RAGE: Consume Me || BWWM

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(Book 2) Amira and Rowan have been dating for almost a year. Their relationship has blossomed; it has flouris... Daha Fazla

Consume Me


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Amira got no sleep after they found Sofia. She had to go to work in a few hours, so she stayed up until it was time for her to leave.

"I'll be back as soon as I get off. I'll text Sofia in a little bit to tell her I left."


"She shouldn't bother you or anything. She might just stay in the room all day."


"Let me know if she says anything about what happened. I'll be—"

"Okay, Amira. I got it. You don't have to worry."

"Right," she nodded. Amira had no choice but to leave Sofia for the day. "I appreciate you."

"I know." Rowan nudged her towards the door.

Sofia then slept for most of the day. Rowan would leave food and drinks outside her door. She would take them, but that was it. He didn't bother her, and Sofia didn't bother him. If she needed to pee, she simply opened the door to the en suite bathroom. Rowan gave her a fresh towel, rag, toothbrush, and some of Amira's clothes to change into.

As soon as Amira got off work, she made her way back to Rowan's house.

"Can I come in?" She knocked on Sofia's door and waited for her to answer.

Sofia gave a muffled "yes," so Amira walked in. She immediately shook her head when she spotted Sofia on the bed, munching on some Doritos, Oreos, and Skittles.

"Really, Sofia?"

"What?" She laughed. "He gave them to me."

"Is this all you've had to eat?" Amira sat on the bed and took a chip. She figured Rowan must've gone out and bought the snacks because he usually didn't keep junk food in the house.

"No, I had other stuff. I slept past breakfast, but Rowan made me a sub for lunch."

Amira nodded. "How was your day?"

"It was good. Can you watch a movie with me?"

"Sure, but not before you tell me what happened last night."

"Do I have to?" Sofia pouted.

"No, Sofia, but I would appreciate it if you did. We can't just brush it off. I need to know something—anything. Are you okay? Did somebody hurt you? Weren't you supposed to be at school today? Do I need to call your principal and give you an excuse? Is there paperwork I need to fill out? Tell me something," Amira spoke.

"I can't go back until next week."

"Why not?"

"Because I got suspended yesterday."

Amira paused for a second. "Why did you get suspended?"

Sofia grabbed another Oreo and shoved it into her mouth. She chewed slowly, keeping her mouth shut until she was ready to talk.

"Everyone is just so mean. People think being a bully is a flex, so I often get picked on. I don't like being the center of attention, and I hate when people stay in my business. But just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I can't fight. Some girl at my school said something out of pocket, and I handled her," Sofia explained.

"I started the fight, so they suspended me for the rest of the week. The other girl got two days for instigating it."

"Did you win?"

"Yeah, she was crying because I made her nose bleed."

"Alright," Amira snorted as she tried to keep from laughing. "It's only Tuesday; what are you supposed to do for the rest of the week?"

"I don't know," Sofia shrugged. "Reflect on my behavior, I guess. But I don't wanna go back to Camila. Can I please stay with you for a few days?"

Amira sighed.

"Please, I'll be good. I promise."

Amira said nothing as she debated letting Sofia stay with her. She didn't mind, but she also didn't feel like dealing with any extra baggage that could come along with Sofia. Not to mention, Amira just ended her friendship with Camila, so things could get awkward.

"Please, I don't want to go back."

"Why not? Did something happen? Did Camila hit you?"

"No, she never hits me; she just gets loud. We got into an argument because Camila got mad that she had to pick me up from school. She called me a brat for getting suspended. She said I was ungrateful, and she cursed me out. I didn't like how she was talking to me, so I got disrespectful and said things I shouldn't have."

"What kind of things?" Amira questioned.

"I told Camila she's toxic. I said she loves running people away and ruining her relationships. I said she's sick in the head. She's a bully like the people at my school, and she needs to re-evaluate herself. She needs to go to rehab and stop walking around with a chip on her shoulder. She was crazy before, but now she acts just like our mom."

"And you told her all of this?"

"Some of it, yeah, but I should've kept my mouth shut."


"Because I only made things worse. I wanted to apologize, but Camila left after our argument and wouldn't answer her phone. She called me a few hours later and told me to get out of her house, so I did."

"You ran away?"

"I guess," Sofia shrugged "I just wanted some air, but then I found some money in my pocket and got on the bus."

Sofia then explained how she fell asleep on the bus and woke up when someone told her to get off. She then went to a different bus stop and waited. When another bus came, she tried to get on but realized she didn't have enough money. Sofia walked around for a bit before running into some creeps. She ran from them and got even more lost. It got dark fast, and that's when she started calling people.

"I actually felt better when I was walking around by myself. I knew I could call my brother if I needed him, so I wasn't worried. But I panicked when he didn't answer. I called Jonathan ten times, but he never heard his phone."

"And that's when you called me?" Amira noted.

"Yes. The reality of my situation sank in, and I got scared."

"Did you ever think to call the police?"

"No," she shook her head. "I didn't want to get in trouble."

"Okay," Amira nodded.

"I know what I did was childish, and I regret it."

"Sofia, you are still a child, so I get it."

