High school dxd: The Kryptoni...

By thunder_god18

16.3K 234 48

Issei Kent, son of klark Kent the legendary Superman who ended the Great War. He trained with his father in m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 8

816 15 4
By thunder_god18

"This isn't how this was supposed to go." Currently Rias was in the human world at the ORC with Issei and the others. "I had the upper hand but his immortal powers is what ultimately won him the battle." Rias explained to Issei who sat there listening.

"Trust me Rias, you did amazing. I watched the recording from my house, don't ask how but just know I saw everything and you should be proud of how well you did against a undefeated opponent." Issei reminded her witch made her feel a little better. "Granted the outcome sucks, but remember what I said. Have faith that something will happen in your favor." Issei told her as he looked at his watch. "It's almost 5 you will most likely have to head to the underworld soon." Issei told her as he stood up. "Until we meet again Rias." Issei said walking out of the room.

"Do you actually think something can happen?" Asia asked Rias who shook her head.

"No I don't think there is anything that can happen to are benefit." Rias told Asia as she got a link call from her brother.

"Rias it's time to come back and get ready for the wedding." Sirzechs told his sister who sighed.

"Ok I will be there soon." Rias told her brother as she hung the phone up. "Ok everyone it's time to head to the underworld." Rias told everyone as they all came together and teleported away.

With Issei

"It's almost time." Vali told Issei who was in his underground pool. "The time is coming for you to make your presence re-known to the world." Vali told Issei who smirked.

"This is gonna shake the core of all in the supernatural. They all know who I am but have not seen me personally. That all will change tonight." Issei told her as he stepped out of the pool and dried off and went into the bathroom and put on black socks black skinny dress pants and a nick silk red and black dress shirt but rolled the shelves up to past his elbow as it hugged his muscular frame perfectly. The rolls where not big and bulky but thin and tight.

"Quite the look." Vali told him as he undid the top 2 buttons.

"I wanna make sure that I am fit for this occasion." Issei told her as he walked out and walked upstairs with Vali.

"My oh my hello hottie." Kuroka said to Issei as she and Ingvild saw him in his outfit. Issei's pulled his shirt from his pants to have a more natural look.

"I believe it's time to go and get this show on the road." Issei said smirking as his eyes flashed a dark red. "Ingvild, Vali you will accompany me to the wedding." Issei told the girls who nodded there heads and used there magic to wear a all black maid outfit with there hair naturally flowing down.

"We are ready Lord Issei." The girls said speaking formal and bowing.

"Ophis, Kuroka you can watch everything from home. I will be sure to put a show on." Issei told the two as he gave them a kiss. "Let's go." Issei said as Vali used her magic to teleport them away.

With Rias

Rias was accompanied by a single maid as she stared through the mirror which stood before her. Her long crimson hair draped down a large wedding dress that did little to conceal her bust. On any other day she would have been proud to be from such a distinguished family. But today was not one of those days. In just a few moments she would be wed to one of the most disgusting men to ever be born, Riser Phenex.

She fought this marriage as hard as she could have. She reincarnated an exiled nun with Twilight Healing but it just wasn't enough. As much as she wanted to put the blame on her parents for this wedding she knew it wasn't their fault. The Elders demanded that a child of Zeoticus and Venelana Gremory be wed and give birth to a pure-blooded child. Sirzechs was't eligible due to him being too busy as a Devil King. Which unfortunately led to Rias being the unlucky child. The only thing slightly comforting was that the wedding was taking place in the estate of the original Lucifer as it was were her parents were married over millennia ago.

'Where did it all go wrong' She whispered to herself. At this moment she was broken. She thought nothing could save her from this, that it was her fate to fail.

Behind her another maid entered the room and bowed "It's time m'lady" The maid said.

"Of course it is" Rias sighed. "I'll be there soon"

In the Dining hall many different families conversed among themselves about their opinions of the wedding. Some were opposed, seeing this wedding as an abomination that the original Devil Kings would have never permitted. Yet they stayed silent to preserve their influence among their faction. The Elders were openly proud of the wedding. On the far left corner of the hall sat a group whom all stayed silent in shame. All but a certain blonde ex-nun who blamed herself for the situation at hand.

"I-f only I.......I was strong e-enough this wouldn't be happening" Asia silently wept.

"Asia you don't need to be so hard on yourself. No one blames you for what happened" Her friend Akeno assured. Akeno tried her best to stay composed for her dear friend. If she showed the same emotion Asia was then Kiba and Koneko wouldn't be able to keep their heads up.

