ETR: Reunified Fragments


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When things are broken apart, they will eventually come back together again. Whether it be via unexpected pea... More

Chapter 1 | Not in peace
Chapter 2 | Where the Law Falls
Chapter 3 | Last Ditch
Chapter 4 | Here they come...
Chapter 5 | Commander, do something violent!
Chapter 6 | International Emergency
Chapter 7 | Failed Superpowers
Chapter 8 | Not Yet Lost
Chapter 9 | Cosmic Logistics
Chapter 10 | The man in the screen
Chapter 11 | Heaven's Beholder
Chapter 13 | His Golden Girl
Chapter 14 | Jungle Warfare
Chapter 15 | Preparations
Chapter 16 | For the Grace, the might of the lord
Chapter 17 | Northern Nightmare
Chapter 18 | Shkikan's revelation
Chapter 19 | Twisted Angel
Chapter 20 | Majestic Royalty
Chapter 21 | Snowman
Chapter 22 | The Haughty
Chapter 23 | Motherly Unions
Chapter 24 | Paging... him
Chapter 25 | Ruffled feathers
Chapter 26 | A Toast
Chapter 27 | They behind the Curtains
Chapter 29 | A Revision
Chapter 30 | A vision of medicine
Chapter 31 | Strategic Politics
Chapter 32 | Dreams of Unity
Chapter 33 | Cruel Dreamer
Chapter 34 | Scientific perogative
Chapter 35 | Countdown
Chapter 36 | To the Stars
Chapter 37 | Suit Up
Chapter 38 | Ancient past
Chapter 39 | Green, Jumping Demons
Chapter 40 | Palingenesis
Chapter 41 | Despondance
Chapter 42 | Defrost
Chapter 43 | Malady of Speech
Chapter 44 | Potatoland Rescue
Chapter 45 | Rocky Stability
Chapter 46 | Technological Claw

Chapter 28 | Chip of the old

46 5 0


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"Director Franks, please report to the Special materials lab, immediately."

Rang throughout the halls of Rhine Lab once again. Alerting not only the aforementioned staff, but also a curious member within the company.. Rhine Labs had a transport that was arriving at the facility, and it is likely that on its way through the halls.

However, to be completely transparent, nobody can exactly ignore the distant noises as well as the sound of R-11s and R-31s trying to subdue something.

The distant explosions were not exactly soothing the minds of much of the research staff either.

An expedition to the north had yielded interesting results. A RL expedition, jointed with members of the Columbian Military, had discovered some ancient ruin buildings that belongs to, what appears to be, an advanced civilization on Terra.

One that used to exist in the world, but is now gone with barely any explanation.

They were bringing whatever it was into the aforementioned bay, but the security clearance was relatively minimal.

And the Special materials labs had a few of the company's power armors automatically keeping the place all tight and locked up.

He did need a good reason to be in there however. Shouldn't be too hard to convince them, as long as he flashed his credentials.

Approaching the aforementioned area, he was halted by a RL guard, "ID please."

The man reached into his suit and produced his ID. Special technologies analyst was listed on the card, as well as his name and face. The guard only paid it a minuscule glance until he saw the title. "Alright buddy, you can come on in."

The man nodded, before going to enter. He had stepped into a laboratory, with engineers, researchers, and various other testers going out and about. There were the distant sounds of active R-31s again and that is when the man knew that that is where the special material was.

Well, Material is a rude way to put it.


Well, if you can count a semi ( or at least they THINK it is ) sentient computer that is fully capable of screaming insults as a special material, then congratulations, you're not the first. When moved into a room, the agent took notice of the source of said material.

It looked akin to a microchip, with some sort of holographic projection system that still baffled many people.of the personnel.

It especially did so when one scientist figured out how to rewire the thing. Its power was not in the best state, and as such, when that man moved a few wires around, the agent can see that something materialized in an admittedly comical manner.

"Finally, that damn projector is working again..." the voice began, finally materializing. Light had momentarily blinded everybody in the room, before it finally subsided.

And right in front of the special material, was a translucent, bluish humanoid, "Guess you Xenos are good for something huh?" He was dressed in a uniform and kit that was no doubt a soldier's uniform, but it was bearing emblems that were not registered on any National databases.

Not even a PMCs.

"I'm... sorry?" the person that was Dorothy squeaked up, "Uhm.. what are you?"

That made the projection a little irate.

"Do not tell me that you scum forgot who we are!"

"S-sorry," Dorothy began, hands raised defensively, as she looks at her fellow scientists, "We... don't even know who you are, nor your history..." she trailed off as an explorer came up.

"We find you as apart of an archeological dig that we did within our northern territories," the perro man explained. The hologram focused momentarily, humming in indifference as the man continued, "We didn't know what exactly the purpose of the old station was, but-"


"W-what?" began the meak Perro, who hid behind a R-31 that had a launcher ready. The AI, bizarrely, began to go on a tangent.

