The Little Prince

By heartzx0x0

23.4K 573 116

Elijah is a young boy that has been born and raised in a neglectful and abusive household. With his biologica... More

Quick author's note
Characters and settings
1. Paw
2. Brothers
3. Reunited
4. Home
5. Dinner
6. Recall
7. Check-up
8. Doctor
Quick author's note 2

9. Bruises

1.7K 48 2
By heartzx0x0

Eli's getting checked-up by Patrick at the moment. In other circumstances I'd be giving him my full and utmost attention, but not today. 

The way my work has pilled up due to Eli's arrival has made it near impossible to have even a short moment of peace. It has, in all honestly, been stressing me out. Getting bombarded left and right with long emails and important calls since late at night does that to a person. A day or two may not seem like enough time to cause a bit of chaos, but when you run such a huge and successful business like my own, it ends up being just enough to do the trick.

Father used to be the previous owner of the company. He worked hard to provide for us and mother. But after her escape, he became severely depressed. Therefore, I was forced to take charge momentarily -I had thought- but father never got better. 

After his death the company was passed on to me.

We run a few different businesses within the same name. A few examples being: Casinos, bars, restaurants, properties of that sort. Our work and lifestyles may look awfully similar to how a mafia sort of organisation functions... but that is certainly not the case for us. My family is simply a privileged one, blessed with an extreme amount of money and generational wealth.

But moving back to the situation at hand, this morning was no different. I got a call from my personal secretary. She's been instructed to only contact me when the matter is urgent, specially now that I have so much to prepare for my baby brother before i can even begin to think about relaxing.

Reluctantly, I get up from my seat, glancing over Elijah just to be sure that he's doing okay. It seems like he's getting more comfortable around Pat -which, in all honesty, sparks some jealousy in me. Patrick has always been a kind and gentle man. He has always cared for the four of us, just like a real father should. Took us all to school -or wherever we wanted to go- even though we already had a private driver for that. He taught us various sports and always supported us in any hobbies that'd peak our interests. And he was always patient with each and every single one of us growing up. 

Hence, even through my jealousy, I'm pleased that Eli has taken a liking to him too.

After reassuring myself that everything was going well, I answer the pending call and step out of the room.


I think I've been on the phone for not even fifteen minutes, when I hear some sort of commotion coming from inside the room. "Thud!" I was standing with my back facing the open door, so I automatically turn around towards the noise. 

Leo's standing there, frozen in place. The chair he previously sat on on the ground. Patrick looked to be in a similar state, he'd stop writing on his papers and was now staring at the only child in the room. So in an instant I avert my alarmed gaze to Elijah, who hurriedly and sloppily was putting his worn-out sweater back on. 

'What the hell happened in here?' I ask myself, visibly confused. However, before I can ask anyone, Leo speaks up. Confusing me even more.

"Eli...? What was that?" His voice was low and unsteady, like he himself didn't know what to say. But our younger brother doesn't respond, he solely wraps his arms around himself while muttering repeatedly under his breath. 

"What? What was what?" I voice. My frustration only growing by the second. My brother looks back at me, concern written all over his -normally expressionless- face. 'What's going on?' Is what I'm trying to convey with my eyes as I stare at Leo's. But my desperate attempt is completely ignored, as he turns his attention back to our frightened little brother.

Unsure of what to do, I seek any sort of answer from my elder. "Pat, please explain." I try to sound calm but my shaken voice fails me. Patrick's eyes catch mine. He seems to consider for a moment, glancing back and forth to Elijah as he does.

"Sigh." "Let's... let's calm ourselves." The doctor begins, clearly searching carefully for what to say next. Seeing his expression contort by the sight of my baby brother, worsens my already bubbling anxiety. However, before I can voice my concerns, Patrick orders us to leave the room.

"W-What? No. Just... just tell me what's-" My attempts of arguing with his decision are embarrassingly unsuccessful, as Leo and I are gently pushed out of the room. A slight "bang." from the door being the last thing we both hear.

I pace around the hallway i was standing at just mere minutes before, making an effort to calm myself and organise my confused but worried thoughts. As I do, my younger brother quickly comes to mind and i avert my attention to him.

"Leo." I call out, careful as to not raise my already unstable voice. "What's going on?" Is all I can ask as he finally takes his eyes off the closed door to look back at me. I allow him some time to settle down and think over his answer, while I take this opportunity to scan his demeanour. It's a rare occurrence to see Leo as shaken as he is right now. From all of us, he's definitely the more coolheaded sibling. I tend to lose my calm quite easily compared to him, so seeing him in this state does not comfort me one bit.

I could've easily kept studying my younger brother, but the words that left his mouth steal away all of my thoughts.

"...scars." Is all he says at first. His voice still low and wavering as he places his hands over his face. "His body is full of... scars and bruises..."

"What...?" I stare blankly at my brother, a billion thoughts racing through my mind upon hearing and internalising what he had just said to me.

'They can't look, they can't look, they can't-' "bang." The sound of the door closing momentarily breaks my focus away from my racing thoughts. 

I look around the room, immediately noticing the absence of my -newly found- older brothers. Dr. Patrick stares back at me. His expression full of worry and concern, but with a determined look in his eyes. 

"Ciao- I mean... hello 'lijah." The doctor greets softly, his voice close to a whisper. "My apologies, my brain tends to forget all about english when I'm stressed." He tries to joke, but his smile falters when he looks at me. I ignore his attempt, gazing over the closed door where I assume my brothers are. My action seems to be noticed by the older man, causing him to explain himself. "Oh- yes, your brothers are just outside. I thought it'd be more comfortable if it were just the two of us." I look back at him as he rambles, taking note of every small movement he makes.

