A Watch That Doesn't Tell Time


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Going traveling with the man that had adopted you seemed like a fun summer trip Who knew that it would lead t... Еще

CH 1. It Came From Outer Space
CH 2. Washington B.C.
CH 3. The Krakken
CH 4. Permanent Retirement
CH 5. Decepticon Enemy #1
CH 6. Misfits in New York
CH 7. Ugh, Nerd Alert
CH 8. Lucky Girl
CH 10. Cybertronian War PT. 2
CH 11. Woes Of A Summer Cold
CH 12. The Good, The Bad, The Squid
CH 13. Old Past, Meet New Present
CH 14. The Big Tick
CH 15. Framed
CH 16. A Glimpse Of Realities
CH 17. I'm Better Than You
CH 18. The Ginyu Fo- I Mean Galactic Enforcers!
Short Story: After The Nemesis

CH 9. Cybertronian War PT. 1

1K 45 39

I changed the designs of Megatron and XLR8. Just so you don't have to go back and look, I'll just put the pictures here

I hope you enjoy and God bless you

P.S. Do you guys like the new cover? I made it out of pure boredom, I kinda like it though


Ever since you were a baby, you only knew of what was inside these gates

Growing up in the orphanage, you spent most of your time to yourself. You liked the silence that your own company brought. Anytime you were allowed outside, you were excluded from activities, mainly because you won in everything they'd play

Tag? If you were it, you'd catch someone rather quickly. And then, you'd never get tagged again

Tik Tak Toe? You were easily able to outsmart your peers

Hide and Seek? You were never found, mainly because you were the only kid who knew how to climb a tree

After they established you were too good at most of the things they played, they just stopped asking if you wanted to join or not. In your opinion, it hurt, but you weren't crying over it

Everything was fine until a much older kid was admitted to your facility from juvie

For the first few weeks, he ignored you and vice versa. The kids liked to hang out with him though, because they believed the lies he told them

"I'm actually an undercover superhero. I'm trying to find an evil ghost that's haunting this place. Don't tell anyone"

You knew he was lying, mainly because you knew for a fact that superheroes didn't exist. In part because one of the caretakers let that slip while chatting with you

He apologized profusely after that

And after he revealed the tooth fairy didn't exist

And that Santa was fake

And that- you know what, it doesn't matter. Just know he ruined a lot for you

He had no ill intentions, mind you

Anyway, one day while playing in the sandbox, that very same boy saw you minding your own business. And the fact that you weren't praising him like everybody else, was a problem in his eyes

"Hey, you're that quiet kid, right?"

You shrugged, not bothering to look at him while continuing to build a random castle. Noticing your demeanor, the child tried to up his charm "Well, I could understand if you're impressed by me. I am a superhero after all"

A single glance at you was all that was needed to see that you didn't care about this conversation. Irritation flashed across his face before he went back to normal "So, what's your name?"

Again, you ignored him. You didn't like the way he carried himself, all pompous-like, it reminded you of a Disney villain

"Hey, I'm talking to you" He said, trying for your attention again

When he saw that you still were listening, he crushed the castle you were making with his shoe "You paying attention now, kid?"

In all honesty, you didn't really care about his actions. It's not like you couldn't just rebuild it, so, turning away from him, you got started again. With his fist balled, he got angry at the fact you were still ignoring him

Some of the kids who were going to ask the boy to play were watching the encounter with interest when they saw him push you into the sand

"Now can you listen?" He asked

It was at this point that you couldn't just turn the other way. With a fistful of sand, you turned around and let it go into his eyes

Trying to clear his vision, he failed to notice you moving toward him with speed. Shoulder first, you knocked him out of the sandbox and into the grass where you watched him fall

Glaring down at him, you spoke for the first time since the encounter "Don't touch me, loser"


"After that, I was pretty much alienated from everyone else" You finished your story

Sitting on top of the Rust Bucket, you and Ai had covers wrapped around you as you looked up at the night sky together. Since you were alone with her, you thought it'd be nice to follow up on your promise to her and tell her about your orphanage

"Makes me kind of happy that I don't talk with any of the kids at mine" She said "What happened to that superhero guy, anyway?"

"One of the adults saw what he did and he was separated from the rest of us"

"At least you got some form of justice, right?"

"Yeah, I guess"

Reliving that time of your life wasn't as bad as you thought, thinking about it was kind of nice actually. No weird aliens to worry about, no crazy scientists, or weirdos who like aliens. Just the simple life of Y/N Tennyson

"Do you know who your parents are?" Ai wondered

The question caused you to think. You'd never even taken the time to wonder about something like that. As far as you were concerned, Max was your only parent "Not really, no"

"Meh, they couldn't have been all that great anyway," She said before giving you a winning smile "I will say they're missing out for getting rid of you"

You laughed before replying "Well, your mom doesn't know what she's missing out on either"

Wanting to change to a more jovial subject, Ai tapped you even though she had your attention "Oh, oh, what's this Ben guy like? Gwen's shown me a picture, but I don't know what he's like in person"


For the rest of the night, you and Ai talked about random subjects for a while. You like her company, dare I say more than you liked Ben's. There was just a connection between the two of you that you couldn't place

When the sun rose, the two of you were sleeping while leaning on each other. When Max climbed to the roof, he smiled at the sight before shaking the two of you awake

With a grumble, you rose from your sleep and rubbed your eyes "What happened? Is there another alien problem?"

"No, I just don't want to start driving with you on the roof"

"Oh..." Pushing Ai a bit, she woke up as well and the two of you got inside the Rust Bucket and sat down at the table where Gwen was on her computer

Gwen looked at the two of you with a smirk, she had been told the two of you to go to sleep "Feeling good this morning?"

