Knowledge is love

By JH_Studios

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Growing up, I always heard people telling my dad why is he teaching me about survival. What's the point? Thos... More

Part 1: Unlikely friendship
Part 2: School dra- what's going on?
Part 3: The Stone World
Part 4: A new companion
Part 5: A familiar face
Part 6: New mem- God Damn Old Timer
Part 7: Suflar and confession
Part 8: Grand Bout Begin
Part 9: Let the first rounds begin with a bang
Part 10: Getting hot in the arena
Part 11: New Chief is who?!?!
Part 12: Tales from the past
Part 13: Lost means war
Part 14: Playing dirty
Part 15: Sweet Treat
Part 16: Merry Christmas and surprise
Part 17: Saved by the gem
Part 18: Spelunking adventure
Part 19: Surprise
Part 20: Back to phones
Part 21: Glass, heat, batteries
Part 22: Message from past
Part 23: Prepare
Part 24: Plan to see you hell
Part 25: Enemy territory
Part 26: Captured by an old friend
Part 27: So we finally meet
Part 28: Ally by song
Part 29: Prison break
Part 30: Welcome back and you brought an ally
Part 31: What is he to you?
Part 32: Stone Wars
Part 33: Terms of alliance
Part 34: Backstabber and bloodshed
Part 35: You can't die on me
Part 36: Cold sleep and panic attacks
Part 37: You'll walk again, I promise
Part 38: Finding our new Captain
Part 39: New life with currency and wedding?
Part 40: Let's fly
Part 41: Reunited and map making
Part 42: Bread, Butler and Pictures
Part 43: Oil sailing
Part 44: Lets mine
Part 46: Getting closer as a couple~
Part 47: Set sail for adventure
Part 48: Treasure Island
Part 49: Distraction by any means
Part 50: Scars and beauty
Part 51: Infuriate enemy territory
Part 52: The power of a father's will
Bonus: Movie night
Bonus: Punches and ramen
What if: Y/n joined the spy team
What if: Y/n got petrified
Part 53: Striking back with old comrades
Part 54: Progress with Medusa
Part 55: Old allies, new threats
Part 56: Drones, guns and planning
Part 57: The beginning of the second Stone Wars
Part 58: Foe turned to ally
Part 59: Flicker of hope turned to doom
Part 60: Science v Medusa
Part 61: Next Steps
Part 62: New project, allies, connections and home
Part 63: Beyond the new world
Valentine's day Special
Original Meeting

Part 45: Winter boat troubles and campfire singing

487 16 1
By JH_Studios

Back with the sailboat, things seemed to be going smoothly and according to plan. Or that's what you guys thought. However Old Man Kaseki pointed out to you guys that some pieces weren't the right sizes and pointed out or misaligned. Then when he fixes one side the other side falls apart.

"I don't know what to do. I'm sorry guys," Old Man Kaseki cried.

"Hey it's not your fault Kaseki," Ukyo reassured.

"Oh you're so good to me, I might fall for you," Old Man Kaseki said as he was still crying.

"Not what I was trying to accomplish," Ukyo said. "But even in our time ship building on this scale required expertise and very advanced techniques."

"He's right, we just got to come up with a solution to fix this," you said. "I mean the Kingdom of Science was practically made off trail-an-error."

"But how many years will that even take," Magma asked.

"Hopefully less than it takes Why-Man to make a move," Ukyo said.

"Uh-huh, I never accounted for that part," Senku admitted. "We no longer have infinite time with the Why-Man clock ticking."

"So what are we gonna do," you asked.

Senku got a serious look on his face as he got serious. "Change of plans. Let's ditch the giant ship. It'll be a smaller boat with a limited crew."

Everyone including you were shocked by this change of plan.

"What do you mean by a limited crew?!? Most of us won't be able to go then," Chrome exclaimed, confused.

"Yeah and I'm getting on that ship," Yo said.

"Do I really have to give up on all my work? But I love my sweet little ship," Old Man Kaseki cried as he caressed the boat.

Everyone started to talk amongst themselves as they all weren't real fans of this new change of plans. They wanted answers as to why and just didn't like the idea of all the hard work they put in to just go to waste. Plus some people really wanted to go on the ship and with a limited crew, that would make their chances slim of going on the ship. Everyone just had an opinion on this and just felt like they had to share it.


Your scream made everyone stop talking and start at you. You let out a breath as you regained yourself.

"Oh okay, I get we all don't like this new change but bickering like some kids won't solve anything and we're wasting valuable time," you stated. "Senku has a point that right now with the way we're going we won't be able to even make a quarter of the ship. But we can't just change the plan since that will throw away everything we planned and create more problems for us along the way."

"So what do you suppose we do," Nata asked.

"Simple, we assess the situation, adjust and adapt," you answer. "We have a wall in our way that is too steep to climb, we stop to rethink and then use what we have. So let's just stop and see what we can do with what we got already."

"Y/n -"

"Y/n is absolutely correct. I'm going to make a model of our vessel," Ryusui said. "And then we'll blow it up to scale. Kaseki can reference my model to rework what we already got started."

