Cataclysm // Demon Slayer Deku

By DgamerV

18.2K 548 194

The world is riddled with evil, stretching far and wide, into the hearts of many. But, Pure evil... unadulter... More

I'm Sorry...
The Nobody
Reality or Illusion?
Light Hashira
Grueling Trials
The Gatherings
Intrusive Thoughts
The Therapist
A Living Hell
The Prodigy
Final Trial
Sickening Trauma
Coming to Terms
The Artist
Dragon of Hokkaido
Demon King
The Sample
Spider's Web
Winding Ribbons
Blood Hashira
Night to Remember Pt. 1
Night to Remember Pt. 2
Trustworthy Pt. 1
Trustworthy Pt. 2
Trustworthy Pt. 3
The Lesson
Demon Hashira
Boiling Point
A Ruler Cannot Be Ruled
Light in the Darkness
Condemned Are The Wicked
Breath of Life, Pain of the Soul
A/N: Information

The Two Kings' Nightmares

180 8 2
By DgamerV


I remember. I remember everything.

I remember that day as if it were yesterday. The day the empire I had built up from scratch for hundreds of years suddenly came crumbling down before my very eyes.

The day where my work had been exposed to the HPSC.

The day when I had fought Allmight with all my strength. The day I felt the most pathetic and helpless.

The day I was beaten.

The day I had nearly lost my life.


I grunted in pain, a shockwave shooting out through the air around us from our powerful collision.

My skin began to rust like metal, muscles tearing like paper.

Red. All I saw was red.

I activated Air Cannon, one of my countless quirks I had added to my wide arsenal long ago.

Rubble, dust, dirt, the wind itself kicked up around me. Me and this nuisance that was currently in front of me.

"Detroit.... Smash!!!"

A giant fist, larger than my face broke through the blast of air I had created, easily coming into contact with me.

I was sent flying back, crashing through several already collapsing buildings around us.

"Rivet Stab!" I yelled, shooting out several black tendrils with prominent red cracks from my fingers, piercing each into the ground, which helped prevent my oncoming impact with yet another building.

"Carolina Smash!"

I swiftly evaded the oncoming attack, pushing Allmight back several meters with the help of Air Cannon.

My white hair was now stained by blood. Who's blood was yet another mystery. Likely a mixture of mine and Allmight's.

One of my eyes was dangling out of my sockets, held up weakly by the optic nerve, the thread connecting the eyes and the brain.Blood pooled from the practically empty socket.

My nose had been completely pulverized, blood incapable of escaping from my nostrils, as the two holes had been crushed and compacted.

My left arm was practically falling apart, due to the unbearable amount of rivets I had been utilizing to aid me in battle.

This... this was the weakest I had ever been. The most injured I had ever been. Nana Shimura hadn't been able to do even a third as much as what Allmight has accomplished.

I narrowed my one uninjured eye at the Hero. He wasn't unhurt either.

Blood stained his usual blond hair, his large pitiful smile no longer present on his face. His veins bulged through his skin, teeth grinding together.

Blood oozed from his mouth, streaming down his chin, perpetually dripping onto his hero costume.

Multiple broken and dislocated fingers, not a single one unimpaired. A large pained gash ran up the man's right forearm, before coming to a stop at his shoulder.

While the man was currently just as injured as myself, his eyes are what keyed me in to his incredible resolve.

Shining blue eyes met searing red eyes. And within his blue eyes, I saw it. I saw the light still presence in the darkness. I saw a stubborn, insane man that was willing to throw his life away, give up everything he has achieved, solely to beat me.

In this determination, I saw... my brother. My stubborn brat of a younger brother.

I saw Yoichi in Allmight.

No... not just him...

I saw Nana in him as well. My dear little brother and that pathetic woman. My mistaken experiment and a sorry excuse for a hero. Both were present in the man's eyes.

I was entranced. I couldn't look away. My usual analytical and genius mind faltered. My intellect couldn't help me. My quirks couldn't help me.

