The Oracle.||Hunter Wittebane...

By MrsYNValdez

73 3 3

"Anyone can be an Oracle. All it really takes is a bit of perspective and an open mind. Though, for some, it... More


73 3 3
By MrsYNValdez

"Willow, are you sure you wanna put this here?"

Y/N questioned.

Y/N was helping Willow set up her Flyer Derby stall for the club fair.

Willow turned and looked at the banner Y/N had just put up reading 'Strength in Body and Mind'

Willow smiled.
"That's perfect Y/N. Thank you so much for agreeing to help me!"

Y/N smiled softly.

"It's no problem."


"Let out your inner flying freak!"

Proclaimed Willow, attempting to attract a crowd.

Y/N sat on the table behind her, just waiting for someone to come to her, deciding to take a more laid-back approach.

"Once the Flyer Derby club is approved, we'll travel all across the Isles in rocking outfits and working as a team!"

"Good luck with that!"
A bipedal, human-like demon being carried by an abomination appeared.

"Professor Hermonculus?"
Willow Greeted, though it was more of a question.

The demon frowned, snapping his fingers for the abomination to hand him something.

"I'm overseeing club approvals this year,"
The Abomination handed him
A clipboard.

"And I just don't think Flyer Derby is worth investing in."

Willow began to argue.
"Just because it's not as well-known as Grudgby, doesn't mean-"

"You misunderstand me. I'm shutting it down unless you step down as captain. I just don't think quitters make good leaders."

"You're just mad that she dropped your class!"
Said Gus angrily.

"Give her a chance."

"Okay. Put together a team for a friendly game of Flyer Derby after school."

Hermonculus pulled out a photo of himself playing Flyer Derby when he was younger.

"If you can lead your team to victory, maybe I'll approve your club."

He walked away.

Willow sighed.

Y/N jumped off the table and placed a hand on her back.

"You can do this Willow, don't let him beat you down."
Gus said, sending a harsh look the teacher's way.

"Don't pay him any mind. He's just upset because people have been dropping out of the abomination track left and right, and it's just making his pre-established self-esteem issues worse. It's a personal matter that he shouldn't be bringing into his professional life."
She spoke calmly.

"Yeah- but- Luz and Amity are busy, and I don't know where to find enough decent players this fast."
Willow expressed her concern, just as a person dressed in a potions track uniform flew overhead, attempting to escape Puddles, Viney's pet hippogriff.

"Calm down, flea-magnet!"
The witch exclaimed.

Puddles screeched, gaining on them.

The blonde witch, seeing this, turned their staff sharply upwards, turning around and successfully escaping Puddles' beak.

They yelled before diving at rapid speeds past Puddles, leaving her in the dust as the witch headed to the floor, doing a barrel roll and swerving upwards again, laughing.

Everyone watched in awe as they did so.

Willow swiftly caught Puddles in some vines before pointing to the blonde witch and exclaiming

"Hey, you!"
And sending another fleet of vines to capture them, causing the witch to shriek and fly away, inevitably being caught.

"Willow- are you sure that's necessary? They probably just think they're in trouble-"
Y/N tried to reason, but Willow didn't hear her, dragging the witch to the floor in front of her.

The potions student looked up at her in fear, still encased in vines as she stood menacingly over them.

"Wanna join my Flyer Derby team?"
Willow asked, the aura rapidly shifting from fearful to bright, yet confused.

Y/N breathed a sigh.

After Willow released the witch from her vines, she began introductions.

"This is Gus Porter, Y/N L/N, and I'm Willow Park, future captain of Hexside's first Flyer Derby team!"
Willow lunged forward, grasping the startled witch's hand and shaking it roughly.

"Nice to, uh meet you!"
They stuttered out as their body was shaken.

Willow released the blonde, smiling and exclaiming
"Your flying was amazing! You're a new student, right?"

It took them a minute to recover from her vigorous shaking.

"Yeah, we've never seen you around. What's your name?"
Gus asked, suspiciously.


Their bird palisman chirped in their ear.

Y/N examined the witch closely.





The witch's aura was... Odd, to say the least. And it concerned Y/N. But not for her or her friends' safety...

