The Celestials (temporarily o...

By errorreaderdetected

42 1 0

Twins Asher and Iris are going to school together, after a regular school day they go home to find their mom... More

Our Normal Life
Spider Lady
The Hidden World
Leaving Earth I Guess
WTF School

The Awakening

1 0 0
By errorreaderdetected

Hi! I'm back (sooner than I thought actually.) I hope u enjoy the next chapter! Please comment

it's so lonely here 😢


I pace around the hall of the hospital, worried for my brother's life. I turn to Lissa who looks awfully calm despite what happened.

Mom suddenly showed up at the hospital, I'm assuming Lissa contacted her somehow.
I stare at the ceiling, with nothing else to do.

I turn at the sound of someone opening the door, just in time to see a nurse walk out. She closes the door behind her gently.

She smiles kindly, and calmly announces that all family members are allowed to visit the patient.

I walk in at the fastest speed I can without running, which isn't very fast, and I go next to Asher's bed.

He looks fine.

We strike up a conversation. I talk about my boredom, he talks about his doctor's experience.

At some point he mentions mold, but I don't pay attention.

From the corner of my eye I notice the nurse leaning in to tell something to my mom, so I eavesdrop.

"It seems as if your son has started his awakening." I hear the nurse's voice say.

There's a pause before mom responds.

"He's unlocking his powers sooner than his sister? It isn't unheard of but..."

Another pause.

Mom continues.

"Well, I'll go check on them before we attend to any of the bills." At this point, Asher was waving his hand in front of my face.

"Hello? Dead or alive, because if you're dead, then-"

"What?" I snap in a harsh tone I didn't excpect. Apparently neither did he, because his permanent smile wavered, and he eyed me with suspicion. He always knew when something was up.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks in a calm voice.

"Nothing." I say before jumping off the bed, going to nag mom about lunch instead.

Asher is eventually allowed to go home, we wave goodbye to Lissa and we follow mom. She brings us back to the place where we first arrived.

She's saying about how she will explain later, and that she's sorry for keeping this a secret. I don't hear any of it.

I feel a sudden rush of jealousy mixed with confusion.

And I don't know why.

We arrive to find our house magically fixed. I don't know how and frankly don't have the energy to ask.

It's late, so mom goes to prepare supper and I go upstairs, to call my friends and hopefully get this day's beautifully weird shenanigans out of my head.


I wonder what's up with Iris.

She never acts like this. I decide to ignore it, thinking maybe she remembered something bad happening at school, though if anything did happen, the story would spread like wildfire.

I decide to ignore that fact, and instead decide that the best way to devote my time now, was to ask mom some questions.

In almost no time, dinner is ready. It's an awkward sit down at the table. Everyone is quiet. Normally I would break the silence, but that wouldn't help this time, so I keep my mouth shut.

We finish eating, with me being the first. I put my bowl in the sink and go upstairs to my room.

I lie down on the bed and left myself with my own thoughts. I eventually realise it's getting late, so I start getting ready for bed.

I wake up the next morning, and slam the alarm clock of my desk. I get up, sad that we have to go back to school.

I go downstairs for breakfast, where mom left us some pancakes and a note. Nothing else was writen on the note other than:

Meeting after supper.

Our family had meetings to discuss important things, or our accomplishments, news from our school was sometimes included, but not often.

I put the note back on the table for Iris to find when she wakes up.

I open the pantry and grab the bottle of maple syrup, and I proceed to drown my pancakes in them.

Iris comes down when I finish my pancakes. I try to say hi but she doesn't respond,

Eh, It's early, maybe she's just tired.

When we arrive at school, the doors were already unlocked.

For the first time, the key man beat us to school. I look for jake, but don't spot him anywhere. I shrug to myself. He'll be here eventually.

We go home, and I reminisce about a day that started similarly to this one...

The meeting is nothing interesting. Maybe for some people, so here's the long and short of it;

Mom explains that she isnt human and neither are we, she explains about magic, the physics of their world and the different creatures.

After all that is dealt with and all questions answered, we go to bed.

But mom left out one crucial detail

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