Nephilim vs. Tribrid [Smut Ed...

By zangetsu13

4.2K 55 9

Jacqueline Kline decides to give her doppelgänger Hope Mikaelson exactly what she needs to forever be happy, ... More

Nephilim vs. Tribrid [Smut Edition]

4.2K 55 9
By zangetsu13

Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

Any Images, Fan Arts, GIFs, and Soundtracks used throughout this entire story also do not belong to me as they too belong to their respective owners.

The following story contains Mature Content such as Strong Adult Language and Explicit Smut Scenes. This smut contains intersex, selfcest, along with some dirty talk. If you do not want to read this type of Mature Content story mentioned above then please do not read this entire story and leave now for everyone's and my sake. I don't wanna waste my time responding to someone who comments their harsh remarks than give a normal constructive criticism as I will delete any comment relating to harsh response towards content containing in the smut as you were warned to begin with on not reading if this ain't your cup of tea as it would be wasting my time to respond back.

Face Claim

Jacqueline Kline {Danielle Rose Russell}

Hope Andrea Mikaelson {Danielle Rose Russell}

This is in Legacies season 4, when Hope turns off her humanity and before going after Triad or crossing paths with her aunt Rebekah.

This is my first time doing selfcest by the way. There are obviously fics that do Elena and Katherine, so why not have Genderbend Jack Kline who I use Danielle Rose Russell as the face claim with Hope who is also played by the same actress, thus the two in this universe are doppelgänger. Plus its not farfetch for Caroline's actress Candice King was on SPN as Amanda Heckerling and Elizabeth Blackmore as Valerie Tulle's SPN counterpart is Lady Toni Bevell

Let's Begin!


Standing in the middle of the first at night under a full moon are both Jacqueline and Hope. Both young girls baring the exact same face, though there were some key differences; namely hair color and body figure.

Jacqueline glares in a scolding manner while Hope is smugly smirking back at the Nephilim. They had both their arms crossed underneath their buxom chest, both mushed against one another if they were engaging in a dick measuring contest, only this one being breast. Though Jacqueline was certain she won in that department below the waist.

"Here to stop me now are you my doppelgänger?" Hope condescends. "Guess it's better than the B-Team. So what are you gonna do? Drag me back to Salvatore and dry me out so my humanity can be turned back on?"

Jacqueline huffed, feeling a heat between her and Hope. They stood at the exact same height, though she glances down to check out Hope's body. The differences that separated the two from being confused was that one, she has light brown hair, whereas Hope's is dark brunette ever since she turned off her humanity. The second is well...Hope had one helluva goddess of a body. Full, plump lips so kissable and good for wrapping around something big. Her mammaries underneath her shirt seemed a tad bigger, giving a delicious view of that cleavage one would love to suffocate in between the pair of mountain of flesh. Next Hope is thicker, curvier with those wide, child bearing hips, thin waist, and peach ass that rivals Demi Rose. Breast that wobble and a big ass that claps every time she walks, it would fold anyone like a deck of cards to get a slice of that heaven.

Jacqueline too was curvy and thick, but Grandfather Hope had the body every girl dreamed of having. It makes her pants feel tight by thinking at how Hope would look without clothes. Her bulge is luckily not seen yet.


"I'm not forcing you to come back. No point in doing things the hard way. Instead I figured we do it the easy way, though it does have some mix of the hard way. Or rather the fun way for the both of us." Jacqueline damned her face, feeling flushed at the taboo things she is about to commit.

Hope cocks her head curiously, smirking wide. "Oh? And what did you have in mind?"

Jacqueline brushed a hair lock in her face and smiles. "Simple. You think you have what you want, that you can't love as you lost Landon, but to tell you the truth and if I'm being can do better than him." She shakes her head, glancing at Hope up and down. "Look at you? All do this wasted on him. All this time you drove yourself nuts to make sure he didn't die. Wasted Phoenix abilities when all he can do is fly and come back from the dead."

Hope scoffed. "Really? Bringing up my dead ex is your way of getting the old Hope back?"

"Let me finish. You Hope Mikaelson deserved better. Didn't he go against your wishes at using your father's letter for that musical when you told him not to? He violated your trust. Sure he did it to help you feel better but trust was still violated. Not mention he lied to repeatedly with one of the knife that was needed to free Malivore. Speaking of which you two are toxic for each other, literally. You can't have sex with him, and though he got a taste of you, you will never be satisfied by someone trivial as him."

"Whoa. Never imagine brutally, trustful words from you." Hope sniggered. "Eh, sex was alright. Shame he melted as a sign it wasn't meant to be. At least I had toys to keep myself sated. Girls gotta have her needs."

"Yes well clearly it's not enough, which is why," She grabs Hope by her biceps and pulls her much closer.

Hope is wide eyed with a stupefied expression as her face was inches apart from Jacqueline, who gives her a hard, heated look. Hope felt her crotch area rubbed against something big and bulging inside Jacqueline's pants and gasped. "The hell?"