'...he doesn't look disgusted?' Is all I can inquire before Dr. Patrick notices my blank stare. "Son?" He earns my attention once again, and without much thought I bluntly speak my mind. 

"Do you not find it ugly...?" I stare up at him, my own voice surprising me by how shaken it sounded. Given his lack of response, the embarrassment finally sets in. I look down, wrapping my arms around my body even tighter now, while cursing at myself for being and sounding so vulnerable in front of someone i barely know.

The sound of shoes softly hitting the ground my way alarm me. I quickly look back up, the distance between the both of us now notably shortened. My eyes start to water and I hold my breath as the doctor looks down at me. His blurry image reminding me immediately of Paw. However, before I could begin to beg for his forgiveness, the elder carefully sits down in front of me. I didn't even realise I've been sitting on the floor this whole time, my arms wrapped tightly around my quivering body.

"I don't find it ugly Elijah." The man finally speaks, answering my previous question. I hold back my tears, searching his face for any sign of a lie... but I find none. Surprisingly giving my mind-boggling thoughts some amount of comfort.

Dr. Patrick and I stare at one another for a little while. He smiles at me, the same kind smile he has given me before looking at my damaged body. It calms my nerves, and I can finally seem to breathe.

"If anything," He continues speaking, after seeing that I have calmed down. "I think it's ugly how someone could do such a thing to an innocent child." His warm smile is replaced by a sad frown. 'Dr. Patrick really is easy to read. But... innocent? Am I really innocent...? After all I've done, that couldn't possibly be the truth...' I kept that line of thinking to myself though, not wishing to deflate the current pleasant atmosphere.


After taking some time to settle down, Dr. Patrick convinced me to finish the last part of our check-up and also to briefly let him check my upper body, where the most concerning scars and bruises were located. It was quite uncomfortable at the start, but the doctor's sense of humour -and overall kind personality- made it much easier to let him do what he had to do. 

When we were finished, I had most of my torso and arms wrapped in soft white bandages. The man told me that it was to quicken the healing process and to avoid any infections. I merely nodded my head along with everything he was saying. Though I didn't really understand most of it, the way my body relaxes when I'm with Dr. Patrick makes me believe that he doesn't intent to hurt me... even if my head tells me otherwise.

"Bene, bene." I watch him cleanup the room. "You did so good 'lijah. Definitely the best patient I've had yet!" He smiles brightly at me. My body warms up by his compliment, making me squirm a little in my seat. "...really?" I mumble in embarrassment, clenching my hands together. "Really." 

"How about you go explore the house for a bit 'lijah?" Patrick asks my baby brother.

It has been a few minutes since the door was finally opened for both Leo and myself. We instinctively swarmed into the room, distress written all over our faces. I tried to demand for answers but was quickly shot down by my own brother. Admittedly, being subjected to stressful situations makes me lose my cool quite easily. Therefore, I listened to Leo, trying my hardest to wait patiently and quietly.

"While I talk with your big brothers." I watch as Elijah glances over the two of us, averting his eyes just as quickly as they landed on me. His action seems to switch something in my brain, replaying the events that took place just this morning.

𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓇𝓉 𝒻𝓁𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀...

"I-I... didn't mean it like... I m-mean-" Elijah stumbles and stutters with his words, merely causing my irritation to grow.

"I don't want to hear excuses. Just apologise, for the love of god!" I sign in between sentences. Raising my voice at the end, with a frustrated tone.

In an instant, my little brother stepped back. Away from me. "I'm really sorry, sir!"

𝐸𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝒻𝓁𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀...

My stomach slightly turns, a bitter taste taking over. 'Did I scare him that bad...?' I reflect briefly, still watching closely as Elijah interacts with our elder. 

The child solely nods at the previous question, standing up from the medical exam table and making his way to the door. Leo and I let him through without saying a word, but I can see my two younger brothers share a weak smile with one another. Seeing the exchange worsens the turning in my stomach. 'I made a mistake.'

As Eli's about to turn the handle to leave, Patrick's sudden question stops him in his tracks. "Do you mind cats 'lijah?" He says, while scratching the grey stubble on his chin. Leo and I look at our baby brother, also curious to know his answer. The way his eyes lit up gave away everything we needed to know. He loves cats.

"...y-you have a cat?" Eli turns around, surprisingly excited. He looks like he could start jumping up and down any moment now. It's definitely strange seeing him act like this, but never unwelcome. I wish he would all the time. 

"Sure do! Mrs. Norris should be around somewhere, trying to find the most suitable place for her nap." Patrick walks up to my little brother, opening the door for him. "Why don't you keep her company? I'm sure she'll love you son." He places his hand on Eli's back -as gentle as he can- before slowly ushering him out of the room, closing the door after watching the child disembark on his quest.

I crook an eyebrow at the elder as he turns to face us. "Love him? Are we talking about the same Mrs. Norris here?" Leo huffs a breath, probably recalling our shared memories with the vile feline. "That cat hates everybody that's not you, Pat." The three of us simultaneously walk to the centre of the room. Pat chuckles as we do, but once he sits down -on his office chair- with a sigh. The atmosphere quickly changes. 

The air around us grew heavy and close to being overbearing. Leo and I tried to think of what to say to start, what to ask, but now that we were here... we froze. The severity of the situation really started to sink in. We didn't know what to do. Hell, I didn't even fully know what was going on. 

I lock eyes with Pat, watching anxiously as he prepares his throat to start speaking. Slowly explaining to the both of us what he knew and -most importantly- how we should go about this fragile situation.

⎨"𝐵𝑒𝓃𝑒" -In this context, it means 'okay' in Italian.⎬ 

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