Song of the Century

By IllKnockYouOUT

312 0 0

Lillie Joe Fleming is a 13-year-old pre-teen who enjoys reading, drawing, and listening to music. When she is... More

Thnks fr th mmrs
Study, Study, Study
My Name is Billie and I'm Freaking Out
Lillie Joe
School; Meeting Mike and Tré
Date with Ash-Lynn; Fighting with Luna
Ash-Lynn and Luna's talk
Say Goodbye to the Ones that you Love
Yes, Baby, I'm Back

Court Case

10 0 0
By IllKnockYouOUT

Lillie Joe's POV

Saturday, June 1, 2013

I rushed to get ready to meet my family downstairs to get ready for my court case against Gemma. Dad, Mike, and Tré are going, but Mom, Joey, and Jacob are staying home. Jefferson, Luna, and Luna's parents were required to go because they knew about Gemma hurting me constantly.

Dad and I stood in front of Mom and my brothers. Mom walked to me, hugged me, and kissed my head.

"Good luck, Lillie Joe," she said, softly, "stay brave. If you get scared or nervous, just hold your dad's hand or look at him if he's not next to you."

I nodded and hugged my brothers. Dad and I left the house and climbed into the car. He started it, but before he pulled off, he gripped the steering wheel, tightly, and took a deep breath. I put my hand on his arm and gave him a sad smile.

"It'll be alright, Dad," I assured him.

He looked at me and sighed, "I don't want you to see her again."

"I have to be brave. We have to be brave. It's gonna be fine."

He nodded and pulled off. When we arrived, the paparazzi had already surrounded the building. A couple of security guards rushed to Dad's car, waited for us to leave it, then escorted us inside the building while shielding us from the cameras and the shouting.

"Billie Joe! Billie Joe!" A person shouted, "Who's that little girl? Is she your daughter?"

"Excuse me, little girl? Can you state your name and how you're related to Billie Joe Armstrong?" Another person shoved a mic in my face before a security guard pushed them away.

Away from the paparazzi, I saw Luna and her parents exiting their car. Luna shot me a worried smile, but I just frowned and walked with the guards.

We were safely escorted into the building and the first person I saw was someone who I hadn't seen in a couple of weeks.

"Jefferson!" I exclaimed as I broke from Dad's side and ran to Jefferson.

He turned around, smiled, and bent down to reach my height. I engulfed him in a hug. He stood up, which made my feet leave the ground, and he spun me in circles. I giggled and squealed until he let me back down.

"I missed you!" I exclaimed.

"I missed you, too, sweetheart," He said and kissed my head, "I'm glad to see you again. I'm sorry it's under horrible circumstances. And I'm also sorry I never visited as much as I used to."

"It's alright, Jeff. I understand."

I hugged him again, then heard Dad call my name. I turned to see him, Mike, and Tré walking toward us. I dragged Jefferson over to them.

"Guys!" I exclaimed then hugged Mike and Tré, "Dad, Mike, Tré, this is my fake step-dad, Jefferson. Jefferson, this is my Dad, Mike, and Tré."

"I'm Billie Joe," Dad said and shook Jefferson's hand.

I let the four of them talk and walked away once I saw Matt and Foggy talking to some security guards. Matt looked in my direction and started walking to me.

"Lillie?" He asked, unsure if it was me.

"Hi, Matt!" I greeted.

He smiled and hugged me, "How are you, kid?"

"I'm...nervous. I don't want to see that lady again. And I- wait."


"How'd you know it was me you were talking to?"

"I'm a genius," he smirked.

I was about to question him further, but Foggy walked over and I started talking to him. Our conversation was cut short when Dad walked over to us.

Foggy turned to Matt, "How do you say lawyers in Spanish?"

"Lawyers?" Matt asked for clarification, "A-Abogados."

Foggy, then stuck out both his arms and with a loud voice, called out, "El grande avocados!"

While Matt and I were laughing, he tried to speak, "That wasn't Spanish, that-that was fruit!"

"It's a vegetable- at best!" I chuckled.

"We're gonna be the damn avocados this city's ever seen!" Foggy exclaimed and fist-bumped Matt.

"As much as I hate to interrupt this nice moment," Dad spoke from behind me, "but it's time to start. Everyone is taking their places, so maybe we should, too."

We nodded and started walking inside the courtroom. Before I entered the room, I saw Gemma. She was in handcuffs and was smiling, wickedly at me. I felt cold all of a sudden. I decided to wash that feeling down and proceed to my seat. I sat in between Matt and Foggy, while Dad, Mike, and Tré sat on the side of the room.

Time skip since I don't know how court works...

Dad, Mike, Tré, Matt, Foggy, Jefferson, and I left the courtroom with huge smiles on our faces. Gemma lost the case for herself by freaking out when we got close to busting her ass.

Dad and Jefferson turned to Matt and Foggy, "Thank you guys for helping us out." Dad thanked Matt and Foggy.

"Yeah, we really appreciate it," Jefferson added.

"It's no problem at all," Matt smiled.

"Yeah, we love helping Lillie," Foggy wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I smiled at him.

"Well, kid," Jefferson turned to me as Matt and Foggy walked away, "I'll see you soon and I promise I'll visit as much as I can, okay? I love you."

"Alright," I smiled and hugged him, "see you later, Jeffy. I love you, too."

I watched Jefferson walk away as Luna approached me, "Hey, Lillie." She greeted.

"Hi," I greeted awkwardly.

"I want to talk to you on Monday. Can we talk?"

"Sure. I gotta go." I sped-walked away from her.

I approached Dad and grabbed his hand, "Are you ready to go, Dad?"

"Yeah, let's go," he nodded and we left the building with Mike and Tré following behind us.

The paparazzi were still there and shouting questions at us. The flashing lights from the cameras hurt my eyes, so I put my arm above my eyes to shield them. I think Dad noticed me being blinded by the lights, so he put his sunglasses on my face. I smiled and proceeded to the car.

Mike and Tré went separate ways from us, so I waved goodbye to them and they waved back. I climbed into the car and Dad got into the driver's seat. I leaned my head and dozed off to sleep. This was a very exciting day.

WORDS: 1085

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