Knowledge is love

By JH_Studios

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Growing up, I always heard people telling my dad why is he teaching me about survival. What's the point? Thos... More

Part 1: Unlikely friendship
Part 2: School dra- what's going on?
Part 3: The Stone World
Part 4: A new companion
Part 5: A familiar face
Part 6: New mem- God Damn Old Timer
Part 7: Suflar and confession
Part 8: Grand Bout Begin
Part 9: Let the first rounds begin with a bang
Part 10: Getting hot in the arena
Part 11: New Chief is who?!?!
Part 12: Tales from the past
Part 13: Lost means war
Part 14: Playing dirty
Part 15: Sweet Treat
Part 16: Merry Christmas and surprise
Part 17: Saved by the gem
Part 18: Spelunking adventure
Part 19: Surprise
Part 20: Back to phones
Part 21: Glass, heat, batteries
Part 22: Message from past
Part 23: Prepare
Part 24: Plan to see you hell
Part 25: Enemy territory
Part 26: Captured by an old friend
Part 27: So we finally meet
Part 28: Ally by song
Part 29: Prison break
Part 30: Welcome back and you brought an ally
Part 31: What is he to you?
Part 32: Stone Wars
Part 33: Terms of alliance
Part 34: Backstabber and bloodshed
Part 35: You can't die on me
Part 36: Cold sleep and panic attacks
Part 37: You'll walk again, I promise
Part 38: Finding our new Captain
Part 39: New life with currency and wedding?
Part 40: Let's fly
Part 41: Reunited and map making
Part 43: Oil sailing
Part 44: Lets mine
Part 45: Winter boat troubles and campfire singing
Part 46: Getting closer as a couple~
Part 47: Set sail for adventure
Part 48: Treasure Island
Part 49: Distraction by any means
Part 50: Scars and beauty
Part 51: Infuriate enemy territory
Part 52: The power of a father's will
Part 53: Striking back with old comrades
Part 54: Progress with Medusa
Part 55: Old allies, new threats
Part 56: Drones, guns and planning
Part 57: The beginning of the second Stone Wars
Part 58: Foe turned to ally
Part 59: Flicker of hope turned to doom
Part 60: Science v Medusa
Part 61: Next Steps
Part 62: New project, allies, connections and home
Part 63: Beyond the new world
Bonus: Punches and ramen
Bonus: Movie night
What if: Y/n joined the spy team
What if: Y/n got petrified
Valentine's day Special

Part 42: Bread, Butler and Pictures

606 22 1
By JH_Studios

Back at Ishigami village, Senku tries making the first ever oven-baked bread in the Stone World. Ryusui was excited to get all kinds of tasty bread back but Senku told him to not get too excited since he wasn't a professional chef. Regardless they still had to have a bit of faith. But when Senku took out the first batch of the stone world bread, the modern folk were horrified to see it was completely burnt crisp. The Ishigami villagers are enjoying it and liking its crumbly texture and saying that it was basically an edible rock. Senku and Ryusui tried to take a bite but they couldn't and fell to the ground, just dead.

Y/n kneeled down and rubbed Senku's back trying to comfort him as he just laid there. "Hey, it's okay. For your first ever try with no prior training or actual good equipment, it wasn't that bad."

"Modern people and our pampered taste. It's not unheard of for a person to starve to death rather than eat something nasty to survive," Ukyo said as he looked at a burnt bread piece, absolutely horrified. "I remember stories about it from Estia bootcamp."

"This bread will kill everyone if they eat it," Ryusui groaned. "Am I wrong?"

"No, we'll never make it to the other side of the planet if we don't fix this first," Senku groaned.

They suddenly get a burst of energy as they stand up. "We need to revive a top chef!"

"They said in unison," Ukyo said.

"It's not like they're wrong," y/n said. "We won't get anywhere with this."

Ryusui was shaking as he held a piece of the burnt bread. "I want..." He looked up to the sky as he almost began to cry. "No! I need a professional chef right now!"

"Why? This bread Senku made is perfectly good. Don't be so peaky," Chrome said.

Y/n and Ukyo sigh as Chrome and Kohaku happily eat the burnt 'bread'.

"You guys have no idea what you're missing," Ryusui said. "Real bread is a delicacy. It's unbelievably good. You understand? That's why we need a real chef."

"As much as you're right about that Ryusui, there isn't much we can do about that," y/n said.

"She's right," Senku agreed. "We're all out of revival fluid. We could always make some from poo but that whole thing will take whole months at least."

"That won't do, I need some now," Ryusui stated.

"At least pretend to listen," Chrome said, a bit annoyed.

"Ha-ha." Ryusui snapped his fingers. "I was listening. Don't worry, all we need is a single dose of this stuff. I'm sure I can manage."

"Good luck you dumbass, we don't have the nitric acid we need," Senku said.

Ryusui got an evil expression. "Oh, you see the thing is, I got a sneaky suspicion some villain is hiding a tinsy bit from us." He chuckled with a very evil and creepy tone.