"Nope, more like your Heaven." Jacqueline said huskily. She crashed her lips onto Hope's whose eyes are wide as dinner plates. Her cries are muffled. She struggles against Jacqueline's grip, though her strength was way beyond hers to break free. Hope then squeaks when Jacqueline go of her arms only to clamp both palms onto her ass and squeeze. A soft moan betrayed Hope. That felt so good.

Slipping into effect by the kiss, her rational thought gone that her doppelgänger is kissing her. Essentially she was kissing herself, and yet why did it make her core damp when she found herself kissing back. She put up no resistance when the Nephilim shoved her tongue down her throat, licking every inch of her mouth and tasting her saliva. Hope wraps her lips around Jacqueline's tongue, sucking on it sensually. She opens eyes, staring at the Nephilim who opened her es to see her perform a sample of how amazing these lips are when out to work at sucking something.

Though she'd imagine Jacqueline would want these lips around something bigger.

She licks and nibbles at Jacqueline's lips one more time and feels our, breathing hard if she had her oxygen sucked out from her lungs. Hope stares at Jacqueline's eyes in disbelief. "Y-You kissed me."

"It's a shame it wasn't your first though I bet Landon never kissed you this well. Heck, if I'm being honest I'd say I gave you what a real kiss should feel like. Did it tingle and leave you speechless?"

Hope feels her swollen lips. The tingle was there and a blossom in her chest. She quickly masquerades by cackling. "Wow, didn't know you like it freaky. This totally gives a new meaning of kissing yourself."

"Maybe, though you know there are a few things that set us apart. Such as these." Faster than Hope can blink, Jacqueline spun her around with her back now facing her and pulls her hard, slamming her phat ass against her hips and grinds her bulge at that ass. Jacqueline rested her head between Hope's shoulders as her hands grope her breast. "You're much bigger than me. Compensating for much for attention?"

Taking the compliment, Hope smirks. "As if anyone can resist these puppies. You can't imagine the attention I get at school."

"Can't argue with that, though clearly they don't receive the attention as they should be getting. Let's fix that shall we." Jacqueline whispers into her ear, nibbling her earlobe. Without further ado, she pulls down Hope's shirt, along with her bra, setting free her large tits.

Hope moans from the cool air of the night breezing against her set of globes. Her pink nipples harden. Jacqueline cooed at the sight of the fun bags. She traced her index fingers around Hope's beautiful areola. Her fingers punch the sensitive nipples, earning her low moans and hums of appreciation. "Tch, pervert."

"Says the one who is moaning." Jacqueline retorted, still rubbing her bulge against Hope's plump rear. "You want me to stop?"

"Please, be my guest. As if you'll ever make me feel good." It made Hope wonder what ploy is Jacqueline playing at. She was not gonna lie, her fingers were pretty good, and those hands.

Jacqueline squeezed at the milkers, pinching hard and pulling at the pink swollen nipples. She juggles Hope's milkers, next proceeds to smack them that Hope let out a masochistic cry. Jacqueline curls her lips. "Someone is a glutton for punishment."

"Shut up." Hope scoffed. "Just because- aaahhh!" She cried out from another smack receive to her tits. "Hey! I'm talking over- ooohhh!" She whimpers from a third smack.

"I knew it. Tits like these need to get smacked around. They're just begging to get squeezed, pinched, and smacked. But most of all," She turns Hope around, leans down and licks at them. "They need to get sucked like the milkers they are." Wrapping her lips around the right nipple, Jacqueline twirls her tongue, coating the pink flesh with her saliva and teeth's gently.

Hope glances down, unable to help herself from moaning adorably. A cute red blush appears on her cheeks. She continued watching the Nephilim suck her right hard, hollowing her cheeks while her other hand pinches her left nipple. She pursed her lips, cooing softly. This wasn't half bad.

Landon never gave her tits this kind of treatment, sure some squeeze and sucking on them but not like trying to suck them dry if Jacqueline hoped to struck gold by getting milk out of them. Hope did wonder how big her boobs would get if they were swollen with milk. They idea of breast feeding, Jacqueline being the culprit to feed off of them like a hungry baby makes Hope's core grow wetter. She buckles her knees, feeling her body go into a heat.

Damn wolf side. She can feel her animal instincts urge to mate. This damn doppelgänger is making her wolf go into sort of a rut.

Her Tribrid eyes flashed and vampire-werewolf fangs came out. She grows huskily, gaining Jacqueline's attention who had moved onto the left nipple to leave it swollen and wet like the other. Jacqueline sees Hope's natural instincts come out and smirks. "Someone is in a heat. Did that turn you on so well? I bet no guy has ever done so. Then again you were only ever with one and Roman, you two weren't even officially together despite having that one kiss. Y'know, if he didn't play a part at what happened, I'd say he'd make a better boyfriend than Landon. Alas, even though you have forgiven him, you can never forget the part he played.

Hope's brow flinched. She growls aggressively. "Shut your mouth or I'll rip your tongue out."

"Oh? Was that a sign of emotions being triggered?"

