(DISC) Harry Potter and the P...

By SimilarAmbassad0r

15.7K 515 59


Insubordinate Power
First Day and Forest
The Headmaster And the Truth
Detention and Quidditch
Halloween and Harrison's Mind
Un-Happy Holidays
J 12:5-7


1.1K 42 6
By SimilarAmbassad0r

Dumbledore watched James' memory of Diagon Alley in his pensieve with a cold look on his face instead of his usual friendly grandfather-like expression. What happened to the boy? Why does he hate muggles? And most importantly, what is he doing with the head of International Magical Cooperation in the French Ministry? There were so many mysteries surrounding Harrison Potter and he needed to get to the bottom of it before he turned dark. He couldn't have someone eith that high of a capacity for power falling into the clutches of Voldemort. Dumbledore sat down heavily at his desk, crasling his temples in his hands. He had messed up massively and now he had to fix this bothersome mess.

"Why do I have to go to Hogwarts? Why can't I go to Beauxbatons with Fleur?" Harrison asked in an almost whining voice. Sebastian sighed and rubbed his forehead exhaustedly "Harrison, we've been through this. You received your Hogwarts letter so the magical contract binding your education to that place has already been set. Only by the headmaster of Hogwarts and Beauxbatons authorising your transfer can you then cone and study here in France." Harrison stabbed his eggs with his form venomously as he ate, he hated the thought of having to see his relatives every day at school for the next seven years, especially when James was his DADA teacher. Harrison finished his food and left for the forest on the edge of the grounds moodily. He spent many hours in the forest, playing with the animals, climbing trees and practicing to control his magic. He had begun his training the day after returning from Diagon Alley, being warned by Sebastian of the possible consequences of him losing control.

"You have an unusually strong connection with nature magic, Harry. Your accidental magic comes in the form of the elements, animals follow you wherever you go. I have a theory as to why this is but that can come at a later time after you have been taught basic control of your magic. We will start with your control over the wind. You showed a great capacity of influence over the wind in Diagon Alley, try first to move the winds by using your magic to influence its direction." For several hours for many days straight, Harrison practiced to control his power. Sebastian was happy with the boy's progress with wind and let him rest for the three days leading up to his departure to Hogwarts.

On the 31st of August, Harrison and Sebastian floo'd to England to stay the night before boarding the train to school. They stayed in a highly luxurious presidential suite in the Pendragon Hotel in London, named after the great magic king Arthur Pendragon and his family from the time of Merlin. They had eaten an extroadinarioy arranged meal in the restaurant conmected to the hotel that evening before heading off to bed to wake up early the next day. On September 1st, Sebastian and Harrison approached King's Cross and walked through the pillar between platforms 9 and 10. In front of them, a massive bright red steam engine with many long carriages sat on the tracks. Harrison had grumbled something about it being too slow in a low voice but continued to fight through the crowd to get onto the train. Before reaching the carriage door, Sebastian stopped Harrison and knelt down to speak with him.

"Do not get into any trouble at school, young man," Sebastian said sternly and Harrison nodded,"I also expect you to keep up with your training to control your magic. Apply the same theory you used for the wind to the other elements under your control in a closed off space and you should be fine." Sebastian smiled and ruffled Harrison's hair, causing the boy to huff in frustration as he began flattening it out again. "Go on, go find yourself a place to sit and I will come to collect you for Yule." Harrison nodded once again and stepped onto the train, turning around and waving goodbye before disappearing down a carriage. Most compartment he passed were full, some only had a couple people in but every time he approached they glared at him and he walked further down the carriage. He came to the final compartment and looked inside to see if there was any room. There were 3 girls and 4 boys sat inside and they all turned to look at him when he knocked on the door and slid it open.