"Shut up" You said, faceplanting on the table

Ai let out a loud yawn before following suit, after a few minutes she began whining "I can't go back to sleeeeeep..."

"I can't either..."

"I told you two not to stay up all night" Gwen mocked "You'll be fine. Soon you'll be wide awake and ready to eat some real food"

You both raised your heads "Like, burger food? Without the pig's tongue?"

"Without the pig's tongue"

Raising from your seat, you spoke up to Max "Gramps, how long until we get there?"

Max glanced at the clock before turning back toward the road "Should be a few hours, why?"

That answer caused you to instantly deflate as you sunk back next to Ai. With a deep sigh, you replied "No reason..."

For the next two hours, you and Ai played road games while Gwen browsed on her laptop. Eventually, the RV came to a stop in front of a nice-looking restaurant "Alright guys, lets-"

Before Max could finish, the three of you were already out of the vehicle and at the front door of the establishment. Bouncing on your feet, you waited for Max to catch up with you all

"That excited, huh?"

"That hungry"

After getting your seats, you all went toward your table in the back before noticing a large group packed in the front. You looked at the tables with half-eaten food on them and shrugged "You'd think the waiters would kick them out" Gwen said

"As long as they're not ordering, our food should come quicker"

"Who said anything about ordering?" Max chuckled when you all gave him questioning looks "Today's all you can eat"

You and Ai paused, slowly, you both turned around and eyeballed the section filled with desserts. Max, already knowing what you two were planning, grabbed your shirts and pulled you back "Regular food first. Then you can have as many sweets as you want"


Minutes later, Gwen led the two of you around the multitude of foods. An assortment of veggies, meats, and fruits filled your vision as you all picked what you liked the most from their sections

"I say we sneak some of this back into the RV" You said, Ai nodding along with you

"I agree" Gwen said, picking up a mini sandwich "I don't think I can go another day of worms for breakfast"

When you got back to your regular table, you saw that the crowd was still in the same spot as before, although some of the tables were now filled "What's even going on over there?" You asked

"They're celebrating someone's birthday" Max answered

"Really?" You looked at the large crowd with interest, you hadn't seen this many people other than at the family reunion the Tennysons had last year "That's a pretty big family"

Ai next to you was trying to decide what to eat first. Originally, she was just going to get most of the foods she usually ate, but decided otherwise "Forget that. Try this" She said picking up a piece of sushi

She didn't even give you a chance to react before she shoved the food into your mouth. Due to her force, it caused you to cough before Ai began patting your back "That bad, huh?"

"I think you almost killed him, Ai" Gwen said as you caught your breath

Having a bit of fun, you decided to challenge the two of them to see who could eat the most plates out of everyone at the table. Max tried to steer you away from such a decision, but it was already too late when the three of you went back to get more

After about the first round, Gwen had given up as she watched you and Ai stuff your faces with a weird expression "You know you're not gonna win anything right?"

Drinking some water to wash down what she had eaten, Ai spoke up "Yeah, we are"

When he raised an eyebrow, you finished her sentence "Bragging rights" You said, eating popcorn shrimp "We already have some over you"

"It's not Mt fault I'm not a bottomless pit" Gwen defended herself only for you to stick your tongue out at her

"Try not to eat too much guys, there won't be a lot of pitstops for our next trip" Max warned


After picking up the trail of your last location, Blitzwing connected to its network and began merging its consensus with his own. With the whole states surveillance in his head, he was able to locate which exit you took and followed

The night you and Ai were on the truck, he watched as the two of you conversed while paying attention to your words. As tempting as it was to capture you right then and there, he kept his temptations in check and waited

Now that Shatter had given him the go-ahead, it was finally his time to strike and enact his revenge

Which is why an unorthodox view greeted the civilians strolling on the sidewalks. A tank drove through the streets before coming to a stop in front of a restaurant with a packed parking lot

After a moment, the tank began to move unnaturally before something even bigger took its place. Standing tall, Blitzwing stood in front of the building and aimed his servo-turned artillery at it

"Come on out"


Everything happened so fast. One minute you were talking, the next there was a flash of light and you were sent flying across the room. When you came to, Ai was unconscious next to you and most of the wall far from you was missing

A pair of arms wrapped around you and pulled you to your feet. With a cough, Max asked if you were okay and since you couldn't speak, you nodded instead

Through a rush of people, a hand came through the hole and plucked some from the restaurant. Blitzwing looked at some of them before seeing that they weren't familiar and tossed them aside "Where are you, boy?!"

Reaching in further, he picked up Ai who couldn't even struggle due to her condition, seeing the familiar face, Blitzwing chuckled "Perfect"

For safe measures, Blitzwing picked up someone else at random before transforming into his jet form and taking off. Getting out of Max's grip, you ran toward the hole while moving the Omnitrix

"Please give me someone who can fly!"

Hitting the Omnitrix A flash of green flashed into the restaurant before XLR8 came rushing after the transformer. With your visor covering your face, you ran with speed as dust kicked up behind you

There was absolutely no way for you to get up there and save anyone since you had no way of flying. Picking up speed, you opted it best to keep pace with the jet as best you could

Back at the restaurant, Max and the other restaurant occupants were gaining their bearings as Max made sure Gwen was okay. Coming out of what was left of the backroom, the owner of the establishment wiped the dust off of his face "Is everyone alright? What happened here?"

