By TheHolyPeanut173

11.8K 333 322

"Ye who enter, abandon all hope." This was the warning given to Dante Alihieri, the poet who wrote about his... More

E1M2: Aliens Pt2
E1M3: Aliens Pt3
E1M4: Aliens Pt4
E1M5: SCP Foundation Pt1
E1M6: SCP Foundation Pt2

E1M1: Aliens Pt1

1.9K 56 39
By TheHolyPeanut173

"Tempered by the fires of Hell, his iron will remained steadfast through the passage that preys upon the weak. For he alone was the Hell Walker, the Unchained Predator, who sought retribution in all quarters, dark and light, fire and ice, in the beginning and the end, and he hunted the slaves of Doom with barbarous cruelty; for he passed through the divide as none but demon had before."

-Slayer's Testament II


Hadley's Hope, a terraforming colony established on LV-426, and home to 158 colonists. But now, it's home to extraterrestrial hive-based endoparasitoid species that wiped out the entire colony.


These creatures are one of the deadliest and most hostile of all known alien species, they are the stuff of our nightmares.

But what do you do when you have bugs in your home?

Call the exterminator...

There was no fire in the med lab. Ripley had used a lighter to the sensor to set off the fire alarm; and it saved her and Newt's life. Two facehuggers had been released inside the med lab with her and Newt. The marines that survived the Xenomorph hive had got there just in time to save Ripley as one of the facehuggers had its tail latched around her neck. She said Burke was the one responsible for putting them through that, which leads to now, where everyone had him cornered inside the supply room.

"I say we grease this rat-fuck son of a bitch, right now!" Hudson growled as he shoved his pulse rifle against Burke's face.

"It just doesn't make any goddamn sense," Hicks sighed, wanting to know WHY would Burke want to put Ripley and Newt through that horrible situation.

"He figured that he could get an alien back through quarantine if one of us was impregnated- or whatever you call it- and then frozen for the trip home," Ripley explained to the group as she stared dead in Burke's eyes. "Nobody would know about the embryos we were carrying- me and Newt."

"Wait a minute, now. We'd all know," Hicks commented, unsure how Ripley's statement would've been possible.

"Yes. The only way he could do it is if he sabotaged certain freezers on the way home. Namely yours," she said as she turned over to the marines. "Then he could jettison the bodies and make up any story he liked."

"Fuck!" Hudson exclaimed, he turned to look Burke with a mean glare again. "He's dead. You're dog meat, pal."

"This is so nuts," Burke began as he tried to defend himself, but everyone in the room can see the fearful look in his face. "I mean, listen- listen to what you're saying. It's paranoid delusion. It's really sad. It's pathetic."

"You know, Burke," Ripley replied. "I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage."

"Alright, we waste him," Hicks began as he sighed, and walked toward Burke and grabbed him. "No offense."

"No! He's gotta go back-," Ripley was cut off as the lights went out, and soon to be replaced by red emergency lights.

Everyone looked around in confusion and concerned for what was going on, Ripley was the first to figure out what happened to the lights. "They cut the power."

"What do you mean 'they' cut the power?" Hudson asked. "How could they cut the power, man. They're animals."

"I want you two with trackers, checking the corridors!" Hicks turned to the remaining marines as he took charge. "Move!"

"Gorman, watch Burke," Ripley told the  Lieutenant as she move to the screens.

"I got him."

"Newt, stay close."

Hudson and Vasquez left the supply room with their pulse rifles locked and loaded.

"I'll go this side," Hudson said to his female comrade.

"You do that, man," Vasquez commented as they checked their motion trackers for any movement.

The atmosphere was that of an eerie silent that still made their hearts pound hard, with only their sound trackers' clicking that indicated no movement.


Meanwhile, across the compound, a bright red portal manifested in the storage room. The Doom Slayer stepped out with his shotgun in hand. The portal closed as he begun his objective. Shortly after leaving the storage room, he found himself in a long empty hallway.

He moved through the hallway to find no signs of anyone in need, anyone or anything to kill. The sound of his boots stepping on the catwalk echoed down the long hallway. A normal person would've felt nervous at the seemingly growing darkness that surrounded them.

The Slayer rounded a corner as he passed a large open vent above him. He stopped in place when he saw something on the floor. He bent a knee to lower himself, seeing that it was a small puddle, as if someone or something was drooling. He touched the puddle with his hand to see that it was not only wet, but slimy as well.