"Is it alright if I sit there?" he asked pointing to the seat next to one of the two redheaded boys. The brown haired boy sat opposite the other redhead stood up, saying they would continue their meeting at school to the rest of the compartment. He smiled at Harrison before making his way down the train and disappearing. Harrison turned back to the compartment and looked at the six occupants as they hadn't said a word. Eventually, the closest redheaded boy patted the seat next to him, grinning at Harrison and he took it gratefully, muttering a thanks after closing the door. The group of six began talking animatedly about things like quidditch and school subjects whilst Harrison just pulledout a book and began to read, not wanting to be involved.

"So, what's your name, first year?" the blonde girl asked Harrison, causing everyone to look at him. "H-harrison," he murmured as he kept his eyes fixated on his book, disliking being the centre of attention. "Well, I'm Katie Bell, mext to me are Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet. Next to you are Fred and George Weasley- not sure which is which- and next to them is Lee Jordan. We're all Gryffindors and apart from Jordan, we all play on the Quidditch team." The blonde spoke again, smiling warmly at Harrison. "Hey, I know you!" Lee suddenly exclaimed,"you're the one from Diagon Alley that attacked the Potters!" The rest of the compartment turned and glared at Lee, causing him to sink in his seat and mutter an apology. Harrison put his book in his pocket and began to leave, thinking they wouldn't want him to sit with them now they knew what he had done. He opened the compartment door and was about to walk out when someone pushed him back inside, hitting his head off the table.

"Oh, hi Fred, hi George, didn't realise this was your compartment. Anyways, Alexander Potter is handing out autographs in the compartment at the front of the carriage if anyone wanted to know." The newcomer said, Harrison looked up and noticed he had the same red hair as Fred and George, his face filled with freckles so he made the assumption he was their little brother. Katie reached down and began to help Harrison to his feet, placing her hands beneath his shoulders as she tried lifting him. The physical contact caused Harrison to flinch and sink back to the ground after wriggling free from Katie's grasp. Harrison then used the wind to push himself up so he was standing face to face with the newcomer.

"Nobody here wants that ponce's autograph so you can either move on willingly or by force, your choice." Harrison said to the young redhead in the door. The redhead began to splutter in anger before being thrown out into the corridor, the door sliding shut in front of him with Harrison locking it. He took a seat next to Katie and leaned against the wall, massaging the spot where he hit his head before passing out a few minutes later. The group all looked at each other in bweliderment, the twins' bottom jaw almost reaching the floor. "Wandless magic at eleven? Who the hell is he?" Angelina whispered, staring at the unconscious boy. Alicia Spinnet shook her head "that wasn't necessarily wandless magic, I think that was nature magic. Did you see how much control he held over it? He formed a tornado in his hand for Merlin's sake!" She murmured completely exasperated.

About 20 minutes later, Harrison woke up groaning. He clutched the back of his head and already felt a large swelling from where he collided with the table. "Saveuse," he groaned and in a ball of flame, his phoenix familiar appeared, causing the rest of the compartment to gasp. "Can you please get me the pain reliefe potion from my nightstand back at the châteaux, it's the green vial in the second draw." Harrison sat up straight as his phoenix once more disappeared into a ball of flame. "How do you have a phoenix, mate?" The twin on the left said. Harrison looked around the compartment and realised all eyes were on him again, making him squirm in embarrassment. "I don't know. It just- appeared out of nowhere one day and saved me."

Once more the majestic bird appeared, this time with a green vial in its beak, just as Harrison had instructed. The boy collected the potion from his familiar, unstopped it and drained the contents into his mouth. He shook his head quickly as the potion's effect kicked in rapidly and began to absentmindedly stroke his familiar. Soon, the group began talking about quidditch again which devolved into a full blown argument about which team was going to win the cup in England this year. Angelina watched Harrison as every time someone shouted he flinched back slightly, barely noticeable to the others. She sat wondering if it was just because he was timid and shy or if something else had happened causing his fear of loud voices.

