Knowledge is love

By JH_Studios

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Growing up, I always heard people telling my dad why is he teaching me about survival. What's the point? Thos... More

Part 1: Unlikely friendship
Part 2: School dra- what's going on?
Part 3: The Stone World
Part 4: A new companion
Part 5: A familiar face
Part 6: New mem- God Damn Old Timer
Part 7: Suflar and confession
Part 8: Grand Bout Begin
Part 9: Let the first rounds begin with a bang
Part 10: Getting hot in the arena
Part 11: New Chief is who?!?!
Part 12: Tales from the past
Part 13: Lost means war
Part 14: Playing dirty
Part 15: Sweet Treat
Part 16: Merry Christmas and surprise
Part 17: Saved by the gem
Part 18: Spelunking adventure
Part 19: Surprise
Part 20: Back to phones
Part 21: Glass, heat, batteries
Part 22: Message from past
Part 23: Prepare
Part 24: Plan to see you hell
Part 25: Enemy territory
Part 26: Captured by an old friend
Part 27: So we finally meet
Part 28: Ally by song
Part 29: Prison break
Part 30: Welcome back and you brought an ally
Part 31: What is he to you?
Part 32: Stone Wars
Part 33: Terms of alliance
Part 34: Backstabber and bloodshed
Part 35: You can't die on me
Part 36: Cold sleep and panic attacks
Part 37: You'll walk again, I promise
Part 38: Finding our new Captain
Part 39: New life with currency and wedding?
Part 40: Let's fly
Part 41: Reunited and map making
Part 42: Bread, Butler and Pictures
Part 43: Oil sailing
Part 44: Lets mine
Part 45: Winter boat troubles and campfire singing
Part 46: Getting closer as a couple~
Part 47: Set sail for adventure
Part 49: Distraction by any means
Part 50: Scars and beauty
Part 51: Infuriate enemy territory
Part 52: The power of a father's will
Bonus: Movie night
Bonus: Punches and ramen
What if: Y/n joined the spy team
What if: Y/n got petrified
Part 53: Striking back with old comrades
Part 54: Progress with Medusa
Part 55: Old allies, new threats
Part 56: Drones, guns and planning
Part 57: The beginning of the second Stone Wars
Part 58: Foe turned to ally
Part 59: Flicker of hope turned to doom
Part 60: Science v Medusa
Part 61: Next Steps
Part 62: New project, allies, connections and home
Part 63: Beyond the new world
Valentine's day Special
Original Meeting

Part 48: Treasure Island

407 10 0
By JH_Studios

Due to the waves, the ship was rocking back and forth which caused many of the people to become seasick. So Senku extracts a seasickness medicine, Scopolamine, from the flower Devil's Trumpet in the portable lab. All he did was separate the fat-soluble from the water-soluble and then they had their medicine. He only used a small amount since that was enough because more could actually kill you. He gave it to the sea-sick victims and they got bursts of energy since they no longer feel like they're dying.

However on sea, the weather can change at the drop of a hat since the sea is a dangerous place. Sure enough, a storm hits which makes the villager worry. But Ryusui was preoccupied with his green tea goat milk latte, as with his skills, this storm was nothing. However Senku came running like a mad man making the villagers worry. However Senku said that he was fine but he wanted everyone to be at their stations since they can use this storm to their advantage. Since you guys don't know if the island people are friends of foes, you guys can use the storm to sneak up on them and use the technology to even do a bit of spying. So everyone went to their stations as you guys sailed close to the island.

"We're finally about to see it Byakuya, your treasure Island," Senku said. "And no matter what ordeals await us there, that's reason enough to get excited."

You guys finally arrived at Treasure Island and used the eyes of science to sneak up on them and use the storm as cover. The rain was going to let up soon so you guys had to hide the ship before that. To get the crew willing to help with that Ryusui stated that he had a prize for whoever does a good job. Naturally this worked on the lazy butts such as Yo and Ginro.

The storm let up and you guys managed to get to the cliff side just in time. So Ryusiu gave them a ten thousand Drago bonus and they got excited for that.

Senku chuckled. "Hey, save the celebration for later. We'll be spotted if we stick around too long. So let's hurry this thing up."

