(DISC) Harry Potter and the P...

By SimilarAmbassad0r

14.2K 503 50


Insubordinate Power
First Day and Forest
The Headmaster And the Truth
Halloween and Harrison's Mind
Un-Happy Holidays
J 12:5-7

Detention and Quidditch

915 34 0
By SimilarAmbassad0r

Harrison had a good second day at school until he was forced to endure the DADA lecture. The lesson was boring, just his 'father' telling stories of his time as an auror. Between the subtle looks from his father and the glares from his brother, the lesson had made him miserable and that wasn't even including the dread of the detention afterwards. Harrison packed up his things then sat back down in his chair whilst the rest of the class left. As the other first years walked past he saw the victorious smirks on Malfoy and Alexander's faces and it infuriated him. He clenched his fist causing them both to trip over a vine before removing it so he didn't get into anymore trouble. James came down from his office a few minutes later and looked at Harrison confused.

"Harry? What are you still doing here, class was dismissed?" James asked as he strode up to his eldest son. "Detention, remember? You gave me it after I supposedly unreasonably assaulted the ponce? The detention you gave without even telling me, instead just telling McGonagall to tell me" He said incredulously. "You watch your tone with me, Harry. I may be your father but I'm still a teacher and at school I demand respect." James lifted a seat, placed it in front of Harrison's desk facing the blonde and sat down.

"Firstly, stop calling yourself my father- you're far from it and second, I will respect those who have earned it. McGonagall has my respect as she is a brilliant teacher and does most the work in the castle, Snape has my respect because he's so adept at potions he has changed many recipes and made certain potions easier to brew and finally Flitwick has me respect as he treats me more like a son than you ever did." Harrison spat, staring at his father with fire in his eyes. James just stared at the boy in astonishment, he knew leaving him at the Dursleys would cause him to have a strained relationship with the boy but he hadn't thought it would be this bad. After a few moments passed, James waved his wand and a pot of ink, a quill and a sheet of lines landed on the desk.

"You're going to be writing lines for the remainder of this detention, Harry. If you purposefully write slowly then I'll extend the detention another hour, you got it?" Harrison nodded and scowled as he began to write. After half an hour, Lily walked in and looked at Harrison and James in confusion. "How did you land yourself in detention?" She asked as she pulled a seat up the far end of Harrison's desk. "Strangled ponce and weasel outside of history of magic and, according to your golden boy, I did it without any provocation." Harrison replied through gritted teeth as Lily looked at her husband mortified. "Ok... so what was the provocation?" Harrison took a deep breath, he didn't want to be speaking to his parents, never mind start building a relationship with them. They abandoned him and now they come back eight years later to offer love? Where was that love when he was abused at the Dursleys'?

"Like you would care," he spat,"like you'd take any possible accusation of wrongdoing against your son seriously, especially from a stranger." He picked up his quill and continued to write his lines as the vein in his temple pulsed. He needed to calm down but their presence wasn't helping he closed his eyes and began breathing deeply, trying to steady himself but nothing was working. "Harry, please, talk to us. Whatever you have to say, we will listen- we're your parents." she said softly reaching for his hand. Harrison smacked her away and stood up, his chair clattering to the floor. He ran towards the door and tried to open it but couldn't. Harrison turned to see James holstering his wand and standing, taking slow steps towards the blonde boy. Harrison took a quick glance at the window, wondering how far the drop would be if he jumped. He ran and jumped up to the open window, flinging himself out. Liky screamed as James ran over to the window with his wand out ready to catch Harrison but when they looked out they could see the boy running along the turrets of the castle wall. With an annoyed grumble, James left the classroom and entered his office leaving Lily alone, standing in shock in the centre of the claasroom

Two weekends later, Harrison was stood on the quidditch next to his brother. Apprently Alexander complained to Dumbledore about Harrison's 'preferential treatment' and managed to get himself a permit to tryout for the team. Nobody had tried out for any of the other positions with Harrison and Alexander being the only seeker tryouts meaning the brothers were to go head to head catching the snitch. Harrison had his old Comet 260 whilst Alexander sauntered onto the field holding an all new Nimbus2000. Oliver Wood released the snitch and counted to 10 before letting the two contestants take off. Harrison closed his eyes, if he just focused he would be able to hear the snitch's flapping. Realising his plan wouldn't work with the whispering of the spectators, he chose to just look around for the snitch and spotted it almost instantly at the base of the far goalposts where Alexander was currently circling. Harrison dove towards the opposite goalposts hoping Alexander would follow him and he did.