The compartment door slammed open and a small bushy haired girl with buck teeth stood in the doorway with her nosed turned up. "Has anyone seen a toad, a boy named Neville has lost one." she said, gazing at each of the occupants in the compartment. "Do you know the toad's name by any chance?" Harrison asked, scratching the side of his familiar's head. "Yes, Neville calls him Trevor and- wait, is that a phoenix?" she suddenly exclaimed as she sat across from him,"you're only supposed to have an owl, cat or a toad as a pet, nowhere in the letter does it mention phoenix being allowed as pets in the castle." she said, turning up her nose at him. Harrison groaned and drew his wand, he pointed it at the door and said "accio Trevor". A few moments later a large toad zoomed into their compartment and landed on the table. Harrison pushed it towards the bushy haired girl and nodded towards the door. She scoffed before picking up the toad and leaving, slamming the door behind her.

At the loud bang of the door colliding with its frame, Harrison drew his knees up to his chest and leant his head against the wall, his phoenix squawking loudly, annoyed that its resting spot had been disrupted. The rest of the compartment were once again too stunned to speak. Here was an eleven year old boy, fresh into magical education, that is able to do charms that aren't taught until fourth year and control nature magic. It was several moments before someone began to speak but none of them made an effort to approach Harrison now that he had withdrawn into himself in the corner of the compartment which he didn't mind at all. He breathed deeply, trying to calm himself down after the bushy haired girl slamming the door brought back memories of the Dursleys. He closed his eyes and drew in some shaky breaths, trying to supress the sheer terror that was coursing through him. After several minutes he had managed to calm himself down and he let his feet drop from the seat and dangle a few centimetres from the floor.

The train made it to Hogsmeade station within a few hours of the bushy haired girl's intrusion, the rest of the journey not being interrupted by any more visitors. Harrison moved slightly so that the older students could move past him out of the compartment. He watched as the Weasley twins, Lee, Katie and Alicia all walked out of the compartment and off the carriage. He turned to see Angelina sat looking at him quizically making him shift uncomfortably beneath her gaze. She smiled softly at him amd moved to the compartment door. "You know, if you leave any later you'll miss the boats," she said, still smiling at Harrison. "Come on, I'll lead you over to where the first years need to be, ok?" She nodded towards the door as Harrison stood up, Saveuse gliding onto his shoulder from where she was sleeping on the overhead racks. Angelina led Harrison down to the small dock next to the station and helped him into a boat before turning and walking back up the stairs to the station so she could find a carriage.

Harrison was alone in his boat, which he didn't mind as it meant he didn't have to speak with anyone. In the boat next to him the bushy haired girl was whispering hurriedly to a round faced boy who looked utterly bored with her ramblings, causing Harrison to smile. As they rounded a large cliff face and passed underneath a bridge, the imposing architecture of Hogwarts Castle was revealed on the mountain side, the lights in the windows reflecting off the surface of the lake. Harrison peered over the edge of his boat and began to reach his hand down towards the water, but after a stern warning from the large man in the front boat he pulled back. Eventually, the boats were docked into the boathouse and the first years were led up the stairs by McGonagall. Once they reached the entrance hall, McGonagall entered a side door and disappeared for a few minutes. "So it's true then," someone drawled "Alex Potter has come to Hogwarts.

Harrison rolled his eyes as the conversation continued and the boy who pushed him down on the train nearly got into a fight with a boy who had slicked back blonde hair. Before the redhead could throw a punch, McGonagall opened the doors to the Great Hall and led the gaggle of students inside. Everyone's eyes were on the first years with the low rumbling of hundreds of whispers filling the hall. Harrison just lowered his head, trying not to draw attention to himself as he walked into the centre of the crowd to try and shield himself from onlookers at the house tables.