Yo was excited since you guys were gonna find some treasure and Magma was hyped to go fight some people. So they went to run off the boat and onto the island. To stop the two idiots, you and Nikki smacked them and they fell to the ground. With the two idiots taken care of, the rest of you got ready to send a scouting team.

Ryusui slams a barrel down to the ground suddenly, catching your attention. He then sits on the barrel as you all look at him.

"A full scale invasion will lead to an all out war," Ryusui stated. "Am I wrong? So we'll go with the smallest team possible."

"Well naturally that would be the smartest thing to do," you agreed. "After all, our goal is to get the treasure box and if we can't find it we'll have to ask the natives. And with a big ass group, they'll feel threatened."

"Exactly, which is why I already made the perfect scouting team," Ryusui said. He snapped his fingers as he got a big grin on his face. "The five making the scouting team are Senku. Soyuz, the only native on the crew. Kohaku and Y/n as the defenders along with the eyes and ears. And Gen for negotiation with the islanders."

With the team in place, you guys sent off in the speed boat to the island while the rest stay on the ship. You guys got to the island and the first thing you guys had to do was climb up a mountain. Koahku being the fastest out of all of you, scales is the first one up. You were the next one up, followed by a tried Senku. You helped your exhausted husband on to the land, allowing Gen and Soyuz to climb up.

"Why isn't Ukyo coming with us," Kohaku asked. "I am have pretty good eyesight but wouldn't his hearing help too?"

"He would be a great help here but we need him to keep an eye on the sonar," you said. "Not to mention he's been glued to that thing since we got here. My guess is he's staring at the sea floor."

"I see," Kohaku said.

"Besides, we have a good source of hearing anyway, "Senku said as he caught his breath. "She might not have powerful ears like Ukyo but she still has some good ones. There's a reason we brought y/n along with us."

You then felt an odd feeling and something shiny from the corner of your eye. You gasped as you turned around, readying your bow and arrow.

"Hey, you okay," Senku asked.

"I just got a really weird feeling," you admitted.

"You too," Kohaku asked. "I saw something flashy on the boat."

Kohaku's confession doesn't help your odd feeling. You clench your fist on your bow as you lower it. Gen then mentioned that the signal was terrible which didn't help. He told you to go Head with Senku and Kohaku while he and Soyuz try to find a better signal. You bite your tongue as you help Senku up and you two walk away with Kohaku. Suddenly Kohaku started to sprint and to keep up with her, you grabbed Senku's arm and ran after her. You guys stop as Kohaku finds some seashells and states it's a lead but Senku was too busy catching his breath to really pay attention.

"Good find Kohaku," you said.

"I knew we could count on your vision Miss Eagle eye," Senku said.

"Well yeah but how do we track them down now," Kohaku asked.

Senku chuckled. "Oh that won't be a problem at all."


You guys turn around to see Gen and Soyuz running up to you guys in a panic. Gen tells you guys that they saw that everyone on the boat has somehow been petrified into statues. This makes Kohaku's eyes widened as you and Senku get upset. Being the girl she is, Koahkau tried to run to help them but Gen thought this would happen and tied a rope around her leg that he connected to his arm to keep her at bay.

"The heck is this about," Kohaku asked as she pointed to her leg. "There's no time for this, we have to go save them!"

"They got every single person on the ship. If the five of us just rush in without thinking and the enemy is still there then they'll probably just petrifie us too and that'll be it. Game over man," Gen stated.

Kohaku gets annoyed by this and the two of them start to go back and forth.

"When did he tie the rope to her," Soyuz asked.

"Don't question it. Sleight of hands is his thing. The dudes a magician," Senku said.

"I'm still waiting for him to pull a bird out of a hat or guess my card," you joked.

The shock causes Soyuz to remember he and his parents left the island to escape something. They were trying to run away from something that was petrifying. He apologized that he didn't remember that sooner but given that he was a baby, you guys weren't mad. Instead you guys appreciated anything he could. But there were two things that were clear. One, the fact that petrifaction happened in the first place tells you guys that whoever is on the island knows you guys are here and wants you guys petrified. And two, there are petition allies who try to avoid petrifaction. You guys then get the seashells and figure if you guys can befriend just one person then you guys are set.

