The Maze Runner|| Newt

By addictedtodystopian

69 12 1

Eliza shows up in the box and immediately takes action. Running away and fighting off any gladers in her way... More

Info Thingz
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

4 1 0
By addictedtodystopian

It was loud and dark but the fire illuminated the area pretty well. While everyone was conversing and hanging out I hung back, sitting on the ground against a tree, zoning out.This was the one day a month that the gladers got to let loose and have some fun, no one here could care less about whether or not they were celebrating or getting to know me.

Well, mostly everyone.

I spent the first twenty minutes or so talking to Frypan while he handed out his famous bacon as well as some other snacks and Gally's special drink. After Frypan went off to actually join the party I ended up here. I still haven't seen Newt or Minho at all but I'm sure they're around here somewhere. Originally I'd arrived with them but they kinda bailed on me.

To be honest I wasn't actually all that bothered by this. I'd already established who I was friends with here, that being Minho, Newt, Fry, and Ben. It didn't feel necessary to go around and meet everyone when I knew I wouldn't like ever really talk to them after tonight. Although I was curious to find out who this Gally guy is, and possibly try his drink.

My peace was soon interrupted when Minho found me. "And just what do you think you're doing?" His hand placed firmly on his hip (the sass queen). "Uhm- sitting." I glance away, awkwardly before looking back at him. "Not on my watch." He huffed, grabbing my wrist and pulling me up with way more force than necessary. I almost fell forward but caught myself, gripping his arm tightly, nails digging into the tan, muscled flesh.

I look up, my eyes meeting his, watching me intently. The reflection of the fire could be seen in his dark orbs. I loosen my grip on his arm and drop my hand, looking anywhere but at him. "So, who do you wanna meet first?" He asks pulling me away from the tree and towards the party. "Zart? Maybe Winston? If you're feeling brave you could officially meet Alby."

Minho scans the panicked look on my face, "Maybe we should get you some of Gally's secret recipe first." He chuckles and pulls me over to where Frypan was standing not too long ago. Minho picked up one of the clear mason jars filled with a dark amber liquid and took a quick swig of it, scrunching up his face as he swallowed.

He held the jar out to me, I'm about to decline it before I turn and look at all the teenage boys I'm about to be introduced to. Hesitantly I take the glass from his hand, our fingers brushing against each other for only a split second but it was enough to make my heart stop for a moment and my face heat up. I bring the glass up to my lips but before I can take a sip the odor hits me.

"Jesus Christ this shit smells awful!" I exclaim, holding it away from me. Minho can't stop the laughs falling from his lips as he clutches his middle. "Are you ever gonna stop cursing like that?" He asks, still laughing a bit. "Oh sorry." I say sarcastically. "What I meant to say was... Shuck! This stuff smells like a huge pile of klunk!"

The words felt weird coming from my lips but it sounded so right in my ears. The contradiction confused me but I pushed the thought away. Minho's eyes crinkle from the huge, bright smile on his face and I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't feel like it was about to explode. I look down, back at the horrible smelling drink. "Fuck it." I mumble, bringing the glass to my lips again and taking a few huge gulps before I can second guess my decision.

The drink burns going down my throat but I swallow anyway (spitters are quitters), only slightly wincing. Minho pats me on the back lightly, looking proud as he takes the jar back from me a takes another sip. "Okay, who do you wanna meet first?" He questions, moving his hand to my back and leading me closer to everyone. "Whatever crazy shank made that nasty drink." I shoot before before I can stop myself.

"Well it's your lucky day greenie." I hear from behind me and a chill runs down my spine. Every bone in my body is telling me to not turn around, that I'd just imagined the voice. But like an idiot I turn, surprised to see someone I recognize. The guy with the blonde buzzcut and squiggly eyebrows from the box when I first arrived stood there, looking at me expectantly. The same guy who's ass I kicked.

And he looks like he's willing to return the favor.

"What? You forget how to talk greenie?" He teased, making a few people laugh. Slowly a crowd started to form around us in a circle, trapping me inside with Gally. "For a second there yeah. It's pretty hard to focus when a failed science experiment is talking to you." I shrug, smirking, having no idea why or what I'm saying. I wanted to beat some sense into myself. Some 'ooos' sounded from the crowd but Gally's sharp glare shut them down quickly. His face was red with anger and his nostrils flarred.