"We don't know" Max answered, helping a waiter off the ground "Call an ambulance"

"I already have"

Looking at the wreckage left by the Decepticon, Max and Gwen heard the shouts of people looking for their loved ones "Dad..? Dad!"

Some of those shouts weren't answered. When Gwen turned her head to look toward the noise, Max turned her away so she wouldn't see. It was safe to say, some people didn't make it

"Did you get the scout?" Shatter asked her ally over her coms

"No. But, he'll be coming. I have one of his protectors and another being I found over the web"

A red dot began to blink on the transformer's radar. Optics scanning the area, Blitzwing saw the cloud of dust coming after him and chuckled "He's coming. But I won't make it easy"

Flying higher into the air, he overcharged his engine and prepared to get out of your reach

"You're not going anywhere!" Nearby construction caught your attention as you chased after them. Quickly, you ran over and broke apart some of the chains with your claws

Chain in your grasp, you dashed after them again and ran up the tallest building you could find. The jet was still moving, but he wasn't so high that you wouldn't be able to catch him

Or so you hoped

Increasing your speed, you shot off the building as the wind attacked your visor. Your momentum sent you flying into the sky like a rocket, spinning the chain around, you wrapped it around one of Blitzwing's wings and held on tight

A hatch below him opened as a bomb came falling from out of it. You saw it falling toward you a bit too late. When it came in contact with your body, the chain was broken off as you fell back down onto a roof, breaking through it

When you came crashing to the ground
the Omnitrix beeped. When you returned to normal, your eyes grew heavy as you reached out toward the jet "...Ai"

Blitzwing's mocking voice reached your ears. The last thing you heard before losing consciousness "Bring the scout with you next time..."

Max searched half the city until a news report finally came out talking about the incident. Speculations of a terrorist attack were being thrown around as Max made his way to the building you were stuck in

Since he couldn't get inside due to an investigation, he had to sneak in, leaving Gwen in the RV. When he finally retrieved you, he made it back to the RV and carried you to your bed

When Gwen saw you laying in his arms, she got up from her seat in front of her computer to check on you "Is he okay?"

"He'll be fine" He answered hopefully. Once you were tucked in, he went toward the front as Gwen stood there

She was beginning to worry about your mental state more than your physical one. Last time something like this happened, you tried to leave. This time though, instead of someone at risk of being hurt. Someone was taken

Max sat in the front seat with a sigh. This wasn't how this summer was supposed to go and as much as he missed his old life, he did not want you to become a part of it

Turning his head, he looked past Gwen and stared at the back where you slept. Reaching under the dashboard, he pressed a button and began driving in the direction reports of an aircraft were heard

When you came to, you were laying down in your bed inside of the RV. You felt the vibrations of the road meeting its wheels as the feeling zoomed through your body. Your thoughts brought you back to just before you went to sleep and dread filled your heart at the thought of a missing Ai

Moving your legs first, you stood up and walked out into the open where you saw Gwen sitting in front of her computer "Did we lose him?" You asked making her look away from her computer

"Oh, you're awake" She said as you took a seat before answering your question "I couldn't find anything on the news, but Max says we're on the right track"

You finally looked outside and saw that it was nighttime, the headlights of the car lit the way while Max moved forward "Don't worry, kiddo. We're not going to let anything happen to them" He said, pressing a button below his dashboard

"Yeah..." You mumbled running your hand over the Omnitrix

Gwen looked at your expression and reached across the table and grabbed your hand to try and comfort you. Even if she wasn't as close with Ai as you were, she was still worried for one of the only friends she had "Don't worry, we'll find her"

Since your expression didn't change, Gwen released your hand and turned her laptop in your direction. The thing had multiple tabs open, all related to military jet sightings "Look, we're already following their trail as best we can"

On the screen, it showed multiple reports about a jetfighter that had left the city they had left a while ago "Where's it going?" You asked, realizing it was going a lot farther than you thought it would

"I'm following some military chatter" Max said which made you and Gwen confused as to how he was doing that in the first place "That things not getting away


Blitzwing flew through the air peacefully, almost at his destination. Although he didn't get revenge, he knew that the Autobot would find a way to follow his trail. There was a reason he didn't hide his presence from radars after all

But, since he wasn't hiding, it was a good opportunity for others to find him

"Unauthorized aircraft, you are to land at the nearest base for investigation" A military jet pilot ordered from behind the transformer

Blitzwing didn't make any movements at the order, instead, he was very irritated at the interruption of his quiet. So, turning off his booster, he plummeted toward the ground. Inside a shout of terror was heard, but it wasn't Ai

Holding tightly onto his seatbelt, Isaac Sumdac, one of the smartest men alive, was inside of the transformers cockpit. In the split second that they were above him, Blitzwing transformed halfway and aimed his wrist rockets at the two humans

Once they were locked onto, beeping filled the pilot's aircraft. The two took a tighter hold on their controls and got ready for evasive maneuvers "Target is hostile, I repeat, the target is hostile!"

Blitzwing didn't waste any time before he fired. The missiles flew through the air and completely missed the two military jets before they turned around and split off into even more

It didn't take long until the sky was painted in fireworks, the explosions caused the alien to smile on the inside. A small appetizer for what he truly planned

"Why are you doing this? You said no civilians would be harmed" He said in an Indian accent

"I've grown tired of this planet. After I finish what we're here for, it will be decimated" He said

"What?! But that wasn't the deal"

"I don't tell my comrades about the key, you fix the Space Bridge. That was the deal" He growled "I never said I'd leave this place unscathed"

"But...But what about my son?"