Given how the seashells were there in the first place, it was safe to assume that they were being carried by someone. But the seashells alone don't really tell you if the person is friend or foe. But given the situation, you guys were gonna take your chances. So you guys wanted to find the person and Senku was able to tell that the person left them here no more than thirty minutes ago. This shocked you guys but he said he knew that due to the Greenbottle fly flying around. So you guys use the shells to do some forensics to try and find the suspect.

"Is that the stuff you used when you perform surgery on Tsukasa," Gen asked.

"It's an adhesive. It's called Cyanoacrylate," Senku said as he poured it in a pan that was over some fire. "Burn it into a pan. Bring it to a boil. And let the steam hit the shell." Senku uses some stick-tweezers to bring one of the shells into the steam. "Then take our good friend the black light to it and our evidence will appear." Sneku shines the black light to the shell and some fingerprints show up.

Using the finger prints, Senku was able to tell that the suspect was a female, average height and weight.

"You figured all that out using adhesive. Azy-cra science detective," Gen said.

"Save your slack-job praise for later and come up with a suspect profile for me, will ya," Senku said.

"Use those skills of your mental detective," you said.

"Really, mental detective? That's my title you came up with y/n-chan," Gen said.

"I'll admit it's not as creative but we don't have time for that. Just make the profile," you said.

Gen sighed as he got to work. He looked around and reminded you guys that his profile will be all hypothetical since he isn't a psychic.

"The suspect is a young woman," Gen stated. "An older veteran wouldn't bother picking shells that she didn't have any for. It's a waste of energy. Older people are good at being lazy. They wouldn't bother picking up everything just to sift through it later. She's been choosing which one to keep after she walked some distance from the beach. It was probably a bit of a pain to carry all of it." He walks into some bushes and looks around. "Which means it would have been hard to crouch in the bushes or set them aside. A young girl, average height and weight...about 160 centimeters? Her head would have been around here, so..." He brings his hand down to a broken branch and stops something.

You guys were impressed as Gen holds a stair of hair, most likely belonging to the suspect. And given how it looks, it's from a young girl. Senku puts the hair in a test tube since it was evidence for the suspect and you guys sear4ch the area, hoping to find more to put in a centrifuge.

"What?!? Where in the heck are we gonna find a centrifuge on this island," Gen asked.

"Gen, you're literally looking at her," you said.

Gen was confused until he saw you pointing at Kohaku. Wasting no time, you guys tie the test tube to a string and Kohaku twirls the spring. This makes the test tube spring crazy fast which is exactly what you guys need. After she was done, you guys took the constituent parts and put them in a microscope that Senku had Old Man Kaskei make with the leveled-up lathe. Senku takes a look at the particles and sees its Lily pollen. Since lilies don't grow at beaches this meant the suspect lives in the mountains in the interior. So with all of this Kohaku jumps up to the trees to use her eyesight to find the suspect.

You guys run after her and see Kohaku waiting in a tree. She tells you guys to stay back and be quiet as she gals at the girl. It was obvious why she was on guard since you guys don't know if she's friend or foe. It's entirely possible that this girl was the one who petrified everyone in the first place. But you guys have to make contact with her for the sake of humanity.

The girl was a slim young woman with wavy, shoulder-length black hair. She has very large, innocent-looking eyes and delicate facial features. Her hips and legs are very wide and curvy in proportion to her petite waist and upper body. She wears a long, translucent dress with shell-like bra adorned with the symbol of Treasure Island and large platform shoes typical of the Stone World inhabitants. On her neck, she wears a choker and on her head, she wears a stone headdress with two feathers stuck in it.

"Bingo. There goes our young lady," Gen said.

"So what do we do? Do we capture her," Kohaku asked.

"No, that won't benefit us at all," you said.

"She's right. We should do this the friendly way. At least for now," Senku said.

"We'll be seducing her then. To join us," Gen said.

"Yeah. She's our only lead at the moment," Senku said. "Once we locate the Platinum, we can unpetrified everyone."

"She looks like a tough nut to crack. Going up against such a captivating beauty is icky-tray at least for a normal person. But I am a mentalist."