Harrison turned just as Alexander reached him and flew the other way, narrowly avoiding the freshly released bludger. Harrison rocketed towards the base of the hoops. He caught sight of the small golden ball and raced towards it, outstretching his hand. Alexander was starting to catch up on his superior broom, he had to end this quickly. Using the foot rests as a launch pad, Harrison jumped off his broom and caught the snitch. As he began to fall to the ground he closed his eyes and concentrated as best as he could. He was plummeting fast, if he were to hit the floor he'd most likely not survive and that would ruin his plans. He clenched his fists and wind suddenly circled his lower legs and tapered off to a point below his feet. He had stopped falling to the floor and people began to gasp in awe as they saw Harrison Potter begin to fly without his broom. When he landed, he used his control of the wind to bring his broom to him and walked over to where the rest of the team was.

"You know, Potter, if you do that in a real game I may just kill you afterwards," breathed Oliver Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. "Congratulations Harrison, you have the seeker position." He said, extending his hand for Harrison to shake but the boy just nodded and thanked him before walking towards where the Weasley twins and the chasers were standing. Alexander stormed up to Wood with fury in his eyes. "How are you letting him onto the team? He isn't even half the player I am!" he whined as he reached the Gryffindor captain. Wood just looked at him and said "if he's so much worse than you on a worse broom then how come he got the snitch before you?" the fifth year said in an incredulous tone and walked off to the changing rooms.

Harrison was walking back to the castle with Angelina, Fred and George after the group had got changed with Fres and George shouting about celebrating him making the team. Harrison laughed as the Weasley twins started damcing and bowing to him and calling him 'Oh great and noble greatest seeker'. Angelina just laughed and rolled her eyes constantly at the Twins' antics as they made their way into the Great Hall for lunch. Harrison sat between George and Angelina as the twins continued to make up chants and songs about Harrison. He picked up his usual half ham and cheese sandwich from the stack in the centre of the table and began to eat, taking breaks every so often to laugh at the twins making a fool of themselves in front of all the students.

3 weeks later...

It was matchday for the Gryffindor team. Harrison made his way to breakfast with his uniform on and broom in hand. He had informed Sebastian of making the team and the frenchman insisted on buying him a new personalised Nimbus that was created from purely cedar to prioritise topspeed. Harrison didn't even want to try and contemplate how much the broom would've cost the man as he knew it would've been a small fortune. At breakfast, instead of his usual porridge, Harrison ate a slice of toast with marmalade before making his way down to the pitch. He stepped into the changing room where Oliver went through the gameplan of avoid physical contact, pass fast and Harrison to get the snitch as fast as possible. The teams flew out in formation onto the pitch and Madam Hooch released the bludgers along with the snitch.

She threw the quaffle up into the air and the game began with Angelina instantly claimin the quaffle and passing it to Alicia who gave it back. Angelina then faked to shoot and passed to Katie instead who managed to score making it 10-0 to Gryffindor. The game progressed as Harrison searched for the snitch, the score tied at 60-60. Marcus Flint decided to make things easier on his team by taking one of his beaters' bats and slamming a bludger straight into Wood, taking him out of the game as he crashed to the floor unconscious. Within five minutes, Slytherin had attained a 130-60 lead thanks to the fact the had no proper keeper. At 170-60 to Slytherin, Harrison finally spotted the snitch and raced towards it.

The Slytherin seeker raced after him but was too slow for the customised Nimbus. Harrison reached out for the snitch but pulled his arm back when his side was slammed by a bludger, causing him to roll to the side. The Slytherin seeker was neck and neck with Harrison as they both reached out for the snitch. Harrison took a deep breath and flung himself from his broom, just like he had in tryouts, still reaching for the snitch. Harrison landed on the grass and rolled for almost 15 metres, crashing and turning over and over until he skidded to a stop. He lifted his hand and revealed it contained the snitch as Madam Hooch blew the whistle and announced that Gryffindor had won. Harrison limped over to his teammates with a smile as they began to celebrate. His left shoulder was lopsided from where it had dislocated when rolling but the adrenaline of the match had substituted the pain for him.