"Dude that face. If anyone here's a villain it's clearly this guy," Chrome said.

"Well this should be interesting," y/n sighed.

Ryusui got the phone to call up Minami. He states that since she was the one who got to choose who got revived, she would have more opportunities to snatch some up for herself since it was liquid gold but she tries to deny it. Gen then takes the phone and starts to use his skills. He states that if Minami would hand over the revival fluid she had then Senku would make the perfect gift for Minami. He wasn't specific about what it was but it was clearly something that she really wants. So it managed to convince her to hand over the little bit she had hidden underneath her hand band. But it was only enough to revive someone small like a child. However that wasn't a problem since Ryusui had someone in mind.

His butler Francois who was with him when humanity was petrified. Francois was his butler slash chef. A master in fine dining and a professional devoted to the art of hospitality. He claims that even in this world, they will make food that will not only sustain them but will taste absolutely delicious. But aside from that and what clothes to give Francois when they're revived, Ryusui didn't say anything else about Francois.

"Francois is a French name. Are they French," Ukyo asked. "Can they speak Japanese?"

"Huh? Never really thought of it before," Ryusui admitted. "They might be Japanese. I'm trying to remember if it was Francois or Fransowa. Whatever. I don't recall that or their gender."

"Seems kind of important," Kohaku said in disbelief.

"It wouldn't kill you to care a bit more," Chrome said.

"I do know one thing for certain," Ryusui said. "Francois is the most desirable butler in the whole world. And if they're good then their background and gender don't matter. Am I wrong?"

"I guess when you look at it that way, you have a point," y/n admitted.

"Pardon me Ryusui and friends, I like to take a close look at the bread you made."

A short person of very petite build and ambiguous gender walked right behind Ryusui and straight to the oven. They have a round face with sharp eyes and often sport a serious expression, their hair is always arranged in neat corkscrew curls and likely much longer than it appears to be. They were wearing the uniform that Ryusui told them to bring for them. A dark blazer with striped cuffs and padded shoulders, a striped sash, a light colored ascot, medium length and slightly flared pants, and light colored boots with tall heels.

"Wait, they're here now?!? Just like that," Chrome exclaimed, shocked.

An exhausted Gen appears and states that they just walked non-stop for two whole days. Gen collapsed to the ground utterly exhausted as Ryusui showed Francois the burnt bread and they were absolutely disgusted/horrified by it. Francois immediately got prepared to work as Ryusi and Senku started to discuss the bread situation. And understanding the situation, Francois got to work.

"Wow, they're a really hard worker," y/n said, impressed.

"I'm gonna die," Gen groaned weakly.

"Here you go," y/n said as she kneeled down. "I'm sure you're thirsty." She handed the dead Gen a cup of water.

"Bless you y/n-chan," Gen said weakly.

He weakly took the cup and chugged the water down. Y/n helped him stand up and lead him to a chair so he could rest. She gave him another cup of water and went to see what was going to be baked.

"So what kind of bread we making," y/n asked.

"We're making -"

Francois noticed Ryusui putting his finger over his mouth, singling them to stay quiet. Francois shut their mouth and went back to work which made y/n confused.

"Sorry but you'll have to figure that out yourself," Senku said.

"What, how come," y/n asked.

Senku chuckled as he ruffled her hair as he said that it will be a fun game. Like when they made the katanas, if y/n figured out what they're making then she would get a reward. Y/n got a bit annoyed as they went to work and she was assigned to nurse the dead Gen back to his youthful self so he can get back to work. The breadmaking resumes as Kohaku captures some goats for their milk, making goat butter. Senku, Ryusui and Francois knead the dough stuffed with dried fruit preserved in alcohol as it sucks out the moisture thus bacteria won't grow during fermentation. Senku upgrades the baking furnace to handle the temperatures while adding water for steam condensation.

The sweet scent of the bread baking filled y/n's nose making her mouth water a bit. She closed her eyes to try and really capture the scent.

"Hold on, I know that scent," y/n said softly as she continued to sniff the air.

Senku looks at her, waiting for her to say the answer. Her eyes then shoot open when she remember the scent.

"It's Stollen bread, isn't it," y/n said.

Senku chuckled as he wrapped his arm around you. "I knew you'd get it."

Y/n smirk proudly as Senku kisses her cheek but she was a bit too distracted by her victory and the delicious scent to notice what he did.

After a while, the Stollen bread was done and Francois took it out of the oven. They cut it up and make the bread presentable. Senku takes a piece and everyone stands around, wanting a piece. He turns around and pulls y/n closer to him.

"What's up," y/n asked.

"Here, you can have the first bite," Senku said as he held the bread close to her lips.

Y/n got a hint of blush on her face as she was a bit embarrassed. She then opened her mouth as he fed her the piece of bread. She squeals happily as she gets to taste this delicious, fluffy bread. After so long, she finally got to a familiar taste. It made her remember Christmas back with her parents and occasionally Senku and Byakuya and even one time with Ukyo. It was just happy memories mixed with the delicious bread, it nearly brought her to tears.