"I'm fourteen, though; I should've handled the situation better. Camila only told me to get out because she got drunk. I should've never taken her words so seriously."

"I understand, but she also shouldn't have said that to you."

"I know," Sofia grumbled.

"Does Camila know where you are?"

"She called me earlier this morning when she realized I wasn't home, and I told her where I was."

"You told her you were with me?"

"Yes," she lied.

"And she was fine with that?" Amira wanted to make sure. She didn't need Camila knocking on her door, accusing her of anything.

"Yes," Sofia lied again. She told Camila she was staying with Jonathan for the week. She knew if she told her sister the truth, Camila would demand she come home.

"Is there anything you need? What about your schoolwork?"

"All of my stuff is at Camila's: my clothes, shoes, iPad, and book bag."

"I can take you over there, but I'm not going in."

"It's okay. I already talked to Jonathan. He said he would get my things for me."

"Okay, and ask him if he wants me to meet him somewhere."

Sofia nodded and grabbed her phone. "Thanks for the charger," she added.

Later in the evening, after Jonathan gave Sofia her things, Sofia took another shower and changed into her pajamas.

Amira then encouraged her to leave the room. "Rowan doesn't bite, Sofia."

"But he's scary."

"I understand, but you can't ignore the man in his own house. He's the one who rescued you, not me. You should at least thank him for that."

"Can I thank him tomorrow?"

"We're leaving for my place tonight, so I doubt it."

"Fine," Sofia scrambled off the bed. They then trekked downstairs, where Rowan was standing near the stove.

"Thank you for picking me up last night. Thank you for letting me stay here, and thank you for the food."

Rowan turned to them. "What was that?" He heard Sofia clearly, but he didn't like that she was hiding from him. Amira laughed and pulled Sofia from behind her, quickly pushing her towards Rowan. Sofia repeated herself despite being put on the spot. Rowan nodded as he appreciated her gratitude.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes. I am."

Rowan asked if Sofia wanted to help him, but she quickly shook her head. "I can't cook."

"I can walk you through it."

"No, it's okay," she stepped back. "I don't want to ruin the food." She hurried back to Amira.

They ate once the food was done. Afterward, Sofia picked a movie for her and Amira to watch.

Twenty minutes in, Sofia got curious and started asking questions. She wanted to know more about Rowan. Sofia wanted to know what he did for a living. She wanted to know why he had so many tattoos, what each of them meant, and how long he and Amira had been together.

Amira answered most of Sofia's questions, but some were a little too personal. For someone who thought Rowan was scary, Sofia certainly couldn't keep his name out of her mouth.

Amira then left after telling Sofia she would be back. Constantly talking about Rowan made Amira miss him. She yearned for his touch; she craved him badly.

"Hey, have you showered already?" She walked into his room and locked the door.

"I did." He had just finished dressing for the night. "You were busy with Sofia."

Rowan thumbed Amira's chin before smirking as she sauntered off. He couldn't help but follow her into the bathroom and watch as she peeled out of her clothes. They hadn't had sex in days, so Rowan was a bit horny.

"Are you in the mood for another shower?" Amira removed her panties, slowly stepping out of them. She noticed Rowan's growing erection and reached for his sweatpants, instantly pulling him free. She then stood close and ran his tip along her folds, spreading her legs a bit. "I want you to fuck me."

Rowan had been waiting for Amira to make the first move. Up until now, she had only given him little crumbs here and there.

"Are you sure?" He wasted no time picking her up and setting her on the counter.

"Yes, but we need to be quick. I told Sofia I would be back."

Rowan nodded, pulling Amira to the edge and swiftly entering her. She jolted in surprise, placing her hand on his chest.

"Fuck," she moaned. Rowan then pulled back, easing himself out until his dick was no longer penetrating her—until his tip was just outside of her entrance. Then he pushed back in, going balls deep. Rowan repeated the motion, tugging Amira closer with each thrust. He did so until she was hanging halfway off the counter.

"Oh my god." She gripped the sink as he began to fuck her. Amira liked the sensation of being filled one second and empty the next. It left her feeling hot and needy.

Rowan went from watching his dick disappear between her folds to sucking on Amira's sensitive neck. She bit her lip to keep from moaning too loud, but Rowan gave no warning before he lifted her off the sink, resting her entire body on his forearms.

Amira shrieked at the sudden movement, wrapping her arms around his neck for support. Rowan then gathered his stance and pounded into her. "Oh my god." An immediate rush of tingles erupted throughout Amira's body, causing her to go numb from the intense pleasure.

She cursed as Rowan slammed her down onto his length. The sound of their bodies colliding plus the depth and angle of penetration, had her jaw on the floor.

Rowan fucked her good, too good. Amira complained about them being too loud, but Rowan didn't care. He had caught his rhythm, and he wasn't about to let up until he was ready to cum.

"I can't." His forceful thrusts caused Amira's hands to slip from around his neck. She was hanging too low, so Rowan hoisted her back up. He let her readjust without ever losing his momentum. Then he continued fucking her until she had enough.

"I can't," she repeated, about to cum.