Harrison walked into the changing rooms and pulled off his uniform without thinking. Fred and George stared at the scars covering Harrison's back with deep concern but turned away once he had dressed and turned to face them. "I'm gonna go see Pomfrey to sort my shoulder, I'll see you guys later to celebrate." Harrison said before high-fiving the twins with his right hand and walking out. He made his way up to the castle, receiving congratulations and cheers as he passed some of the Gryffindors going up to the castle. Once he got inside, he immediately turned and ascended the spiral staircase into the hospital wing. "You know, Mr Potter, that manoeuvre you pulled in the match today you were lucky to come out with just a dislocated shoulder." Madam Pomfrey huffed as she moved her hand over his shoulder. She was about to lift his shirt so that she could see the shoulder before popping it back into place but he pulled it down tightly.

"Mr Potter, I can't do my job if you don't let me remove your shirt." She said staring at him with a stern look in her eyes. He nodded and relented, lifting off his shirt revealing the scars that covered his stomach and back. Pomfrey stared for a moment before handing him a pain relief potion which he downed gratefully before she pushed his shoulder back into place. Pomfrey looked at him confused when he didn't even groan in pain as usually when she fixes dislocations most students scream out, even with the use of pain relief potions. Harrison quickly put his shirt on and walked out of the Hospital Wing quickly and went into the Great Hall for lunch. Pomfrey made a mental note to speak with James and Lily about how they've been raising their son for him to end up with so many nasty scars. After eating lunch, Harrison made his way to the library to finish his potions essay for Snape due in two days. All he had left to do was the introduction and conclusion which was easy enough then he thought he would do some research on magical creatures.

He finished his potions essay in less than 20 minutes and moved to the care of magical creatures section to look at any new material he could find. After he finished he left the library and almost walked into the Muggle Studies teacher Professor Quirrel. "Sorry, Professor. I didn't see you coming along the corridor." Harrison said with a smile. "Th-th-that's quite al-al-alright, my b-boy," Quirrel said before walking off, muttering to himself as he went. Something about the man made Harrison's hairs stand on end, the professor's magic exuding a foul scent that made him want to vomit. He ignored it and continued along the corridor to reach Gryffindor Tower. When he entered through the portrait hole, he heard loud chatter and music. When he stepped into the common room everyone faced him and started to clap, cheer and whistle in celebration except for Hermione, Ron and his brother.

Angelina approached him and handed him a glass of butterbeer with a smile,"great flying today, you deserve this after saving our game." Harrison took it with a grin and starting drinking, the sweet liquid rolling down his throat effortlessly. "That's amazing, what is this?" Harrison breathed looking at Angelina who just laughed. "How do you not know what it is? It's butterbeer, though despite beer being in the name it's non-alcoholic," she replied with an incredulous tone. "Come on, people want to celebrate and you should too," she laughed as one of the twins fell off a table. She put an arm around Harrison's shoulders causing him to tense as she led him through the crowd. He tried to wriggle free from her but she wasn't letting him go and he started to panic. He looked at the uninjured Weasley twin who came over and seperated Angelina from him.

"Come on, Ange, let the man of the hour breathe otherwise he won't be able to celebrate!" He said, swaying slightly as he leant on Angelina's shoulder. Harrison sank into a mearby chair trembling as the twin led Angelina away. He rested his hands on his temples and closed his eyes as he tried to calm himself down. He opened his eyes to see that someone had sat down in a chair in front of him, straddling the wooden back as they looked at him. "You alright, Potter? You're looking a bit peaky," came the Scottish accent of Oliver Wood. "You played a great match today, I saw that jump from the changing rooms and I've got to say, you do have a knack for theatrics." Oliver laughed causing Harrison to smile weakly.

Harrison looked up and around the common room, finding that most of the party had left for the dorms leaving only a few stragglers, himself included. The Weasley twins were both out cold, one sitting against the back of an armchair, the other lying on the table. Lee Jordan was sleeping with his head under the second step leading up the the dorms. Alicia had gone up to bed early whilst Angelina and Katie were both lying on opposite ends of the sofa fast asleep. Harrison tried to stand but his knees were weak making him nearly fall face first onto the carpet of the common room and he would have if Oliver hadn't caught his arm. "Thanks," Harrison muttered before he shakily moved into his room. He entered and shut the door behind him before stripping down to his boxers and falling into his bed.

