Cataclysm // Demon Slayer Deku

By DgamerV

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The world is riddled with evil, stretching far and wide, into the hearts of many. But, Pure evil... unadulter... More

I'm Sorry...
The Nobody
Reality or Illusion?
Light Hashira
Grueling Trials
The Gatherings
Intrusive Thoughts
The Therapist
A Living Hell
The Prodigy
Final Trial
Sickening Trauma
Coming to Terms
The Artist
Dragon of Hokkaido
Demon King
The Sample
Spider's Web
Blood Hashira
The Two Kings' Nightmares
Night to Remember Pt. 1
Night to Remember Pt. 2
Trustworthy Pt. 1
Trustworthy Pt. 2
Trustworthy Pt. 3
The Lesson
Demon Hashira
Boiling Point
A Ruler Cannot Be Ruled
Light in the Darkness
Condemned Are The Wicked
Breath of Life, Pain of the Soul
A/N: Information

Winding Ribbons

282 11 30
By DgamerV

Eraserhead's POV:

Staring into the beady, unblinking eyes of the resident ratgod of UA High, Principal Nezu, one might assume by his clam stature that he is alright in the head. In reality, that couldn't be further from the truth. Just his very presence is enough to send shivers up anyone's spine, no matter how confident they may be.

A terrifying lead for the next generation of heroes. Not including Allmight, of course.

Yet another face to face meeting with my employer.

Honestly, these were beginning to get old. The topic of the day? Why, Emerald of course, as well as his practically confirmed connection with the slayer organization. At this point, meetings such as this have become redundant, repetitive to say the least.


Expecting me to be able to get much useful information from the kid is little more than wishful thinking. I have met with the kid five more times ever since our little talk on the roof not too long ago.

I can tell that he is getting more comfortable around me, however, comfortability does not necessarily mean trusting. They can be interchangeable at times, but confusing one for the other can be truly disastrous. Especially in my line of work.

"Nothing new," I said simply, not caring to elaborate any further on my progress.

Silence filled the room for a bit, until a light, amused hum resounded from Nezu. He only ever did that whilst pondering on contemplating something. Something new or unusual.

"Nothing? Nothing at all?" Nezu questioned, paws pressed closely together in interest.

"No. The newest thing I've learnt is that the kid has someone he considers a sister, however, I already told you about that," I responded, eyelids becoming a tad bit heavier than normal. Likely due to my lack of sleep over the past couple of weeks.

This case is going to be the death of me. Especially that kid. He's more problematic than any of my students have ever been. And that's saying something.

"This child truly isn't easy to break is he? He seems to have gotten better at concealing emotions ever since that little outburst he had the first time you two met," Nezu said.

I only nodded in response. I couldn't disagree with that sentiment. He truly is a fast learner.

Its almost as terrifying as Nezu when he goes insane. Wel... Nezu is practically always insane, so I suppose it's scarier when the chimera acts "normal".

"However, you have stated that despite not answering your questions, he has... been more talkative and open around you, yes?" Nezu asked, glaring up at me from his high chair behind his desk.

Moonlight blared through the large window behind him, creating a sort of spotlight around the ratgod. It was something you wouldn't expect to see happen coincidentally in real life. But then again, weird and unexplainable stuff always happens when Nezu is around. It is in his nature to disrupt the balance of things.

I nodded in response to Nezu's inquiry, narrowing my eyes at the way the question was asked. Almost as if he was about to have some sort of eureka moment. "Interesting... astounding, even." Nezu mumbled creepily, not much meaning in his words.

It was discomforting. Not that I could ever be fully comfortable around Nezu. It was truly impossible to be. If technology or hero society doesn't destroy the world first, then Nezu will most definitely take up the mantle.

"Was this development sudden?"

I glanced down at the chimera, contemplating his new question. It was. Emerald's new found comfortability around me and his newfound talkative nature was pretty sudden. Especially considering that when I had met up with him before that, he was dismissive of me and didn't even want to look at me.