Realizing the trap she walked herself in, Hope was embarrassed. "Shut up!" Suddenly she was shoved against a tree. She was pinned by the wrist. Hope snarls, her Tribrid eyes staring into Jacqueline's glowing gold eyes.

"No you shut up." Jacqueline said firmly. "I'm going to get you back to normal Hope, by giving you what you've always needed."

Putting up a bravado act, Hope giggles wickedly. "And what might that be? Hugs and kisses? Puppies and a box of chocolate?"

"No. I'm going to make you feel loved and give you the happiness you deserve to escape this cycle of anguish, pain, and suffering you subjugated yourself into. I'm about to give you a memorable night to remember by."

"Hmph! Do your worst. You can't save me! I like this new me as old Hope was weak, pathetic, and always hurting." Hope smirks coldly.

Jacqueline studied her features and shrugged. "We'll see." She lets go of Hope and steps back. Hope wondered why Jacqueline might be planning when she saw Jacqueline raise her right hand up and snaps her fingers.

Hope suddenly get the cold wind brush all over her body. Looking down, she is baffled to see all her clothes are gone from shirt to sock. She was bare naked in the forest. She noticed her clothes wer nearly piled next to the tree she stood in front of, though that hardly mattered.

Nudity is no stranger as she would shift to normal and walk around naked to find the place she kept her clothes hidden, though she never shows off her naked body to anyone as this ain't a free show after all.

Though Hope was gobsmack when she sees she's not only the one buck naked in her birthday suit. Standing in front of her is a naked Jacqueline, who smugly has both hands to her hips. They can see they body were curvy and thick, though Hope knew she was a much bigger girl with her tits that one would say are big as a pornstars and a peach ass. Best of all, her curves; hourglass, athletic body; and wide thick hips were the finishing touch to earn a statue of her to be built on display for people to admire her body.

Though what Jacqueline had left Hope's jaws hanging to touch the ground and eyes meaty falling off. Between her legs is her massive cock free for the world to see. By massive it was an understatement. The thing is a monster! By her estimation it was 18 inches long and thick as a soda can! Then her hefty balls stuffed with gallons of cum were big as a pair of apples hanging low and appearing appetizing. Hope noticed Jacqueline had a six-pack, lean muscular toned arms and thighs compared to her. Her tits were big and had a peach ass, though smaller, not too small either, Jacqueline has a body of a goddess in her own right that is balanced out.

Though Hope's eyes were glued to Jacqueline's definition of a bitch breaker or slut maker, whichever you wanna call it. She just couldn't avert her eyes. Thanks to her wolf instincts betraying her and vampire emotions enhancing her lustful behavior, Hope's body grew aroused than ever as if she had been dozed in aphrodisiac. Her mouth waters at seeing such a huge piece of meat. She saw droplets of precum come out from the slit and drop to the ground.

What a waste of precum.

Snapping out of her stupor, Hope regains her composure to try and act serious though she hit her lips lustfully. "W-What the fuck?! Why is your cock that huge?!"

Jacqueline gave her a toothy grin, striking a pose that swung her cock. "You like? Perks of being a supernatural. Gotta thank my dear father for some traits. I have the beauty of an Angel, and I was born intersex, so you can imagine my surprise I definitely hit a growth spurt and ended up with this golden package. Though it had some downsides."

Hope gulps as her eyes kept following the swinging appendage whenever Jacqueline moves her hips. "And that is?"

Jacqueline walks towards Hope, her cock and balls teasingly swinging that it had Hope in a hypnotic state. Once closing the gap, Jacqueline pressed her ties against Hope's, grinds her front body against the Trbrid's and saws her cock at Hope's dripping pussy. She mutters. "A cock this big always needs to constantly get jerked off and I'm left blue balled. But you here, and me wanting to make you about to feel like a woman helps us both. So what do you say Hope? Wanna take it for a spin?" She grabbed her cock with two hands, indicating its heavy weight.

Hope blinks and snorts, putting on a smug smirk. "Please, I think I can handle a big dick if I can slay dragons."

Jacqueline said nothing. She watched Hope get down on her knees. She jerks her hips, smacking Hope's face with her cock, leaving a splat of precum on Hope's left cheek. Hope glares at her for the stunt though Jacqueline grins wide.

Ignoring her stupid face, Hope stares at the monster she's working with. She get her bravado wash down at being up and close with it. The tip nearly hitting her dick sucking lips. Hope scrunches her face. Damn this thing is too big! How the hell can anyone fight this in their mouth? This would dislocate her jaws for sure.

Though not wanting to show she's a coward and get Jacqueline the satisfaction of losing to her, Hope musters her confidence and arrogance, and works her mouth. She sniffed the pungent musky scent this meat rod have off and feels her stomach pool up heat. Hope moans heatedly, her face flushing and pussy throbbing madly that she rubbed at it to keep her sated, though it was not enough.

She hasn't even sucked on it or get screwed by it, and it already is making her feel she wants to cum by sniffing at it. Hope stuck her tongue out to see precum droplet form and get a taste of the sample. When she does, Hope feels her tastebuds rejoice at the bitter, salty taste. Her wolf side kicking in, Hope greedily wraps her lips around the mushroom-shaped tip and sucks on it.

