The Maze Runner|| Newt

By addictedtodystopian

71 12 1

Eliza shows up in the box and immediately takes action. Running away and fighting off any gladers in her way... More

Info Thingz
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

5 1 0
By addictedtodystopian

I heard voices around me- arguing. I kept my eyes shut and listened in.

"So what are we gonna do with her once she wakes up?" Newt asks, his accent thick. There was a moment of silence before someone spoke. "Well she stole food and beat the shuck out of a few of us so she needs to be punished." A low demanding voice said. I assumed it was Alby. Good to know I hadn't killed him with that tree branch.

"Greenies have punched people and run away before and you never punish them." Minho pointed out and I mentally thanked him for being on my side. "Yeah but a Greenie has never cut us with knives and dropped tree branches on our heads." Alby argued back, his volume increasing throughout the sentence.

"Yeah but she's a girl. That's probably just a normal response." Newt defended making Alby scoff and walk away saying "Fine, you two handle her then. I don't wanna hear any complaining when she cuts your shucking shlongs off."

I struggled to keep my face blank when he said that. My chest shook with silent laughter but neither Newt nor Minho seemed to notice it. One of the two starting walking away as well, the floorboards creaking under his weight.

"And where the shuck are you going?" Newt asked. "I'm protecting my shlong." Minho was gone now and it was just Newt and I. I couldn't hold back from laughing this time and let out a small chuckle. "How long have you been up?" He asks me. I finally open my eyes and sit up.

Ignoring his question I look around, I was on a bed with a bunch of medical supplies on the counter a few feet away from me. Remembering my knives I checked my pockets but found them empty. "Yeah sorry about that." Newt apologized and I finally looked up at him.

This is the first time I've gotten a good look at him and I must say, I'm not disappointed. His sandy blonde hair was messy and he had big brown eyes shadowed by long eyashes. "We had to take your knives, for our safety. You are one scary greenie, ya know that?" He asks. As much as I hate to admit it and would never say it out loud, his accent is so bloody hot.

"You don't need to worry, I promise your shlong is safe." I tease, smiling. His cheeks turn a light pink as he diverts his eyes. "By the way what's with the greenie shit? I have a name you know." I shoot back, eyeing him up and down. "My apologies, you didn't seem all that conversational and inviting so it must've slipped my mind to ask your name."

I couldn't blame him there, I didn't respond, only smiled while making eye contact with him until he looked away. "Eliza." I said after a few seconds of silence. His head snapped back to me, "Huh?"

I rolled my eyes but repeated myself, "My name, it's Eliza." I ran my hands down my legs to my shoes and brought my knees to my chest.  After pushing down lightly on the side of my right combat boot I discovered that they hadn't in fact taken all my knives. I forced myself to hold back my smile.

This knife was tiny but it was better than nothing I suppose. I imagine it'll be a while before anyone here trusts me around knives so this is all I have for now. "Okay Eliza, how about a tour and some explaining." He said, holding his hand out for me to take but I ignore it and stand up on my own, trying to hide how unstable and wobbly my legs felt under me

Newt led the way out of the building and I followed him. After a bit of walking my stomach rumbled, loudly, loud enough for him to hear. "How about some breakfast first?" He chuckles when I nod and leads the way to where Frypan is handing out breakfast, toast and eggs.

We get in line and when we finally reach the front Frypan smiles at the sight of me. "I see you're finally awake." He says, handing me a plate with eggs, toast...and bacon. I look up at him confused, not having seen anyone else receive bacon. He just winks at me and I smile back at him before Newt leads me away to go sit at a table with Minho and someone else who I didn't recognize.

Minho looks a little worried when he first sees me sit down infront of him. "Don't worry, your shlong is safe." I say and take a bite of my toast. "For now." I add under my breath but he definitely heard it and looked up, panicked. I snicker and continue eating. "Eliza, this is my friend Ben. He's one of the runners." Newt said motioning towards the guy at the table I didn't recognize.

He had straight dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I held my hand out for him to shake, smiling innocently at him but absolutely fucking staring him down. Ben seemed cool and all but it's probably best to ensure that every guy here is scared of me.

Hesitantly he shook my hand, for a respectable amount of time before pulling his hand back which he looked quite eager to do. Newt leaned over and whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "If you do this to every guy here half of them are gonna klunk their pants and the other half- well y'know." Despite how warm it was outside my body was now littered in goosebumps from the sensation of his hot breath against my ear and neck. I actually had no idea what he was talking about but I think I'd rather not know.

I turned away from Newt, hoping I wasn't blushing. I continued eating my food. It looked like it was pretty early in the morning. Probably around 6am, this brought a question to my mind. "Hey lizard boy, how long was I passed out for?" I ask, shoving a piece of bacon in my mouth. Minho and Ben both started laughing, clutching their stomachs.

Minho tried to play it off like he was coughing which was about the least believable thing I've ever seen. Newt looked dumbfounded, his mouth slightly agape. Without thinking I brought my hand up to his chin and shut his mouth manually. My hand lingered there perhaps a second longer than it should have. Newt's face was a rosy shade of pink.

I chuckled slightly and directed my attention to Minho since I didn't feel like waiting for Newt to collect himself and answer my question. "How long was I out?" Minho brought his hand up to his chest, feining offence, "Why no nickname for me?"

"I will punch you in that pretty face of yours again if you don't answer me." I threatened, completely serious. Shock, fear, and embarrassment all flashed across his face before he answered, "About a day and half I think."

"Thank you Min." I say and shovel more eggs into my mouth. Finally calming down, Newt joins the conversation again, "Just when I started feeling all special." He mumbled under his breath but we all heard it.

"Hey how the hell did you get bacon?! No one else did." Minho exclaims, glancing at my plate. I laugh, "It's all about a wink and a smile baby." I answer, winking at Minho before eating my last slice of bacon. Minho rests his hand on his chin nodding, "I'ma try that." I nearly choke on my bacon "Oh please do."

Minho looks at his watch looking panicked, "Oh shuck, the doors are about to open, we better hurry up." He says to Ben and they both begin to inhale their food. I grimace at the sight, my god they're like animals. "Bye guys, see you later." Ben says waving and walking away. "Bye crazy." Minho says with a wink. I roll my eyes and sarcastically blow a kiss to him.

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