Then just a little while later he just so happens to want to be around me more? I had considered the strangeness from this development, however I didn't linger on it for too long, especially since I had to focus on gaining his trust even more. I had originally seen it as a win in my book.

But now that I truly think about it, it felt wrong. I was concerned now more than ever.

I didn't have to respond this time.

My change in expression and demeanor was enough of a hint to Nezu that I had realized exactly what he had. And I didn't like it one bit.

"The child must want to gain information on us as well. That must be the reason for his sudden change of attitude towards you, Aizawa."

"And if I didn't know any better... I'd say someone told him to do this. It had to have been someone else to tell him to get information on us as well, right?" I inquired.

"He didn't seem interested in us before, but ever since his attitude change, he does seem more interested in my work, even asking me why I chose to become a hero," I said, pinching the bridge of my nose, a sharp pain shooting through my head.

I could feel a headache coming on.

"His interests couldn't have done such a quick 180. Someone else must be having this kid seek out informtion on me, on you, on heroes in general."

"Precisely my thoughts on the matter. I wouldn't be surprised if he already knows more about us than he is letting on," Nezu mused, a small grin present on his face.

"But who would tell the kid to get information on us?" I asked.

"Likely a higher up in the organization. Possibly the leader. Who knows?" Nezu responded.

This was all too exhausting. First I desperately attempt to gain as much information as possible, then the kid turns right back around in an attempt to do the same to me. I should've know something like this would happen. The universe does hate me, after all.

"But why?" I asked. "Why would they want information on me?"

Nezu chuckled slightly, swirling his tea cup around in a circle.

"It is quite simple, Aizawa-San. We are the ones running and assisting the slayer organization case. We're the ones trying to learn as much as we can about them, all in hopes to shut the operation down. Someone within the organization must've realized this and so is tasking Emerald to learn just what we know so far," Nezu explained.

"The leader?" I questioned.

"Most likely," Nezu replied. "This so-called leader must have eyes and ears everywhere if he has learnt of our attempts and limited knowledge on the slayers. Or, alternatively this person isn't influential. If it turns out that this leader is an intelligent tactician similar to myself, then we may be in grave danger."

I understood. I understood the implications this may have. This only raised more questions than answers. Grew more concerns than reliefs. Everything about this screamed danger. It screamed of horrors unknown to us. I couldn't understand why. I just knew.

There was something much deeper than I or even Nezu could possibly know of. This organization doesn't scream evil or morally gray, like many other organizations us heroes have faced in the past.

This was different. This one was unlike anything I have encountered, and that's what worries me. It's what makes me wonder just how little we know. It makes me wonder just what such a young kid like emerald has to go through within this organization.

I have to find out.


Shinso's POV:

"One platter of sushi please."

The waiter looked at me strangely, likely thanks to my appearance. My purple hair was likely something you don't see everyday.

The incessant bags under my eyes were also a feature that warranted strange stares. I couldn't blame people if they found me weird looking, I'm used to it.

Thankfully, he waiter didn't say anything, only nodding while writing down my order.

It shouldn't take very long. This restaurant is notorious for its fast service.

I rubbed my eyes lightly. A full day at junior high really does a number on my willpower, especially when having to deal with those idiots.

It was tough dealing with people who took every opportunity to break you down on the daily.

Dealing with people who call you a villain solely based on something you couldn't control. It was disheartening at times but empowering at others.

Hopefully a nice delicious plate of sushi will take my mind off things. The sun was just beginning to set, creating a beautiful sky that was visible through the windows.

It was... calming. Something that I very much needed in my super not calming life.

As I suspected, the sushi didn't take very long, a relief as I couldn't be out for too long. Those annoying caretakers at the foster home always get on my damn nerves for not getting back on time.

Despite the fact that they hate my guts and would much rather me stay far away from them. Is it contradictory? Yes. However, they don't seem to register that fact.