Gen was about to go up to talk to her but you all froze when three men approached the girl . One was handsome, another was strong and the other was skilled. All three were on one knee with flowers in hand and begging the girl to consider marrying them. Kohaku out of the five of you seemed very invested in this little scene as you guys just wait for this to play out. The girl is flattered by the flowers and plays the innocent- cute girl. The three men ate it up and even Soyuz was falling for the girl who the men called Amaryllis who they claimed was the most beautiful girl on the island. To make her act more believable she used a creature in her basket to make herself cry. With her fake tears she turns the three men down by stating that she'll soon be taken to one of the master's brides in the inner palace. She then warns the men about what happens when anyone defiles him which catches your guys attention and makes the men run away crying.

Senku chuckles. "Ten billion points to us. Tailing this lady was the right move. We're already starting to learn about the big bad boss. And I have a good feeling she's gonna lead us right too him."

"The men said her name was Amaryllis," you said. "And giving her little act and choice in words, she could be a great ally against this common enemy."

"Very true y/n-chan," Gen agreed. "If she knows where the treasure box is, she might choose to cooperate with us. Although first impressions device about 90% of these situations, so let's make our introductions carefully."

"Yeah, you should know by now that's not how Senku is," you sighed.

Gen was a bit confused until he saw that Senku approached Amaryllis casually and just straight up asked her if she knew where the treasure box was. Gen was shocked by that but you and Kohaku like this strategy since you guys wanted to save everyone on the ship as soon as possible. Kohaku also stated that she could always use her sword to persuade her into helping.

"Are you here to take me to the master," Amaryllis asked. "That was to be tomorrow."

"There's that word again. Does that word ring any bells to you Soyuz," Gen asked.

Soyuz begins to think and then Amaryllis suddenly throws herself onto Soyuz making him blush like crazy.

"I love you. Truly," Amaryllis exclaimed. "Such might yet such kind eyes that embrace me. Just at a glance, I can tell you and I are destined to be together."

Soyuz is red as a tomato and can't think or say anything with Amaryllis on him. It was too much for him and he passed out. This shocks you all and worries Amaryllis. After a quick clarification and giving Soyuz some air, Amaryllis found out he wasn't the master but she admits he looks the most familiar to her compared to the rest of you.

"So this master, do you mean like your leader," Kohaku asked. " 'Cauce if you look at it one way, next to me is the closest thing we have to a leader."

Kohaku pointed at Senku. Without missing a beat, Amaryllis throws herself on to Senku declaring her love for him. Senku looked unimpressed by her action as you felt a vein pop out of your head.

"Such might, uh, maybe not so much might," Amaryllis said, a bit nervous. "Uh, such kind eyes that seem to, uh, actually more like a villain's." She noticed herself slipping and quickly slipped back into her innocent act. "They're eyes of intelligence. From the first moment I saw you I could tell --"

"Yeah, yeah, I was there for the last performance," Senku said unamused. "You know where the treasurer box is or what?"

"You two are so obtuse," Kohaku said.

"That two-faced girl better let go of him if she knows what's good for her," you said through your teeth with a scary expression as you were about to draw a blade.

"Wow there, y/n-chan, let's just relax for a second," Gen said as he got a bit scared.

Amaryllis then lets go of Senku with a shocked expression since her little act didn't work. You let go of the blade handle and get closer to Senku. He then puts an around you and pulls you close to him as he looked at Amaryllis with an unamused expression while you looked like you were close to killing her.

"Sorry to break it to you but that kind of thing won't work on Senku," Gen said. "You see, he already has a woman that holds his heart and he's too focused on reviving civilization to even look at another girl. I however am right for manipulation an oh that's right I forgot to mention, I'm the master you're looking for."

Gen held his arms open and Amaryllis was about to throw herself on to him. However she realized he was joking and simply laughed and admitted that he almost fooled her. Kohaku then afford to hug Gen instead but she had an evil look on her face that scared Gen since her strength alon could break all his bones. Amaryllis then asked where you guys were from since it was clear you guys aren't from the innerplace or the island. But then the sound of shouting and she runs back to her village. You guys follow her back to her village to see a mob plans to rebel against the Master since he's taking Amaryllis away from them.

Kohaku proposes to take action by cutting them down but Gen points out that would be terrible. For their own safety, Senku incapacitates them with Chloroacetone, aka World War 1 tear gas. The tear gas works and Amaryllis is impressed with seeing Senku's "sorcery". 

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