Everyone gasped at Ryusui words.

"I think we can pull it off. Right, y/n. Senku. Or am I wrong," Ryusui asked.

Senku got a grin on his face which made you glad to see he was on board with this.

"You're right. We can," Senku stated. "As long as we've got an absolute fanatic who can make a 1/48th scale model that's up to snuff. I'm talking ten billion percent accuracy here. Got it?"

Ryusui got a big grin on his face and snapped his fingers. He stated that he can make you guys a ship model that will be worth getting excited over. Gen was a bit hesitant about this since there was the chance that Ryusui could charge you guys a fee for the model. However Ryusui said that wasn't gonna happen since he really wanted the ship so he would gladly make the model for free if it means he gets his ship.

The five generals and captain go up to the watchtower to see the model/plan for the ship that Ryusui had. Old Man Kaseki was there so he could see the model and give any feedback if necessary being the skilled craftsman he is. Minami was also there taking pictures for the Kingdom of Science's photo journal.

"Well then Captain Greed, what you got," you asked.

Ryusui chuckled. "Well for starters, we need a cargo hatch. I moved it just below the mast."

"Good call. With that positioning we can attach a pulley to the boom to make raising and lowering cargo a sinch," Ukyo commented.

"They don't call you the Sailing King for nothing, I guess. You got real world experience," Gen said.

"And in the space we gain as a result, I'm thinking we built an on board casino," Ryusui suggested.

"We do not need that," Senku barked.

"Yeah, if we're gonna make this ship, let's stick to the essentials," you said.

To actually be able to copy Ryusui's model, you guys first had to take it apart bit by bit. Then you guys had to copy each part at full scale. Senku makes a Pantograph to accurately copy the ship pieces to the accurate size and shapes. He first made a small one to 1.) to get a feel of it and 2.) so they'll understand how to use it. To make it where it will actually be the right size for the boat, you guys made a 40x one. It required some brute force but thankfully, Taiju was there for you guys.

You guys look at the little roadmap you guys have for making the sailboat to see you guys have already completed a little more than half of it. This made you guys so happy that you guys were making good progress.

"Perfect. What else do we need," Kohaku asked.

"More time, duh," Senku said.

This shocked the villagers since they thought you guys were moving at a good pace. But that little confession made it clear that you guys were actually moving slow.

"There's the body of the ship but there's also our giant steel engines," Senku pointed out.

"Hate to say it but looks like we're in this for the long haul," you said.

"Oh man. How many more months is all this gonna take," Ginro whined.

"Huh. We just need to be a little patience. And in the off seasons we can do some winter sports," Ryusui stated.

"I guess that's a positive way to look at it," you shrugged.


Winter came and the land was covered in snow. Since you guys can't really work in the snow, so why not have a bit of fun. Since you guys had enough material to make snowboards and skis it was only natural for you guys to make and sell them.

"Why is sliding down a hill so fun," Kohaku exclaimed, all happy as she zoomed down the hill.

Minami tried to take a picture of you guys snowboarding but due to how fast she was moving, she ended up looking like a white smudge.

"Seems like Kohaku is enjoying herself," Senku said.

"Well snowboarding is very fun so you can't blame her," Ukyo said.

"Heads up!"

Ukyo and Senku look in front of them only to be hit with some snow. They shrug the snow off them to see you and Chrome laughing holding some snowballs.

"Snowballs, really," Senku said amused.

"What. It's a classic snow day activity," you said with a playful smile.

"I guess winter fun isn't complete without some snowballs," Ukyo said.

Senku was about to say something only to be hit by another snowball. He shrugged the snow off and just looked at you as you laughed. You were a bit too distracted by laughing that you didn't notice Gen behind you. He threw a snowball at you but Chrome hit him with a snowball first before he could hit you. Out of nowhere, Ryusui came in and threw a snowball that hit Chrome in the face.

Other's noticed and then there was a full on snowball battle under way. There were laughs as snowballs flew across the air, hitting their targets or something else. Minami stood in a safe spot to get some nice pictures of the snowball fight but where she also wouldn't get hit.

"Now this feels like a snow day," you said with a smile.

A snowball hit the back of your head causing you to turn around. You turn around only to be tackled to the ground by the onion boy.

Senku chuckled. "Gotcha."

You laughed as you looked up at him pinning you to the ground. "Yeah, you got me. I'll admit defeat."

"Oh? So do you finally submit defeat to me," Senku asked with a teasing grin.

"Well my parents taught me to own up when you lose and take it," you said. "But." You grab a handful of snow and shove it in Senku's face. This knocks him off you, allowing you to sit up as he's on his knees, wiping the snow off. "I was told to never submit that easily."

Senku chuckled. "Good or else that would have been too easy. Having a little bite is good since it makes you not easy."

"And after getting to know you, it's fair to say you like a challenge rather than easy," you said.

You and Senku share a little laugh before he pulls you in for a little but passionate kiss.