Their only thought is to make my life as difficult as possible.

At this point, the sun was just below the horizon. There was still a bit of light out, but the sky was starting to become dark. One could even see the very faint dots in the sky as the sky became just dark enough for them to be visible.

Just the very sight of the sky made me want to fall asleep. But of course, me and my stupid insomnia couldn't allow that to happen. The universe hates me, doesn't it?

The UA entrance exam is in 2 years, and thanks to m lifestyle, I haven't been able to get much training in, not to mention my quirk.

My quirk isn't exactly the easiest to train with. It works best with real life situations, which do occur often at school when those idiot bullies decide they've got nothing else to do.

But, while they might be idiots, they've got common sense. Sensible enough to gag me whenever beating me up so that I can't trick them into responding to my quirk.

That's the downside of my ability. Useful in surprise attacks and secret missions, but utterly useless when going up against villains who know of your quirk.

That's why, if anything, I'm aiming to become an underground hero, just like Eraserhead. That way, I won't be in the spotlight, and not many people will know what my quirk is.

That's likely the best option for me.

And who knows, maybe I'll end up working with a few vigilantes when I officially go pro.

Unlike other idiots, I actually respect vigilantes and the work they do to help others when no one else will. I don't understand why they are so frowned upon. I get that it's illegal quirk usage, but they're doing too. More good than some of the daylight heroes.

For example, Emerald. One of my favorite vigilantes. Yes, I have favorites. He's pretty cool, he's got amazing skills, and always puts the lives of others first.

I doubt I could be anything like him, but I can try. It's interesting how no one has figured out just what his quirk is yet. From strength, to speed, to durability, to insane reflexes, every theory is vastly different from the other based on minimal footage of him.

But ever since that video went viral of him chewing out a few pro heroes, he's gotten a lot more attention on himself.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't know the guy, but he never seemed to be one for popularity, so this new development might be messing with his secrecy a bit. I can understand that feeling. I definitely can.

It was honestly hilarious seeing those out of touch heroes being put in their place. Sure, a "villain" like me shouldn't be one to talk, but it's true. They had it coming for a while. I just didn't expect Emerald to be the one to speak up about it.

Now that I really thought about it, Emerald sounded pretty young in the video. It's probably nothing though, some adults' voices don't mature properly and could stay high pitched for a while.

I dragged a hand through my messy purple hair as I used the other hand to guide a piece of sushi roll into my mouth.

I better hurry up though... It is getting late and I'm not in the mood to get chewed out or picked on by any of the other kids in the foster home.

I can't fully get mad at them as many of them grew up around nothing but violence. In fact, that's why most of them are in foster care. However, they also use my status as a "villain" to find joy and superiority in their lives that consist of nothing but losses.

This isn't me trying to insult them in any way, I'm the exact same as them, so I'd be a hypocrite if I said otherwise. However, treating me differently just because of my quirk is a bit of an inconvenience towards my goals.

Not that I have many. Just the one.






Something feels off...

I looked up from my food, eyes traveling across person to person. I don't know why I was doing this. I just felt as though I had to.

A cold shiver rushed up my spine, for no apparent reason. I couldn't figure out nor understand the warnings my body was sending to me.

How did I know they were warnings?

The way my brain raced without my consent.

Looking out the window once more, the once beautiful night sky swiftly transformed to have an eerie and intimidating nature. Danger screamed down from the sky.

What was weird though, was that no one else around seemed to be having similar reactions.

"Am I just going crazy?" I thought to myself. "Are all those beatings finally getting to me?"


The door.

My eyes flickered to the door as it swung open with slight aggression. The coldness of the night wasted no time in making its way into the restaurant, striking everyone within.

The cold breeze hummed in the wind, an ominous whisper.

My body tensed up, eyes narrowing, staring at the man who entered. I eyed him as if he had the plague.

