'Midas Touch' | Aespa Winter...

By crypticguy_7

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Act 1 | Members Profile
Act 1 | First Mini Album: Temptations
Act 1 | Year 2021: Prologue
Act 1 | Year 2021: 'Warmest Snowfall'
Act 1 | Year 2021: Debut Stage
Act 1 | Year 2021: A normal day
Act 1 | Year 2021: Award Ceremonies
Act 1 | Year 2021: Birth of Babylon Garden
A/N: Love interest for our members! (Updated Pictures!)
Act 2 | Members Profile (Updated!)
Act 2 | Second Mini Album: Inner Child
Act 2 | Year 2022: The start of the new era
Act 2 | Year 2022: Being 'normal' for once
Act 2 | Year 2022: Comeback Stage
Act 2 | Year 2022: Welcome on board MC Killian!
Act 2 | Year 2022: Tour announcement!
Act 2 | Year 2022: World Tour commence!
Act 2 | Year 2022: Infatuation
Act 3 | Members Profile (Updated!)
Act 3 | First Full Album: Love Yourself: 'Beloved'
Act 3 | Year 2023: Asia Artist Awards
Act 3 | Year 2023: Visiting the new building
Act 3 | Year 2023: B.G. Academy!
Act 3 | Year 2023: Yujin's date
Act 3 | Year 2023: It's in my DNA
Act 3 | Year 2023: MAMA Awards
Act 4 | Members Profile (Updated!)
Act 4 | Third Mini Album: Endeavour
Act 4 | Year 2024: Unmute! IZ*ONE reunites!
Act 4 | Year 2024: Raising Funds
Act 4 | Year 2024: Awake
Act 4 | Year 2024: Rosetta 'Sung'
Act 4 | Year 2024: Artists for Healing
Act 4 | Year 2024: Billboard Music Awards
A/N: Polling Season is open! Please vote for further chapters!
Act 5 | Members Profile (Updated!)
Act 5 | Second Full Album: Love Yourself: 'Grieve'
Act 5 | Project Group: Inception
Act 5 | Year 2025: The start of the new day
Act 5 | Year 2025: The big meeting
Act 5 | Year 2025: American Music Awards
Act 5 | Year 2025: Spicy (Rated-R)
Act 5 | Year 2025: New Contracts
Act 5 | Year 2025: KBS Drama Awards
Act 6 | Members Profile (Updated!)
Act 6 | Fourth Mini Album: A Beautiful Day.
Act 6.5 | Extra: Empress' Members Profile - Edited
Act 6 | Year 2026: Family Vacation
Act 6 | Year 2026: Touchdown Heathrow
Act 6 | Year 2026: The Heart of London
Act 6 | Year 2026: Heritage Site
Act 6 | Year 2026: Reunion
Act 6 | Year 2026: PLEDIS' Reunion
Act 7 | Members Profile (Updated!) - Edited
Act 7 | First English Mini Album: Friends - Edited
Act 7.5 | Artists under HYBE Labels
Act 7 | Year 2027: A new beginning
Act 7 | Year 2027: HYBE's photoshoot
Act 7 | Year 2027: Sasaeng
Act 7 | Year 2027: Saved
Act 7 | Year 2027: Picnic! Ready set go!
Act 7 | Year 2027: Grammy Awards
Act 8 | Members Profile (Updated!)
Act 8 | Third Full Album: Map of the Soul: 7 Personas
Act 8 | Year 2028: Siblings tag team
Act 8 | Year 2028: Boy With Luv
Act 8 | Year 2028: United Nation
Act 8 | Year 2028: Galacticos
Act 8 | Year 2028: Darl+ing
Act 8 | Year 2028: Big Reveal
Act 9 | Members Profile (Updated!)
Act 9 | First Mixtape: Beyond The Scenes
Act 9 | Year 2029: Idol Star Athletics Championships
Act 9 | Year 2029: Off the Record
Act 9 | Year 2029: Memories Rekindled
Act 9 | Year 2029: Military send offs
Act 10 | Year 2031: Epilogue Pt. 1
Act 10 | Year 2031: Epilogue Pt. 2
Act 10 | Year 2041: Epilogue Pt. 3

Act 1 | Year 2021: Fansign

1.1K 53 4
By crypticguy_7

November 2021,


I always thought having friends were one of God's given treasures. I'm one of those believers as well. Not a lot, but those who you can trust and treasure every memories together. As an introvert, people thought I have zero friends. Yet that was proven false. I just know how to keep in contact with people.