"You need to relax Asia. We'll have another shot at this and we'll be ready for their tricks" Kiba added.

"Yeah seriously screw those d-bags" Koneko said stoically. She pointed to the table of Risers peerage where Ravel wasn't holding back any of her bragging rights.

"My talented older brother won himself a bride by demolishing the Gremorys. Of course I never doubted that he would win" Ravel said. The group sighed and silently sat until Riser called for everyone's attention.

"I thank you all for coming to this historic moment. Today two great dynasties will be joined as one. Lord Riser from the House of Phenex shall wed Lady Rias of the House of Gremory. And now I present to you my bride, Rias Gremory!" Riser pointed to his side where a magic circle appeared and brought out Rias.

Behind the two, an Elder gathered prepared himself for the vows. While he went through all the routine sayings. "Now if anyone has any objections speak now or forever hold your peace" The elder said. The hall stayed silent. Rias' peerage wanted to speak up but the guards were suppressing them. To Riser this was his big moment.

"HEY YOUR NOT WELCOME HERE AHHHHH." Everyone saw the main door explode as the guards where sent flying threw the door.

"Who is that?" A devil asked confused as they couldn't see anything due to the dust from the doors braking.

"Quite the event you got going on here." Everyone heard a strong young man's voice as Rias and the others looked in disbelief as Issei walked threw the smoke while smoking a cigar. All the woman blushed a deep shade of red seeing the incredibly handsome young man.

"Issei." Rias called out shocked to see him with 2 maids who where absolutely gorgeous and had extremely power auras to them.

"Who do you think you are you disgusting pest." Riser yelled at Issei. "You think you can show up and ruin my weeding?" Riser yelled again clearly upset.

"Watch your tone you disgraceful devil." Vali snapped back before Issei could. "Speak to my Lord like that again and I will kill you myself." Vali snapped with a cold glare. Sirzechs and the elders looked closely and on the left breast of each girl there was a Superman symbol.

"Dear Satan, those symbols." Sirzechs and the elders finally put together that those girls served The leader of the chaos brigade.

"Who do you think you are girl to speak to a high class devil like that?" Riser yelled back at Vali who just looked over to him with disgust then back to Issei.

"Riser I believe this wedding should be called off. She dose not wanna marry you at all, your creepy and annoying." Issei told him smoking his cigar. "I will give you one chance to call the wedding off right here right now." Issei told him seriously as his face darkened to a scary level.

"You think you can threaten me, demand anything from Riser." Riser raised his hand and shot his flames at Issei but Ingvild raised her hand and made a water dragon that absorbed his attack.

"Water type magic." Rias said shocked to see this same with Sona. "That's interesting, she has a strong devil aura. Water is a leviathan element. Is sue somehow related to Sona and lady Serafall?" Rias asked herself as she saw Issei looked to her then Riser.

"Well Riser, I gave you your opportunity. Now we are gonna have to battle it out." Issei told him smirking. "Me and you, winner gets to chose if Rias is free or not, and one prize. You up for it....Phoenix?" Issei asked with his voice darkening at the end.

"Your on Bastard, I will show you the power of a phoenix." Riser yelled at Issei as he used his magic to teleport them to the battle arena while everyone else took there seats.

"Rias who is this kid?" Sirzechs asked his sister.

"It's Issei, a friend from school. Though I don't actually know his true identity. He has no supernatural presence, but he is not human." Rias told her older brother.

"Are you ready?" Issei asked Riser who nodded. "Let's fight then." Issei said as Riser summoned his wings and flew into the air and threw a huge fire ball at Issei who just dashed backwards to avoid the attack.

"So fast, I couldn't even see him move." Kiba said stunned seeing how as a knight his vision is severely increased.

"That's all you got?" Issei asked in a cocky matter smoking his cigar.

"Not even close?" Riser yelled as he coated himself is a phoenix made of fire as he flew down at Issei who stood there and took the attack head on. The power burned his cigar away but it had no affect on Issei himself. It didn't even burn his clothes. "WHAT?" Riser yelled as everyone was stunned to see Issei take a attack like that head on with no affect.

"How is he not dead?" Rias asked confused until she looked over and saw Vali and Ingvild. "Maybe those two know who Issei truly is." Rias said to herself as they stood there watching Issei.

"Man your power truly is saddening." Issei said as he punched Riser so hard he blew a hole threw his chest as he was sent soaring back slamming into wall as the entire arena shook violently from the blow.

"Damn, one punch did that much damage?" Akeno said out loud by Rias and her family.

"This boy is incredibly strong?" Sirzechs said to his parents and sister.