A pitch black figure. A dark cloak and oceanic blue eyes hidden behind a hoodie that darkened his face, hiding any significant facial features.

Something was off about this man. He was dangerous. I could feel it in my bones, a skill I garnered throughout my life.

I balled my hands into fists, clenching the fabric of my pants as I suspiciously eyes the man's movements and uncaring trudges deeper into the restaurant.

I eventually flicked my eyes away from the man, glaring over at a girl little older than me, who seemed to look pretty worried. She must sense it too.

She had bright white hair that faded into lime green at the tips wit skin like porcelain. She seemed... strange.

She didn't seem like a normal person. It was a similar feeling to the dangerous man that had just entered the restaurant.

Her guard grew swiftly, looking ready to get up immediately.

Now that I looked closer, is that... a katana?!

Is she a hero of some kind?

It didn't take long until a few more people could sense the eerie ness exuding from this man. Was he a man? He's definitely male, but his presence wasn't human.

For lack of a better word, it was demonic.

"Excuse me, sir," a male voice spoke up, gaining the attention of me, some customers, and the demonic man.

A waiter. The same one who served me my food. He should be careful. Something tells me this man isn't here for a leisurely conversation.

I carefully reached for my right pocket. I should likely get ready to call the police. I shouldn't assume a stranger's intentioned, however, I somehow knew for a fact that this man was trouble.

"Is there something I could help you with?"




My blood ran cold, body stiffening up, unable to move another inch. Every hair on my body stood up.

Screams filled the restaurant as people desperately attempted to escape as best they could.

My widened eyes traveled down to the grotesque, mangled body that was once the waiter.

The throat was slit with expert precision. The body was devoid of both arms and legs. Blood coated several tables and walls, intestines hanging out from the body, a large hole where the heart should've been.

In the blink of any eye, that waiter was killed with no hesitation. No screams of pain, no cries for help. Nothing.

To think you could be killed so brutally and yet so quickly you couldn't make a sound before your swift end.

I couldn't see clearly, vision blurry as yet another person met the same fate.

My eyes flickered over to the girl I had seen first. White hair fading into lime green, a katana at her side.

She seemed as calm as ever despite the carnage.

I had to get out of here.


??? POV:

I eyed the demon closely, katana unsheathed, ready to strike as soon as an opening revealed itself.

No kanji...

No kanji in the demon's eyes.

That's good. It isn't a Twelve Kizuki. If that were the case, I'd be in a lot of trouble.

I could finally see the demon's facial features as it leapt toward another group of people to kill them as well.

I dashed forward, eyes glued to the demon's appearance, slicing off both of its arms. I twisted my body around, picking up momentum for a roundhouse kick.

Unfortunately, the demon dodged and jumped back a meter or two.

I flicked my eyes back to the group of people behind me.

"Run! I can't have anyone dying here."

My eyes bore into theirs, sending them a very clear message of how quickly I needed them to evacuate.

They did as they were told. Good. Freezing up in the middle of chaos wouldn't do them much good. Some people were able to slip past the demon and escape out the front door.

But a few were still trapped, including one strange looking boy with purple hair. Not very attractive.

Although he looked far better than this demon. Fangs protruding downwards, practically braking through its own flesh. Eyes slit sharp, engaged on me.

His appearance bore a striking resemblance to a snake.

I shivered at the thought.

Disgusting. Ugly.

I leapt forward at the demon, readying a downwards slash, to which the demon swiftly evaded, twisting its own body until it was right behind me.

"So it's fast, agile, and flexible..." I observed.

I bent my body around the demon's enhanced punch, swiftly severing the hand from the rest of the arm.

The severed hand struck the ground with a sickening splat.

"How skillful~" the demon complemented, whipping its other arm around at impressive speeds, speeds I was not capable of dodging in time.

I was struck in the shoulder, arm dislocating as I crashed into the wall behind me.

I winced in pain, not used to getting struck with such power.