CEO: Come in.

Me: Excuse the intrusion- Oh hyung is in here as well? Should I come at another time?

I knocked on the door to the CEO office only for me to be surprise to see S.Coups hyung in there as well.

S.Coups: No worries. We're done anyways. See you-

Me: Actually hyung. I do need advise from you as well. Is it possible to hear me out?

I interrupted him to his confusion. Nonetheless, he sat back down as I sat beside him facing our CEO.

CEO: Is there something wrong Killian?

He start by asking me. Shaking my head as I looked back at him.

Me: No sir. Just want to have different opinions.

CEO: And that is?

Me: I want to know if it's possible for idols to have a somewhat 'healthy' relationship with their friends?

My questions managed to raise both of their eyebrows.

Me: I've read online that idols can't date to avoid scandals. I can understand that part, but I'm confused with why is it so wrong to be friends in the same industry? I know that SEVENTEEN sunbaenim have a lot of friends. But for us 4th gen it became lesser to the point of extinction. I just want from your POV and what we should do as a group if we have idol friends.

My question was then heard by our CEO and S.Coups hyung. They nodded in understanding before thinking and gave the answer.

CEO: Actually, there's nothing wrong with being friends. But the main reason is the -

S.Coups: - fans. Toxic fans will always find a way to put a 'label' on idols. This became more prominent starting from us 3rd gen up until yours. Th 2nd gen idols have no problems at all.

CEO: What he said. But if you truly want to be friends with them. Then go for it. There's nothing with it. But for extra precaution, we can set up an interview with them and come clean to the public. That way, we won't let the fans in the dark. I think that it'll become a big thing if we hide it to the public. The same goes to you S.Coups.

S.Coups: Me?

Hyung pointed to himself making the CEO laughed.

CEO: Yeah. You guys are hitting 30 in a few years. If you guys wanna date then sure. I know it's a silent agreement to not date. But you guys deserve happiness. I'm sure CARATS want it too. So if you guys decide to date, express it publicly. I'm sure your fans will be more to welcome them into the family. 

From getting to know them personally, they were really good people. The people that I can lean on for help. SEVENTEEN sunbaenim was the best senior that I can looked up upon. Smiling, I decided to rely this information to my members.

Knowing how SEVENTEEN and CARATS bonded together, that's how we want to be as well. To create a bond to respect each other. I envy their fandom on how wholesome they were compare to those toxic fandoms.




I suddenly got three notification on my phone. Opening it up, I smiled at three senders. Putting it back on my pocket, I decided to answer it later when I reached my dorm with the rest of the members readying for our first fansign.

MinMin ❄️: Anneyounggg!!! Have fun with your first fansign!! Please smile at them okayy. I know you don't smile you big oaf! Jimin unnie, aeri unnie and ning all said good luck!!

Minjeong had shown never ending support alongside her members towards us. I always want our group to be close friends without any complications. That was one of the main reasons why I met the CEO and S.Coups hyung.

Wonyoungie 🐰: Oppa!! Have you read the news!?!? Yujin unnie and I are joining an upcoming girl group!!

Yujinnie 🐶: Oppa! Wonyoung and I are debuting in December!! Please show us your support again!!

Two more contacts were added into my phone. Yujin and Wonyoung. Both of them got my contact number last week when they stumble upon my store late night. Apparently, they joined back their training company, Starship Entertainment which where my uncle works at.

They will redebut under the name IVE which consists of 4 other members to create a 6 girl group. Welp, another group to be friends with.

Wait a minute, why are there more girls than boys in my contact list?


Jaewoo: Shucks I'm getting nervous.

Tobio: Not just you. I'm scared shitless.

Muchen: Really guys? You can perform in front of a thousand people and yet you're afraid to talk to one person?

Jaewoo: That's different hyung! This is more personal!

The maknaes were pouting at Muchen who was rolling his eyes out leaving AJ and I at the front.

AJ: You're not nervous?

Me: Not really. They're our fans. Where we are now is all because of them. I want to repay them back a thousand times.

As I said it, the sun was hitting my face, highlighting my features that made AJ's eyes filled with awe.

AJ: Hyung. I know we shit on you a lot during our trainee days but god damn we'll follow you to the end of the world.

I raised my eyebrows at his genuine smile. Laughing I nodded before the five of us went to greet our fans. The moment we entered the stage, we were greeted by a wave of fans that made us all stumbled a bit.


We were expecting fans, but not by this lot. This was massive for our first fan meeting! The other members looked a bit stumbled yet as their leader, I patted their backs to get them back into rhythm.

