Normal Girl

By iGotHighhopesz

3.7K 178 0

I never thought that I would fall for a woman at first sight and she would have me jumping through hoops just... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 15

73 6 0
By iGotHighhopesz


I never thought that my dream would come true let alone Cain not only was plotting on me so was Kyra this whole time. She been the one who he's been having an affair with, it came to me that she told Cain about Chris and me at the restaurant, that the car that pulled up to the mansion was hers, the woman's voice over the phone was hers. The 8 billion dollars taken from the account 5 times was all her. She was with him all along when she knew he didn't love me at all or care about me anymore. Those business trips he took probably were vacation for them, him being gone for two months was for me to get kidnapped and he would take advantage of the situation when he got back. He probably was trying to kill me and made it look like an accident so he could get off with doing whatever out in public with Kyra. I wouldn't even call her out of her name because none of them are worth it, if he wanted to have an affair why drag me along the ride? When he could've just divorced me, not like I want any of his assets since I have my own. 

Jerome is a sick mother fucker, I knew he was creepy every time he looked at me weird but who knew that he was obsessed with me that he would think I would be with him after Cain divorced me. I'm glad Tyree was there when he tried to take me out of the hospital, it's a shock that he is an officer in Los Angeles out of all places. I guess God was on my side, I can't wait until I get a divorce from Cain and can live my life without fear. I shouldn't have to constantly watch my back when I'm outside, I feel so dirty right now.

When Ty left I put the code in to lock the elevator then I jumped right in the shower and scrapped my skin so hard that I was turning red but I just couldn't get the image of Jerome kissing on my neck and holding onto my body like he owned me. I survived a kidnapping twice, held my own with all three of them and I'm alive. Which is a story most women couldn't even tell at all, I'm a lucky woman I guess. I let the water run down my body and dropped to my knees feeling so stressed. I wish Chris was here to keep me sane but he's in Jamaica. God help me please. 

I stayed in the shower for an hour and let the water run on me until it turned cold, I reached for the handle and cut the water off then got out of the shower to dry off. I dried off then put my bathrobe on and realized I left my car at the mansion, but fuck that car and that mansion. I don't need any of it anymore, I can afford all of it back with no help. I walked into my room and held onto my sheets thinking of Chris once again.

"Please come back home to me, I need you Chris"-I said out loud as if he could hear me

I fell into a deep sleep that felt much needed and didn't wake up until the morning.

Next Day...

I woke up in so much pain that I almost couldn't move so I slowly got out of bed and ran a hot bath to get my body from being so tense. I eased in the tub after taking my robe off and turned on the jets to get some tension out of my muscles.

"God this feels so good"-I moaned

"I bet it does"-Chris

"Oh my god Chris how did you get in here?"-I said shocked and happy

"I remembered your code by watching you do it"-Chris

"I thought you was in Jamaica for a few more days?"-I said dipping down in the water more

"I was in Jamaica and yesterday was the last day, I came back this morning. What happened to you?"-He said scanning my arm

"It's a long story but I don't think you will look at me the same if I told you"-I said biting my lip

"We don't have to talk about it until you're ready, I'm just glad that you're okay. I thought the worst when I listened to that voicemail and got that call from your brother who's an officer."-He said sitting on the tub rubbing my arm

"Yeah I know I'm sorry to have you worried and that is a long story too but I have a brother named Tyree who's a year older than me we haven't seen each other in years until two days ago. He saved my life twice actually if it wasn't for him I think I might be dead right now."-I said crying

"Don't cry I'm here now, you're safe with me. I won't let nothing else happen to you. I just wish I got here sooner, especially when you called me that night"-He said frustrated

"It's not your fault I'm actually glad that you're here, I'm sorry for pushing you away"-I confessed

"Me too, well I'm sorry I've been gone so long but what does this mean for us?"-He said looking in my eyes

"Honestly I don't know because after what I tell you I'm sure you won't love me the way you do now"-I said looking down

"How can you be so sure when it was at first sight and they don't make love like that any more?"-He said lifting my chin up

"Because it'll make or break you and whatever this is between us will probably end"-I said not looking at him

"Just tell me when you're ready and I promise I won't leave you no matter what you say this time."-He said smiling

"I'm not so sure but let me get out of the tub first and we can have some breakfast"-Olivia

