By TheHolyPeanut173

9.7K 292 294

"Ye who enter, abandon all hope." This was the warning given to Dante Alihieri, the poet who wrote about his... More

E1M1: Aliens Pt1
E1M2: Aliens Pt2
E1M3: Aliens Pt3
E1M4: Aliens Pt4
E1M5: SCP Foundation Pt1
E1M6: SCP Foundation Pt2


1.7K 45 46
By TheHolyPeanut173

In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood.

Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment.

In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him.

He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him...


The final battle dragged on with only two Titans met, carrying the battle atop Ingmore's Sanctum of the once holy Jekkad, one that would determine the fate of all worlds. The might of the two Primevals had shook the multiverse when they unleashed their powers, sending them across dimensions. But soon, one will rise, and the other shall fall.

The fight was between the creator of it all, the Dark Lord of Hell, known as Davoth.

And from across the creator of all things, stood the bane of Hell himself. His fists clenched with righteous fury whirlwind in his eyes as he stared hatefully at the one who was responsible for his eons worth of torment he endured. Feared by all of Hell, the one who had risen from the ashes of the cosmos, the mighty Doom Slayer.

The two traded blow after blow as the battle continued on. But the Doom Slayer was resilient when it came to what he did best, especially when it was down to an opponent who created everything.

Everything the Dark Lord used against the Doom slayer did now stop or hinder him at all, nothing made him back down. He didn't know what to do at this point but to stay alive as long as possible. But as the Dark Lord readied his sword and charged at his opponent, the Slayer parried him with his super shotgun, followed by the sentinel hammer gifted to him by Commander Valen, staggering him and leaving him open. The Slayer his chance and sent a powerful punch at the Dark Lord with all of his might and strength.

Davoth was sent flying back and fell down on his side from the Doom Slayer's fist. The impact crippled his mech suit beyond repair, collections of sparks emanated from his armor, followed by smoke that fumed out from the side. Blood leaked from the side of Davoth's head, along with his mouth pouring out more blood.

The Doom Slayer began to slowly approach the wounded Dark Lord who was clearly defeated, but stopped in his tracks. With both hands, he reached up for his head to slowly remove his helmet. He held it in his left hand before tossing it on the ground beneath his boots. He then began to slowly and menacingly walk up to the Dark Lord.

Everything he had lost, everything he had done for eons, lead him to this moment. Every demon he had torn to pieces with his bear hands, everything he had sacrificed, everyone he had loved... it all came down to this moment.

This is where it all ends...

The Slayer's time... is now.

Davoth made a last attempt to grab his sword and fight back. But he then saw it was no use to resist, for he was beaten. The warrior side in him took over, he knew when to accept defeat.

As the Dark Lord turned to face his adversary, he muttered out his final words.

"Tell me... have you nothing to say to your creator... before you strike him down?" Davoth tossed his sword to the side while he spoke his last words, kneeling before the Doom Slayer, his creation.

The unmasked Doom Slayer glared at the Dark Lord with unrivaled hate in his eyes, a scowl formed on his scarred face. He didn't care for his stories or excuses of being betrayed. The Dark Lord was ultimately responsible for all of the negativity in his life.

He took his beautiful wife...

His beloved son...


He took everything from him...

The Doom Slayer raised his left arm and extended his Doomblade from his Praetor suit's left wrist for the final blow.

Without hesitation, the Destroyer took a step and plunged the Doomblade right through Davoth's chest where his life sphere is contained.

And for the first time in countless eons, the Doom Slayer spoke.


The slayer ripped the Doomblade out of the Dark Lords body, blood spilt out from the wound followed by a sparks emitting from it. He watched as Davoth lifted his head up to the heavens and three demonic red beams shoot out from his eyes and mouth.

The beams reached for the skies and seemingly explode, turning the whole sky into the color of red. The Slayer can almost feel what was happening in other worlds where the armies of hell had invaded as the as the laws of hell started to come into affect as every demon outside of hell's borders will fall with the Dark Lord, disintegrated into oblivion as the connection to the dark realm was completely severed. All the way to the Earth, to Urdak, to Sentinel Prime, and every other worlds where the demons had ravaged or were starting to be invaded and consumed. The lands shook as the ancient evils awoke with a devastating fury and rampaged from the depths of Hell. Hell roared in anger as the realms in the process of being assimilated into itself, were torn away from its grasps, and the demons were permanently trapped inside of hell for eternity.

The Doom Slayer watched as the last of Davoth's remnants formed a life sphere above his lifeless body. It then started to violently shake as cracks formed on the sphere. The Slayer shielded his eyes  for a second as Davoth's life sphere exploded, sending off a blinding flash of red and waves of energy desist from the sphere.