Behind the Slayer, a long, ridged tail with a sharp tip descended from the vent above him, followed by the creature that owned the tail. It slowly dropped from the vent with absolute silence and stealth.

The creature's large domed head slowly and menacingly rose up, with a tall and lanky form. It emitted a involuntary hissing sound from its pores, as gelatinous liquid dripped from its body with every movement it took.

The Slayer stood back up on his feet when he had the feeling something was behind him, and slowly turned around to face whatever it was.

He saw a beast that stood about 7 feet tall. This creature was no demon, but that of an alien. He stared at the alien as it let out a low growl.

And the alien lunged at its next prey like it was a wolf attacking a sheep...

But the alien didn't know any better, for the Doom Slayer was no mere prey.

It all happened so fast. As the alien was in mid air and ready to pounce, the Slayer growled as he reeled his fist back, extending his Doomblade, and plunged his entire fist clean through its abdomen.

(A/N: There's nothing wrong with you that I can't fix... with my hands!)

The alien shrieked in agony as its acidic blood guts poured out of its abdomen and all over the floor beneath it, burning through the catwalk and left a massive hole. As for the Doom Slayer, he was completely unaffected by the molecular acid staining his Praetor suit's gauntlet.

He finished off the xenomorph by brutally ripping his fist out of its abdomen and tearing out its entire spinal cord covered with chunks of the creature's flesh. The alien's guts spilled all over the catwalk and burned through it, causing its body to slip into the massive hull and fall down to the next level beneath.

After the brutal glory kill, a fountain of the alien's life energy suddenly spewed out of its body, and was absorbed by the Doom Slayer. Text formed on his HUD that read "INTERNECIVUS RAPTUS SOUL ABSORBED," due to him absorbing the alien's life energy, allowing his strength to grow from every kill committed by him.

The Doom Slayer chucked the spinal cord away when he heard inhuman screeches and growls up ahead. More of these aliens crawled out of the vents, underneath the catwalk, and prying through the doors with their sharp, clawed hands. The Slayer glared at the sight of these creatures.

One of them snarled upon seeing the Slayer standing before them. The warrior alien let out a loud screech to reveal a small inner jaw extending out.

And they charged at him...


The motion tracker showed a lot of dots, indicating what seemed to be an army of these creatures closing in. The group all met up back in operations, with Hicks saying it was 'game time' before Vasquez welded the door shut.

"Twelve meters. Eleven," Hudson said as he kept his eyes glued on his motion tracker that had high-pitched beeping. "Ten."

"They're right on us," Vasquez said. Everyone was backing away from the welded door as they prepared for the aliens to burst through and attack.

"Nine meters."

"Remember- short, control bursts," Hicks reminded them, to save some ammo and to not waste them by spraying and praying.

"Eight meters." Hudson glanced at the welded door as the tracker increased the high pitch beeps, they're getting closer, and closer. "Seven."

Hudson looked down to see numerous white dots nearly covering the tracker's screen. There were so many of them! "Six."

"It can't be," Ripley commented, glancing over at Hudson while aiming her pulse rifle at the door. "That's inside the room."

"It's reading right, man. Look!" Hudson raised his voice.

"Well, you're not reading it right," Hicks took his eyes off the door and looked over at Hudson.

Ripley took one hand off her pulse rifle to grab the motion tracker lended by Vasquez to see if Hudson was reading it right or not, and much to her surprise, he was right.

"Five meters, man," Hudson felt more afraid and afraid as the dots got closer and closer. Four. What the hell?"

Ripley was confused for what she read on the tracker. How are they inside the room if they can't see them? Unless they use...

Ripley was the first to lift her head to look up at the ceiling, along with the others.

"Oh my God. Oh sh-," Hudson immediately pointed his pulse rifle up to the roof with one hand as he used his other to hold onto the tracker to read it.

"Give me the light," Hicks ordered as he used a chair to get just close enough to the ceiling. Cold sweats formed on everyone from the high-pitched beeps increased much more. Hicks peered through the ceiling with his flashlight shining through the dark.

Slowly, Hicks shined his flashlight to the left, and his heart sank when he saw them.

The aliens crawled toward Hicks while holding onto pipes or structures to hang upside down.

Hicks shouted as he fell off the chair while firing his pulse rifle at the ceiling. At that moment, aliens began to crash through the roof.