"You need any help it looks like you're pretty hurt?"-Chris

"No I'm okay and plus I'm naked you haven't seen all of this before"-I said blushing

"Um hmm I'll be outside the door"-He said winking then walking out closing the door

"Shit"-I said with my leg buckling 

"You good Li?"-I heard him say through the door

"Yeah my leg just hurts"-I said biting my lip

"I'll carry you, are you decent yet?"-Chris

"Hold on I'm putting on my robe now"-I said tying my robe up tight

"I'm coming in"-He yelled

"I have it on now you can uncover your eyes special"-I said laughing

"My bad just making sure, since you said I can't see the goods yet"-He said smiling

He picked me up in his arms and I flinched a little when he accidentally squeezed my hurt arm.

"I'm sorry"-He said looking down at me

"It's okay, it's still healing"-Olivia

"I can't believe somebody messed up your beautiful body and face. I hope they get what they deserve."-He said angry

I stayed silent and let him carry me to the kitchen. He sat me on the island and went through my fridge to get something.

"How about I cook us some breakfast and you just sit there looking beautiful as you are."-He said smiling at me

"I can help, I'm not that hurt."-I said frustrated

"I know but let me be the one to do something for you this time"-He said kissing my scar on my lip

I smiled and blushed at the same time then watch him search for things.

"Pans in the bottom cabinet, spatula and silverware in the drawer on your right and bowls over top of your head above the stove."-I instructed him

"Thanks because I was ready to disorganize everything in here"-He said laughing

"And you would've put every damn thing back my boy"-Olivia

"And where you from again because you country as fuck?"-Chris

"Texas, Houston actually and so what I don't talk like that all the time. I can change in between voices."-Olivia

"So like a psycho who has different voices for different occasions?"-He said laughing

"Do you want to get cut?"-Olivia

"Excuse me dangerous"-Chris

"Um hmm how was Jamaica by the way?"-Olivia

"It was amazing and beautiful but I was missing one thing."-Chris

"What's that?"-I said smiling

"You, I know you would've enjoyed having a mini vacation and met a few of my friends. Then it could've been your first time seeing me perform."-Chris

"Yeah I would've loved that, I always wanted to go to Jamaica. I heard the men be rubbing down women on rafts, that sounds nice."-I said smirking

"And you think I would've let you do that yeah nah. You wild if some random touch up on you and not me, I'll kick them off that fucking raft so quick if they caressed them curves. Wait a minute you said that on purpose to see how I would react right?"-Chris

"Nope don't know what you're talking about."-I said smirking

"Uh huh you not so innocent. But I'll take you to Jamaica one day or anywhere you want to go."-Chris

"That sounds nice, I want to travel the world and make memories."-Olivia

"I'll definitely make that happen Li."-He said flipping the pancakes

"What do you think you are a chef? Don't be flipping pancakes like that and get mix all over the place."-Olivia

"Yup top chef actually and it's not like you can do anything."-He said shrugging

"What is that a challenge?"-Olivia

"Nah just stating facts."-Chris

I tried climbing off the island but my leg started cramping, I slid down the counter and tried to endure the pain. Chris came to me and rubbed the pain out of my leg, I looked up at him and thanked him then he went back to cooking. I sat on the couch silent and waited until he was done. How can I start the conversation that my husband ordered people to kidnap me all because he wanted to be with his mistress who was my best friend a long time ago? How I'm in love with him and want to be in his life but will he accept me after this? I haven't worn my ring in years, hell I probably lost it after I got married. 

"You over here thinking hard huh?"-Chris said sitting next to me

"Sorry it just feels good to have you here with me after I kicked you out"-I said smiling

"So you saying you missed me?"-He said smiling



"Just a little"-Olivia

"Just a little?"-Chris

"Okay a lot"-I said blushing

"Well I brought you a gift"-He said reaching behind the pillow

"I don't like expensive things you know"-Olivia

"Yeah I found that out when we had dinner together, you ordered a cheap $4 ass pretty latte"-He said laughing

"Oh that dinner with the cakey make up, bleach blonde wearing tracks and oversize boobs chick?"-I said smirking behind my wine glass

"I don't know what you're talking about, I only saw us two"-He said taking my glass from me

"Hey I was about to drink that"-I said whining

"Stop being cute and just open the gift already"-He said handing me a big wrapped package and two smaller ones

I rolled my eyes and he laughed hard then I opened the big one first. It was the canvas of me with some added extra stuff like a collage of painted pictures of me. I was in awe this was beautiful and thoughtful of him. 