I created a towering wall of flames in between the two of us, in an attempt to defend from the man's next punch.

However, the flames were easily swept away, the shadowy figure of Allmight visible through the swiftly fading flames.

At this, there was truly nothing left for me to do. I could struggle and squirm, desperately attempt to use one last move. But that was all. I knew I couldn't defeat him. Not here. Not now.


I could gravely injure the man...

"Air Cannon, Rivet Stab, Kinetic Booster x4, Strength Enhancer x3!"

I pressed my hand up against Allmight's side, activating all four quirks at once. I would've been able to create a more powerful combination, however, I was running low on energy, and this weak regeneration quirk was not doing much for me currently.

In the blink of an eye, I blasted a large hole through the man's side, shooting rivets into his body, tearing up any organs they could. If I lose, I'll make sure this pitiful oaf loses along with me...

Allmight shouted in pain, more and more blood endlessly pooling out from his mouth. But he didn't waver... the man didn't waver.

"United... States of... Smash!!"

The powerful punch came into contact with my face.

My body was flung into the ground, head slammed violently against the pavement.



My skull nearly completely shattered. Through all the pain, I could just barely feel my other eye pop out of its socket as well.

The left side of my skull cracked open, revealing part of my brain that had been reduced to a consistency little more than mush.

I remember feeling blood and brain matter pooling out from my eye sockets and the hole in my head. My breathing... I couldn't hear myself breathe. I could no longer hear myself think.

I screeched in pain, screams swiftly stifled by Allmight's second punch. It wasn't nearly as powerful as the previous. Although, with the amount of pain I was currently in, it didn't make much of a difference.

My breathing slowed, almost to a complete halt. It was... strange. Never did I think I'd be brought down to such a low and pathetic state.

I knew I'd lose eventually. That's why I found Tomura... but...I hadn't been prepared for this outcome, for this event. Not nearly as prepared as I should've been.

I laid there, motionless on the ground, slowly fading away into death. I heard no words leave Allmight's mouth. Instead, all I heard was a grunt, and soon after, there was a small crash right next to me...

He was dying as well.

If it wasn't for the doctor saving me back then, before the authorities or backup arrived, I'd have died years ago...


I lifted my head up slightly, carefully resting it on my left hand.

A nightmare... just a nightmare... A nightmare built upon reality. I often have dreams of Allmight towering over me, as I slowly bleed out.

I feel as though this one however, was the most vivid I've ever had.

I looked around the room I hadn't left for months. Ominous and dark, purple fluorescent lights dimly shining within the darkness. Not an ideal place to wake up after a nightmare such as mine.

That day... that event. It is what prompted me to search for a super regeneration quirk. It is what prompted the doctor and I to start the Nomu Project.

It's what prompted me to push Tomura even more. Although, his progress has been less than ideal, I can sense great things from him.

My eyes flicked over to the doctor, who was still working on our current primary project. Dare I say, our most important project ever.

If we can succeed... if the experiment proves successful... I'll have no need for any such regeneration quirks.

I chuckled to myself.

I'll have no need for this medical equipment.

I'll have no need for the doctor's treatments.

I'll become stronger than ever.

Although, I suppose preemptive excitement is not how I should be feeling at the moment. I must be more cautious and thoughtful, as I have been ever since I went into hiding.

"Ah, Master All For One, you have awaken!" The doctor proclaimed, turning slightly in his chair to face me.

I simply nodded.

Due to the injuries I had sustained from my fight with Allmight several years back, I lost both my eyes, ears, and nose. Only facial feature remaining being my mouth.

However, thanks to my wide arsenal of quirks, I am capable of artificially recreating my lost senses, albeit these new senses aren't as efficient as my original ones, but they have yet to fail me.

"How is our little project coming along, Doctor?" I asked, a small smirk on my face.

The doctor paused for a moment, before a wide, manic smile slowly spread across his face, eyes filled with excitement and glee.