Nightfall hits and you walk to the kids and a few others surrounding Nata by the campfire. Since she's a music prodigy, Senku with Kaseki's help made her a guitar so she could entertain the kids. And possibly get people interested in music and then charge them for lessons. Another way for the Kingdom of Science to make some Drago.

They clap for Nata as she finished playing possibly the most famous guitar piece, Recuerdos de la Alhambra. It was a nice piece which the audience enjoyed hearing.

"That was beautiful Nata," you said.

"Thanks y/n," Nata said with a smile. "I'm so glad you guys gave me this guitar. I really do appreciate it."

"You're welcome since you give us some lovely music," you said.

Nata had a smile as she adjusted her guitar on her lap.

"Nata, could you maybe sing something," Suika asked.

The audience agreed as they wanted to hear some singing with the beautiful music she's playing.

Nata laughs sheepishly. "I would love to but I kind of can't sing."

"What? How could you play such pretty music and not be able to sing," Ginro asked.

"Well um," Nata said as she nervously rubbed her neck. "I was able to sing but after an accident, my vocal cord got messed up permanently, causing me unable to sing. So that's why I focused on playing music rather than singing."

Everyone visibly stiffed as it was clear that they touched on a sensitive topic. Suika apologized for asking Nata to sing but Nata told her it was okay. The mood of the audience went a bit gloomy as that confession made it clear that bringing modern music was gonna be difficult. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around to see Nikki.

"Y/n, mind if I cash in our little deal," Nikki asked.

You were a bit confused when you remembered what happened when you first met Nikki. For her to join you guys and to deliver your message, you promised you would sing a song if she asked you. You were hesitant since you never sang in front of someone on purpose. Not to mention, you weren't professional. But you are a woman of your word and there was a professional with you so it is not like you would be alone.

"You know, if we're gonna have a little music performance we have to do it right," Ryusui said.

You guys were confused since he kind of popped out of nowhere. He then snapped his fingers and Francois brought in two stools. Francios then had Nata sit on one of the stools and then made you sit on the other one. She then handed you a mic that was just there for show along with a little cup of water to get your throat ready. Ryusui then had everyone gather in front of you and Nata and said that was gonna be the Stone World's first music performance brought to them by the Nanami Conglomeration.

Everyone got excited to hear the song as you were just caught off guard by this whole thing. After all, you didn't even say you were gonna do it. However you did promise Nikki and Ryusui already got everyone so you just went with it. You thought of a song and after some thought you got one. You whispered in Nata's ear if she knew the song and thankfully she did. She toned her guitar as you cleared your throat and drank some water.

Franicos appeared out of nowhere and took the water which once again caught you off guard but went with it. Nata told you she was ready and waited for your go. You then saw Senku give you a little smile, Yuzuriha, Gen and Ukyo give you encouraging smiles and Taiju give you some supportive thumbs up with a goofy/engouring smile. You took a deep breath in and out to calm yourself. You gave Nata a little nod and then she began to play.

Oh hush, my dear, it's been a difficult year

And terrors don't prey on innocent victims

Trust me, darlin', trust me darlin'


It's been a loveless year

I'm a man of three fears

Integrity, faith and crocodile tears oh

Trust me darlin', trust me darlin'


So look me in the eyes, tell me what you see

Perfect paradise, tearin' at the seams

I wish I could escape, I don't wanna fake it

I wish I could erase it, make your heart believe

But I'm a bad liar, bad liar

Now you know, now you know

That I'm a bad liar, bad liar

Now you know, you're free to go

All my dreams never mean one thing?

Does happiness lie in a diamond ring?

Oh, I've been askin' for

I've been askin' for problems, problems


I wage my war, on the world inside

I take my gun to the enemy's side

Oh, I've been askin' for

I've been askin' for problems, problems

So look me in the eyes, tell me what you see

Perfect paradise, tearin' at the seams

I wish I could escape, I don't wanna fake it

I wish I could erase it, make your heart believe

But I'm a bad liar, bad liar

Now you know, now you know

That I'm a bad liar, bad liar

Now you know, you're free to go

I can't breathe, I can't be

I can't be what you want me to be

Believe me, this one time

Believe me

I'm a bad liar, bad liar

Now you know, now you know

That I'm a bad liar, bad liar

Now you know, you're free to go


Believe me

You looked up at the audience and they were quiet. You were a bit scared since they didn't make a sound. Then someone started to clap and then everyone else started to clap. Some of them started to cry as they said it was so beautiful. You were a bit embarrassed by all the applause since you honestly didn't think you'd get this reaction. But you did and you weren't sure how to feel about it.

"Who would have thought the amazon could sing."

You turned your head to see Senku put his arm around you.

"That was really good. And here I thought your humming was pretty," Senku complemented. "But thanks to you two, we can bring back modern music, if you're up for it."

"Are you serious," Nata asked.

"Why not," Senku shrugged. "With your music skills and her voice, we can bring back music. That is if you're up for it. After all, I know you're not a professional."

"I don't know," you admitted.

"Well, we got other stuff to do so you have time to think it over," Senku said. "So think about it. But with your lovely voice, I hope you consider it."

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