Jacqueline cooed, feeling the sensitivity and warmth of Hope's mouth licking the tip. She observed Hope twirl her tongue at the pink bulb head, penetrating the urethra with her fleshy tongue. Jacqueline licks her lips, closing her eyes as she hummed from satisfaction.

Getting cocky, Hope pushed forward, ready to take this massive pole into her mouth. Her lips start to stretch wider as the head goes into her mouth. The girth stretches her mouth wide. It aches from taking it though Hope casted a spell that allowed her mouth to stretch like elastic. Her eyes look down at the base of the dick. Her lips were stretched wide beyond normal proportions as this giant dick was going down her gullet. Her tongue is flatten so no use in licking anymore, though it was not needed.

Jacqueline slowly pushed her dick further into the Tribrid's mouth, placing a hand on her head. She moans, enjoying the wet, warmth Hope's mouth brought. She sweetly caressed Hope's face, then petted her hair. She meets with Hope's eyes, giving her a sweet smile.

Hope rolls her eyes and let out loud slurping loses to echo throughout the forest. Her hands go to palm at Jacqueline's ass, digging inches deep into that ass and hold on tight as she bobbed her head fast. "GGLUKK! GLUK!" Noises Hope emitted from the dick reaching the back of her throat and sliding down her elastic throat.

Hollowing her cheek, she slurps loudly, vacuuming in the tasty meat rod. Oh god. This dick taste good. Why does it taste so good? Just what is up with this dick? Hope's mind was growing fuzzy, captivated by her tongue enjoying the strong, pungent dick flavor. She had given Landon a blowjob, though her mind and body never reacted the way it is doing with Jacqueline's cock.

What is this cock doing to her? All she wants to do is suck on it, worship it with her kisses and her tongue, and drain those balls of that baby batter it's packing in those swollen testicles if she were dining on human blood. If possible, her pupils would be heart-shaped as she may be falling in love with this cock.

Hope braced herself at bobbing her head fiercely, swallowing this monster while. Her throat bulges, perfectly shaking the outline of the Nephilim cock she took down. She sees she has nearly made it halfway.

Deciding to give her an extra push, Jacqueline takes a hold of Hope's head, making the Tribrid curious to what she's planning when Hope screams loudly as Jacqueline rammed her hips with enough force to nearly dislocate her jaws as all of the bitch breaker went balls deep down her gullet. Hope's werewolf claws brandish out and claws at that Nephilim booty that didn't hurt Jacqueline given her invulnerability.

Jacqueline proceeds to skull fuck Hope, fucking her mouth like a cocksleeve. Jacqueline grunts, her glowing eyes staring fiercely at Hope. Her massive balls swung at the bulging throat, giving more pleasure for Jacqueline with the already vibrations Hope's screaming and whimpering produced.

Soon, rather than demand to have the dick pulled out, Hope meets at the same pace with Jacqueline's hips and dines down

Jacqueline feels her cock twitching, reaching climax as Hope's mouth is a real piece of heaven. She cries out, ejaculating her first load right down Hope's sore throat from the pounding she gave to it.

Hope's eyes bugged out when she felt the firehose of thick cum showering her throat, causing it to balloon and make her face turn blue as she nearly chokes on the cum. She cries out, coughing up cum and saliva all over the base of Jacqueline's cock. She felt her stomach get washed down in cum as she drank the beat she can, though it was too much for her to consume, so to pull out, Jacqueline panted heavily as her face, hair, and body gets a white, sticky facial.

She gave a debauchery expression, sticking her tongue out and moans like a ditz as snowfall of cum rained down all over her. Sliding between the valley of her tits she cupped together

Over two minutes, Jacqueline wipes her forehead and exhaled. She looks at her work, finding herself alluded by how much cum coated Hope is left. Hope cooed with her eyes closed. Her tongue licks her plump lips of any cum lingering. Opening her eye, Hope gave the Nephilim a slutty look. "Not bad. Didn't think you can do it." Jacqueline admitted. "Nice work with the spell as I'd doubt anyone would have been able to take my cock without breaking their jaw."

Hope replies with an arrogant remark. "Well I am the be- GLUAGH!" She coughed up a thick batter of cum that rolls down her chin and splatters onto her mammaries. "Fuck. The hell? Why di- GLUAGH!" She vomits out another cum batter over herself. Hope can feel her throat etched in cum. All she can taste is cum at the moment.

Jacqueline sniggered in amusement. "What's wrong? No words retort?"

Hope glares at her. "Fuck - GLUAGH - you!" She coughed more cum back up, losing any seriousness she had to be taken serious. "Ugh, you came so much." She rubbed her stomach, feeling full that she notices swell. "It's so much."

"If you think that's too much, you ain't seen nothing yet. Get up." She demands, displaying her dominance.

"Screw- GLUAGH!" She vomits more cum. Hope narrows her eyes and grows. "You're doing that on purpose." She was coughing you um every time she tries to make a retort to talk smack at the Nephilim.