"The blood... his blood... it's responding incredibly well to the experiments," the doctor began.

"We may need a few more samples of his blood, but I'm certain it can be done."

"The connection between the demon king's control and the sample of blood we currently have, is nearly 70% severed!" The doctor exclaimed.

"70%, huh?" I though to myself. I let out a small fit of laughter, a wide grin, matching the doctor's, spreading across my face. This... this is perfect! Just perfect!

If this project is to succeed, and I consume that blood... with the connection to the demon king no longer present... I'll become—

I shook my head, eyes swiftly flicking over to the second presence within the room.

"Kurogiri," I said, voice penetrating the sentient nomu's mind.

Kurogiri immediately stood to attention, wide yellow eyes staring up at me with attentiveness.

"A few of my... subordinates have informed me of possible information on the Demon Slayer Corps, that is currently being kept within Might Tower," I began.

Just speaking of that man's private building was enough to make my blood boil. Although, it must be done.

"Although, it is known as the 'slayer organization' to the heroes and officials on the case..."

"I'm certain you know what you must do, yes?"

Kurogiri simply nodded in understanding, before promptly disappearing into a cloud of glowing purple mist.

"Are you certain the nomu can handle this?" the doctor asked.

"I am. He has proven himself worthy of praise recently, and has kept careful watchful eye over Emerald and his actions. Not only that, but he has done well in taking care of Tomura. I am certain he can succeed."






A sharp chill slithered up my spine, head snapping in attention, eyes frantically flicking around to catch a glimpse of who was calling out to me.

It was hard to see. No... it was impossible to see. No light. Only darkness. No heat, only a cold presence that clawed at my very being.


That voice... That voice... That voice...

It was painfully familiar. It was frustratingly comforting, yet panic inducing all the same. It was soft yet scared. Confused yet knowing.

But there was no one. Nothing for me to see. In a pitch, black void such as this, I was alone.

I clenched my hands into fists, teeth gritting in utter annoyance.

"Not again..." I thought to myself.

"Tanjiro! What happened to you?!"

My eyes widened in acknowledgement of the disembodied voice's question. What happened to me? What does it mean? What does any of this mean?

What has changed about me that the voice may be referring to? I can't remember. No matter how much I've tried, I can never remember.

I closed my eyes shut for a few moments, tuning out the voice's pained pleas. It has always worked out for me before.

Deep breath in, and deep breath out. This vision... it will be dealt with.

"Mō ī."

I slowly opened my eyes, a beautiful garden of blues and light blues filling the majority of my view.

Dark green surrounded the blue, exemplifying it as something special, as something to be cherished.

No more darkness.

In fact, the bright light of the afternoon sun made itself known to me immediately. And I made myself known to it. Almost as if we were interconnected, the sun and I.

My mind swiftly went back to that strange vision.

That vision... that voice...

I've experienced it all too many times in the past, throughout all the centuries I have lived, the same vision has haunted me.

This... this is the closest thing to a nightmare a demon could ever get. It's the closest thing to a nightmare that I could ever get.

I don't understand it myself, and I doubt I ever will. But... some type of importance lies within this perpetually repeating vision.

And that voice. That voice.

What was it? Who was it?

Is the voice someone I know? Or possibly knew?

But that cannot be possible. My memory is everlasting. I'd easily be able to remember the identity of that voice.

And yet... I can't seem to remember. Nor can I ascertain just why it feels and sounds so familiar. Not just to my mind, but to my heart. To my very soul.

I have to find out why. I need to find out why.

I must find out why.


Author's Note: Aaand, that's it. I much shorter chapter this week. This chapter was originally supposed to be part of a very large and important chapter I've been working on, which is why I didn't post a chapter last week.

However, since I didn't want to leave you guys without a chapter for two weeks straight, I decided to just post this as it's own, small chapter, just to keep you anticipating.

The next chapter will in my opinion be my best chapter yet, so I hope you all are still engaged into the story.

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