"His death will be swift"


For the next few hours, the RV was silent as Max drove on the road, Gwen was trying her best to keep track of where the alien was going although it was a lot harder than she thought. You, on the other hand, were debating on taking the hoverboard and leaving yourself

While you were trying to get your mind off of things, you were Flipping through the Omnitrix when an idea popped into your head. A green flash hit Gwen's peripheral vision before her computer began to change color

Realizing that it was your doing, she glared at the now black and green electronic "Hey, you better not have broken that" Gwen complained

"Shh" You replied, changing the device's core design. What you needed was an all-out tracker, not a web browser

A green light popped up on the screen as well, far away from each other, the lights blinked in unison while moving. White lines started to converge onto the screen, mimicking the road and multiple buildings that came along with it

"Is that where they are?" Gwen asked

"It's where Ai is" You said "I used her hoverboard. I took a chance and sampled some DNA from it in order to track her location" When you finished explaining, Gwen looked behind her laptop to see Ai's hoverboard covered in Upgrade as well

"Take me up to Max, he'll need to see" Gwen obliged to your request and took the laptop into the front, with his eyes returning to normal

Far ahead, Blitzwing's sensors were alerted when something locked onto his location. Had it been man-made, he would've just kept flying, but the strong sense of Energon coming from it said to do otherwise "Shatter we have a new... development"

A few seconds passed before she was heard over the com "What is the problem?"

"I'll tell you once you open the space bridge. Set it for these exact coordinates"

Max was driving in the RV While keeping a sharp eye on Gwen's computer. Taking a turn on the road, he was surprised to see a portal waiting for him right then and there. Quickly, he hit the break, but it was already too late

Now inside of a small section between time and space, Max had no other choice but to drive forward as it began to close

"What's going on?" You asked, looking out the window

Instead of answering, he gave you instructions "Hold on, everyone"

When the RV came out on the other side, it hit nothing but air. High above a city, the RV began falling at a fast pace as everyone began to shout in fear

Merging with the RV, its color was changed before you added wings and jet engines onto the side. Just as you got closer to the ground, you activated them and burst through the sky. Now that you had both control of the laptop and the RV, it made things easier for you

Peeking your head into the front, the circle on your head lit up every time you spoke "Is everyone alright?"

"Yeah" Max answered, since everyone else was catching their breath "Good job, kiddo"

You failed to notice what state you were dropped into and frankly, you didn't care as you continued to drift with the wind. The people in Bellwood below watched as the flying car went over them and out of sight

Ben, who had just left a movie with his parents dropped the smoothie he had when he said "Whoa"

Back with you, you kept low to the ground in case the Omnitrix decided to time out. But there was a silver lining in this incident, now you were a lot closer to Ai's signal than before "What was that?"

"I don't know" Max lied "Seemed like some kind of portal to me"

"Anytime a Cybertronian's involved, I end up getting a stomach ache" Gwen complained picking herself up off the ground


Shatter calmly worked on fixing the Space Bridge after opening that portal, the tower next to it standing tall as it generated energy. The systems were almost fried due to the distance it covered. Dropkick on the other hand was quite displeased with all that had been happening...Or lack thereof

"This planet, this air, the very ground I'm standing on" He kicked a Boulder which almost hit the Groundbridges controls "I need excitement. I should've never left Cybertro-"

He was knocked onto his back when Shatter shot a non-lethal round at him. Even if they were partners, there were limits to her patience "You could've ruined months of work. Get your urges in line before you find yourself under Megatron's boot"

He held back a glare and stood back up "Ugh, I'm just saying. Why send someone like Blitzwing to take care of the scout when I'm standing right here?!"

"Because you are too impulsive" She quickly answered as if she was prepared for it. Turning her back on her teammate, she continued trying to figure out what went wrong

Dropkick's mood soured more as he mumbled his complaints "Impulsive my tailpipe. I deserve to be out there. I didn't waste my time, showing my skills in the war only to be reduced to some sparkling on a road trip"

But, while the Decepticons were arguing amongst themselves, someone stood atop a mountain. The cloaked Cybertronian that had helped you before watched them from above

He'd been following these Decepticons since Slaterville. He wanted to know why they were here on Earth and from how much time they spent on the Ground Bridge it wasn't looking good

Around the same time that Max hit the bottom of his dashboard, a red light began to blink inside the giant's chest. Recognition flickered across his face before an idea came to mind

Pressing down on the windshield that made up his chest, he sent confirmation that the distress beacon was received "I see we shall meet again a lot sooner than I suspected..."

The roar of a jet engine filled the air as Blitzwing finally made it to their destination. Transforming, he landed on the dirt-covered ground of the mountain area as Ai and Isaac came tumbling out

Seeing a clear lack of yellow, Dropkick approached "I thought you said you had the scout?"

"I said no such thing" Blitzwing didn't even bother turning to him. Ai who was trying to get up was helped when Blitzwing took her into his hand and raised her "This one will bring him to us"

"Let me go! Let me go!" Even though her arms were in his grip along with her body, she still tried her best to struggle

"Silence!" He shouted, making her stop when she noticed the focused anger in his voice. The transformer's optics glared at the girl "You. You're one of the prime reasons I was defeated"

Ai, being the filter-less child she was returned the glare "Maybe you're just not better than Bumblebee"

Unconsciously, his fist tightened "I fought for years in the pits of Kaon alongside the great, Megatron! Fighting until my spark met its limits! One scout wouldn't have been able to beat me if you hadn't-"

"Enough" Shatter took heed to the squeaks of pain coming from the girl and took her from him "If the scout was angry just seeing her hurt, how will he react when he finds her crushed?"