The demon doesn't seem too concerned, despite lacking the skill that I have.

It likely has a powerful quirk or BDA it assumes will protect it from every possible attack.

I sat up, popping my shoulder back into place. A little something One-san taught me.

I didn't get much time to breath however, as the demon leapt at me at speeds higher than previously performed.

I flipped over and above the demon, katana aimed straight at the neck.


The demon blocked the strike with its claws, prompting me to push myself away from the demon, using its back as a springboard.

"So cool~" the demon yelled, turning to face me.

"So creepy..." I muttered. "What's this guy's deal?"

"Yet, still unaware," the demon said.




Unaware? What is this thing talking about?

I took a step forward, only to fall to my knees. I quickly caught myself on my katana, piercing it into the ground, just barely holding myself up.

The strength in my arms and legs felt as though they were being drained, like my very life essence was being removed from my body. My vision began to blur and my breathing slowed. I wasn't dying, this wasn't killing me, but it sure was weakening me.

I could barely lift my head up to look at the demon.

"Wh-what... is th-this...?" I struggled to even say those simple three words. I felt pathetic, losing to such an ugly creature.

"You looked into my eyes earlier, didn't you?" the demon questioned, an amused tone in his voice.

His eyes? Is that how its ability is activated? Is that why I feel so weak? Is it an effect of looking into the demon's eyes.

Before I could ponder on this demon's possible power, I was swiftly blitzed by the demon, and sent flying through several walls, eventually crashing onto the street outside.

"Oh~? You're still able to get back up? Impressive~" the demon stated, as I barely pushed myself up to my feet.

Pieces of stone and brick and concrete fell off of my body.

I can't figure out what this demon's ability is... I guess I really do lack the brains in the family...

"You look so confused~!" the demon exclaimed. "It's adorable."

"Since you don't seem very bright, I'll elaborate. My Blood Demon Art allows me to sap the energy from my opponent if eye contact is made beforehand." it explained.

"You were attempting to discern if I was a part of the Twelve Kizuki, yes? Many demon slayers make that mistake when up against me, I suppose you're no different."

I frowned at its words, raising my katana up with the little strength I had left, now avoiding eye contact.

"Avoiding eye contact now won't help you. It won't lessen the effects of my energy dampening abilities. You've already been effected and there's nothing you can do."

I shook my head, not wanting to listen to this disgusting creature any longer.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Breathe in and out.

I needed to focus and concentrate my remaining energy on my breathing techniques, nothing else. If I do that, I may have a chance to kill it.

"Beauty Breathing: First Form: Radiance!"

My movements were slower than I originally assumed they'd be, however, they were fast enough to at least somewhat keep up with the demon.

I landed a slice on the demon's stomach, intestines hanging out from the gash, only to fully heal a few seconds after.

I could sense the skill difference between us. In terms of overall skill and speed, I am superior. But, because of this demon's inconvenient ability, I'm more on the ropes than I should be.

Even at the beginning of the battle, I felt something was off with my movement speed, but I hadn't thought about it further as it didn't feel like much of a change. I should've used one of my breathing techniques near the beginning of our fight.

This demon seems similar to a teasing sadist. Wouldn't be the first time I met such a demon.

I'm fairly sure I can win this, I just need to choose my attacks wisely.


Shinso's POV:

What am I doing? I should be making a break for it right now. I should be worrying about myself just like everyone else.

So why am I still here? Why am I still watching this fight? Is it because I'm interested? Is it because I want to find out who that girl is?

Or is it because I think I can do something to help?

I can't figure it out. Why?

I want to be a hero, but I can't possibly help in this situation. My quirk isn't suited for battle. I can't.

But that girl saved pretty much everyone in the restaurant. I can't just leave, especially when she seems to be struggling.

Some people already called for heroes and police, but the closest police prefecture is over 5 miles away, and they were only called a few minutes ago.