Her reaction got everyone else excited as they were allowed to get some. The Ishigami villagers were wowed by the taste and the modern people, mainly Ukyo, became relieved with tears at the rebirth of modern food.

"Oh wow, this is actually making me tear up. That's the first proper monderen food I've had in thousands of years," Ukyo said.

"It's reminiscent of a fromadela. I'd prefer this to stone world food any day," Gen said.

"You said it Gen. This is absolutely incredible," Nata said.

"Yeah, it legitimately tastes like it's from a modern bakery," Senku said. He chuckled happily. "It'll last us to the other side of the planet and it's good as hell too."

"This is just the kind of food we've been working for and now it's in our hands. All that hard work for this moment and it was so worth the wait," y/n said.

"That's greed equals justice," Francois said.

Chrome, amazed by the bread, asked Francois how to make it. Francois explained how it was made and it was surprisingly simple though time consuming.

Minami calls and says that the Kingdom of Science should be thankful to her for donating her revival fluid portion, and reminds the 'thing Senku promised' in return. For that, Senku requires Old Man Kaseki to help make Minami's gift. Since it is a long walk, Taiju offers to carry Old Man Kaseki but he states that won't be needed. Since he was bored, he worked on Steam Gorilla and he upgraded it to drive up hills so Minami drove him back to Ishigami village. They were all impressed and a bit terrified by the new and improved Steam Gorilla.

While Old Man Kaseki was doing the building, the science team was taking care of the science. They mixed sodium hydroxide, silver and ammonia. They then dipped the glass and mixed in a hint of glucose from grapes.

"And it's done," Senku delcreed as he held up the glass.

"What already," Chrome said shocked. He then looked at the glass and saw himself which shocked him more.

Now they have to wipe the back part and glue on a piece of paper or anything that will keep the silver coding from peeling off so it can actually be used. And vola, they got mirrors.

The villagers were impressed by the mirrors and Ukyo was a bit confused as to why Minami wanted a mirror. Chrome tried to make a joke that all she cares about is beauty but Minami states that even though it is nice to have a mirror that wasn't what she asked for. Instead what she asked for was the tool of her trade which confused them. That's when Senku revealed that the mirrors weren't made for checking themself out but actually used for film. After another quick make, Senku made the daguerreotype which is the world's oldest kind of camera.

Minami hugs the camera as she cries tears of joy with devotion to record the progress of the new civilization. But Senku then brings a bunch more cameras to which Ryusui realizes they need aerial photography to draw the new map.

"It will be ten billion percent better than trying to spot stuff with the naked eye," Senku said. "That's the whole reason I wanted to make camera's

"What, you really should have just said you made it for poor Minami," Gen said. "You just embarrassed her after that nice speech she made."

"You better at least let me take the first picture to commemorate the occasion," Minami demanded as she got a bit hurt and annoyed by Senku's actions/words.

"That's completely fair," Gen and Ukyo said in unison.

"You're a hundred percent right Minami. After all you've done, you deserve to take the first picture," y/n said. "And since we're recording our scientific civilization, who better to be in the picture than the one who started it all." She put her arm around Senku's shoulder. "Our beloved scientist and chief, Senku Ishigami."

"Wait what," Senku said, confused.

"It makes sense right," y/n stated. "The one who started all of this should be the one in the first photograph of the journey. Also." She leaned close to his ear. "It's only fair after you embarrassed the girl instead of just lying. So the least you could do is let her have this one little thing."

Senku was a bit annoyed by this since he really didn't want to take a picture since there were more important things to do right now. However since it was y/n the one asking and he knew it would be a waste to argue, he figured it would be best to play along.

"Alright fine, I'll do it," Senku sighed.

They start dressing Senku in various outfits. Frome nice suits to a kind of rock star look, a thug kind of look, and even a cute pink dress. Each outfit with an awkward expression until Senku had enough of it and said he wasn't wearing any of it. Y/n burst out laughing as he wore the outfits. Her stomach starts to hurt a bit as she wiped some tears.

"You're having a bit too much fun with this," Senku said.

"I'm sorry but it was just too funny," y/n said as she composed herself. "But now that I had my fun, how about we take this seriously. Here, I have an idea of what you could do."

She whisper in his ear of what he could do. He agreed to do that and y/n old Minami that they were ready. Y/n goes behind her as Senku does the pose. Y/n giggled a bit as it did look a bit silly but it definitely fit. After Minami snapped the picture, Ryusui and Senku went to take pictures of the landscape.

As Senku and Ryusui start taking pictures on the balloon, Chrome follows Senku's instructions in developing the film showing Senku's picture on it with his tongue out. An awed and dumbstruck Chrome wonders about the pose. Y/n explain it is the pose of 'the world's most famous scientist,' the German physicist, Albert Einstein.

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