Oh no I've damaged the poor boy's ego.

"You, me, right now. Whoever can get the other outside of the ring first wins." He snarls, pointing to the circle dug out in the dirt that I hadn't noticed before. "Any rules?" I ask as we both start to circle each other. He shakes his head, "Nah, except for no weapons but I doubt they'd allow you near any after the stunt you pulled."

I raise my right brow at that, remembering the knife still tucked away in my boot. "Good thing I won't need any." I smirk, waiting for him to make the first move. He scoffs and charges forward suddenly, trying to tackle me into the ground. I dive out of the way at the last second. Some dirt was kicked up into my face in the process but thankfully my mouth was closed. Although I guess it couldn't have tasted any worse than Gally's drink.

Unfortunately Gally was still in the circle but so was I. Even more angry now, he ran forward again. This time I side stepped to the left and stuck out my right foot for him to trip over. He stumbled but managed to stay on his feet. I distance myself from him but remain inside the circle. "Come on! Stop acting like a girl and actually fight me!"

Wow...and he resorts to sexism.
How shocking.
I grin and chuckle, turning my head away from him for a second before looking back at him straight faced. This time I make the first move, taking one huge step to him and sending a right hook straight into his jaw. He grabs it, hissing in pain as he drives his knee into my gut.

My stomach churned, threatening to deposit all that bacon I'd eaten back out of my body. I clutch my stomach and drop down to the ground. Pushing off my hands I kick my feet up into Gally. One foot landing on his crotch and the other into his hip. He groans, falling backwards this time but not quite out of the circle. I flip backwards, pushing off my hands and land with on foot flat on the ground and one knee on the ground. Grinning, I straighten and walk a bit closer to Gally.

He's now standing up, brushing the dust off his jeans. Gally finally looks back at me and I swear if looks could kill I'd be very dead right now. It doesn't look like he's realized just how close he is to the edge. Slowly, I strut over to him. He looks confused by my sudden calmness and eyes me suspiciously. Once I'm right in front of him a sweet smile forms on my face. Then I bring my hands up to his chest and push him back with full force.

He only stumbled back a step and scoffs, "Hah, that was pathetic." This has me laughing, giggling actually. "And yet you still lost." I smirk. An even more confused look makes it's way across his face. He looks down and realizes where he's standing, outside of the circle. By the time he looks back up the confusion had already morphed into anger.

No- that was an understatement. He wasn't angry, or mad. Gally was absolutely shucking furious. He swung forward with his fist, meaning for it to connect with my jaw. But I saw it coming and took a large step back. The punch held so much power behind it that he actually stumbled forward and couldn't regain his balance before he face planted in the dirt.

Finally, I look around at everyone who watched the fight. They were all standing there, still and speechless. After a few awkward seconds Minho moves forward, grabbing my wrist and raising it into the air, "Eliza wins!"

This was followed by a series of cheers from the crowd. With Minho still holding my arm up in the air I placed my foot on Gally's back for the added effect. Before I knew it I had teenage boys swarming around me, lifting me up and carrying me above them. It felt nice, pride swelled in my chest as I smiled uncontrollably and looked up at the dark night sky.

Eventually the boys put me down and I stumbled a bit before walking over to where Minho and Newt were standing. "Wow-" Newt starts, "That was bloody amazing!" He finishes, picking me up into a hug and spinning me around. Scared I wrap my arms around his neck but he puts me down not long after.

My arms stayed in place as I looked up into his chocolate brown eyes. My hand must've had a mind of it's own because it moved to his lower cheek, my thumb slowly stroking back and forth against his strong jawline. The adrenaline that was coursing through my veins moments ago was now fading and I realized the position we were in and dropped my arms. Looking away, my face burning with shame and embarrassment.

1736 Words
I would just like to note that there is absolutely nothing wrong with Will Poulter's (I think that's his name idk) eyebrows. Personally I actually do think he's really cute (Will not Gally), but it is a defining feature and I do feel like Eliza as well as the gladers would make jokes about it. Like when Minho (I think it was him) calls Thomas an ugly shank even tho he is fine as hell

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