"This is beautiful, I can't believe you did this for me."-Olivia

"I mean I told you, you're all I think about. In Jamaica I kept drawing all of your face expressions and how I saw you in my eyes then added it to the canvas."-Chris

"Thank you for this."-I said hugging him

"You're welcome it's one of my gifts to you, something you can add to your collection of paintings around here."-He said hugging me back

"I think this one is way better than what I did."-Olivia

"Stop I don't need your compliments, girl you know damn well that you got more talent than me. Your artwork looks like photography, like you took it out of a camera and printed on a canvas."-Chris

"Thank you, I appreciate your honesty"-I said putting a piece of hair behind my ear

"That's cute when you do that and how you are blushing all the time too."-Chris

"I guess you have that effect on me"-I said blushing again

"Open the other two right quick."-Chris

"Okay"-I said grabbing the other two gifts

I opened the first small one to see a diamond encrusted O chain with blue diamonds on it along with another chain to match as a set.

"I know it's too expensive but I designed this myself and gave it to my jeweler to make it for you. I even got a chain made just like yours with a C on it."-He said pulling his chain out of his hoodie

"Stop playing you planned this out? It's cute and thoughtful but---

"You can accept it so no take backs"-Chris

"Your childish you know that?"-Olivia

"Says you"-Chris

I opened the other one and it was a key.

"What is this?"-I panicked

"Don't worry it's not a key to my crib it's a key to my art studio goofy. I know you ain't ready to come to my crib because I'll make sure that we be fucking on every last spot in there to be honest with you."He said the last part in my ear

"Chill"-I said mushing his face

"You ain't ready for Breeezzzyyyy baby"-He said singing

"Bye fe-breze"-I said laughing

"You always killing the vibe"-He said with a straight face 

"My food cold now, you warming yours up"-I said trying to get up

"Nah sit right here wasn't your leg just cramping up grandma"-Chris

"Do you want to get slapped?"-I said rolling my eyes

"Girl them eyes going fall out your head keep rolling them like that"-Chris

"Can you warm my food up already?"-Olivia

"Say please first"-Chris

"Please, now"-Olivia

"Aight you put it that way"-He said sitting on me

"Get off me, you're heavy as hell"-I said pushing him on the floor

"I was only trying to give you a lap dance"-Chris

"Get outta here"-I said laughing hard

"I'm glad you're laughing and smiling, here give me your plate."-Chris

I gave him my plate and he kissed my hand at the same time, this is what I should've been doing and how I should've been feeling over the years instead of being miserable. I don't know when or how to tell him about my life and I'm not sure if I want to at this point but he deserves the truth.

"I'll be right back, keep my plate warm for me."-I said winking

"I got you boo"-He said mocking me

I smirked and walked to my room to find my phone to call Ty because the only way I'll have the courage to explain to Chris about my life is if my brother could be here with me.

"What's up Liv?"-Ty

"I need you here to help me talk to Chris"-Olivia

"I thought he was in Jamaica?"-Ty

"He was but he came back today and he's here. I feel like now is the time to tell him because I want him in my life. So can you come over?"-Olivia

"Yeah I'll be there in 5."-Ty

"God do you ever not be a police for once."-I said rolling my eyes

"Do you ever not roll your eyes? But I'm on the way"-Ty

"Aight bet"-I said hanging up

I went back in the living room only to find no Chris, I heard noise coming from my room and went that way.

"What are you doing in here?"-Olivia

"Wanted to feel a little more comfortable and I know you still aching so it's better that you be on a softer surface."-Chris

"Sure just say you miss my bed"-Olivia

"Yeah your bed make me fall asleep instantly, I gotta get me one of these."-Chris

"Well my brother is coming over so we gotta head back to the living room boo"-Olivia

"Aww damn so you telling me I get to meet the fam?"-He said smirking

"That and I need to talk to you about something important"-I said serious

"Is it about what happened to you?"-Chris

"That and some other stuff about me."-Olivia

"Aight come eat and then we can talk once your brother gets here"-He said scooting over

I sat on the bed Indian style and ate my food quietly until the camera system alerted me someone was coming up. I got up and Chris followed behind me to the living room. This is it, I took a deep breath and put the code in so he could come up then sat down on the couch with my heart beating fast as fuck.

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