fuck" Dean says under his breath.

I climb up quietly and walk towards her. Sam didn't look up to me and I'm glad he didn't. I take the shotgun and hit her at the head with it. She falls unconscious on the floor.

"Yn" they both say.

"Nice to be back" I say.

I untie Sam and he runs towards the table while I untie Dean too. Sam throws everything from the table on the floor WITH the table. The girl wakes up but then we see a few things (invisible) coming in from the window. We all stare at those. They take the girl and throw her out of the window. We all walk towards the window and look down. She is dead.

"Well I guess Deiva don't like being ordered to do something" Sam says.

"I guess not" Dean agrees. "Hey, Sam" Sam and I look at Dean. "Next time you want to get and fuck a girl, find a girl that won't be so crazy. Huh?".

Dean smiles and goes to take their stuff. Sam and I look at each other and I hug him. He hugs me back and then we pull away. He takes his stuff too and we get out of the building.

"Peter said that you were dead" Dean tells me while we enter his car.

"I told him to say that to you if a month goes by and I'm still kidnapped".

"Kidnapped?" they both ask.

"I was kidnapped".

"Ah fuck".

I chuckle and Dean drives us at a hotel. We all take the stuff and walk upstairs.

"Why don't you leave the stuff in the car?" Sam asks Dean.

"I said it before, I'll say it again. We better be sure".

Dean unlocks the door but we see someone standing over the window.

"Hey" I say.

We all stare there and Sam turns the lights on. The man turns around and we all see our father. I straighten up a little bit as I stare at him. He smiles at all three of us. He is real.

"Dad" Dean says.

"Hey, boys" our father says. Of course. His boys. "And Yn" I nod at him.

Dean and our father walk towards each other and they hug for a few seconds. Then they pull away. Our father looks at me and Sam.

"Hey, Sam" he says.

"Hey, dad" Sam says back and leaves the bag down.

"Yn" he says as he looks at me.

"Hey" I say and he looks at Dean and Sam again.

"Dad, it was a trap. I didn't know. I'm sorry" Dean says and I look at him.

"It's okay. I thought that it might be" he answers.

"You were there?".

"Yeah. I came in time to see the girl jumping off the window. She was the bad guy. Right?".

"Yes, sir" Sam and Dean answer him at the same time.

"Great. Well it doesn't surprise me. She has tried to stop me again".

"The demon?" Sam asks him.

"She knows that I'm close. She knows that I'm going to kill him. Not just exercise or just send him back to hell. Actually kill him".

"How?" Dean asks.

"I'm working on it" Dean softly chuckles.

"Let us come with you. We will help" Sam says.

"No, Sam. Not yet. Just try to understand. That demon is really awful and dangerous. I don't want you to come across this fight" he looks at me but I keep a blank expression on my face. "I don't want you to get hurt".

"You shouldn't worry about us" Sam says and our father looks at him again.

"Of course I do. I'm your father. Listen, Sammy" I look at Sam and then back to our father. "Last time that we were together, we argued really badly".

"Yes, sir" Sam says.

"I'm glad that I see you again. It's been a long time".

"Too long".

They stare at each other. They both have tears in their eyes that they don't shed. They hug each other and I lower my stare slightly but then I look back at them. Dean looks at me but I keep my stare at Sam and our father. When they pull away they both softly smile. Suddenly something drags our father back and he falls across the kitchen. Something hurts Sam and he falls to the floor and throws Dean back. Then it throws me down to the floor like Sam.

"NO" Dean yells.

We all hear our father screaming in pain and I see Dean standing up but falling down again. I feel something on my cheek and feel blood. I slide backwards but it stops me.

"SHUT YOUR EYES" I hear Sam yelling as he takes something from his bag. "It's demons of the dark. Let's brighten them up a little".

We all shut our eyes as we can hardly stand it. I hear Sam saying something but I couldn't make what he was saying. I hear the front door opening and I walk over there. We all exit the hotel and go to Dean's car.

"Alright. Let's go. We don't have much time. When it stops lightening, they will come back" Sam says.

"Wait wait" Dean says and we all look at him. "Sam, wait" he (Dean) looks at our father. "Dad, you can't come with us".

"What? What are you talking about?" Sam says.

"Guys, you all are really hurt" John says.

"We are fine" Dean says.

"Dean, we have to stay together. Well those demons will go after him" Sam says.

"Sam, listen to me. Dad was ready to die because of us. Don't you understand? They won't stop. They will try again and they will use us so they can catch him" John looks at Sam. "Meg was right. Dad is sensitive and useless when he is with us" Sam and Dean stare at each other. "He is ... He's stronger with us around".

"Dad ... No" Sam says and puts his hand on John's shoulder. Dean looks at me and I look back at him. "After all these, after all those months that we were searching for you, please. I have to take part in this fight".

"Listen to me. This fight just started and we all have a role to fill in it and play. For now you have to trust me, son. Okay? You have to let me go".

They just stare at each other. Dean and I look at them too as John nods at Sam and Sam nods back at John. There is silence and after John walks over his car. He stops before he opens the door and he looks at us. We all look at him.

"Be careful, boys".

I shut my eyes in defense. I hear his car door opening and closing and his engine starts.

"Come on" Dean says and enters the car.

Sam and I enter the car too and we watch John driving away. We stay in silence until his car disappears from view. Then Dean drives away too, quickly. We all remain silent for a while.

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