"Mr. Sumdac, there seems to be a problem with the system tower. Fix it" She said as the adult scrambled up the ladder. When he was gone, she turned her attention to the child sitting in her open palm "Now, you young lady, will tell me all there is to know about this. Bumblebee you speak of..."


The Omnitrix had timed out a while ago, thankfully before then though, the signal stopped moving completely. Mountains and similar earthly structures surrounded the RV as Max parked it behind cover

Without wasting a second, you got out of the vehicle and started climbing the hill that kept the Cybertronian group from your view "Y/N, wait. We don't know what they're-"

His voice cut off for you. Your sole focus was on making sure Ai was okay

Which is why a sigh of relief left your lips when you saw her sitting in the hand of the red one. Not exactly safe, but at least she was okay. Max and Gwen quickly came up behind you, both worried about you doing something rash

"Y/N, we can't go down there yet. We need to-"

You put a finger to your lips and shushed her "Shh, I'm accessing. Look up there"

The two followed your finger and saw someone standing on the landing on the tower. Since his back was turned, you couldn't make out who it was, then again you didn't really need to

"So they got someone else too" You mumbled, flipping the Omnitrix

Max looked around the area and saw there was a certain lack of a self-driving truck. So, he thought it best to stall, the last thing he needs is a repeat of last time "Maybe we should wait a minute, Y/N. We-"

"I accessed the situation, I have a plan" Once the Omnitrix landed on Ghostfreak, you raised your arm "Now it's time to act"

Off in the distance, a green spark shined for a split second. Thankfully, Blitzwing was too busy glaring at Ai to notice "So, not every animal on this planet is considered edible for your kind?"

That glare hardened as Shatter and her were seemingly bonding "Well, most are. But then there're some that should just be left alone"


While Shatter asked her what the education system was like on this planet, you were invisible, floating closer

"It's kinda lonely" You heard Ai explain from atop the alien's hand "Classes are boring and the foods pretty okay, I guess. Oh, but theres this boy that-"

For you, her voice drowned out as you thought it be best to save the random guy first since he was above everyone's vision

Just when you were about to reach the tower, you were hit by a weird orange substance. While Blitzwing and Shatter may not have been able to see you, Dropkick's optics were modified to catch invisible objects

He didn't say a word, before kicking your form across the dirt "Look, a leech"

You tried getting the substance off of you, but whatever wasn't dripping off, was sticking to you like glue "What is this stuff?" You asked

Dropkick chuckled as he watched you try and remove it from you. With his laughs over, he aimed his weapon at you "And here I thought I wouldn't get to kill anything"


A loud noise pierced the ears of the people in the area, so much so that Ai and Isaac had to cover their ears. Dropkick wasn't even able to figure out where it was coming from when a laser beam hit him in the back

His other two teammates transformed their servos into ranged weapons and aimed at the direction from where it came. Taking their moment of distraction, you flew through the air and snatched her out of Shatter's hand "Woohoo, rescue team!!"

They were forced to ignore you when even more beams came flying at them coming from an unclean truck. What surprised them, was when it transformed and tackled Dropkick to the floor. When they were done rolling on the ground, the truck gained the upper hand and slammed his foot atop his chest

No one fired, they only aimed their weapons toward each other. When Dropkick tried to shoot at him, the Autobot took his foot and slammed it against that very arm. Ignoring the pained grunt from him, he addressed the other two "I'm only going to say this once...Leave this planet alone"

"And who are you, the scout's commander?"

The newcomer's optics narrowed as a battle mask covered his face "Disobey and find out"

Flying away from the scene, Ai held onto you tightly as you made your way back to Max and Gwen. Looking over your shoulder, she turned to you "Aren't you going to help him?"

"After you're safe. I still have to go save that other guy"

Max and Gwen watched as you landed nearby, once Ai was on the ground, they ran up to hug her. Surprised at the sudden contact, she slowly sunk into the hug "Hey, you guys"

Leaning back, Max got a good look at her "Are you hurt? There's a first aid kit in the Rust Bucket if you need it"

"I'm fine" She said, as they let go of her "We met another friend...I think"

They had noticed the new arrival but the only person who knew them was Max. Gwen knew of this person, but besides their wordless interaction, she knew nothing. You looked back to the group and got ready to go back and get the other hostage, but the Omnitrix had other plans

"No, no, wait!" You called out as the Omnitrix beeped. Returning to normal, you groaned when you got a good look at your fleshy hands "Great, now what?"

"I think we should leave it to the big guy over there" Max replied, trying to get you all to agree to leaving "This doesn't seem like our problem anymore"

"While I was with them, they kept saying Megatron" Ai decided to reveal, something that made Max uneasy. Her brows furrowed together in worry, pointing at the Groundbridge "I don't think we want them to activate it"

"So we have to save that other guy and kick robot butt, huh?" Gwen asked

You couldn't let your nerves get to you in a moment like this. Anytime in a TV show when the villains brought an unknown boss somewhere it meant trouble. So, slamming your fist into your palm, your teeth peeked through your lips as you grinned "Then I guess we got some saving to do"

Dr. Isaac Sumdac was atop the tower, working on keeping the connection stable enough for a portal to open. All throughout his mind though, it was clouded with worry. If he stopped working, he'd die, but if he kept going, the world would end

When he was abducted out of New York, he expected to be done with this rather quickly, but it seems that the aliens had other ideas. In the beginning, he thought this would be a great opportunity to learn more about what was beyond the planet