Jacqueline carries an innocent face. "I didn't do anything."


"Whatever." She grabs Hope by her wrist and forces her up, listening to that ass clap from jigging. She turns Hope around to see the cake she was gonna help herself too and gasped at the beautiful sight. She massaged Hope's large caked up cheeks. "It's even bigger without any clothes on." She grins wide, planting her cock between the ass cheeks and hotdogging.

Hope scoffed, though she keeps her moans down as she felt her small asshole get rubbed teasingly by the head and then at her throbbing, sensitive clot. "Whatever. If you think that's amazing, check this out." Hope bends down, placing both hands at a tree nearby and begins twerking her ass against that monstrous dick.

Her large ass cheeks clap around the big cock. Cheeks jiggling. Hope bounced to then giving an assjob by sliding her ass up and down.

Having the urge to make fun of her, Jacqueline gave Hope a toothy grin. "Where do you learn those moves? Videos of Nikki Minaj?"

Hope blushed. She growls angrily as she continues twerking, smacking that dick with her pawg ass. "You wish!"

"Well wherever you learned to shake an ass like this is working. I bet you are excellent at lap dances. An ass like this was meant to do something like this. Tell me, you ever give Landon a show like this or am I am exclusive VIP."

"Believe it or not bit old Hope would never have the balls to do something so slutty." She goes to place both hands on her knees to bend down further and continued making those favorite ass cheeks clapping sounds that can be heard across the forest. "So you're lucky I'm getting to put these moves on you."

"Oh my." Jacqueline giggled. "Y'know you talk as if you're a different person, though I do wonder if not having her humanity is an excuse to commit whatever naughty kinks you may have."

Hope snarls, giving a wolf growl as her eyes glow. "You better keep your mouth shut and not tell anyone. Especially Lizzie."

Jacqueline winks. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me if from now on you give my private shows for me when we're alone." She spread out her wings. Despite her humanity being off, Hope was stunned by how beautiful Jacqueline's ivory colored wings are when she yelps. She looks to see Jacqueline had used her wings to smack at her ass, leaving a red mark. It makes her whimper, though she kept twerking and rubbing her ass at that dick, the precum, saliva from sucking on it earlier, and her leaking pussy juice providing lubricant.

The angelic wings were brought down and smack that big ass, giving a sight to behold as Hope's thick, big ass jiggles nicely. Jacqueline loved to see Hope's face contorting in bliss. "Does someone like getting their ass spanked?" She used her hands this time, giving it to Hope hard.

Hope gasped from the stinging sensation the wings or hands brought to her booty. She moans euphorically. Then she grits her teeth from the humiliation she is being subjugated, but her why did she love her ass getting spanked like some naughty bitch?

"As expected. A big ass does need proper spanking now and then." Jacqueline cracks her neck. "Alright Hope, I think it's time I give you what you want."

Hope snorts, then smirks. "Not yet. There is something I forgot to give you."

"And what's that?"

Suddenly she is shoved by surprise. Jacqueline landed on her back and sees Hope vamp speeds to spread her legs apart and get down on fours to rest and cup her large tits. "A good ol' titty fuck. Since I gave you a performance, it's only fair you fuck these titties, right? I mean who wouldn't with those lo- GLUAGH!" Hope coughed up a hard layer of cum. She fumes at the laughing Nephilim. "You did that on purpose! I knew it!"

"Whatever. Let me see if you are good with your tits as you are with your ass. Though you are denying the inevitable of me fucking you into submission."

"As if I'll ever be your bitch."

"Y'know fun fact. Bitch also means female wolf." Jacqueline wiggled her brow.

"That's it!" Hope growls as she pillow hugs her ties around the massive womb splitter and shakes her breast hard and fast. "Take this! I'm gonna make you cum so hard and fast, you'll never get enough!" She aggressively squeezes hard. She spat down some saliva to add more lubricant and then take the chance at sucking the dock that jutted out from her cleavage.

Jacqueline swore this is her heaven if she ever died. An endless tittyfuck from the biggest tits around her cock. She whimpers a little. She looks at Hope determine to make her cum so hard and fast. Hope's tits were massive as they swallowed the base of her cock nicely. She shuts an eye, holding it in best she could but she was at the mercy of Hope's tits.

Hope growls wolf like. She was taking this serious like some challenge. She planted kisses at the tip, dragging her tongue around it and then smacks her tits at the appendage. She resumes her tittyfuck. Though this was suppose to teach Jacqueline a lesson, her lustful hunger wanted more of that tasty, hot cum as she sort of liked it covering her body and guzzling if it were her last meal. She opens her mouth wide and bobbed her head down fast. "HURK! MMPH! GLRP!" Her mouth muffled as she gargled the large dick with a glare.

Unable to hold it in, Jacqueline cries out loudly, her wings tensing and shit her glowing eyes open to cum hard. Her balls tensed and released another churning load of cum all over Hope.

First, Hope guzzled down the faucet of a dick of its breeding jizz, loving that flavor it has and then stops sucking, allowing her hair, face, and tits to get further stained in white paint as her tongue drools out in a whorish manner.

