Cardcaptor Sakura: The wild c...

By AidenGachaworld

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A compilation of short stories about Sakura going out to capture a new variant of Clow cards, these ones bein... More

CHAPTER 1: THE KEY, Sakura and the new Wild Cards(Kingdom hearts)
CHAPTER 2: THE ROCK, A test of manliness. (MHA)
CHAPTER 3: THE CHOPPED: The amazing Sakura and the Flashy Jester <Part 1> (OP)
CHAPTER 4: THE CHOPPED: Confrontation! The Amazing Sakura vs the Genius Jester!
Chapter 5: THE FROST: An older sister's dilemma, Sakura's Winter battle.
CHAPTER 6: THE REVIVED: SKELETAL JOKES, Tomoyo and the phantom of music.
CHAPTER 7: 'THE RAVEN: MODEL HERO': Sakura and the Jet-Black Hero.


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By AidenGachaworld

Third Person POV:

It was a new day as Sakura slowly got out of bed, rubbing her head in pain. Looking down at herself, she could still feel the combo slashes Marluxia dished out.

She was lucky enough that Sora knew Healing magic and the fact that he knew a thing or 2 about treating wounds.

She remembered Sora and the others explaining what happened yesterday, after capturing the Reaper Nobodies.

Thankfully, no one was hurt, minus her and Syaoran.

It was honestly bad enough that Sakura had to deal with all of these new Wild Cards, but now she needed to face this 'Organization XIII' group.

Deciding to put those thoughts aside for now, she got out of bed and decided to get ready for the day. While getting ready, she noticed a small scar on her side.

Sakura: *Well, guess that's to be expected. Wonder who caused that though??*

Choosing to ignore this, Sakura went downstairs to have breakfast.

Since the incident yesterday, the school decided to give the students the day off to give them time to recover.

So, Sakura was currently home alone as her father was at work while her brother was out with Yukito.

After getting a bit of breakfast, Sakura did her chores before heading out to explore her neighbourhood.

Exploring the neighbourhood, Sakura had the feeling that something was off about today.

It wasn't the fact that she couldn't see anyone, it was mainly the fact that she couldn't hear anything.

All around Sakura, the wind, the barking of dogs, the swaying of leaves, they were all gone. Everything was completely silent.

Stopping for a minute, Sakura looked around her neighbourhood in confusion from the pure silence.

That was when she heard the sounds of loud gunshots and what could only be described as an explosion not too far from her.

Normally, Sakura wouldn't be the one go out of her way to see what exactly was going on, Choosing to walk the other way in these types of situations.

However, her senses sharpened as she felt the aura of a Wild Card in the area of the bullets. She could also sense a different type of energy. . One almost identical to that of Keros's. .

Sakura: *That's impossible, though. . . Keros should still be at home.*

Needing answers for this situation, Sakura quickly ran over to the area with her wand out.

Once she arrived, she hid behind a couple of boxes to see what exactly was happening.

That was when a young teenager was sent flying out of the woody area of the park. Next to come sliding out were two green gun-blades.

The teenager looked to be of Eastern descent, he actually looked like he may or may not be apart of Syaoran's clan, judging by the green hanfu shirt. He wore grey pants and had his black hair tied into a ponytail. A tint of pink was present in his hair.

The boy, getting back on his feet, wasted no time in retrieving his gun and aimed it at the woods.

Just then, the boy dodged an incoming rocket, which blew up the area where the boy was just standing. Sakura's jaw dropped at how exactly this could've happened.

That was when the sound of footsteps could be heard, causing Sakura to look up. From the treeline, Sakura could see a rather tall man with blonde hair walking towards the teenage boy, who was now aiming both his guns at the man.

The man had on a pink shirt with hearts, white jeans, brown shoes and a sort of reddish hat. The man seemed to have some sort of black feathered coat draped over his shoulders as his face had a singular line of lipstick on his jawline and some sort of blue star was present below his left eye.

The man stood a few feet from the boy, unmoving.

Sakura watched both figures in silence, not daring to move from her spot. On one hand, the boy was definitely a Wild Card, seeing as how his aura flared up.

On the other hand, the blonde guy emitted a different kind of aura. It wasn't that of either a Clow or a Wild Card. At the same time, the blonde did have an aura that separated them from any normal human. Concentrating for a bit, Sakura's eyes widened as she realised that the man's aura was incredibly similar to both Keros and Yukito's.