It's done...

The Doom Slayer had won...

The battle he had been fighting for as long as he could remember was finally over. The cold fury in his eyes sated for the first time in eons. All those years of slaughtering demons, living for the sole purpose of tearing Hell apart until there was nothing left. Now, he had exacted his rightful vengeance against Davoth, the ultimate source of his torment. The rage within him had settled, feeling nothing but an empty void. What was there left for him to do now that the Dark Lord was dead?

He stood there for a bit until he felt something...


A sudden wave of exhaustion flowed through the Slayer, his senses were overwhelmed by nausea and dizziness. His brows furrowed in confusion as he fell to his knees, he gazed down at his tired hands that couldn't stop shaking by themselves.

His questions of what was happening to him were soon answered.

"By his hand, all things were made..." Spoken to the Doom slayer by the monotonous voice of the Father.

"...Even you."

As he heard those words, the mighty Doom slayer, the only thing the forces of hell that they fear, collapsed to the ground and had fallen.

Although the Legendary Doom Slayer had collapsed, due to being a part of the Dark Lord, he was not dead. And in order to preserve him, the Father's Seraph's retrieved his body and placed him inside of his sarcophagus. The leading Seraph raised his right hand and motioned for the heavy lid to seal the tomb.

The Mark of the Beast glowed in a menacing red with the Slayer still inside before slowly fading away into darkness. With his family and Daisy finally avenged, he can now rest peacefully for the first time in eons...

"...May the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again."

-Corrax Entry 7:17


After brutal long days of combat, the Sentinels burned Immora and its unholy people to the ground, tearing through demon after demon. Word had quickly spread of the Dark Lord's defeat, and the result, so did all the demons outside of hell. The rest of the beasts were now sealed in the dark realm, for good.

The Sentinels left Immora in ruins, loud and victorious of their massive accomplishment of saving the multiverse. But despite their victory, the mighty Doom Slayer was never found. Commander Valen was the last Sentinel to leave; he waited for the return of the king. But when the Slayer never returned, Valen could only assume the worst. He reluctantly left to join the others, their ultimate victory was bittersweet.

Despite the fact that the Sentinels no longer had a king, their scattered tribes no longer remained scattered, for the conflict and the demons that surrounded them had vanquished, all thanks to their king, the Doom Slayer.

They reunited as one, and on the day of the final war at Immora became known as the Final Crusade. It will be remembered for generations and celebrated by the Sentinels, and the day  on which the legendary Doom Slayer made the ultimate sacrifice to bring DOOM upon the Dark Lord. He would never be forgotten, and the Sentinels across the stars would cheer his name.

But unbeknownst to them, the Doom Slayer was alive, just sealed away in his sarcophagus atop the Ingmore Sanctom's Temple of Souls, surrounded by numerous soul spheres of gods. Time moved differently in Hell than it did anywhere else, it was the first realm, one that connected to all other worlds in the Multiverse. The same was said for Ingmore Sanctum. What was effectively a million years in the Temple of Souls could've been less in one universe.

As countless years passed, the Temple of Souls remained still and silent. But a great disturbance had shook the multiverse, one that required the aid of the Destroyer...

"Hear me, slayer of Davoth..."

"Heed my call and rise once more from your eternal slumber..."

"Take upon your sword and unleash your unbridling fury upon the enemies of mankind of all worlds..."

"Come forth and let your mark be made bare for all of the wicked to witness, so that they may know your unbridling wrath..."

"Rip And Tear..."

"Until it is done."

The Doom slayer woke up from his slumber to find himself in a dark room surrounded by a mysterious mist. He looked around, somewhat expecting to find himself in the afterlife, but he wasn't foolish. As he slowly rose to his full height, he examined his new surroundings, only seeing reflective walls at the end of his vision. The Slayer walked over to the wall and saw his reflection, still wearing the Praetor suit, including his helmet.

But then the Doom Slayer noticed something from within him. He clenched his hands into fists upon feeling his unnatural divine power and strength instantly returning to him. But he felt something much more...

He did what no mortal man could have ever accomplish. Although he absorbed the Dark Lord's power from the Divinity Machine long ago, he now felt the remaining essence of the Dark Lord of Hell, being absorbed by him for defeating him in ritual combat, resulting in the Slayer's powers to ascend further beyond.

The Doom slayer raised his left arm with his rage rising further than before. And at the moment, he let out a mighty yell before unsheathing his Doomblade and released the boiling rage inside of him, his body bursted with flames, along with his praetor suit.

As soon as the raging flames tuned it down a bit, the wall's reflection showed the Slayer's appearance with a drastic change.