"I won't lose to a weak person like you." Riser yelled as he hellfire healed his wounds and he flew at Issei and tried to punch him but he moved and kicked Riser sending him flying back again with even more power and destruction.

"God this is amusing." Issei said laughing watching him destroy Riser. "If this is what they consider high class status then they truly have fallen so low sense the Great War." Issei told himself as he saw Riser shoot up and summon as much of his power as he could.

"THIS IS MY TRUE POWER BASTARD." Riser yelled as he threw the attack at Issei as it engulfed the entire area causing a huge explosion and a ton of smoke to cover the entire arena.

"Issei." Rias and the other yelled as Vali looked over to them and then back to the arena.

"Relax miss Gremory." Ingvild told her as she and the others looked at Ingvild. "Lord Issei will be perfectly fine. This fight was over before it even started." Ingvild spoke looking at the arena.

"YES I WON, I WANT ONE OF THOSE GIRLS AS MY PRIZE. I GET RIAS AND A NEW HOT GIRL HAHAHAHAHAHAAH." Riser yelled flying in the sky thinking he won the fight. Riser looked over to the girls and smirked. "I WANT THAT ONE, your gonna be all mine to do as I please." He said pointing at Ingvild.

"I would never go to a disgrace like you." Ingvild told Riser.

"BITCH YOU DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE." Riser yelled rudely as everyone looked at him shocked at the sickness in his tone and how he spoke to Ingvild like she was a object. "I WILL DO WHATEVER I WANT WI-." The ground started to shake confusing everyone. "What the hell is happening?" Riser asked as everyone was shaking in there seats as the arena shook violently.

"Big mistake." Vali said as everyone saw a blur explode from the dust cloud and grab Riser and throw him into the ground.

"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU RUNNING YOUR MOUTH." Issei roared as everyone looked in absolute disbelief and horror as he was now seen flying in his Kryptonian armor.

"Oh my god." Rias said out loud as everyone was beyond shook.

"Issei is The Kryptonian God." Akeno said as everyone looked to Vali and Ingvild.

"And you wear the Kryptonian symbol on your chests." Rias said out loud and they nodded.

"Issei's true identity, is Issei Kent, The Kryptonian God, Leader of the Chaos Brigade." Vali told everyone loudly.

"The Kryptonian God!"

"We are all doomed!"

"Riser has killed us all."

"This has to be a nightmare." Those comments came from the Devil council and the elders.

"This means The Kryptonian God is fighting for my freedom." Rias said as she felt fear but so much hope knowing this match truly was over before it started. Issei slammed down on top of Riser and punched him then used his heat vision then punched him again and used his heat vision again doing this 3 more times as every blow had a shockwave of air from how powerful the punches where.

Everyone heard Riser screaming and crying out in pain but Issei was not stopping cause of it. It's one thing to disrespect him and anther to speak to his lovers in such a nasty way.

"I was gonna leave you to live, now, I am all out of mercy." Issei said as he grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the ground then picked him up and kicked his chest sending Riser flying back but Issei flew and grabbed him before he could hit the wall and used his ice breath to freeze Riser's body and he punched it shattering him into literal pieces. Everyone watched in horror seeing Riser suffer such a brutal death.

"Poor bastard, had to run his mouth." Vali said smirking as she saw Issei look up to Sirzechs and the others coldly as he explored at them braking the ground and he quickly grabbed Sirzechs by the neck and flew into the middle of the arena.

"Anyone in your pentathlon speaks of my lovers like that again. I will give you a beat down worse then when I fought great red." Issei told the devil king coldly as he nodded his head as Issei flew and dropped him.

"Issei." Issei looked over and saw Rias and the others. "So your The legendary Kryptonian God?" Rias asked Issei who nodded his head.

"Yes I am, I do hope though you see me as the man I was before I reveled my identity." Issei told her as he landed on the ground in front of her.

"You saved my life, I will always see you as Issei." Rias told him as she walked up and hugged him tightly.

"More women to be added to his harem." Vali told Ingvild who nodded.

"Well when your that awesome and handsome it's kind inevitable to happen." Ingvild told Vali as she saw Issei speaking with the others then walking over to them. "Ready to go home my Lord?" Ingvild asked and he nodded his head.

"Yes let's head home, RIAS I will see you guys at school on Monday. Enjoy your new free life." Issei told her as Ingvild teleported them away. The hole devil faction was in shock, fear, and confusion.

Bammmmm chapter 8 done like comment share and as I always say until next time THUNDER_GOD18 OUTTTTTT

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