Sakura was startled out of her train of thought as the man with the beanie spoke up.

???: I'm getting tired of this. Even if I do beat you to a pulp, you're not gonna return to card form. *Looks in Sakura's direction* Oi kid. Get out here.

Sakura stiffened as she heard the man call her out.

Sakura: *How did he even know I was here?!?*

???: Just get out here, Cardcaptor.

Sakura, wand in hand, decided to oblige with the strange man.

???: Good, you are this world's 'Cardcaptor'. *Walks over to a bench and lights a cigarette* Go ahead and start when you're ready.

At this point, the poor girl was beyond confused as her head was tilted in confusion and question marks floated above her head.

Even the teenager was confused about what exactly was happening.

However, seeing as how they may not have a say in the matter, both Sakura and the teenager stepped forward.

???: Hang on a moment. *Points his finger up into the sky as a pink orb surrounds them.* Room: SILENT!

Suddenly, everything inside and outside of the orb became silent

???: Just needed to be sure. Now, state your names so we can get this started.

Sakura: What did you do??

???: Just set up a Silent barrier. Now, would you hurry it up?

Sakura: R-right. My name is Sakura Kinomoto. The Cardcaptor of the Clow and Wild Cards.

The boy narrowed his pink eyes at Sakura for a moment. He lowered his guns before entering a battle stance.

Ren: My name is Lie Ren. Normally, I wouldn't fight civilians, especially children. However, if it means getting back home, I don't have a choice.

With that, a secondary invisible barrier was formed around the two fighters and the smoking man.

Sakura made her move, trying to end this fight quickly by summoning 'Windy'.

However, Ren merely jumped and dodged each of Windy's attempts to capture him.

That was when he aimed Stormflower at Sakura, letting loose round after round at the girl.

Seeing this, the girl instantly activated the 'Fly' card and began soaring around the area to avoid all of Ren's gun shots.

Ren continued to unload his gun until both of his pistols ran out of bullets.

Ren: * Could've sworn I loaded more ammo in Stormflower.*

Seeing as he no longer had any ammo, Ren, using some of the objects in the park as leverage, immediately jumped in the air and attempted to slash Sakura with Stormflower's blades.

The girl, remembering her battle with Marluxia, swiftly moved out of the way before landing back on the ground.

Ren followed suit as he dual-weilded both his pistols, Sakura following suit with the 'Sword' card.

Both fighters entered combat as both of them continued to slash at each other. Eventually, Sakura managed to land a slash on Ren, only for his aura to flash up.

Gaining distance from Sakura, Ren checked his aura, only to widen his eyes in shock. It was already yellowish red.

Ren: *D#mmit. That fight with the other guy really took it out of me.*

Seeing Ren distracted, Sakura reached down to pick a card. That was when one of her own Clow Cards reacted and went up to the wand, shocking Sakura as the card summoned itself.

From the card, emerged a young teenager girl with white hair tied into two odango pigtails, and a blue leotard with fingerless gloves in a crouching position. The girl slowly got up and stared at Ren with her sky-blue eyes before entering a fighting stance.

???: *Would you look at that. . They're actually influencing the others.*

Sakura: Fight?!?! Wait, what are you doing?!?

Fight looked back at Sakura and smiled. While Sakura couldn't grasp exactly what was happening, she knew that Fight came out on her own for a reason. After a bit of a stare down between Card and Cardcaptor, Sakura's nodded her head, giving Fight permission to duel.

Ren, seeing this, was honestly just more confused than ever. However, choosing to put everything aside for now, he struck Stormflower's into the ground and began walking over to Fight, fastening his gloves tightly.

Ren: *Enters a fighting stance* Take it your my opponent now?

Fight: *Nods*

Ren: *Smirks* All I needed to know.

And so, both Ren and Fight began dueling it out.

While Sakura was still busy wondering how Fight got out of her card, Fight herself was mainly dodging most of Ren's attacks.

The boy was delivering either palm thrust or elbow thrusts.

Both Ren and Fight used their legs to block each other's attacks. Fight then grabbed Ren's leg and threw him to the side, the boy easily getting up and continuing his assault.

Fight then sent a couple of punches towards Ren, only for him to block them with his arm. Continuing this streak, Ren launched a full side kick at Fight, sending her flying into the barrier.

