Song of the Century

By IllKnockYouOUT

251 0 0

Lillie Joe Fleming is a 13-year-old pre-teen who enjoys reading, drawing, and listening to music. When she is... More

Thnks fr th mmrs
Study, Study, Study
My Name is Billie and I'm Freaking Out
Lillie Joe
School; Meeting Mike and Tré
Date with Ash-Lynn; Fighting with Luna
Ash-Lynn and Luna's talk
Court Case
Yes, Baby, I'm Back

Say Goodbye to the Ones that you Love

12 0 0
By IllKnockYouOUT

Lillie Joe's POV

I gasped and almost collapsed at the sight of myself on the ground, bleeding profusely.

"What...," I muttered to myself, then started screaming, "No! No! NO!"

I started, uncontrollably, sobbing and looked at Dad. He had tears running down his face and he shook me- well, what used to be me. When he realized I was deceased, he brought my body up to him and cried. When I tried to hug him, I just fell right through him.

"Dad, no!" I screamed and tried to hug him again, "Please, no, no..."

Mike was talking to the people who came with the ambulance that had just arrived and Tré was trying to pull Dad away from my body. Dad was fighting Tré but eventually let go so I could be put in the ambulance. He tried to get into the ambulance with me, but Mike pulled him into his car with Tré. I guess they were going to the hospital on their own.

I was about to follow them, but I could see Mom, from the corner of my eye, in the window. She was also sobbing. I looked back and forth between the direction of where Dad, Mike, and Tré went and where Mom was standing and decided to stay with Mom. I ran to my porch and tried to open the door, but my hand just went through it.

I sighed, sadly, and began walking to Mom. I was about to go and comfort her, but Joey was there and doing it for me.

"Mommy?" I heard Jacob's voice call from the stairs, "Where's Lillie Joe?"

"Lillie's at the doctor, baby," her voice cracked while she spoke.

"She doesn't like to be just called Lillie, y'know? She wants to be called Lillie Joe. I'll have her tell you that when she comes back home. When is she coming back?"

I heard Mom stifle a sob after he asked the question. Joey rubbed Mom's back, then walked over to Jacob. He bent down to his level and said, softly, "I need you to go to our room, alright? Mom's not feeling well and I don't want you to see her like this. Wait for me in our room and I'll tell you everything, I promise. Okay?"

Jacob nodded and went to his and Joey's room. I realized Joey's got everything under control here, so i decided to try and find Dad. I walked through the front door and started walking to the hospital. As I moved everything seemed to be going slower. My footsteps were much louder and had an echo, everything was slow and muffled, and it seemed...warmer.

"Where are you going, Lillie Joe?" I heard a voice ask from behind me.

I squealed in surprise and turned around to find no one behind me. I began walking backward, for some reason, then when i turned around, a man in a trench coat was staring at me. He was tall with short, dark hair, blue eyes, and a serious expression.

"Who are you?!" I asked, backing away in fear.

He put his hand out like he was approaching a wild animal, "Don't be afraid. My name is Castiel, and I am an angel. I'm here to take you to heaven."

I gasped and stuttered, "B-but my family! I just got them back! I can't leave them again- Castiel, please don't make me leave them."

"I apologize, Lillie Joe. But it is not my choice. We have to go."

He began walking off.

"Wait! Can-can I at least say goodbye to everyone? Say goodbye to the ones I love?"

He sighed then smiled, "Where to?"

I pointed to my house, "Here. My brothers and mom are here. I assume my Dad and Uncles are on their way back as we speak."

"Let's go, then. There's no rush."

"Thank you, Castiel. Thank you."

I ran back to my house. I saw Joey sleeping on the couch with a pool of tears under his face. He must've cried himself to sleep. I assume he didn't talk to Jacob as he promised.

I walked up the stairs and walked into Jacob and Joey's room to see Jacob asleep on his bed with his television on. I sat down on the bed next to him and smiled, sadly.

"Hey, Jacob," I greeted, "I know you can't hear me, but I just wanted to come say goodbye and I love you. I'm so sorry that I only got to be your sister for a short time. And I'm sorry that you don't know what's going on right now. You will soon, but I need you to be strong. Be good for Mom and Dad, and don't get on Joey's nerves that much. I love you, buddy. Goodbye."

My voice cracked as I said goodbye. I stood up, took one last look at him, then walked through the door. I took a deep breath when I stood outside of Mom and Dad's room. Once I was ready to go in, I walked through the door. The sight of their room almost made me break down into tears. It was a mess like Mom had thrown everything on the ground. It seemed like she threw things at the mirror and kicked a hole in the wall.

She was sitting in the chair at her vanity with her head down. She was breathing slowly which means she was sleeping. I walked and stood next to her.

"Hey, Mom," I said, "Please be okay. Don't mourn for too long. I'm fine and you'll be fine. I promise. I love you so much. You are so caring, loving, and kind. I'm so glad that I met, no, found you. I'm so glad you're my Mom. I love you. Goodbye."

I turned around to see Castiel leaning on the door frame. He smiled slightly and then motioned for me to go downstairs. I walked down the stairs and saw Joey still sleeping on the couch. I sat in the chair across from him.