Harrison lay there for several minutes, staring at the ceiling. Minutes turned to hours and eventually night turned into day. He couldn't sleep at all. For the first time since leaving the Dursleys he couldn't sleep as images of Vernon's and Dudley's barrages and beatings flashed through his mind. He exited his room after pulling on some shorts and a tshirt and looked around. It was still early and nobody was awake yet, he wouldn't be able to leave until his aunt came and unlocked his door. He started to hyperventilate, every single thing the Dursleys ever did to him rushing back and forth through his mind as he began to cry. His sobbing and heavy breathing eventually started to wake some of the occupants of the common room as those with hangovers groaned in pain, trying to massage their headaches. Fred stood up and looked around at the way the drunken players- plus Lee- were sleeping before his eyes fell on Harrison who was sat against the wall with his knees pressed to his chest as his breathing sped up.

Fred looked around, he didn't know what he was supposed to do to help as he didn't have his wand and Harrison seemed so distant. He woke up George who was lying against one of the armchairs, then Angelina and finally Katie. While he waited for the others to get up he ran over and sat next to Harrison. "Harry? Harry-it's me, Fred. Can you hear me?" he got no response but persisted on trying to speak to Harrison. Eventually Angelina got up and approached them, casting a calming charm on Harrison and speaking in a soft voice trying to calm him down. Alicia Spinnet came down from the dorms to complain about the noise but when she saw the commotion she left the common room to get McGonagall. Angelina cast another calming charm which had stopped him from crying but he still had a distant look in his eyes as he rocked himself backwards and forwards in silence. Angelina looked at him worriedly and Fred was still confused.

"Do you know what caused this?" She asked hoarsely, trying not to wake the Gryffindors in the dorms. "No, I woke up because of his crying but I don't have my wand so I woke you guys up before trying to speak to him and calm him down." Angelina nodded and she went through the open door of his room and woke up the phoenix. "What's the phoenix's name?" she shouted through. "How am I meant to know?" Fred shouted back. "It's Sav-something," George groaned as he staggered up onto his feet. "Whatever your name is, Harrison's not well. Can you bring here the person that he most trusts?" Angelina said, the desperation clear in her voice. The phoenix understood and disappeared in a ball of flame, later reappearing with a short dark haired man. He took a moment to look around, puzzled as to his new surroundings, before cautiously stepping out of the room. Seeing Fred and Harrison in the corner he rushed over and placed his hands on the blonde's shoulders.

"Harrison, Harrison listen to me, it's Sebastian. You are safe here, nobody can hurt you, you are safe. Those mundanes can't come for you here, you are safe." Sebastian said in French as he pulled Harrison in for a hug. Alicia burst into the common room, McGonagall in hot pursuit as the stern looking witch made here way over to where sebastian was sat cradling Harrison. Sebastian stood up, carrying Harrison and left the room. He made his way to the hospital wing behind McGonagall where he placed the boy onto one of the beds, shouting for a matron. Pomfrey appeared, looked at Harrison and disappeared again. She bustled into the room carrying a small potion which she poured down the boy's mouth. His features softened and he closed his eyes to enter a deep sleep.

"Dreamless sleep potion, he should be awake in a few hours, Mr..." Madam Pomfrey said, looking at the smartly dressed man sat at the side of Harrison's bed. "Mr Delacour, matron. Thank you for helping Harry out this is the first he's done this since coming into my care." He nodded at her before returning his gaze to the boy. Madam Pomfrey opened her mouth to ask him what he meant by 'coming into my care' but, before she had the chance to, the door burst open with Lily and James Potter entering in a frenzy. "Mr and Mrs Potter behave yourselves this is an infirmary!" Madam Pomfrey snapped at them quietly. Sebastian Delacour was filled with rage upon hearing the Potter name. He stood up and stepped out of the curtain around Harrison's bed and faked a warm smile at the two newcomers.

"Mr and Mrs Potter, how nice it is to finally meet you," he said, reaching out his hand to shake with James and Lily. James accepted first and Sebastian gripped as hard as he could making the Potter patriarch wince but left his grip loose when he shook Lily's hand. "Harrison has told us all about you, you see, so it's like we've already known each other for years." He chuckled slightly and returned to the bedside where he was before. "Of course, all he has told us of you is your physical appearances and your act of abandoning him in the world of the mundane." He looked at the two Potters, their faces pale as they saw the malicious grin on the frenchman's face. Sebastian pulled out his wand and conjured two chairs at the end of the bed. "Come, sit. We have much to discuss."

3726 words

A/N: review and critique pls xo :)

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