Picking herself up, Fight wiped a bit of dirt off her face. Feeling a little more fired up, Fight rushed back at Ren, the boy attempting to land another punch.

That was when Fight grabbed Ren's arm, and with the speed she was going at, dragged Ren on the ground, came to a stop, threw Ren over her shoulders before slamming him into the hard concrete ground.

This final move was the finisher of the round as Ren's aura shattered around him, causing the boy coughed up a bit of blood.

Fight stood to the side, waiting for the next attack. Ren simply tapped the ground, indicating he yielded.

Ren: *Slowly getting up in pain* That. . Hurt a lot.

Fight: *Helps Ren up*

Ren: Thanks. You fight pretty well.

???: *Throws away his cigarette* That's it for this round. Sakura, was it? Why don't you capture the card. *Points at Fight* You, on the other hand, are gonna have a nice long chat with me.

With that, Fight followed the man with the black-feathered coat inside of a different silent dome as the invisible barrier around them shattered.

Ren: So. . . What now??

Sakura: Well, this is kind of the part where I say my catchphrase and turn you back into a card. . ?

Ren: . . . . . Why am I not surprised.?

Sakura: Well, I just thought I'd let you know beforehand.

Ren: *Scratches the back of his head before sighing* Guess the heads-up is appreciated. Oh, right. Mind looking out for two people for me? One of them is a blonde boy with a sword and shield. The other is a ginger haired girl with a giant mallet. Honestly, can't miss either of them.

Sakura: I can keep an eye out for them. *Guess that means more cards to find. . *

Shaking her head, Sakura prepared the ritual as mist flowed into the area, and her pentagram formed beneath her and Ren.

Sakura: Return to the guise you were meant to be in! *Raises and slams her wand onto Ren's barrier* CLOW CARD!!!

Ren's body was suddenly being sucked into the powerful portal. With a sigh, Ren closed his eyes as he, along with his guns, Stormflower, disappeared into the card.

The card floated in the air for a minute before flying over to Sakura.

The card was titled 'The CALM', showcasing a picture of Ren in a martial arts stance with both of his guns. In the background, was the symbol of a pink Lotus.

On the back of the card was the same lock and chain symbol. Below the symbol, were the names of both Sakura and Lie Ren.

Sakura smiled happily before storing the card away.

That was when she heard the sound of laughter.

Turning, she could see the blonde man with the beanie laughing joyfully due to his sound barrier being gone. Just beside him, Sakura could see Fight giggling to herself. The scene was really starting to confuse the poor girl.

???: I see. To think you'd go that far. *Turns to Sakura* Oh hey, looks like that girl's finished. You can head on back.

Fight: *Whispers something into the man's ears before smiling innocently*

???: *Chuckles before lighting another cigarette* Heh, don't worry. Your secret's safe with me. I am pretty silent.

With that, Fight bowed before the man before returning to her card form and into Sakura's hand.

???: Whelp, I'd best be off. Glad to finally meet you, Cardcaptor. *Begins walking off*

Sakura: H-HOLD ON! You haven't even told me your name! Why are you here?!? And what were you and Fight talking about???

The man stopped in his tracks for a minute before turning around and giving Sakura both a big smile and a peace sign.

Corazon: Names Corazon, one of the few new helpers in finding and containing Wild Cards.

Without another word, Corazon left a speechless Sakura by heading off into the tree-line.

Sakura, although speechless, could suddenly hear all of the sounds in the forest. The wind, the dogs, and even the sounds of people. All of them were making sounds.

As Sakura stared at the tree-line, she suddenly looked up and realized that it was already past noon.

Freaking out at this revelation, Sakura quickly ran all the way home. This time, with a brand new Wild Card to join the family.


In the tree-line, Corazon watched as Sakura swiftly ran home.

While he couldn't understand why the cards chose her at first, his talk with 'Fight' and how she described Sakura almost reminded him of a certain other kid.

Shaking off the thought, Corazon turned to walk away. .
. .

Only to run into a tree, causing the man to curse at said tree.


(New lore???? So yeah, as an author's note, I will make it so all of the 'dead' characters minus Brook and a few others will be introduced as 'Helpers'.

Cause let's face it, Sakura is not beating any of these cards without at least a bit of their help. Realistically speaking.

So yeah, leave a comment on which character you'd want to see next, and I will see you all in the next chapter.)

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