It's night time, meaning not many heroes will be around to defeat that villain.

I peaked my head from behind the corner, watching the fight continue to break out.

"Beauty Breathing: First Form: Radiance!"

The girl called out what seemed to be an ultimate move of some kind. Beauty Breathing? An odd name. But that isn't important right now.

I need to come up with an idea.

I need to get his attention and get him to speak to me. If I can do that and brainwash him, I can buy some time for the heroes and police to arrive and take him away.

I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. But I still need an opening. At this point, their fight is raging on. Even if I were to yell and get that villain's attention, neither of them would probably pay me any mind.

I missed an opportunity to perform this plan, but I can still help. I just need to wait. I just need to be patient.

The girl definitely seems more skilled in combat than the villain, but her movements were slow and sluggish.

If what the villain said was true, then that is the result of his quirk. A useful ability that would've also probably been seen as villainous like mine.

I looked down at the ground near my feet, large chunks of brick laying down on the ground or propped up against the exterior wall I was hiding behind.

There were still a few people around aside from me. None of them dared get close to the fight. If anything, I was the only one who dared get as close as I was.

I thought about the timing and how close I'd have to get to be able to lunge one of these bricks directly at the villain.

Probably close enough to risk getting caught in the cross fire, but it was a risk I was willing to take. It was a risk I'd have to take if I were to become a hero in the future.

I bent down, struggling to lift the brick up to my chest as I rose back up to full height. Once again, I peered over at the battle, the girl seeming as though her energy was dwindling.

Maybe once I trap the villain in my quirk, the dampening effects will wear off? It's just a guess, but if it does, then the girl has a real chance of surviving.

I had to do it now. The girls movements and attacks were only getting slower and slower. If the effects weren't effecting her then she probably could've won already. Although, I shouldn't assume, I'm just going based off of my own observations of the two's skill level.

I practically threw myself around the corner, raising the brick block above my head. I followed both of their movements with my eyes. Well, I tried to. I couldn't actually keep up with their movements.

Just how fast were they going?

"Finally, an opening!" I thought to myself.

The villain kicked the girl away with extreme strength, but the girl didn't fall. She nearly did, but she kept herself up with her katana.

"Now's my chance!"

I threw the large brick block directly at the villain. I expected it to do some damage, however what I didn't expect was it to shatter upon impact with his head.

I flinched at the unexpected outcome, but I didn't let my resolve waver.

"Hey, ugly!" I called out to the villain.

It took a few seconds, but the villain did turn his head to face me, a sadistic smile on his face. "You shouldn't have done th—"

"Gotcha," I proclaimed, a sinister smile gracing my lips in return.

He was trapped. Trapped and under my control. "Now. Sit down and wait for the authorities like a good little villain," I ordered, and he did as he was told.

I did it. I really did it! I helped stop a villain!

Only then did realization hit me. Oh god... I helped stop a villain. I used my quirk in public. I... Damnit.

Once authorities here, I'm definitely going to be detained for illegal quirk usage. Especially since it wasn't in self defense. Damnit!

Unfortunately, this thinking caused me to break focus, letting the villain free from my control.


But. Before I could attempt to gain control over him.


Drops of blood flew over towards me, splattering onto my clothing, and coating the wall behind me with blood.

I watched as the decapitated head of the villain flew through the air before coming to rest on the ground.

A sharp, cold shiver ran up my spine as the still conscience head's eyes flickered from left to right, even staring up at me for a few seconds.

I looked over at the girl. The one who had swiftly murdered the villain.


I was so focused on what had just happened that I hadn't even heard the police sirens approaching closer and closer.

The girl didn't move from her spot. Her breathing was slow and heavy.

My theory wasn't correct. She was still tired. Her energy was still dampened.

My eyes flicked back over to the body of the villain. A body that was rapidly evaporating before my very eyes. What is happening?

A light breeze rushed past me, whipping my hair up.