Jacqueline rested her head in the ground, trying to get her mind back into pieces.

Hope smirks, rubbing some cum over her breast like lotion and giggled. "Just to let you know, Landon never got this treatment, so count yourself lucky."

"I am." Jacqueline chuckles lightly. "Though I'm far from down as you can see." Gesturing at her cock still going hard.

"Oh yeah." Hope gazed at the dick. "Well."

"Well." Jacqueline repeats.

It was silent between the two. Without warning, Jacqueline moved faster than Hope can even blink, even with her vampiric and werewolf senses. Hope found herself the be the one laying on her back and pinned down.

Jacqueline smirks lewdly. She teases Hope by rubbing her cock at her kissy, but most of all her puckered pussy. "Playtime is over Hope. Time to get serious. To me, you'd like to do some dominating by subjugating you in humiliating positions? Being the powerful, one and only Tribrid, you think you're an alpha, though truth is I'm about to show you how wrong you really are and make you submit with my cock alone."

She carried this succubus look in her eyes. Hope feels her body shudder under that loom. She let out a wolf whimper that makes her gasp and wide eye. Hope growls. "I'm not anyone's bitch! I'm not submissive."

Jacqueline giggles. "Could have fooled me. Well if that is the case."

Hope expected that monster to go for her pussy, but then her eyes widen in horror when she sees it sun right at her forbidden entrance. She panics, then scowls. "Hold on! I didn't agree to anal! Your cock is too big! It will split my ass in half!"

Jacqueline continues smirking. She caressed Hope's face. Deciding to give that humiliating sex position, Jacqueline pushed Hope's legs all the way to the back of her head, then adjusted herself, now in a mating press position and pushed the tip at Hope's tight looking asshole. "Don't worry Hope, it will fit and with an ass this big, you're gonna love anal a lot. Don't worry, I'll be gentle." She then shoved her cock in. Jacqueline moans lewdly, feel the tightness of Hope's ass squeeze her cock as she penetrate further. Wasting no time. She piston her hips into Hope.

Hope gritting out, getting her teeth hard. "FUCK!" She glances up, one eye shut and baring her teeth as she was getting pounded. "The hell happen to being gentle?!"

Jacqueline panted like a dog as her hips worked at going deeper and fast. "Fuck this ass is so tight! It's squeezing my dick to death! Can't stop now!"

"Damn it!" Hope clenched her eyes shut, feeling a mixture of pain from her ass ring getting torn wide apart by the soda can size girth, but a betrayal of pleasure suddenly replacing the pain. Though she was getting a sadomasochistic pleasure from this either way. "At least go slower you damn bitch!" She cries out, feeling her g-spot get assaulted that Hope makes a hilarious face.

Her moans become incoherent as her ass gets wrecked away by the Nephilim. This humiliating position was to show her how submissive she is, and Hope hated that it was working, yet liked it. Her back arched as she let out another pleasurable, pained cry. Her jiggling ass was met with Jacqueline's wrecking balls of testicles. Flesh smacking against one another echoes loudly in the forest.

Increasing her pace, Jacqueline decides to stop holding back when she sees Hope's silly fucked face trying to look angry. She blurred her hips, slamming balls deep inside Hope that she screams to the heavens and cums hard from her ass and pussy.

Her core gushed out juices that coated Jacqueline's pubic area as Jacqueline hisses from how tight Hope's ass squeezed her dick.

Hope groans weakly, her vision clouded with squiggly signs. Though it was far from over. Jacqueline kept pounding her ass away, turning her brain to mush as her g-spot was hit at, building up pressure in her clit that Hope get she was on fire. She rubbed her throbbing clot fast as she can, whimpering at how good rubbing her clit and getting her ass fucked felt good. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Jacqueline smiles knowingly at Hope's expression. "Seems like someone enjoyed anal in a matter of seconds. Did I take your anal virginity?"

Hope blushed madly, though no point in denying. "Y-Yes."

"Knew it. Believe me Hope when I say I'll show you love in bed that you've never known. And that starts off with gaping this ass to become mind as this ass needs an anal pounding it deserves. It's a crime that it doesn't." She fucked Hope harder, still feeling that tightness. Hope's ass was trying to milk her, to which she was happy to oblige. Hope's healing was ensuring this ass remains tight and even after being gaped, it will heal itself back to normal. Making the fun last forever.

Clenching her teeth hard, Jacqueline pounds Hope so hard the ground underneath the Tribrid caves in deeper. The area shook at Jacqueline was gonna make tremors felt for miles.

All of this makes Hope's eyes go crossed and tongue drool as she cries out in euphoria. She wrapped her arms around Jacqueline's neck and came hard once more. This time Jacqueline cries out as she ejaculates her fat load inside Hope's ass.

The two laid groaning, more so for Hope as her vision blurs. Jacqueline stayed inside Hope for a bit before pulling out, letting a faucet of her cum pour out from the gaping wide asshole. Hope whimpers, not liking the missing feel of no cock shoved inside her ass.

