My Brothers Best Friend

By StormyWinter

2.5M 39.9K 4.1K

"If this was published, I'd buy it" Rhi can have any guy she wants but she goes for the guy she has been frie... More

My Brothers best... Part 1
My brothers... part 2
Brothers best... part 3
My brothers best... part 4
My brothers best... part 5
My brothers best...part 6
My brothers best...part 7
My brothers best...part 8! :)
My brothers best...Part 9
Part 10 :)
Teaser :)
Part 11 :D
Part 12 :)
Part 13 :D
Part 14 :D
Part 15!
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18 :)
Part 19!
Part 20 :)
Update :)
Part 21
Part 22 :O
Part 23 :P
Taster :)
Part 24 :O
Part 25 :)
Part 26 :)
Part 27 :D
Part 28 :)
Part 29
Part 30! OMG!
31 ...Did someone say road trip?!
32...making out in the snow...
33...Number 10 and coffee please
34...All creeped out
35...God damn hot chocolate
36...I'm going to have to ruin it
Part 37... Hand it over Chase
38...we need to be honest
39...Drifting apart
40...I won't need to force myself on people
Part 41...Ash hates me...
Part 42...You don't like it
Part 43...Las Vegas
Part 44 ...Live off coffee
Part 45...
Part 46...Apart from your snoring...
Part 47....Keep the boy on a leash!
Part 48...Awkward..
Part 49...Go Mental
Part 50...Hallelujah!
Part 53...Christmas
Part 54... we wont break up
Part 55... Something far more better
Part 56.... Life and Death.
Part 57- First half.
To My Fans
Part 58- Recovery
59 :)
Part 60
In Celebration of reaching 1 million reads!
I'm really sorry!
Part 61... Graduation (Finally!)
Part 62 (Teaser)
Part 62- Don't Walk Away
Part 63- The End.

Part 51...You would be here

27.6K 363 33
By StormyWinter

Sorry its taken me so long to upload but its here now!

This is an extra long make up for all the uploads i have missed.

Its a bit of Ash and Rhi time :)

Enjoy :D xx


I watched as my mum and dad’s car turned the corner and disappeared from my sight. Ash’s arms wrapped around me tighter as I felt a tear leave my eye. I was crying over my parents who had now left us. I don’t know why I felt a single amount of regret that I hadn’t gone with them.

“Come on lets go inside, it’s freezing out here” Ash whispered in my ear and I smiled after feeling his hot breath on my ice cold ear. Sam and Brook stood behind us hugging and talking. Everything was fine in the world now.

So, how did I get them to leave us alone? I simply told my mum that we would all cope on our own and stop having house parties. She did figure out that me and Ash were dating but luckily did not give me a ‘talk’. She did the ‘talk’ years ago. I placed my hands on Ash’s that were wrapped around my waist and squeezed them. Everything was going to be fine now.

Ash took both my hands and started to lead me back to the house, Brook and Sam trailing behind us. It was now dark outside and I wondered what time it was. I checked the clock over the oven while grabbing some water. 9:13 PM. Brook was stood talking to Sam and they looked all loved up, then it hit me, wasn’t Brook staying at her grandmas?

“Hey Brook, are you staying here tonight?” Ash was now having a coughing fit behind me after choking on some water. He was probably thinking about the fact that Sam is in the house and now we know they’re going out. I walked over to Ash and started slapping him on the back while Brook looked at Sam, thinking about whether she should stay the night.

“Err…sure, if it’s okay.” She smiled holding onto Sam’s hand. I’ll admit it was kind of cute if slightly disturbing to think about them….Ewww Rhi! Ash is now coughing even harder and I just laugh.

“Absolutely! We can do Sam’s and Ash’s nails then do face masks, oh then watch mean girls! ” I replied smiling still smacking Ash’s back as he looked about to pass out.

“Get a grip on yourself!” I shouted slapping Ash’s face hard. He stopped coughing and then looked at me with an evil grin. I seriously regretted doing that. Sam and Brook walked towards the stairs laughing and I was left with a creepy Ash.

“Ash don’t do what I think you’re going to do!” I shouted running towards the stairs and pushing past Brook and Sam. They both just looked at me strangely before walking into the film room and turning on the television. I dashed up the stairs hearing Ash striding behind me. Why did he have such long legs?