Now though? He regretted ever accepting their deal

"When the Groundbridge is functional, we're all walking through it" The mysterious bot told them as if he weren't outnumbered "After that, we will not be coming here ever again"

"And who are you to give us orders, huh? You some kind of neutral party in the war?" Dropkick ignored the pressure on his body to ask

Blitzwing may have been aiming at him, but if the Autobot were to fire at him first, he wouldn't be able to react. He was lost in thought, mainly thinking of a way to get out of this confrontation with all three still intact

A missile holster popped out of his should before a singular one came out and hit the ground in between the four of them. Dropkick took the opportunity to free himself from gain space as Shatter fired into the smoke that had kicked up

"Hraaagh!!" A battle cry pierced the field as the cloaked figure rammed into the red Decepticon. With an iron grip, he put her in the way of a few bullets from Blitzwing. Then with a kick aimed at her midsection, knocked her into the one shooting

Aiming for his flank, Dropkick tried to catch the Autobot off guard and was met with a swift backhand. A blade came from Shatter's wrist as she stood back up. Surging forward, her attack was blocked by her opponent before she was punched in the face

The Autobot didn't stop there. He grabbed her front and pulled her into a nasty headbutt and swept her legs from under here

"Enough!" Blitzwing leaped over Shatter's body and tackled the bot to the ground. While they exchanged blows on the floor, they failed to see you sliding down the hill and running toward them

"Alright, Omnitrix" You said, as the dial rose out of its socket "I think it's time to bring the heat!"

When the light faded, you saw that your fingers were replaced with sockets instead of lava. Coming to a halt, you pulled your arms back as sparks danced across your body "This works too" Throwing your arms forward, a beam of electricity fell through your fingers and knocked the hostile off of the cloaked Cybertronian

"I don't think I like the way you guys are ganging up on my friend here" You snickered with your arms crossed "I count as two people, so I think that evens out the odds"

The symbol on your chest set Blitzwing's anger ablaze. He was tired of seeing it, so when he instantly fired a blast at you, you weren't surprised. However, he was the one with shock on his face when he saw you absorb the energy "Mmm, tasty"

While Blitzwing was focused on you, Shatter went back to the original fight with a kick to the Autobot's leg. Not willing to give up ground, he returned her pain with more when he slammed his fist into her stomach

Dropkick did exactly as his name implied and sent the Cybertronian rolling across the ground. While he was getting his bearings, you dodged another attack, making your way to your opponent

"You got some dirt in your eye? Your aim sucks" You mocked

For the transformer, he was having a similar experience to you if you were trying to swat a fly. He knew where you were going, you were just too quick for him to react. Firing another ball, you sucked up another energy blast "Return to sender!" You quipped, putting in enough power to knock him down

"Doctor, Activate the bridge!" Shatter shouted to the human. When those words left her mouth, she leaned to the side in order to avoid a strike

"It's been a while since I've fought someone of your skill" She said as her blade clashed with her opponent's forearm "Tell me, how long have you been stranded here?"

While Blitzwing chased you in the background, the Prime gained space from her when their clash ended "You must be a brave warrior to challenge us" She complimented, glancing at you "Even with back up"

"You will not harm this planet. So long as I stand"

"Then fall" The Groundbridge opened up behind her. Everyone stopped when the flurry of colors invaded their vision, the fear and anticipation of what would come out on the other side branded them paralyzed




You didn't understand the weight this individual held. The amount of menace that came with just his presence. You were too young and too uneducated on the being, so as everyone stood frozen, you were completely confused "What the...?"

Others though, they knew exactly the amount of atrocities this single being had done. While the Decepticons bowed in reverence, the single Autobot felt his spark sink "No..."

"Lord Megatron" The three said in unison as much smaller Decepticons came out of the portal with their weapons at the ready

"Oh dear" Isaac squeaked, hiding behind the railing as Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons, surveyed the area. With nothing but the dirt and mountains surrounding him, he expected this place to be a desolate land "So this is where the Autobot was hiding..."

"It was a scout, sir" Shatter revealed to her commander. When he heard that a scout had kept them here for so long, he raised a brow "He has been eluding us with some kind of teleportation device"

While they spoke you inched your way over to the only other person fighting against these people "Yo, tin guy" You called out "Who's tall, dark, and spikey?"

"You must leave" He simply ordered


"The only way to stop this from ending terribly for this planet is if you leave this to me" He said, secretly gesturing for the tower that powered the bridge "If I am able to take out the tower, everything will be okay"

"I don't think you fully understand, but the hero schtick is kinda my thing" You claimed, as you eyed the tower that helped power the device "And it wouldn't be very hero-like to leave"

"This isn't up for debate" He replied, transforming his servo into a pulse rifle. Megatron finally took notice of the two of you and motioned for his subordinates to stand. The figure's tall frame along with the cannon on his forearm made you smirk

"I can only imagine the amount of energy I could get from that thing" You thought to yourself

As he came closer, you addressed the cloaked bot "You said to take care of the tower, right?" You wanted to stay and chat, but you didn't know when the Omnitrix was going to time out. So if you wanted to do something, it had to be done now

He gave you a nod, he didn't want to say anything that would give away a future plan he might use. A plan that you were about to make irrelevant

"Y'know..." You said, projecting your voice. You inspected the Groundbridge from afar, a smirk flowing onto your lips "I might not be a technological genius. But, do you want my Feedback on your machine?"

"You will bow before Megatron, worm" Blitzwing threatened with his cannon aimed at you

"You're right" You threw your hands out in a shrug, purposely ignoring him "I'll just do it anyway" You said, aiming your sockets at the ground

Blitzwing fired a shot at you, but you were too quick for him. Using electricity, you burst through the air and landed at the top of the tower. Using your plugs, you placed them on the metal and turned toward the doctor "I don't know you, but you might wanna move!"

