My sister's crush

By hexy201

249K 5.1K 1.5K

My sister had had this big fat crush over this guy for as long as I could remember,she is fucking obsessed fo... More

23 ⚠️
* side story * part 1
* side story * part 2


5.6K 136 51
By hexy201

Bright light pierced though my eye lids, I started moving around trying to move away from the light but something was restricting my movement, two arms wrapped around me keeping me in place.

" morning" I heard a voice say from behind me , the voice of the person who had his arms around me .

I tried to escape his grip but he just tightened it more

" what do you think you are doing?" I whispere shouted.

" hugging my sleeping boyfriend ?" He said as if not understanding what I was yelling about.

" Well am awake now " I said with a frown on my face while trying to escape his grip .

" wow , thought you would start arguing about how I called you my boyfriend" he exclaimed as he turned me around so I was now looking at him .

In all honesty I didn't want him to leave me, I didn't want him to stop hugging me , infact I actually wish that I could go back to sleep again just so I would be able to stay in his arms for longer , but the second I realized that those curtains were familiar and I was at home , the home I share with my homophobic mother and obsessed sister, I had to get away from him as fast as possible to avoid any ....... Interruptions if you know what I mean .

" Will you stop messing around, my mom or sister could walk in any second for all we know , I don't want to come out to them , especially now after seeing how my mom was going mad yesterday" I said frowning as I recalled what happened.

" I hoped you would have forgotten all that by the time you woke up " Axel said seemingly looking more down now .

" how could I forget, I never saw my mom like that , despite everything that's bad about her , being mad and scary isn't one of them , it was new for me to see my mom like that and what made it worst was that she was going mad over not wanting us to see dad , which I still don't understand why , if it's indeed a contagious disease, why can she go in the room and sleep in the same room with him while we aren't even allowed to see him from outside in the hall way  ? " I ranted as I got more comfortable in his arms with every word I uttered, speaking about my family's state is something quite hard for me .

It would be hard for anyone in my place actually, it's exactly as if my father had died, we rarely hear about him from mom , hadn't seen him in ages and the only thing that reminds us that he is still alive is the bag of medicines that I get from the pharmacy every month or so .

" baby , she probably has a reason, she is just worried about you am pretty sure , just don't stress out , your mother's reaction too, the whole thing was quite weird but like , she had just came from work at that time and stuff and again she was probably worried about y'all, yeah " Axel tried to explain, or more like defend my mother .

" yeah , probably, and hay , don't call me 'baby' again , got it ? " I ordered.

" yes babe " Axel replied chuckling as he looked over at my pissed off face .

I got on top of him and lightly tugged on his hair , pulling it a bit to the right in a threatening manner.

" I said don't call me that " I said.

" damn you're making me go crazy right now , are you sure you're worried about your mother and sister " he said with a wink and I imidiatly got what he meant, my eyes went wind in both shock and horror as I quickly tried to get of that horny man but to no avail , he had already gotten a strong grip on his prey.

" Axel, let go " I warned him

" not until you call me babe " he replied.

" don't you think that would make shit worst for your little friend? " I asked with a brow raised.

" well first of all my little friend is not 'little' , he is big , and I guarantee that you will love him when you see him , that's one , two , don't worry about it , unless you want to " he said flirtatiously as he gave the most smug smirk I've ever seen.

" n-no , I-shut up " I said as I felt my face burn , I quickly raised my hands to cover up my completely flushed face.

" wow , never knew Mr Zack Willam had a cute and shy side to him , I love that , wonder what other sides you got " Axel smirked.

" let me go already, they could walk in any minute" I said with my hands still covering my face .

" not until you say it " he said as he reached to remove my hands from face to look me in the eyes but I couldn't, I felt to flustered that all I could do was look everywhere but directly into his eyes.

" b- babe , please let me go " I said as I felt my face getting hotter , if that was even possible.

" that's my man " he replied with a smile then pulled me down for a kiss then let me go finally.

" put your clothes back on , am going to the bathroom then going to go check on Emily, I swear to God if I see you walking around my house half naked I will ruine you " I warned him as I slowly walked over to the door not daring too look back at him for one more second.

" you got it babe "  he called out behind me  right before I opened the door , I wanted to go back and punch him right in the face for being so stupid, but as a resilient and calm man I decided to walk out before I commit murder at 10 in the morning.

" Are you okay " I asked Emily as I walked into her room .

" yeah , yeah am fine , am used to it by now , am just a bit shaken by mom's reaction" Emily responded as she sat up on her bed so she would be looking at me properly.

" mom was just stressed, don't think about It too much , okay ? , Am going to get some food , want anything? " I asked as I leaned on the door frame .

" can you get me my favorite drink from Starbucks?" She asked with a slight smile

" yeah of course , am heading out now " I said before closing the door and going to get Axel .

Hi 😅

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