"Joe," I started, "I need you to take care of Mom and Jacob. You seem like you'll be the strongest out of everyone. If you're feeling bad about my death, tell someone. Don't just bottle it up or drink or smoke to get rid of the feeling. Dad told me you've been blaming yourself for my disappearance. It wasn't you're fault. I know you're gonna blame yourself for this, too. You're gonna think that you failed at protecting me. You didn't. Now you have the job to protect Mom and Jacob. Please be safe. I love you, Joe."

I stood up and walked to Castiel, "Are Mike and Tré home?"

"Yeah, they're home," he answered.

"What about my dad?" I asked.

"He's in the studio. Playing a guitar."

I nodded, "I've been to Mike's and Tré's houses countless amount of times, but I don't know the exact address. Can you-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I felt a gush of wind blows past me. When I looked up, we were at Tré's house. I turned back to Castiel to see he, once again, had a serious expression on his face.

"Thanks," I smiled as he nodded.

I walked through Tré's door and entered his kitchen. I saw him sitting on the counter island with his head in his hands. I sat on the stool next to him.

"Tré," I said, "you are the funniest person I have ever met and I love you a lot. Thanks for staying with me and my brothers every time Mom and Dad went on dates. Thanks for just being there. You are truly an amazing person. Please take care of Dad. Make sure he's okay and not blaming himself for any of this. I don't know what I'd do if he was blaming himself. He still thinks it's his fault for me going missing in the first place. Take care of yourself and never change. Please. Keep making people smile. I love you. Goodbye."

I stood up. When I was about to leave his house, I heard Tré mumble, in his sleep, "Goodbye, Lillie Joe. I love you, too."

Tears slipped from my eyes, but I smiled. I left the house and went to Castiel, who was sitting on the swing on Tré's porch.

"Ready to go to Mike's house?" He asked as I nodded.

He teleported me to Mike's room. Mike was asleep on his bed, and beer bottles were all over the ground. His hair was messy, his face was covered in tears, and his clothes were slightly torn. I gasped at the sight of him and his room. I whimpered slightly once I thought about how I did this to him and everyone else.

"Mike, please be okay," I pleaded as it seemed like he was barely breathing, "don't disappear into drugs and alcohol. You have a family to look after. Look after Tré, look after my mom, look after Joey and Jacob, and my dad. And most importantly, look after yourself. It hurts to see you like this. Why are your clothes even torn? Mike please wake up and clean yourself up. Don't do this to yourself. It's not healthy. Make music because I know that's what you love to do. Please, Mike. I love you so much, but I have to go. Goodbye, Mike."

I left Mike's house and walked to Castiel.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

I sighed once I realized who the last person to whom I had to say goodbye was, "Where is he?"

"Don't you want to say goodbye to your friends?"

"I can't handle it. I need to say goodbye to my dad. You don't need to teleport me to the studio. I'll walk so I can think of what to say."

He nodded and I began walking. As I walked, I thought about all the good things he did for me. All the times he helped me. How hurt he was when I was taken from him. How hurt he is since it's happened twice, now. I wanted nothing but to hug him. I just want to be with my dad.

I turned to Castiel, "Actually, I need to say goodbye to Jefferson and at least see Matt and Foggy."

Castiel nodded and teleported me next to Jefferson who was watching a movie. He took out his phone and started texting someone. It was me. He seemed to have texted me a couple of times. When he put his phone down, I sat next to him and leaned my head on the back of the couch.

"Thanks for always protecting me, Jeff," I thanked him, "You know I forgive you for leaving me with her, right? You... you left because you weren't in a healthy relationship. I'm not blaming you. I would've done the same thing you did. Enjoy your movie and enjoy your life. I'm sorry you lost two daughters. I love you. Bye."

I walked out of the house and approached Castiel, "What are Matt and Foggy doing?"

"They're just sitting in their office eating dinner," Castiel informed me, "are we visiting them next? Then your Dad?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Castiel teleported us to Matt and Foggy's office. Foggy sitting across from Matt's chair and it seemed like they were in an argument.

"Listen," Foggy told him, "I'm just gonna say this once, then we can move on. You don't have the best judgment when beautiful women are involved."

"How would I even know if she was beautiful?" Matt asked him.

"I don't know!" Foggy snapped, "It's kinda spooky, actually."

"Hey, wasn't Lillie Joe supposed to call us today?"

"Oh, yeah. She was."

"Should we call her?"

"It's late. It's like 10 o'clock or something. We should wait until tomorrow."

"You're right."

I chuckled at their stupid banter and walked over to Castiel, "I'm ready to go to my dad."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"I can't avoid him. I need to say goodbye."

He nodded and teleported me to the Green Day's music studio. I took a deep breath and walked into the building. I walked up the stairs to the first room I'd been in the first time I came here. I found Dad sitting at the spot I always sit in whenever I'm there. He had his guitar "Blue" next to him and a notebook in his hands.