I sprinted towards my room and locked the door then grabbed my draws and pushed them in front of it. Anyone would think that a murderer was coming for me, no but Ash is.

Then the banging came. I sat on the floor of my room with legs crossed in a meditating pose. I started humming and making random noises. I heard Ash outside the room laughing then shouting cursive words.

“Hum hum hum!” I sang sitting in a yoga pose. Next thing I know the draws fall over and Ash crashes into the room. I screamed and ran over to the bed trying to take cover underneath the blankets. He just laughed and pulled back the blanket revealing me scared.

“You are weird Rhi! I love you for it though” He smiled lying next to me on the bed. I planted my head on his chest and listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

“I love you too” I whispered into his chest then moved up to face him and touched my lips with his gently. He responded quickly with a feel of hunger. His teeth biting down on my lip asking for entrance. I just giggled then pulled away and ran out of the room. He made a loud groan then followed after me.

Before I knew it I was jumping off the last step and joining Brook and Sam in the film room. They were watching some lovey duvey film which I didn’t really pay attention too. Ash walked into the room and I ran to Sam and sat next to him.

“This person is called an OLDER brother Ash!” I pointed out while Sam looked slightly creeped out. Ash knew that he couldn’t do anything in front of Sam as he would go ballistic. I just smiled smugly and watched the film with Ash sat next to me. Half way through the film I lay my head on Ash’s chest, next thing I remember being carried upstairs half asleep.

The sound of rain hitting the window woke me from my peaceful sleep. I sat up straight and looked around my room, scared that something would be sat in the corner. Fortunately there wasn’t, I turned my head to see Ash sprawled next to me with his around my waist. I checked my clock, 4:30am.

Ash began to stir next to me and I ran a hand through his hair. His eyes flicked open and he jumped up.

“What’s wrong Rhi?” He asked looking round the room for a killer. I laughed and grabbed his arm then pulled him back to the bed.

“Nothing’s wrong, go back to sleep…I have to dance today. You’re coming watching me, right?” I asked Ash who was now lying down next to me and pulling me down with him. I completely forgot that I had to dance in front of the school today. Ash yawned next to me and wrapped his arm around me.

“Course I am” He spoke, his voice thick with sleep. I smiled and turned into his chest burying my face in his shoulder. I kissed his shoulder gently and he sighed, content before his eyes closed. As much as I would have loved to go to sleep then, but I didn’t, I tried keeping the thoughts that were running through my head, out.

I pulled away from Ash gently, tied my hair in a bun then pulled on my sweatpants and a strappy top. The hallway was dark as I ran down the stairs and turned off the alarm. I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water and walked to the dance studio outside.

Technically it was a shed but my parents made it into a dance studio for me when I was thirteen. It was dark and rain hit my head as I opened the back door and headed for the dance studio.

The lights flicked on as I entered and the automatic music player turned on. I looked around at the room which I hadn’t been in for months. The wooden floor was still clean and polished, the curtains pulled across the huge mirror and the various dance shoes untouched.

I touched the floor carefully then sat on it looking at the curtains deciding whether I should do this. The water bottle lay untouched so I took a sip then walked over to the music player. I flicked on ‘Moment 4 life’ by Nicki Minaj and started to warm up. Warming every single bone in my body and waking myself up I walked over to the curtain and pulled it back.

There she stood, me. The girl that had changed in the course of a few weeks. The girl that now had a boyfriend and was happier in life.  I hadn’t looked at myself dressed in my dance clothes for weeks. I didn’t want to after what happened outside the dance studio a month ago. Ash now didn’t like me dancing that much because he thought that I over did it sometimes, I kind of agreed with him.

I stopped warming up and looked at myself in the mirror. So much had happened in the last month. The music flicked to ‘Till the world ends’ by Britney Spears and I started swaying my body and getting into the rhythm. Before I knew it I was jumping in the air and landing gracefully. My body moving in time with the rhythm, gracefully swinging my legs in the air. I stopped for a minute breathing heavily and looked at myself. I should look different after Las Vegas but I don’t. I don’t see a difference in myself, I don’t feel different.