The Slayer's eyes glowed in a fiery yellow filled with ravenous hatred. His skin was now in a color of red. Various parts of the Praetor suit, especially the boots, were covered with argent fire that could never be put out. The armor that covered his abdomen and left shoulder was now with a color of red instead of bronze. Lastly, his Doomblade was covered with argent flames.

The Doom Slayer raised his Doomblade and smashed the reflective wall in front of him with his ravenous hatred. The wall crumbled into pieces all around the Doom Slayer and disintegrated into nothing, freeing him from his short imprisonment.

The Slayer look around, and to his surprise, he found himself back at the bridge of the Fortress of Doom.

The Doom Slayer calmed himself down so he can think rationally on how he ended up at his fortress. But as soon as he calmed down, the argent flames that covered him dissipated and his Praetor Suit revered back to its original form. He raised an eyebrow at the strange phenomenon that had just occurred, but he quickly pieced it together upon realizing that his new powers were from absorbing the remnants of Davoth after slaying him. It will now be put in good use for slaying demons if they somehow found a way to escape hell and invade Earth or any other worlds.

The Doom Slayer stopped with his thoughts when he looked out the bridge's massive window to look at Earth.

But there was no Earth on the other side of the window...

The Doom Slayer's anger lowered down when his confusion rose up even more for what he was looking at.

If only he had someone he can fully trust. Upon learning that VEGA was the Father the whole time and what he did, he was unsure if he could fully trust his former companion if they ever cross paths again.

He needs someone he can fully trust to assist him on his journey, someone who always has his back, and not use him as a tool until no further use.

Out of the corner of his eye, he catches a small flash of red from one of the computer consoles. He approaches it to see what it had, and read through the information.

The multiverse...

The Fortress of Doom was outside of the multiverse, his suit was somehow connected to the fortress's computer, meaning he can go to which ever universe he choose.

The Doom Slayer looked out at the large window to get a better look at each universe outside the window. He can see other worlds that were now within his grasps. All of them would've likely been invaded and consumed by Hell, were it not for him killing Davoth and thus sealing the demons within their domain, permanently.

The Slayer returned to the computer console when it received an alert, to which he swiped it to open its contents.

"Slipspace rupture detected."

"For your crime... you will die like vermin. I will hunt you down, at the end of the Earth I will find you. Your skin charred and your fats rendered. Your kind exterminated. In the end, I will feed your flesh... to the furnace!"

"Hiya, Georgie."

"The site is experiencing multiple Keter and Euclid level containment breaches! Full site lockdown initiated!"

"Shall I give you despair?"

"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine."

"Are you a god?"

"Mann Co. is under attack! Defend our honor!"

"Execute order 66."

"That's it man. Game over, man! Game over! What the fuck are we gonna do now?! What are we gonna do?!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains."

"You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel."

The Fortress of Doom fell into silence when the broadcast was stopped. The Doom Slayer's body did not move by an inch for a moment. He was assaulted with numerous images of his traumatic past flashing through his head. He winced and staggered as his perspective turned into swirling red shadows with demonic runes flashing across his vision, revealing painful memories of the past ripping caustically through his mind; he saw his beautiful family robbed of their lives. There was no peace in those images, all that remained was vengeance and pure hatred lead him to the path of perpetual torment.

His body temperature started to heat up an unnatural rate. The audio of the cries of the innocent and the monologues of the wicked incited a deep bloodlust inside of him. His hands started clenching into fists, the fiery rage. An intense aura pulsed from the Slayer, his presence became overpowering and would've made anyone near him back away out of fear. The wicked across the multiverse had awakened something inside him, something that made all the demons of hell tremble. These villains and monsters were no different from the demons he fought for eons. Although they were not the demons that took everything from him, they made countless people feel the pain he had known and endured.

The Doom Slayer made up his mind as he pressed a button on the computer console to search through which multiverse will be his first candidate.

He now has a new objective...

(A/N: Play the music for everything below)

After a few minutes of searching each universe, one of them caught his eye. He selected it and a hologram showed him information of the universe he planned to pay a visit. Outside the Fortress of Doom, a massive red portal formed up. It was big enough to engulf the entire fortress, and it did just that as the fortress floated inside.

The Slayer looked out the window after the fortress emerged out the portal to see the universe he selected, revealing three moons orbiting a gas giant planet.

The Slayer averted his eyes from the view. He pushed a stone orb with his mark etched to it on the pedestal, and it started to lower. This caused a long bridge to be raised and formed ring at the end of it. A glowing red portal manifested from the inside of the ring for him to pass through.

The Doom Slayer pulled out his combat shotgun from his Praetor suit's hammerspace backpack, where he stored all his weapons. He stared at the red portal for a few seconds, and pumped a fresh shell into the chamber with malicious intent.


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