What Happens After the Fairyt...

By dannyphantom334

1.1K 51 15

Hope knows Josie is still in there somewhere. She saw it when they were fighting. She is there. She knows wha... More

The Fairytale Begins...
Things Change
Family Reunions Pt. 1
Family Reunions Pt. 2
Family Dinner
Saturday Morning Conversations Pt. 1
Saturday Morning Conversations Pt. 2
Reinforcements Arrive
I need to Know Everything

No Hiding Now

121 7 3
By dannyphantom334

Josie's POV

I was lying in bed humming to myself as I worked on yet another one of my unfinished songs when there was a knock on my door. "Come in," I answer as I close the book and quickly place it in its spot under my unused pillow. I look up just as Keelin is shutting my door behind her. "Hey, Hope is not having the greatest day and wanted me to come to check up on you." She says as she places her hands into her pockets. Something I notice she does when she is without Freya. I can't help the smile that comes to my face at the mention of Hope. "I am okay, honestly, I have been avoiding leaving the room and running into her," I admit a little ashamed. Before she can stop herself a laugh rakes through Keelin's body. "I uh don't think she plans to leave her room today so that shouldn't be too hard." She says as she sits down on Lizzie's bed. I don't like the feeling that overtakes my body when she insinuates Hope is locking herself in her room. I quickly stand and go to grab my shoes, "That's it. I am talking to her now." I say as I open my door. Before I am out of the door Keelin is beside me basically begging me to reconsider. "Well, I uh don't think Hope is up for visitors today Jo. Maybe tomorrow?" She offers, but it is too late as I see Hope's door. I am about to knock when Freya appears from the other direction. "Is she in here?" I ask. Freya and Keelin exchange a glance that holds way too many things for me to decipher. After about 30 seconds of no answer, I take matters into my own hands. I quickly grab the door and bust into her room. Hope is standing in her room in only a sports bra and grey sweatpants. Hope looks like a deer caught in the headlights of a speeding car as she throws her hands in the air. "I said to check on her Keelin! Not bring her to my bloody fucking room." Hope growls at Keelin as her eyes flash. I don't think I have ever actually heard Hope's accent come out until now and I am not gonna lie, that was hot. "Hey, hot head. I came here with my own two legs. Knock it off."  I say as I see the tension in the room. Hope blushes as she blinks away the remaining gold flakes from her vision. "I'm sorry Keelin, I shouldn't have snapped." She mumbles out as she looks down at the floor. "Now would you like to tell me what has you so ready to bite today?" I ask as I let a small smile take over my face at the chance to tease her.  It doesn't take a genius to know Freya and Keelin are communicating silently as Hope's gaze never wavers from the floor. "Not particularly.." She replies as she finally meets my eye. "Why is that?" I question her, not breaking the eye contact even though I feel Keelin and Freya watching us. "A lot has happened. We are... You are.." She struggles to say. "You are our Luna," Keelin speaks as she looks at Hope. "Hope, I know finding out that we are... linked is a lot, but that doesn't mean you get to just shut me out. That is not us." I say to her as I run my hands over my face. "Is this why you are scared to be near me? Hope, if you want to find a way to break the bond.." I continue to ramble before Hope cuts me off. "I never said that was what I wanted." She said as she stared into my eyes so intensely I swear I would melt.  She didn't deny wanting to break the bond, but she also didn't say she did. I sigh as the thoughts continue to race in my head. Why did I think that she would feel the same way? I am such an idiot. No one wants me. I am the other twin. I can feel the panic rising inside of me and I have to leave. Now. I quickly stand and all three women in the room turn to me with a confused glance. "I can't do this now.." I say quietly and begin to leave the room.