"There they go! Over there! Get them!" Hudson shouted. No one hesitated to open fire on the creatures. The sound of Gunfire and aliens shrieking took over as the last stand had begun. "Come on! Get them!"

Even the injured lieutenant, Gorman drew his pistol out and began to fire at them. "Do something, Gorman!" Burke yelled in total panic to to the lieutenant shooting at the aliens, using that moment as a distraction and flee from the group like the coward he was, while everyone was occupied with shooting the aliens.

Get them! Look out! Hudson cried.  He kept firing his pulse rifle as more aliens crashed through the ceiling. "There's more of them! There's more of them!"

"Medical! Get to medical" Ripley cried out as more and more aliens poured into the room, keeping Newt close to her. "Do it! Now!"

An alien came into view, and stepped toward Ripley and Newt. Ripley had to look down at her pulse rifle to find the safety switch. She flipped it to auto just in time to see the alien charging at her, and sprayed it bullets.

Ripley and Newt rand down to medical, only to find Burke shutting the door on them. "Burke!" Ripley yelled out, but Burke ignored her and slide the door shut and locked them out. "Open this door! Burke! Open it!"

The marines were going all out against the aliens. Hicks shouted at the top of his lungs as he sprayed his bullets.

"Go! Fall back!" Hicks ordered, seeing that they were being overwhelmed. He moved over to where Vasquez to cover everyone as they fall back. "Go!"

"Die motherfucker!" Hudson was shouting at the top of his lungs as he went apeshit in holding back the aliens

"Burke!" Gorman yelled at the company stooge on the other side of the door.

"Hudson!" Hicks yelled out, trying to get his attention at the marine mowing down the aliens with his pulse rifle. "Hudson!"

"Motherfucker! Come on! Come on! Come and get it, baby! Come on!" Hudson cried out like a madman as he kept shooting the aliens surrounding him. "I don't got all day! Come on! Come on! Come on, you bastards! Come on! You too! Oh, you want some of this? Fuck you!"

Hudson was too occupied with shooting the aliens, he didn't notice to look down at the alien bursting out the floor, and grabbed his legs. "Fuck you!"He screamed as he was being dragged through the floor, Hicks ran to him and grabbed onto him to try pull him out. "Hicks!" 

"Hudson!" Hicks tried to pull Hudson with all his strength. Hudson screamed as a black, clawed hand wrapped around his face and pulled him down, out of reach and sight.

Hicks felt his sorrow and regret for not being able to save Hudson. But he didn't have the time to grief, not forgetting he was still in a room full of aliens. He immediately turned around and fell on his back just in time to shoot an alien leaping at him in mid air, and another one approaching him and Vasquez.

"Come on let's go!" Vasquez said as she saw Hicks looking down at the hole where Hudson was pulled. She knew he wanted to dive in and save him, but she knew better, Hudson was a goner.

They best pray that he gets a quick death, instead of being cocooned like the colony did.








Loud gunshots echoed down the hallway from the Doom Slayer firing his shotgun at the aliens that dared to attack him, coating the walls and floor with their acidic blood as it ate through the metal.

He charged toward the aliens with unhinged rage and took down one of them with a single blast from his shotgun. He turned three more into mush as he blood punched them.

The Slayer unleashed a barrage of shots  from his shotgun with the full-auto modification, tearing through drones and warriors.


One of the creatures that laid on the catwalk barely survived the shotgun, it shrieked in pain as it crawled toward the Slayer, only for him to stomp his boot down to its head, killing it.

The Slayer lifted his head to see more aliens showing up to attack him. He puts away his shotgun to switch out for his chaingun with the mobile turret modification.


The hallway was lit up by the Doom Slayer mowing down the swarm of aliens with his chaingun like a sickle cutting through a field. An enormous amount of cartridge shells scattered beneath his feet while alien blood and guts flew all over the place, leaving a series of large holes that revealed the next level beneath.

As the Slayer put the chaingun back in his hammerspace backpack, he immediately extended his Doomblade and whipped his whole body around to slice the alien sneaking up behind him in half. The creature fell down into two as it squealed in agony with its intestines spilled out, the Slayer finished it off by crushing its skull with his boot.

The Slayer sighed after finishing off the last alien before removing his boot off of what was left of its head. He looked around to see the place was trashed with cartridge shells, pieces of aliens flesh and bone littered the hallway, sparks of electricity emitting from the walls and ceiling, and massive holes all over the place from his chaingun's bullets and acid blood.