I carried on dancing for god knows how long then finally fell on the floor out of breath. I could feel my face heating and my lungs felt like they were going to burst. The familiar burning feeling began in my foot; I ignored it and walked over to the CD player before turning it off. I could still hear the rain beating down on the roof; I laughed then grabbed my water and took a sip. I retied my hair and looked in the mirror again staring at the girl that stood before me.

I was happy with my figure; I didn’t want to change anything about the way I looked. The door opened to reveal a rather tired looking Ash. His hair was a black mess on his head; he was wearing no top just sweatpants which he must have slipped on. Water ran down his chest from his hair that was a bit damp.  I smiled at the groggy look on his face and carried on collecting my dance shoes and putting them in boxes.

“I knew you would be here” Ash yawned walking over to the mirror ignoring his reflection. I watched the muscles in his chest tense as he placed himself on the floor and lay his head on the polished surface.

“Yeah I had some things on my mind” I murmured shutting the boxes and placing labels on them. I wanted to keep the dance studio clean in case I didn’t come in it for a while. Ash just sighed and stared at me watching my every movement. Then an idea came into my mind.

“You’re strong Ash, right?” I asked ash whose head popped up the minute I mentioned the word strong. He tensed his muscles and smiled at me. I knew he was strong I just wanted to ask him

“Yeah Rhi” He flexed his arm muscles then walked over to me. Before I knew it I was being held in the air by Ash. I didn’t scream or giggle I tried to move into a dance pose. Ash just looked at me like I was stupid in the mirror.

He abruptly decided to drop me; I landed on my two feet gracefully.

“Do that again!” I shouted running over to the music system. ‘Judas’ by Lady Gaga flicked on and ran back over to Ash. He held his arms out waiting for me to enter them. I just shook my head and started moving around in the space. Then I shouted to Ash to pick me up.

He looked slightly shocked as he had never done dancing before. I directed him to my waist and he got behind me and picked me up around the waist. I did the splits as he lifted me and he just held me carefully. I jumped out of his arms and then we carried on doing the same thing.

I danced and Ash picked me up. Soon we had a pretty good dance going and Ash knew what to do. We were working together as a team, working together as a couple. I checked the clock as I was dancing, 6:30am. I would have to get ready soon but I was missing all lessons today. I had to go in for 9 today. Ash grabbed hold of my waist and pulled me into the air, resting me so my head was behind his shoulder and my legs in front of his shoulder. It felt kind of weird with my head against Ash’s bare shoulder but I wasn’t complaining. The music was still repeating and I was still in a dancing mood. Ash dropped me off his shoulder and I caught myself before I hit the floor.

Ash smirked and I just danced again smirking back at him. I loved the thrill I was getting from dancing with Ash. It felt different, it felt good.

His arms wrapped around my waist again and picked me up. I swung my legs in the air hoping to not hit Ash in the privates when I dropped them. Luckily they just avoided him and I jumped out of his arms laughing. I ran over to the music player and stopped it before we both passed out from so much exercise. Ash was stood laughing as I grabbed the water drank some then threw the bottle at him.

“That was different, huh?” Ash smirked. I laughed and knew that he was thinking about what the other guys would say if they found out he had danced with me.

“Yeah you’re pretty good at it you know” I replied to Ash who was now walking towards me. He had a smirk on his face. His face came closer to mine and soon his lips were on mine. I melted into him and let my instincts take me over. His arms wrapped around my waist and picked me up. I soon found myself lay on the floor with Ash on top of me; he was holding most of his weight off me.

The kissing was passionate and hungry, like we never wanted to leave each other, like it was goodbye when it wasn’t. Soon it became more and the touching became intense and romantic. Soon we were doing things which we had only done once; we were reliving Las Vegas in the dance studio. The mirrors added to the romantic feel. I don’t know how we had the energy to do what we did but we managed to pull it off. We managed to show our love to each other again.

An hour later I was lay in Ash’s arms staring at the ceiling. Ash was breathing heavily next to me and the rain still hit the window hard. That was an experience and a half. I yawned and curled into Ash’s chest, his hand stroking my hair softly.

“I never want to lose you Ash” I whispered into his bare chest. I had managed to find a blanket in the cupboard and it covered me and Ash. Ash pulled the blanket tighter around me and rested his chin on the top of my head.

“You never will lose me Rhi” Ash whispered then kissed the top of my forehead.

I knew that was a lie. 



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