"Stop him!" Shatter ordered the Vehicons. Following her request, they began shooting at you, but the towers landing kept you safe

With as much power as you could muster, you began to siphon the power out of the tower as the Groundbridge's portal began to flicker "Hopefully this works!"

Megatron watched your actions with interest. He didn't care whether the bridge was destroyed or not, he knew that the thing he came for was standing only a few feet away from him

Just as Dropkick and Blitzwing raised their weapons toward you, a surge of power ran through your body. Although you had gained most of it, some of its power was left over as it threw you off with a shockwave

A red flash lit up the sky as you fell toward the ground. Predicting where you were going to fall, the Autobot tossed his cloak at Megatron to obscure his vision as he caught you. Transforming into his truck, he turned around and sped through the dirt

An irritated face revealed itself when the cloak was thrown to the floor "Get them" He simply ordered as all nine vehicons transformed and gave chase

Max and the others who were om the hill watched the truck leave with you inside with the Vehicons not too far away "How're we supposed to help him exactly?" Gwen asked, looking at the amount of metallic giants there were

"Even I don't know what to do" Ai agreed

"We'll have to stay here if we don't want to get caught" Max said, he had hope that you would be safe "We just have to make sure they don't see us anytime soon"

You pressed your face against the window and saw the number of vehicles chasing after you "We've got people after us"

"I am well aware..."

With a hard turn, you were tossed out of the truck as he transformed once more. To keep himself from falling, he placed his hand on the ground as sparks flew through the air. You, on the other hand, were slightly irritated by the action

"What was that for?!"

"You must leave. I'll deal with this on my own" He said, pushing you away "This planet will not suffer our mistakes"

"Hey, I don't know if you noticed, but I can handle myself"

As the nine enemies transformed, they aimed their weapons toward the two of you. Making sure you were safely behind him, he made his way toward them

With each step he took, the dirt that had accumulated on top of his paint flaked away, revealing a sleek blue and red coat. As the rest fell away, he transformed his left and right servos into blades of searing heat as a battle mask adorned his face

"Not this one"

The Vehicons recognized him and instantly began firing at him without mercy. Tanking through the shots, Optimus Prime stabbed into one of them and used his body as a shield. Pushing toward the rest of them, he tossed the body away and kicked another

His elbow shot through the air and hit the chest of another. When one tried combating him upfront, he moved in time so that the blade was jammed into his ally instead. You watched from the sides as the lone transformer ran through each and every one of his opponents

"Whoa..." You whispered, watching him cut through two of them. Wanting a bit of the action, you looked down at the Omnitrix to see that it was still charging "Dangit"

Two jumped on his back to keep the Autobot still, but he jumped to the floor, squashing them underneath his weight. The final one tried taking advantage of his prone position only to be met with two blades in his chest. Now that the minions were dealt with, Optimus stood to his full height and was ready to go

That was until you called out to him "Hey, wait up!"

"Your help is appreciated, but unneeded young one. Stand aside, please"

"Yeah, I'd love to, but I got this thing on my wrist that says I can't" You said, tapping the Omnitrix that lit up a nice green "And it says it's recharged now, so..."

"I do not think you grasp the severity of this situation. Not only are there three Decepticons on your planet, but Megatron is here as well"

"I've been hearing that name a lot. Care to shed some light"

The Autobot sighed. He didn't want to tell you anything as of right now, it was a waste of time. But you also deserved to know seeing as you were a target of interest. Transforming into vehicular mode, he opened the door "Come, we have much to discuss"


Shatter stood at the control of the ground bridge, trying to lock back onto the warship to teleport more troops. You did a lot more damage to its power supply than expected

Megatron had barely moved from the spot he stood at. Watching where you and Optimus had left as Dropkick stood beside him, for the first time, silent. Blitzwing on the other hand was waiting for you to come back. He knew that you'd bring the scout with you at some point and he was hoping that time was now

"We need more energy" She said, turning Dropkick "Use your energy cannon again. It should give us enough for a one-way trip"

"Ugh, fine" He replied, trudging over as an engine was heard headed their way. His movement paused as a red truck parked itself a few yards away from them. After a moment, it transformed into a much taller figure "Huh, look who's back" He chuckled, now walking toward you and Optimus

"No. You will charge the bridge" Megatron ordered, much to Dropkick's displeasure "Blitzwing, Shatter. To me!"

On command the two were at his side instantly as you stood under Optimus' legs "Uh, they're focusing on us..."

"I am well aware" He replied, mask covering his face "If you are going to change, it's best if you do so now"

"Right, right" You reached down for the Omnitrix, you were planning to turn into Upgrade for obvious reasons. But just when you were about to pop the dial, it came up on its own. The silhouette onscreen was rather familiar to you "Not again"

"What's seems to be the problem?"