Jacqueline looks proudly at her work. "Now this ass is mine."

Hope weakly moans, staring at the night sky, likely not aware of her surrounding areas.

"Well that's not the end of that. Let's continue with another favorite position of mine." Standing up tall, Jacqueline reached down to pick Hope up. She had her front body pressing at Hope's back, then lifted both legs of the Tribrid to place them all the way to the back of the side of her head. Next, she places her hands behind Hope's head, restraining her legs.

Hope regains a clear mind and looks at her current predicament. She sees red. "The hell do you think you're doing?" She sees that Jacqueline had out her in a Full Nelson position, leaving her unable to escape.

Jacqueline purred. "What does it look like I'm doing? Giving you what you want and that's to fuck this ass some more in a humiliating position. Just imagine an audience seeing the mighty Hope Mikaelson get anally pounded in Full Nelson." No more talk, aiming her cock once more at Hope's ass that was beginning to heal up, she plunges balls deep and pounded her brutally.

Hope cries out, her head lolling and tongue spilled from her mouth as she was getting anally fucked once more. Like Jacqueline said, Hope could not help at envisioning the Saltzman twins, Penelope, or Alyssa catching her in a humiliating position and cruising like a bitch in the heat. The images are enough that Hope shamelessly squirts a fountain of pussy juice onto the ground. Her eyes roll back. She grits her teeth hard that her fangs came out, moaning uncontrollably. "FUCKING HELL! DON'T YOU DARE STOP!" She carries a silly grin, panting heavily as her breast bounced. "Fuck my ass and ruin it!"

"Now there are the results I wanted to see." Jacqueline licks at Hope's cheek. She shoved the Tribrid up and down on her womb splitter. "Don't worry Hope. Just let me do all the hard work and you enjoy for once."

Hope squeals, her eyes crossing again and mouth forms an 'O' with her tongue sticking out. She kept cumming hard nonstop as her ass was brutalized.

It went on for ten minutes that Hope was losing all sense of rationality and falling in love with Jacqueline's cock. Her first time compare nothing to this experience. Her mind was lost in a state of only wanting to cum. That slap she wanted. Just to cum hard. "I'm cumming again!" She cries out, tears of joy running down her eyes as she rolled her eyes back with a silly grin.

Jacqueline grunts, her dick twitching. "So am I!"

"Give it to me! Inside my ass again!"

Jacqueline growls, her eyes glowing brother and wings spread out, piston fast into her personal love tunnel. "Take it! Take all of my cum in your hot ass!"

"YYYEEESSSS!" Hope slurred, overjoyed of feeling cum fill her phat ass to the brim.

Both girls panted and drool of the release of cumming so much.

Jacqueline pulls Hope out from her anal spear, letting out vat of cum to pour onto the ground. She set Hope down in a face down and ass up position as Hope drools with a mind broken face. Jacqueline strokes her cock, still going hard. She decides to give Hope a few minutes to put her mind back into pieces and rest before continuing with their intense passion heat.

After minutes passed by, Hope mumbles of her sanity returning. She felt oddly drunk if you'd like to put it that way. Her ass clenched, missing the feeling of no dick spearing inside it. Just when she is about to respond, trying to push back the warm emotions bubbling in her chest, she helped when her body is moved. She is flipped onto her back, then her lower body is lifted up where she was no staring at her own legs lifted from her thighs till her torso was off the ground. This position causes large boobs nearly muffling her face as the gravity makes them fall down on her face. Her hair was spread out as well. Hope looks past her mountain of flesh and sees what Jacqueline plans on doing. She tenses when she felt that godlike cock rub at her aching pussy. She sees Jacqueline's plan.

Jacqueline straddled on top of her and leans forward. She was going for the piledriver position. Glancing down, Jacqueline gave a friendly wave. "So Hope tell me. For someone lacking emotions, you feel excited, nervous, but most of all happy. Humanity turned on?"

Hope is quiet.

"Don't worry. You don't have to answer. Though I think it's time I get serious." Jacqueline have a friendly face. "I promise you that I will give you what you need and that's a life of happiness and peace. What do you say Hope? Do you want to be in a relationship? Us as girlfriends or better yet soulmates for life."

"W-What?" Is this for real?

Jacqueline stared softly at her. "Let's make it official by me fucking your pussy and cum inside you. You'll be mind and I'll be yours."


"I promise I will never lie to you. I won't make you worry of having to protect me. I will give you the love that no one in this world will ever be able to give you as a lover. We're both immortal, which means I will stick by your side till even the End of Times. Perhaps tonight you would like to experience the same joy as your mother felt when she learned of having you. Motherhood. The choice is yours."

Hope feels her heat blossom at what she's being offered. Jacqueline was being genuinely of her words. Her lips tremble and eyes water. "Y-You mean it?"

"I do. I will love you forever, Hope Andrea Mikaelson." Jacqueline smiles wide. "What do you say?"

Tears roll down Hope's eyes. It felt as if she had been asleep for a long time. She smiles wide and nodded. "Yes please! I'll be yours!"