Rowan was nearing release, so he dropped Amira on the counter and grabbed her neck. "Open." He squeezed lightly, trailing his tongue up her chin and shoving it past her parted lips.

Amira moaned at the intrusion, sucking on Rowan's tongue and slowly bobbing her head until he pulled it away.

"Good, girl." He licked his lips and pressed her into the mirror, still fucking her. They locked eyes right as Amira came. She tried closing her legs, but Rowan wouldn't let her. He reached his peak a second after she did, going deep and shooting his load into her. They both came in a mix of moans and groans, and Rowan rolled his hips to ensure his cum saturated every inch of Amira.

"Was that fast enough for you?" He released her neck and pulled her flush against him. Amira nodded as she dropped her head onto his shoulder.

Rowan didn't want to pull out. Nor did he want to let go. "Can I eat you out?" He dipped his head to capture one of her breasts. Rowan drew her nipple into his mouth and waited for Amira to respond.

She then uttered a breathless "yes" before correcting herself. "Wait," she shook off her daze. Amira almost gave in until she thought about Sofia. "What did I tell you?" She playfully pushed at Rowan's chest. "Sofia is waiting on me." She nudged him out, grabbing her pussy and sliding off the counter. She debated taking a shower first but wanted to pop her head into the guest room.

"Give me a second." Amira threw on Rowan's robe, wiped herself, and washed her hands. She then went across the hall to check on Sofia—who was asleep with a movie playing in the background. Amira turned off the TV, plugged Sofia's phone into the charger, and closed the door. They were supposed to leave tonight, but time got away from them.

Amira then ran into Rowan's room. His cum was seeping down her legs, and she didn't want any of it hitting the floor. She then stepped into the shower and spotted Rowan still fully erect. She didn't want to leave him like that, so they went another round before Rowan ate her out like he wanted.

The rest of the week went by fast. Amira took Sofia to her place, where they stayed for a couple of days. Amira didn't want Sofia cooped up in the house all day, so she dropped her off at the bakery each morning. It was a good distraction, and it kept Sofia occupied.

Once Friday came, Amira took Sofia to a rage room. It was an excellent way to release some steam and let Sofia get a thrill out of breaking shit.

"How do you feel?" Amira asked.

"I feel great."

"You look like you had the best time."

"I did. Can I do it again?"

"Again?" Amira looked down at her phone. "I would say yes, but we have a reservation at seven. Aren't you hungry?"

"Oh, yeah."

Rowan was already at the restaurant, sitting in a booth waiting on them. They met him there, and Sofia waved when he greeted them.

Amira took the spot next to Rowan while Sofia sat across from them.

"I see why Camila is jealous of you." Sofia blushed when the couple shared an intimate kiss.

Amira laughed in response, somewhat confused by what she meant.

"I think Camila would be happy if she had a healthy relationship like you. Or, maybe if she stopped drinking so much, she'd be able to keep a relationship."

"Is Rachael not around?"

"Nope. They stopped talking weeks ago. But I wish you and Camila were still friends. It isn't the same without you; she isn't the same. Camila needs you."

Amira glanced in Rowan's direction. He didn't care to talk about Camila, so he said nothing as he scrolled through his phone. Amira cleared her throat before redirecting the conversation.

"Do you feel comfortable going back tomorrow?"

"I guess," Sofia shrugged. 

"Would you rather go back to your grandparents?"

"I don't know. Maybe if Camila doesn't stop drinking."

"Did you tell her that?"

"No, I don't wanna hurt her feelings or make Camila think I'd leave her. But I do want her to change, so what should I do?" 

"Do you really want my opinion?"

"Yes, please." Sofia leaned forward and placed her elbows on the table.

Amira thought about the advice her mother once gave her and passed it on to Sofia.

"Put your foot down—be stern. Show Camila you've had enough of her behavior. Tell her the truth, even if it means embarrassing her. Say you'll leave if she doesn't get her shit together, and see how she reacts. Speak your mind, Sofia. Don't let Camila punk you or make you feel lesser because of your age. You have feelings too, and they matter. Tell Camila what you want; give her an ultimatum. Talk to her like an adult, don't stoop to her level, and I know she'll learn to respect you more."

"But that method didn't work for you," Sofia mumbled.

"It didn't work because our friendship wasn't a big motivator for Camila. For whatever reason—jealousy, envy, anger, or whatever—Camila stopped caring about the health and longevity of our friendship. She couldn't regulate her emotions well and started throwing her problems in my face. We were great one minute, but then Camila would get drunk and do or say stupid shit. She would deflect when I tried to confront her, never giving a valid reason for her behavior. She only started acting weird within the past year, but before then, everything was relatively fine."

"So what makes you think she'll listen to me?"

"Because the difference between me and you is that Camila would do anything for you, Sofia. You just need to stop worrying about her feelings and have a serious conversation with her."

"And what if she doesn't listen?"

"Then you tell Camila to kiss your ass," Amira laughed.

Sofia smiled as she opened her menu. "Do you think you could ever forgive her one day?"

"I don't know."

A/N: The story is about to shift as we move into the remaining portion of the book. A LOT is about to happen.

Stay tuned for their little trip. 🥵🫣🤭

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