"Don't move," a gruff, exhausted voice ordered from in front of me.

My attention was brought to the cause of that light breeze.



Eraserhead's POV:

I had the slayer girl endangered within my capture scarf.

How did I know she was a slayer?

Haori. Kimono. Katana. Ancient kanji on clothing.

She was a dead ringer for a slayer organization member. And she was trapped within my scarf. Finally.

May not be that other slayer we've been searching for, but this one can most certainly give us some much needed information.

"Don't move," I ordered.

Now that I looked closer... she looked younger than I had originally thought. Maybe... 15?

Jeez. What's with all of these kids working for such a dangerous organization? First Emerald and now this one?

I looked over to my left and right, as officers ran from their cars, likely all recognizing this girl's uniform as I had.

In no time, we had her surrounded at all angles. I didn't find it necessary to do so. She was exhausted. She was breathing heavily. Hell, she seemed on the verge of passing out and dropping her weapon.

With how tired she looks, I'm surprised she even manages to stay upright. To stay on her feet for this long requires a large amount of resolve and endurance.

This is the second slayer I've encountered this close before, excluding Emerald. But, I could sense that this one was different in some way. Her aura. She seems around the same level of skill as Emerald.

But that other slayer girl seemed way way more skilled than both Emerald and this girl combined, multiple times over.

"You have the right to remain silent," one of the officers who looked to be in charge stated, as he began to walk forward.

I looked closely at the expression on the girl's face. I expected fear, confusion, or anger. Maybe even annoyance. But I didn't expect happiness.

No... not happiness. Amusement, maybe? She seemed... unconcerned...

My eyes shot wide open in shock as her smile widened even more.

My head snapped over to the head officer. "Get back, now!" I demanded.

I tightened the capture scarf's hold on her.

The girl lifted her head up, staring at the sky.


I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Older brother?" I thought to myself.


My capture scarf snapped in two. A cyclone of red surrounded the girl, breaking apart the ground beneath her as well.

"Is this her quirk?" I questioned. No... it can't be, I'm sure I was erasing her's.

Brother... it's her brother's quirk.

Debris flew towards me at high speeds, prompting me to blink and look away, covering my face with both of my arms.

Still, I peered through the space between my arms, unable to reactivate my quirk as the strong gust of winds forced me to keep them squinted.

Before I could attempt quirk activation once again, a set of eyes peered at me through the cyclone of red.

It wasn't the girl slayer's eyes. No...

This set of eyes felt dangerously terrifying. Menacing as it bore into my soul.

My body and mind screamed at me not to deactivate whatever this was. If I had, I wouldn't met the consequences.

And in just a few seconds, the red cyclone disappeared, leaving nobody within it. The female slayer was gone, along with that ominous pair of eyes.


Author's Note: Ello. I'm back! Sorry about my 2 week hiatus. This chapter was supposed to come out last week Saturday, but I postponed it another week as I was planning out several more events for the story.

I do hope you enjoyed this chapter. No Izuku in this one, but we did have Shinso being a brave little idiot, so that's good.

I did want to include a bit more content within this chapter, but I decided to just end it here. Some of the stuff meant to be in this chapter will be in the next one. Plus, I figured that last paragraph was a good one to end off on.

Remember, don't hesitate to comment your theories and thoughts on the chapter. If you have any criticisms or advice for me then go ahead and comment it.

Also, if you have any ideas for the story or if you have anything you may want to see come out of this story, then comment that too, and I'll consider it.

Please don't forget to follow my account too, it honestly means a lot when I see readers following my account. It lets me know that you are interested in my writing and want to see more.

P.S. What role do you think Shinso will play in the story?

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╰┈➤ ❝ In which a quirkless girl dreaming of becoming a hero interns as recovery girl's assistant. Little does she know fate has something different...
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So this is gonna be my first book so please bare with me. Now onto the actual description "Your kid is quirkless" "Im sorry kid you cant be a hero" "...