Hope's POV

She is about to walk away and for some reason, I know it is different this time. There is a storm bubbling behind those brown eyes and I can see it. "Jo wait.." I say as confidently as possible as I grab her wrist. When she finally turns to meet my eyes I can see the tears threatening to fall. "Keelin that is all we needed to discuss. Go check on Nick and the others yeah?" I say as I look to Keelin telling her with my eyes alone it is not a suggestion. "Of course, come on my love," Keelin says as she guides Freya out of the room. As soon as the door is closed I quickly whisper a silencing spell to ward off any eavesdroppers. Without another word, I pull Josie into my chest and hug her body to mine. This is all it takes for her floodgate of emotions to be released and I stand silently rubbing her back, letting her feel, but being there for her. "I'm sorry," Josie mumbles hoarsely when she finally can speak. I am caught off guard by her words. "What do you have to be sorry for love?" I ask gently as I take her chin in my fingers and make her eyes meet mine. She refuses to meet my eye and the silence between my question and her reply is deafening. "That I am your soulmate." She admits quietly. I am not gonna lie that hurt. "Jo, you do not have to be with me if you don't want to be. I would never force you to do anything love." I tell her gently, trying to show her that it is okay. This only makes matters worse as she begins to cry silently. I cannot put into words the ache in my chest seeing her like this. I caused this. I have to break the bond and set her free.  I guide her to the bed and lay her down. I stand awkwardly at the foot of the bed and way my options. As I turn to walk to my desk she finally speaks again, "Lay with me please?" The question is barely above a whisper but I would never deny her request.  I quickly find myself panicking as I forget about the surprise I awoke with this morning. "I lied to you.." I whisper out as I sit on the foot of the bed. She looks at me confused and slides her legs into herself as she sits up. "About what exactly?" She asks as the remaining tears begin to dry off her face. "I wasn't hiding because of the bond. " I whisper back as I find the old, dull floors of my room in my gaze once again. I took a peak at her from the corner of my eye and could almost smile as the crease she gets when she is deeply thinking forms on her forehead. "Okay. Can I ask why you were hiding then?" She asks as she moves beside me on the bed. I feel the blush covering my skin at her question. Do I just tell her? I mean this is Josette Saltzman, the most caring girl in the world. Maybe it won't go bad? "The bond has been causing changes.." I mumble out. Great job Hope. Okay so maybe it was only a half-truth. "Hope, I know your wolf has been taking this kinda rough, but you know nothing that changes could ever change us right?" She whispers out as she bumps her shoulder against mine. I can feel my wolf jumping at the reply. Fuck it. Now or never. "And if it was my body?" I ask with as much confidence as I can muster in the moment. The room is dead silent for about 60 seconds. I bite my lip at the anxiety in my stomach as I force myself to look up at her. Her face is crimson-red and her mouth is slightly open. I can't stop the laugh that escapes me as she finally snaps back into reality.  "I mean you uh are very attractive Hope. " She begins as I see her eyes scanning my body. I unconsciously move my hands closer to my lap. "I don't see anything Hope, so obviously it is not a big deal. I can't help but laugh. If only she knew. "It is covered by my clothing. It changed for uh... reproductive purposes?" I asked or stated, I am not too sure at this point.  Her eyes are instantly off of mine and looking at my crotch. I attempt to hide the blush that is covering my face as I attempt to not notice she is looking. "You mean?" She asks glancing at my face and back down. "uh huh." This is the only acknowledgment I can give at the moment. "That is fascinating. Does Freya know anything about it?" She inquires acting as if I didn't just drop a bomb on her. I can't hold back the smile that crosses my face at how she makes me feel so seen and heard without making it awful. "She knows a bit. We can always research. Would you like to go see what we can find?" I ask as I stand extending my hand and offering it to her. She smiles at me as she takes it and I pull her into my body. "Are you asking me on a study date Hope Mikelson?" She asks with mock innocence. "And if I am Josette Saltzman?" I counter back throwing on the Mikelson smirk to really give it my all. "I'd say let's go." She replies as the smile on her face showcases those dimples. As we leave the room I am distracted by the fact I am head over heels for Josette Olivia Saltzman and I will move heaven and hell just for her to show me that smile again.

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