Heart to Heart | B.E

By writtershub

4.4K 97 9

How could you live knowing the person you love is dying right before your eyes? OC is G!P More

Part One
Part Two
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight

Part Three

299 11 1
By writtershub

2 weeks later...

"Dude chill," I giggle as Nova continues to tickle me against my will.

"Just admit you got a crush on me and I'll let you go," She shrugs, stopping to look at me.

"I don't have a crush on you," I say with a serious tone. We all knew I was lying.

She shakes her head with a chuckle, "Drew told me something different."

"I swear to fucking god her mouth is huge," I make a mental note to say something about this to Drew tomorrow.

"So now you're admitting it?" She smirks, catching me off guard.

My eyes widen, a small blush tint present on my cheeks, "We just met, how would I have a crush that fast?"

"Usually doesn't take this long," She shrugs with a smile.

"Don't flatter yourself asshole," I playfully roll my eyes.

"I have to when I look this good," She does a typical light skin face. I grab the closest pillow next to me and smack her in the face with it.

"Get the fuck out," I laugh loudly as I continue to hit her.

"You know you love me, stop fighting it Bil!" She shouts as I chase her around my house with a pillow.

"Did we interrupt something?" Finneas and his girlfriend Claudia stand at the front door awkwardly.

"Yes you did strawberry shortcake, please get out," I roll my eyes.

"It's kinda my house too so I'm good," His girlfriend walks ahead of him as he whispers in my ear, "Calling me a strawberry shortcake is real rich coming from a certified emo."

I touch my short, dyed black hair in shock, "Bitches love it!"

"You're gay??" Nova says in fake shock. I look back and forth between the pillow in my hand and her before throwing it at her and running.

"I'm gonna kill you O'Connell," I hear her footsteps, deciding to hide in my very dark garage.

After a while of hiding, I don't hear Nova anymore. Deciding to go find where she is, I start to leave the garage.

"If we were in a horror movie, you would be the first one to die," A familiar voice says behind me causing me to scream.

During my short panic attack, I realize it's just Nova and she's just looking at me and laughing.

"Now I'm really gonna kick you out," I flip her a middle finger, heading back inside the main part of the house, Nova following closely behind.

"I mean you kinda can't since we have a project we still need to do," She shrugs with a smirk.

"I'll kill you before this is over," I give her a smirk back.

"What's your deal with me?" She asks with a playful undertone behind her words.

'I wonder if she's ever serious' I thought to myself before deciding to ask, "Have you ever been serious once in your life?"

"Honestly, the only thing I've been serious about is you," Her brown eyes stare into my blue ones longingly.

I giggle, taking her words as another one of her unserious moments, "Stop falling in love with me."

The 'permanent' smile quickly drops from her face, "I can't help it, you're just so perfect."

"Nova stop!" For the fifteenth time since we met she made me turn beet red.

"Get your shit, let's work on this project," She grabs her bag from the front door and sits down next to me, "I wasn't joking by the way."

"I'm sure you weren't," I grab my things, rolling my eyes at her words.

She sighs, "Billie, I meant it when I said you were beautiful. You're perfect actually."

I look at her with disbelief in my eyes. This is exactly how me and Brandon started, there was no way she was actually telling the truth. Due to my trust issues, I said the only thing I could think of, "So, what were you thinking about doing for this presentation?"

"Billie just listen to me, I love you," She says with a serious face. Seeing the look of horror on my face, she laughs, "I'm fucking around dude. You should've seen your face."

"If my brother beats your ass, you know why," I give her an evil grin to which she rolls her eyes.

"Your brother couldn't hurt a fly," She says in a knowing tone.

Nova's POV

She laughs at the joke I made about her brother. I let my eyes linger on her for a little longer before turning away from her.

I really can't believe she doesn't believe me. If only she knew the thoughts going on in my head, she would understand me completely.

"Novaaaa," Billie sung out. God, even her singing my name sounds so pretty.

"Hm?" I hum out in response, trying to focus on our project to distract me from my thoughts.

She looks at me with an eyebrow raised, "I asked what research you did for the project," She continues to look at me weird.

I shake off her suspicious stare, not even making eye contact with her as I show her my research notes.


"Yooo, I'm back," I shout out to my family, making sure they know I made it back. To my surprise, I don't hear an answer back.

I check out the window to see my mom and brother's car parked outside in the driveway. What the fuck is going on?

"Mom! Devin!" I shout out for the second time, not understanding why anyone wasn't answering.

"Why are you screaming in the house Nova?" My mom wraps the corner from the hallway that leads to our bedrooms.

"I was wondering where everyone was, my bad," I look around to see my brother still wasn't with us, "Where's Devin?"

She looks around with furrowed eyebrows, "He came home, he's probably in his room with his headphones on. You know how he is," She shrugs her shoulders.

"I'm gonna go bother him," I exclaim, giving my mother a short hug before heading to my brother's room.

I find his door was cracked open so instead of knocking, I simply open the door, "Devin?"

No answer. I start to look around the room to see his bathroom light on with the door shut. I go to knock on the door.

Still no response. So, I go to open the door but it's locked, "What the fuck you doing in there man? If you're taking a shit, just say that," I laughed. No response.

My head jumps to the worse conclusion as I start to break the door open, "Come to the door or it's coming down." Still. No. Answer.

Eventually I use up all my strength to break the door down and the sight I saw next scarred me for life, "Devin what did you do!"


A/N: What happened to Devin? Next chapter will be out tomorrow so stay tuned :)

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