Out of nowhere, an enormous black hand bursted through the catwalk, right beneath the Slayer and grabbed his foot. It then pulled him through the hole and he found himself falling for a second before he landed on both feet. He looked over to see what the hell pulled him, finding himself in a large hanger.

Suddenly, an enormous alien landed in front of the doom slayer with its back leaning forward. This one was about twice the size of the other aliens. The dorsal spines on its back were longer that ended with sharp points. The most distinguishing feature about this one was its large head crest.

The large creature, known as the Praetorian, let out a low, deep growl, before shooting its crest head up and let out an unholy, ear-piercing scream that was louder than its siblings.

The Praetorian charged at the Doom Slayer the second it finished its scream, but he too, charged at it without hesitation. The alien attempted to ram the Slayer with its crest head, but he grabbed onto his head and firmly planted his boots to the ground, stopping it in place. Then he dazed it by bringing its face down to his knee, and sending it flying with a punch.

The Praetorian got back up on its feet, revealing one of its dorsal spines had snapped off. Its strong, crest head had cracks that leaked Acid blood, along with more leaking out its mouth that ate through the floor.

In a fitting rage, the creature shrieked in anger and spat a ball of acid at the Doom Slayer, and hit him dead on.

The acid didn't even damage his armor...

The only thing it did...

Was that it made the Slayer angrier.

His face was filled with what one could say to be hatred, but that word alone did not had the magnitude to describe his loathing. He wanted to kill every last one of these aliens with extreme prejudice.

In a blinding speed, the Doom Slayer charged at the Praetorian and slammed his body against it, causing the massive creature to shriek as it fell against the floor. It wasn't given the chance to recover when the Slayer firmly planted his boots on its torso and grabbed both of its arms. In a single pull, he ripped the Praetorian's arms straight out the sockets at the shoulders. It cried out in total agony as acid blood shot out the bleeding stumps like a hose.

The Slayer chucked away both of its arms and grabbed onto its jaw, forcing it open to reveal its inner jaw. In a last futile effort, the Praetorian shot out its inner jaw to bite through his head, but he caught it at the last second before it even made contact with his visor. In a rapid tug, the Slayer ripped the inner jaw out of the Praetorian's mouth, it screech slowly turned into gurgles as it started to choke on its own blood.

For the final blow, the Doom Slayer jumped high in the air and slammed his boots down on the Praetorian's body, causing it to explode and cover everything around the impact with its acidic blood.

The Slayer stood in the middle of the gory sight, with small cracks formed where his feet had impacted. What was left of the Praetorian was only pieces of flesh, bone, and a shit-ton of acid blood eating through the crates, walls, and floor.

The Doom Slayer let out a sigh after the fight. He left the hanger, and thankfully, found himself in a hallway that wasn't eaten by acid blood. He walked for a good solid minute, but stopped in his tracks when he started to hear muffled screaming from below. Through the catwalk's small gaps he can make out one of those aliens dragging a man through the catwalk.

Enraged, the Slayer gritted his teeth, he planted a knee as he reeled his fist and smashed it through the catwalk, and managed to grab the xenomorph by its head. The alien shrieked as it was suddenly pulled out and was eye level with the Doom Slayer.

The alien screeched at the Doom Slayer as it used its deadly, sharp tail to stab him. But the Slayer glared at the alien as he caught the tail and held a tight grip on it. The alien let out a loud, ear-piercing screech as it opened its jaw to reveal a smaller jaw inside, ready to headbite him.

But the alien never got the opportunity when the Doom Slayer replied by plunging the tail through its skull...

The xenomorph's screech was cut off when it had its own tail plunged through its head, and a good amount of its acidic blood poured out all over the floor. The Slayer's glaring eyes stared into the lifeless creature's gaping maw with no remorse for the creature.

Hudson remain frozen underneath the catwalk in total confusion and fear for what he was hearing above him. He heard the sound of the alien shrieked before it was silenced, followed by the sound of the acid burning through the catwalk. He then heard the sound of what he can describe as something tearing through the flesh and bone, along with the sound of a lot of something wet dripping on the floor and burning through it.

Slowly, Hudson peered his head through the massive hole to see what happened. His eyes widened and his jaw lowered at the sight of a large man in green armor, holding onto the tail of the alien with a massive hole on the side of its long head. The armored man held a tight grip on the tail as he stared down at Hudson, not saying a single word.




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