Me: Let's go guys.

I took the first step before the rest follows. We sat on our desired seats according to our age. Meaning I will greet them first followed by Muchen, AJ, Tobio and ended with Jaewoo as our maknae.

Me: Let's greet them first okay? Fly,

Everyone: (Hi)gh! We are Babylon Garden!

Me: Ya. It's surreal to finally meet you guys here. How are you guys feeling?



Me: Marry me? Uh... Then I think you need to bring your documents right? (A/N: Moments before disaster in the future)

Fans: AAHHHH!!!!

I chuckled at their behaviour as the first line started to fill in. One by one, our fans greeted us as we signed and talked about some random stuff.

Fan 2#: I became an instant ANGEL the moment I listened to your whole album. I really love you guys!

Fan 3#: You look more handsome in real life oh my god!

Fan 4#: I can't wait for your next comeback! I'll be waiting!

Fan 5#: The award ceremonies are coming next month. We pray you won something!

The fans were more than polite to us. As a member of a group, all of us replied to them with upmost care. Flirting while also making jokes to ease the tension. Gifts were given to us and some of them were too shy and nervous to talk.

Me: Hey hey it's okay. Take a deep breath okay? We don't want to let this chance to get to know each other gone right?

Fan 6#: O-Okay. I-I'm sorry. I'm just a bit nervous.

Me: It's okay. Now, where were we?

The fan sign goes on until the last person which was the 100th person came by. I didn't realize that time flies so fast in the span of 3 three hours. I looked to the side to see my members started to feel tired after the adrenaline rush finally dies down.

Staff: All right guys. Let's wrap it up!

Me: Oh I have some stuff to do after this. May I be off?

I replied. I remembered that Wonyoung and Yujin are currently training, I decided to drop by some food and drinks to them.

Muchen: Where you going hyung?

Jaewoo: Are you visiting Minjeong noona?

It's still weird hearing my friends called Minjeong 'noona'. They've known each other since she visited from time to time at our building. Minjeong had quickly became their favourite since she always brings food for them.

How would our group react meeting each other for the first time?

Me: Nope. I'm meeting a friend of mine. They're debuting in December.

Muchen: Ahh I see. Well, say hi to them.

Nodding at them, I left them in my car before driving towards Starship entertainment. I dropped by a convenience store before buying some bread and some juice for them. After paying, I looked up again one last time to make sure I got everything.

Cashier: This is- Oh my god it's Killian!

The cashier looked so flabbergasted at my presence. Then the sudden realization came by, I didn't wear my mask. Chuckling, I waved at her before she asked for a picture.

Cashier: I love you guys so much!

Me: Ah thank you so much!

I bowed at them as I exited the store. Looking at the sky, the temperature started to drop. Winter was coming.

Me: Winter. That's funny. 


Receptionist: Yes, is there something I can help?

Me: Hi yes. May you call Wonyoung and Yujin? I'm their friend and I brought them some snacks for them.

Receptionist: Yes definitely. Please wait here.

I nodded a small thank you before waiting at the lounge area. Looking around, I checked upon the awards the artists under Starship had won. I chuckled seeing my uncle was there with multiple awards.

Wonyoung: Killian oppa!!

Yujin: You didn't tell me that you're coming today!

The pair ran towards me before bowing with smile on their faces. I replied back before giving them the stuff I bought.

Me: I was on my way back home. Decided to stop by and give you guys this. See it as a debuting gifts.

Wonyoung: Waaahhh. Thank you so much for this!!

Yujin: You wanna come in and eat with us?

Me: Thank you but no thank you. I have to go back sadly. But maybe we can have hang out later?

Yujin: That sounds good! I'll hold it up to you.

The pair looked so happy to receive the snacks. Seeing that I'm done here, I decided it was time for me to leave. Waving back at them, they gave their most sincere smile that made my heart skipped a beat.

Wonyoung: Thank you oppa!


Yujin: Thank you Killian oppa!


My eyes widened before my hand went to my chest. My heart was beating so fast and it was very warm. Their smile was fulfilling to me. It made me realized that their old group was one of the group that I supported.

And everything was snatched away from them in a snap of a finger. And now, all of them went separate ways to start from scratch. I remembered seeing them cry on their last concert and it broke me.

Me: Make sure to make it you two. I'll be your pillars of support.

And I promised myself to save their smiles again.


A/N: Next chapter we'll be seeing Wonyoung and Yujin more! So stay tune for that!

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