The monsters and me

By Imboring19

1.6K 50 95

Damien Thorn, the 17 year old boy who became friends with the monsters everyone had feared, until now atleast... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9

Ch. 2

145 5 1
By Imboring19

I decided I was gonna do something with the monsters POV so here you go

Pip's POV

Pocket had told me he spotted a human! A real human! I've never encountered one because Gregory was so strict of us not being able to see them🙄. He says that we're not allowed to see them because people will freak out of were spotted. Which has almost happened before when Pocket, Christophe and I, didn't listen and went out of the forest when Estella and Gregory weren't around. We had to make sure Estella wasn't around because she's a snitch.

Everyone was freaking out because things were floating, I was holding a book, and my flower at the moment, but they couldn't see me so they just floating objects is all. And they were freaking out because of how the other 2 looked.

But besides that, he told me he lost the human as it ran faster than him, so I decided to be a jolly-good friend and find it for him! I went the way Pocket told me they ran and just kept going straight, ignoring the trees I was fusing through. The perks of being a ghost!

I soon found the human breathing heavily in the middle of the area of the forest with no trees covering it, it was a smallish circle surrounded by nothing but trees, as I looked closer I tried not to make so much wind around it so it wouldn't know I'm there, ever since the first encounter with humans, books of us have been spreading around like the forest fires! The human looks.... attractive..

I stopped myself from thinking anymore thoughts like that, and flew to the trees


I heard leaves crunching close to me and I looked around and noticed Gregory was here, he didn't look at me just kind of hid behind a tree and stared at the human.

I wave at Gregory and he nods his head in a greeting, I noticed he brought... Christophe with him. The only thing I don't like about Christophe is that's he's French. He died here though and isn't able to go back to France. Other that he's a good friend!

Christophe and Gregory started walking around in a circle, Pocket behind us. We got to the trees he was staring at and then we heard singing. A Siren singing, it was Estella. We all started running towards the singing knowing she was impatient and she would stop singing, when we got there we saw her, her long wavey-ish hair, her blue blouse with the sleeves puffed at the end, and her blue-gray horns on the sides of her head pointing up somewhat crooked.

We were just talking with Estella as I, as usual, was holding my flower, when suddenly..

Crunch, snap

All of us looked up straight forward, I tuned and circled the boy, then he started running after I passed him once more, all of us except for Estella chased him, Estella couldn't get out of the water at the moment as we won have already been gone by the time she got out so we stuck with the 4 us chasing him

Soon the 4 were unable to chase him as they were exhausted from running for 20 minutes so I just kept following him, after another 10 minutes, we made it to a house. I noticed their was a ladder going up to the roof and he climbed it. By the time he got up the ladder on the roof, I was already up there and saw a bedroom window opened halfway. After he got up on the roof he lifted up the ladder and shortened it.

He them lifted up the window to open it all the way and crawled back it, shutting, and locking it again once inside

I decided I would just fuse through the window stay in there the rest of the night and even though I didn't need it and didn't feel sleepy, I fell asleep by his window.

Hope y'll enjoying this shitty story so far I'm running out of ideas pretty quickly tho😖

Word count: 701 words

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