A Child of Heaven and Hell (S...

By HoodieVixen

2.4K 128 26

Aziraphale and Crowley didn't know what they were getting into when they adopted Eve. Neither of them could g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

140 6 0
By HoodieVixen

Dodie wasn't expecting anything when she returned home. She had thought the most eventful thing to happen thay day wad the fact she left home. Adam had practically dragged her out to the zoo for the day. She wouldn't deny that she had fun. Of course he didn't much enjoy her judgement of the enclosers. Adam was amazed however that when she tried showing the animals the sketches she made og them, they would come see, as if she was speaking to them. Not to mention the incident in the bird house.

Dodie was still picking out feathers as she stepped into the book shop. "I'm back," she called out into the shop, seeing how Papa wasn't in his usual spot.

"Hello," someone greeted her, "Are you a regular customer?"

Dodie glanced to see who wsd talking. She jumped back at the sight of the man wearing a blanket. It had been one of her favorites to cuddle in on cold rainy day, but not anymore. "What are you doing here!?" she practically yelled. Dodie was standing in such a way if things got physical, she could defend herself.

The man held up the yellow feather duster. "I'm dusting," he answered.

Dodie, still on edge, raised an eyebrow. "Your not here, to, well I don't know, get righteous revenge, or point out stipulations in contractual agreements?" she wondered.

The man hummed, clocking his head in thought. "No, I don't think so."

"Dodie Dear," Aziraphale called out to her, rushing to get between her and the strange man. "It's alright, this is an old friend, Jim."

"But..." Dodie started, but finished with frustration. She looked to her dad for help.

Crowley just sighed, walking past. "You're welcome to come with kiddo," he told her, "I need some space."

Dodie looked to the three men in the room. She had no idea what was going on, but it couldn't be good. She dramatically threw her arms in the air. "I'm going to my room!"

It wasn't until a couple hours latter did she leave her room. She watched what was going on in the shop from the balcony above. Papa was at his desk, doing something of the ordinary. The man, Jim, was still dusting the shelves, and still wearing a blanket.

"You must a spot," Dodie plainly called out, pointing in a general direction. In no way could she had known if he did, nor did she. She was just wanting to see his reaction.

Jim looked from her to where she was pointing and back. "Thank you," he said politely before dusting the area.

Dodie huffed in confusion. She slipped downstairs, still keeping an eye on Jim when she could. "What's up with him?" she asked Aziraphale.

The angel slipped off his glasses, looking up at his daughter. "He has amnesia," he told her, "He dosen't remeber anything about himself. I'm going to let him stay here and help him."

"Do we even have the space for another person?" the teen wondered.

"There's that guest room," he reminded her.

"That's filled with books," she reminded him.

Aziraphale gave her a smile. "Well then, the two of you can clear it out," he calmly decided.

Dodie let out a loud ground, and threw her arms inf frustration. "Don't make me do something with him," she complained.

"Godeleve," the angel scolded her, "He needs help, the least you can do is show him some kindness."

"The least you can do is get him some clothes," the teen grumbled.

Aziraphale nodded, Dodie did indeed have a point. "Alright, can I send you to do that?"

Dodie looked at him questionally. "You want me to go by that guy clothes?" she wondered.

"I'd also give you some extra money to pick up some dinner," he told her, starting with incentive. "Nor am I expecting anything grand, just something decent."

Dodie crossed her arms and let out a sigh. It was better than clearing out a room of book. "Fine," she begrudgingly agreed, "What do you want me to get for dinner?"

"You're choice," Aziraphale assured her, pulling open a drawer to grab money to give her.

If Dodie was going to be I charge of dressing the guy, she was gonna make him look like a dork. Luckily most clothing at thrift store can fulfill that goal rather well. She honestly spends too much time in thrift stores.

Dodie returned home with a couple outfits for Jim. One of which she was defiently at least going to be questioned about. She couldn't turn down the blue tuxedo though, and that coat to go with it, beautiful. She also brought home a large supreme pizza and an order of cheese bread. "I got dinner!" she called out as she locked the door behind her. Dodie hadn't needed to call out as the others in the hilding were right in the entry area. Even Crowley was back, standing on a chair.

"Oh yeah," Crowley cheered, jumping off the chair, over an armrest. "That better be supreme." Before Dodie could answer he had already grabbed the boxes and was walking off with them. Aziraphale was quick to follow, scolding him, saying they wrre to eat at the dining table.

Dodie approached Jim, holding out the paper bag she got from the thrift store. "Here ya go," she said harshly.

Jim hesitantly reach for the bag. "What's this?"

"Clothes," she said sarcastically, "Did you think we were just gonna leave you in a blanket?"

Jim looked at her with excitement. "These are for me?" he wondered.

Dodie raised her eyebrow. He was acting much like a child who had yet to experience the world. "Are you really him?" she asked to nothing in particular.

"I don't know who 'him' is, but I don't think I am if you don't think I am," Jim reaspond Ed in a way that only made sense if you thought about it.

"You're just not what I expected," she confessed, "From what I heard... well I... definitely not his."

It was Jim's turn to be confused. "Oh, I've been meaning to ask," he said in his usual cheery tone. "What are you?"

Dodie laughed, she hadn't been introduced to him yet. "I'm Dodie."

"No," he shook his head. "That's your name. I wantef to know what you are. You're like them," Jim pointed in the direction her parents went off in, "But also not."

"I'm their daughter," Dodie answered. There was no harm in him knowing that. There wasn't much of a chance for him to even know what that meant.

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