McGonagall placed an old witch's hat on the a stool at the front of the crowd which ripped and began to sing. After it was finished, McGonagall began reading out names. The bushy haired girl, who he found out was called Hermione Granger, was sorted into Gryffindor. Neville Longbottom was also sorted into the house of the brave. "Potter, Alexander!" McGonagall called out and the hall went silent. The hat barely touched the boy's head before shouting Gryffindor. There was utter pandemonium as the Gryffindors celebrated their latest addition to their ranks, the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan were chanting "We got Potter!" and banging their fists on the table repeatedly. Harrison smiled to himself at the ridiculous outburst from the table of lions before the hall fell silent once more as McGonagall raised her hand.

"Potter, Harrison!" The hall erupted into whispers, none of them had known the Potters had two sons, let alone that they were twins. Harrison edged tentatively towards the stool, picking up the hat and slowly sitting down. He placed the hat on his head, drawing it over his eyes so that he didn't have to see the hundreds of gobsmacked expressions staring back at him. "Ah, another Potter, eh?" The sorting hat said,"but where to put you..." Harrison took a deep breath as the hat began to deliberate options. It seemed like an eternity before the hat finally came to a decision,"better be... GRYFFINDOR!" Harrison took off the hat and approached the Gryffindor table, receiving glares from most of the first years. He moved to the very end of the table and rested his head on his interlocking fingers, breathing deeply to calm his nerves.

The sorting finished with the redhead from the train, Ron Weasley, being sorted into Gryffindor and finally a boy named Blaise Zabini being sorted into Slytherin. Dumbledore then began a speech about the forest and third floor corridor being off limits unless you wanted to die which made Harrison internally scoff at the stupidity of informing a bunch of rebellious kids that there was a chance of death-defying glory on the third floor. He then said an assortment of random words and clapped his hands, making large plates of food appear on the house tables. Harrison picked up a ladel that was resting in a bowl of soup before pouring the contents into his own bowl and replacing the ladel. He sat with his head resting on one hand, stirring his soup with a spoon in the other as time ticked on until the end of the feast. Harrison finished his bowl of soup and began to read his book on magical beasts that he had purchased from Flourish and Blotts. After the feast had ended he was led up to Gryffindor Tower by the prefects and had entered the common room along with the rest of the first years.

He looked around and saw a large oak door with a gold painted frame and an engraving on the doorknob. The prefects then showed them the dorms for the first years and then explained curfew rules. With that, most first years left for the dorms but Harrison stayed downstairs and approached the ornate looking door. "That's said to be the door to Godrich Gryffindor's old personal chambers from when he was alive," one Weasley twin said as he appeared on Harrison's left. "Apparently, nobody's ever been able to open it because it's protected. Only his heir can enter according to rumour." the other twin said, stepping up to Harrison's right. The blonde boy swallowed hard and reached out for the doorknob. He clasped his fist around it, turned it and pushed open the door, stepping inside. The twins stared at him, mouths agape and some of the other older years looked on in astonishment. Harrison turned and shut the door behind him before sighing deeply, he knew the Potter family were secretive but he'd have thoight more people would have known about the Gryffindor family marrying into the main branch of the Potters.

He took his trunk out from his pocket, enlarged it and placed it at the foot of his bed whilst Saveuse flew up the curtain rail on his four poster bed. Harrison unloaded his trunk magically, all his clothes flying into a mahogany wardrobe in the corner of the room, his draws filling with parchment, books, quills and potions. He changed into his night clothes and lay on his bed, it wasn't long before he drifted off to sleep on his first night at Hogwarts.

3186 words

A/N: Well damn, I knew thid woulda been a long chapter but not THIS long fuckin hell. Hope you liked the interactions between Harrison and his new schoolmates this chapter and if you don't like how I represent some characters, politely pipe the fuck down xo.

Next chapter gonna have his classes, getting onto the quidditch team, Alexander complaining about not getting on the quidditch team and finally a surprise for the end of the chapter.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this one and are excited for the next. Please, for the love of Merlin, review and critique. I know I'm a shit writer and would greatly appreciate tips on how to be better and what I could do differently. :)

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