Then Hope went from intimacy to passionate again with her words. Hope panted with hearts in her eyes. "Fuck my pussy so hard! I want you to cum inside me and give me a baby to truly be yours!" She pleaded genuinely. "Let's be a family together!"

"Right answer." Jacqueline soft smile turns into a lewd one. "Hang on tight then." Going balls deep, Jacqueline rammed her cock deep into Hope's fertile womb, punching her stomach as it bulges wide. Hope cries out, her eyes rolling back as she instantly orgasms around the womb breaker.

"Ahhh' I came so hard!" Hope moans in a drunken state. "More! More!"

"I will!" Jacqueline worked her hips and lunches that cock of hers into Hope's pussy that happily chugged on the length greedily.

Both were experiencing a state of euphoria of mating with one another. Hope's wolf desired to be breed. To be knotted and have a baby put inside her. She imagined her flat stomach growing round and swollen with a baby growing inside, her boobs becoming cow milkers, and getting thicker of becoming a MILF.

She saw herself naked and pregnant, having her swollen belly caressed by the warm embrace of her future lover Jacqueline. Barefoot and pregnant.

All of these naughty imageries and intimate one makes Hope cum harder than before as Jacqueline cock hits all the right nerves to trigger an intense orgasm as it rearranges her guts. "FFFUUUCCCKKK!"

Jacqueline clenches her jaws, her balls smacking at Hope's clit and pistons. She was making Hope submit to her. She was true to her words. She plan to make Hope happy and wish to have a family. In a way to honor her late mom: Kelly Kline's dream who desires to have a family but died before her time.

The horny side of her enjoyed this a lot. Dominating the one and only Tribrid is one helluva Golden Ticket. Every bit of her was to be savored. Her body, face, smell, and voice.

Yet all of that was merely a bonus. It was Hope as a person and her life experience that made Jacqueline drawn to her, and it was damn time someone saved this girl.

Time to make it official. Jacqueline piston faster, her hips moved in a blue. Hope cries out, her brows and eyes twitching. "Ahhh! Ooohhh! Ahhhh!"

Gritting her teeth and pulling her backs into it, Jacqueline delivered one brutal thrust and yells out loudly as she came inside Hope, blasting a torrent of her seed into Hope's breedable womb since being half-werewolf allowed Hope to still get knocked up.

Hope happily smiles with a droopy expression and feels everything explode like fireworks. "So much cum inside of me. I don't believe it." She slurred.

Catching her breath from that finishing move, Jacqueline slid out from Hope and gently laid her down. Then she laid down to pick Hope and have her rest on top of her right before plugging her cock inside her gushing pussy to prevent more of her seed from escaping.

Jacqueline ran a hand through Hope's hair, watching the Tribrid snuggle on her shoulder. "You back?"

Hope purred softly, smiles and nods. "Y-Yeah. You actually did it. My humanity is back on. Thank you, Jacqueline."

Jacqueline sincerely smiles in relief. "Thank heaven for that. Y'know we don't have to go back to Salvatore. We can take all the time we need before you're ready."

"Mmm, I'd like that." Hope said as she yawns. Her stamina had been expended from Jacqueline's intense pounding. She couldn't feel her legs or cum anymore as she was already driven nuts. "Please let me rest. You put me through the wringer."

Jacqueline chuckles. "Will do."

Allowing Hope to sleep, Jacqueline kept caressing her. After few minutes, right when she decides to get some sleep, Jacqueline hears a voice inside her head.

"Jacqueline, can you hear me?"

It was her grand-aunt. "Amara?"

"I see you had fun and got Hope Mikaelson her humanity back on."

"I did."

"Hmm. May I ask why go through all this trouble when you could have easily switched her humanity back on with a snap of your finger. I mean I'm not questioning your methods or that you mated with your doppelgänger, I just heard what you genuinely told Hope about being there in her life forever, so I have to ask why?"

Jacqueline was silent for a few seconds, then relied. "'s because Hope and I are similar in more ways than we like to think." Amara listens. "Hope and I are a one of a kind. She's the only and only Tribrid and I'm the one and only Nephilim. We were either preached as miracle children or a weapon to cause mass destruction. People tried to use us as their personal tools for their own ends. And we lost our mothers. We have only known pain, suffering, and loss at an early age than any young person should experience. We both have fathers who were evil and people judged us for our sires' sins. Though I envy Hope for her father changed and became better, whereas mine was a pure evil monster. Other than that, Hope and I are the same and I feel drawn to her. What she needs is light to surround her darkness. That's why I committed to being with her forever, and she yearns for it, which is why her humanity turned on. I can give her what no one else can or take from her. That's why I did what I needed to do."

"I see." Amara said quietly. Though unable to see her grand-aunt's face, Jacqueline swore she can see her smiling proudly. "You're a good person. Don't break that promise."

"I won't." Amara no longer spoke to her, Jacqueline looks at a sleeping Hope and kisses her on the forehead. "Happy endings huh? Dreams do come true."


End of the Smut One-Shot

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