Frustrated, he groaned, tore out another piece of paper, balled it up, and threw it across the room. I walked to the piece of paper he threw and tried to pick it up. I succeeded! I opened it and saw what was written on it. It read "Drama Queen". This was a new song.

She is my drama queen
She is so wild and reckless
She is my drama queen

She dangles from her necklace
Daddy's little bundle of joy
Out of a magazine
Everyone’s drama queen
Is old enough to bleed now

She is my drama queen
Her life is now unfolding
There goes my drama queen
What do you think she's holding?

Aye little drama queen
How did you find your savior?
Oh little drama queen
You better call a lawyer

Daddy's little bundle of joy
Out of a magazine
Everyone’s drama queen
Is old enough to bleed now

Aye little drama queen
From here to San Francisco
Everyone’s drama queen
I think she’s going psycho

Daddy's little bundle of joy
Out of a magazine
Everyone’s drama queen
Is old enough to bleed now

She's old enough to bleed now
She's old enough to bleed now

The lyrics were so good! Why was he throwing it away?

"God, this is terrible," he muttered to himself.

"No, it's not," I whispered.

When I said that, his head shot up and he quickly began looking around, "Hello?"

"Dad?" I asked, my voice filling with hope.

"Lillie Joe? Is that you?!"

"Dad! Yeah! It's me, Dad!" We started crying, "You can hear me?"

"Yes, baby, I can hear you!"

I walked over to him and sat in front of him. I put my hands on both sides of his face and turned his head to look at me, "Can you see me?"

"Barely. You're transparent."

We hugged each other.

"Lillie Joe, I-I love you so much. I'm so glad I got to say it without any interruptions this time. I love you, Lillie, and I always will. I'm so sorry this happened. I should've told you to wait until tomorrow to grab that stuffed animal, or grabbed you when I saw how slow that car was going, or went and got it myself, or-"

"Dad! None of this is your fault. None of anything is your fault. I've never blamed you. Ever. And I never will. I love you so much. Please help Joey take care of Mom and Jacob. And please let Mike and Tré take care of you. I don't want you to disappear because you're mourning. They need you more than ever, Dad. Please."

"Of course, Lillie Joe. I will, I promise. I'll miss you so much."

"I'm gonna miss you, too. And that song you're writing? It doesn't suck. It's not terrible. I think it's beautiful. Keep writing it. I love it. I love you."

"I love you, too, kiddo. Is this your way of saying goodbye?"

"Yeah. I've been going around saying goodbye to the ones that I love. I had to save the best for last."

"Yeah, I am the best, aren't I?" He teased.

"Sure, whatever. I gotta go now. Bye, Dad."

"Bye, Lillie."

After we said goodbye, my hands went through him, and that's how I knew he couldn't see or hear me anymore. He looked around for a moment, sighed, and picked back up the piece of paper. He straightened it the best he could, then started writing the lyrics on a cleaner piece of paper. I sighed and walked to Castiel.

"Alright," I sighed, and wiped my tears, "I think I'm ready."

Castiel seemed to be thinking, "Actually. You're not."

"What do you-" Before I could finish my question, Castiel snapped his fingers.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lillie Joe's POV

When I opened my eyes, everything was bright. I put a hand over my eyes to shield the light from burning my eyes. That's when I heard a gasp.

A man in a doctor's uniform was staring at me, "Uh...hi?" I greeted awkwardly.

His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed.

"Okay...," I got up off the cold table I was lying on and realized the only clothing I had on was a plain white robe.

I sighed once I realized I had to take the doctor's clothes.

"Sorry for this...," I looked at the name on his name tag, "Marcus. But I have a family I need to get to."

After fully clothing myself, I left out of the back door and sat on a bench that was outside of the hospital that I was in. I tried to think of a plan to get back home, but my head was empty.

"You seem a little young to be a doctor...," I looked to see a woman around my mom's age sitting next to me, "Marcus."

"Uh, actually, it's Lillie Joe," I informed her, "Can you help me get home?"

"Sure," she agreed, "I'm Alexis. Type your address into my phone and while I drive, you'll tell me what happens to you. That sounds good?"

"Yeah, sure," I agreed, "I'm just really eager to get home."

Alexis and I got in her car and drove to my house. On the way there, I told her everything I'd been through. My kidnapping, my sister's death, my step-dad leaving, my kidnappers abusing me, my real Dad finding me, my fun day with my brothers, getting a girlfriend, fighting with my best friend, my court case, making up with my best friend, getting shot, dying, talking to angels, saying goodbye to everyone, coming back to life, and stealing a doctor's clothes.

By the time I finished my story, we were down the street from my house.

"Seems like you've got a very interesting life," she said.

I scoffed, "You have no idea."

She chuckled, "Well, this is your stop. It was nice meeting you, Ghost girl."

"It was nice meeting you, too, Ms. I Like Picking Up Random Strangers On The Side Of The Road."

"I'll see you soon, Lillie Joe."

"Bye, Alexis."

I got out of her car and walked to my front porch. I hesitated while ringing my doorbell. I took a deep breath once the door finally started opening after a couple of seconds of waiting.

"Surprise!" I smiled.

WORDS: 3080

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