You grabbed the dial and tried your best to get it to turn "Rgh, It won't let move it"

"So I was right" Megatron's gravely voice interrupted the both of you "The signal led us straight to you...Optimus"

You looked up at the being standing over you. His optics remained still upon the reveal. Either he didn't care or he hid his emotions well enough you didn't notice "So you're the one they're looking for"

Optimus didn't address you, instead, he called out to Megatron in turn "Here I am, Megatron. This planet doesn't need to be brought into Cybertron's quarrel"

"Here's the thing Optimus. Cybertron can be returned, we have a way for it to be brought back to the universe" Megatron exclaimed with his arms out "All we need is your spark so we may live in peace"

"Your peace is tyranny, Megatron" While they were talking, you had finally got the dial to move. Moving through the catalog, you were silently praying that it would give you Upgrade "You will not open that Groundbridge and bring ruin to this planet"

"So be it" Megatron pointed a sharp finger at the two of you, signaling for the other two to go after you. Activating his thrusters, Blitzwing dashed across the field for the first strike while Shatter ran

"Prepare yourself-" Optimus tried to get orders out, but Blitzwing tackled him and flew him into the air

"Time to save the world!" You shouted, hitting the Omnitrix with excitement

Per usual, you were disappointed with the Omnitrix's choice of alien. When the green flash faded, Shatter was met with a metal fist the the face as Bumblebee came into existence **You've gotta be kidding me...**

Wiping her face, Shatter glared "So, the scout makes his appearance?"

Up on the hill, Ai saw the familiar yellow, and her stars shined brighter "Yeah, Bumblebee! Let's go-" Her mouth was swiftly covered by Max

His efforts were proven fruitless when Megatron turned in their direction "It seems we have spectators..." Aiming his arm cannon at them, he was ready to fire

Sliding past Shatter, you ran toward him and yanked his aim toward the ground just as he took the shot. When the beam hit the ground, both of you were tossed through the air due the the feedback. When you picked yourself up, you instantly had to move when Megatron's blade came toward you

"You have some nerve scout..."

Optimus saw from above that Megatron was confronting you and quickly grew worried for your safety. Grabbing Blitzwing, he steered him above you and got out of his grasp "Arrrgh!"

Megatron heard the shout from above and brought his blade up to clash with the Primes "B-127, you must keep them from recharging the bridge!"

Sumdac watched from above the tower and started to climb down "I refuse to die from falling"

Swiping his arm a certain way, he gained an advantage over Optimus. The Autobot leader struggled, but continued to talk to you "Go! Go now, young one"

"You should pay attention to yourself prime!" The tyrant shouted, slamming his fist into his stomach

"You will not take this world!" Grabbing his arm, Optimus pushed him away before tackling him

You heeded Optimus' words and went straight for Dropkick and the tower. Just when you were about to make it, you were brought into the air by Blitzwing

"Finally! My revenge is near!" He said, increasing speed as he brought you into the air

Ai and the others saw you go past the clouds and worry crossed their faces. Ai turned to Max and Gwen "How do we help him this time?"

"We can't" Max said, they were nowhere near Washington D.C. so it's not like he could get his equipment for moments like this "We just have to hope"

In the air, you were hitting Blitzwing any chance you got without care for whether you fell or not. With a grunt, he grabbed your shoulders and kept your arms still as his thrusters turned off

"I hope you enjoy your last seconds, scout" He said as gravity did its job. Falling at high speeds, you went back toward the ground

Optimus saw from below and his optics widened "No..." He mumbled as a fist hit his faceplate

Returning the gesture, Megatron was forced back. Optimus went to continue his assault, but his fist was caught before he was punched again "You worry about others too much Prime. That is why you are weak!"

"Finally! You die!" As the ground grew closer and closer, you were running out of ideas as you tried to keep your mind out of panic. With as much strength as you could muster, you got one of your arms free and hit Blitzwing with it

The force of the blow forced him to switch positions with you when he tried to let you go, you transformed your arm halfway so that he was stuck. Trying to wretch himself free, he aimed his blaster at you. When he took the shot, you adjusted his arm so that it flew harmlessly into the air



The force from the crash pushed Shatter, who was nearby, away as she crashed into the tower next to Dropkick. Coming out of the smoke, you saw Megatron and Optimus fighting directly in front of the Groundbridge. A fight that the Prime was losing

On your way back here, Optimus had told you a brief summary of Megatron. He was a problem. A problem that needed to be dealt with

**Access the situation** You saw that the tower was beginning to spark the way it did when you first got here. That meant it had enough energy for a trip **Come up with a plan...** You turned around toward the hill you knew your family was on

Ai was confused when you gave her a two-finger salute and transformed into your vehicle mode **Then act**

Dust kicked up into the air as you sped through the terrain toward the two transformers who were still attacking one another. Shatter realized that Megatron was about to be double-teamed and began firing at you

You moved around to avoid the blasts as you got closer and closer to your goal. When you were close enough, you transformed and jumped toward the Decepticon leader

"Argh!" Optimus was surprised when he saw you shoulder-check the transformer with force. The two of you went flying toward the open portal as you transformed your servo into its ranged state

Firing a shot, the blast flew through the air and hit Dropkick in the back. The Decepticon lurched forward, the delicate hold on the power supply that he had was overcharged when his cannon was forced into it. Pain erupted through his spark as the amount of energy coursed through him

The tower was destroyed by the surge of energy as the portal closed just as you and Megatron made it inside

Optimus looked at the wreckage, stunned at your actions while Max and the others completely threw their safety aside and ran down the hill

Dropkick pulled himself up and out of the wreck that the tower left. His right arm was missing and his face and body were burnt quite badly. Shatter was left in a similar state while Blitzwing was nowhere to be seen

When Max and everyone made it to Optimus they turned to him for answers "Where is he? Where'd Y/N go?" She asked the Autobot on the verge of crying

Optimus stood silent for a moment. He knew where you were, he just didn't want to believe it. The fact that you were smart enough to even think to kill two birds with one stone the way you did was vexing. He was disappointed he didn't think of it first

"The only place I can think that Megatron would dwell..."

"The Decepticon warship: Nemesis..."

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