"Stupid Xeno scum! I'll have you know that the Greater Union of Terra was the mightiest power, especially when compared to that limp democracy that was the Federation!"

"Ha! Even more so than those weaklings!"

Dorothy found her voice against the indomitable voice of this... fanatic hologram, "Who are the... weaklings?" She asked, softly and carefully, as if trying to placate whatever "Xeno" hatred this AI had.

The projection gave off a mocking noise, as he "moved" forward a little and glared down at the poor Zalek woman.

"That pathetic empire of Remnant? Oh I remember them well!" He began to laugh, "I remember how their entire country was swept to the side when the K———'s army finally came crashing down!"

However, that made one of the persons in the room not happy at all when he heard about the weak nation being swept aside like it's just a roadblock.

The AI was still laughing, as the Rhine Lab researchers just gave a silent agreement to just leave this machine alone. "We will be back, we need to discuss with our superiors on how to more appropriately handle you."

Dorothy Franks gestured for her team and the mech suits to start exiting the room, leaving the agent alone with the special material, who was still cackling about how "Those damn weaklings got rolled!"

It was just the machine and the man who started it down, finally being caught by the AI, "What this?" It began, "A Xeno stayed behind?"

The man finally signed as he then dropped a bomb shell, by leaning against a wall and closed his eyes, before revealing that he's more than meets the eye, as a small human like figure arrived on the shoulder, but, it's blue - piquing the curiosity of the AI. "Ok, listen here, they are nice enough to leave" he then jumped and teleported his tiny blue body to land right in front of the AI. "But personally, I have a hell of a lot of questions to ask."

But the Terran AI can hear that this AI is pissed as high hell.

"Ask away," he began, grumbling, "You look more Terran than whatever the fuck those Xenos are."

However, that made the man laugh out loud before dropping some things to fuck with that AI. "Ok, Xeno." He simply said as he laughed. "Oh man, where do I begin? First of all, those are modern Terrans. You just called Terrans Xenos, congratulations. The reason why we don't know what you are talking about is because they are dead."

He begins to laugh so hard he can't hide the tattoo of...a bunch of weapons that is in the style of Remnant.

The eyes of the AI went wide, before focusing, "Fuck you mean?! Those are Modern Terrans?" With his eyes becoming literal flame seeing the tattoos,

The blue AI took a deep breath and smiled as he then said, "Yeah..." he finally fixed himself and then said, "Welcome to Terra. What you just saw are those born in Terra, lived in Terra, and probably died in Terra. The modern Terrans."

He noticed the AI saw his tattoos and then smirked. "Oh, but please do tell me how Remnant is a speed bump, please do, then I'll tell you about Modern Remnant."

"Hah, gladly!" The AI quickly began to go on a tirade, "Oh I remember how the URE was nothing more than a small boy hiding and always seeking out his mama!"

"The Federation always held him, like a mother cuddling her child, constantly feeding him and shielded him from the dangers of the universe!"

"Only deployed on special occasion, hah!"

"Ah, I see, I, see. And, what are they called again?" He asked politely as he wondered if the Remnant of old is significantly more...scared, less, offensive and bold, compared to the modern ones.

"Remnant of course! They're just a little damn kid!" The AI responded boldly and confidently, hands on its hips and a smug look on its stupid face as it glared at him, "What's it to you?"

He smiled as he simply said, "Looks like that kid is all grown up now," as he then mouthed something silently, but it's looks like he said something along the lines of, "We stole your valor."

The AI of course, did not take that very lightly, "You fucking WHAT?!" It near shrieked.

He simply smiled as he went to whisper into the ear of the elder. "I was taught to be nice to my elders, but I also was taught to defend all of humanity. I guess after we left our mother's wing, we became the guardians and I assumed we lasted longer than them, no?"

He smiled as he went to show the AI what looks similar to the Greater Union of Terra...but, different in certain ways, such as being under Remnant this time. The agent swore that he can hear the systems of the AI short circuiting, "What in the name of Terra, HOW?!"

He made a little smirk like he's really cocky. "Oh, but wait, there's more." And then he finally showed that Remnant is the one protecting Terra and Earth. "Congratulations, the weakling is holding off the K-------."

Ohp, and the AI short circuited, "That's... not possible, that is not logical, how?!"

Fury briefly eclipsed the figure of the AI as it spoke, "You must be lying-!"

"Welp, it is known as, sheer, fucking, willpower." He soon jumped back into his body and smiled. "Don't worry, Terra will rise again. This time." He soon mouthed words again before he smiled and left the AI all alone.

But what he said, is something the AI would have never thought or calculated as possible.

"Under Remnant's guidance. Glory to Humanity."

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