For theirs.

Though she was aware the witch was lying, Y/N didn't say anything. She had a feeling that there was significantly more to the story and wanted to observe the witch further.

The blonde said, hesitantly at first, before turning back to the trio before him and loudly exclaiming

"Caleb! Uh, Jasper... Bloodwilliams! I just transferred from... Uh... The toes?"
Caleb spoke.

"But! I'm not here to play Fly Dooby, or whatever that is."
They started firmly.

"I have my own mission."

They turned and walked away.

"Okay... at least take a pamphlet?"
Willow asked, defeatedly, holding out a pamphlet as Gus stood behind her, still watching the witch suspiciously, as Y/N simply stood, her face holding a neutral expression.

Caleb turned and grasped the pamphlet tightly before continuing to walk away.

"It's alright Willow."
Y/N said, distractedly, still watching the witch.

Suddenly, Caleb turned around, holding the pamphlet aloft.
"Wait! Do you really think your club will attract the best and the brightest?"

They questioned.

Willow brightened, smiling and saying

"Absolutely! Flyer Derby's not for the faint witch."

She elaborated as Caleb came back over.

Caleb stood in front of the trio once more, crossing their yellow-clad arms and smiling slightly.

"Then maybe I will give it a try."

Asked Willow, hopefully.

"But, okay- how do we evaluate the others?"
Caleb questioned.

"A Witch's Duel? A maze full of traps? Oh! Leave everyone at the top of a mountain and see who makes it back to the bottom alive!"
They questioned, seemingly excited, laughing.

Caleb said... reminiscently?


Yup. Definitely reminiscent. Strange.

Willow and Gus were both incredibly uncomfortable.

"Um, we might not have time for all that,"
Willow awkwardly patted Caleb's shoulder before stepping back.

"But you can help by attracting people with your sick sky skills!"
Willow danced around Caleb, doing a little twirl, pointing at them and jogging away.

"Hmm. I don't feel sick."
Caleb stated, placing a hand on their brow and dragging it to rest on their cheek, appearing confused.

Gus looked on suspiciously as Y/N continued to observe.

"Hey, I don't know what kind of mission you're on, but it's been a tough year for Willow. And she's really looking forward to making this team a thing. Don't mess this up for her."
Gus warned, walking after Willow.

Caleb watched him leave, before turning back to Y/N, who made no move to follow.

"Aren't you gonna... Go with them?"
They questioned.

"I just wanted to wish you luck, Caleb. I hope you find what you're looking for."
Y/N replied, meaningfully, before walking in the opposite direction to her friends.


"Students of Hexside! Got a palisman, got a need for thrills, chills and theatrics?"
Willow threw her Palisman into the air and it took flight, before landing on her shoulder.

"Well, this could be you!"

Caleb flew up from behind her, gliding through the air at rapid speeds before doing a loop and jumping off of his palisman, dropping slightly and then being caught once again.

"Man, this Caleb guy is great. With him, I think we can really get our Derby team approved."
Said Willow, handing out pamphlets.

"Yeah, he seems to know what he's doing."
Y/N added.

"But he's no match for you, is he Y/N?"
Gus grinned while nudging Y/N.

Y/N became flustered.

"Hey, come on down!"
Willow called to Caleb.

As he landed, Willow spoke.

"Allow me to introduce you to the best and brightest of Hexside."

She gestured to Gus, Skara, Viney and Y/N.

Viney struggled to hold Puddles back as he caught sight of Caleb.

"Look Puddles, it's the friend you made before."
She said awkwardly.

Puddles leapt forward.

"No, no. Do not claw Mommy's face!"
Viney struggled to hold him back.

Skara sat upside down on the steps looking at her scroll and humming before dropping slightly and hitting her head on a step.

"Let's try this one more time!"
Exclaimed Gus, bobbing up and down, legs on either side of his palisman.

He jumped up, only to start floating backwards, then rapidly forwards as he screamed, quickly ramming backwards into a wall and falling.

Y/N stood to the side and leaned up against the wall, speaking to her deer palisman.
She looked up, giving Caleb a small smile.

"Just a few months ago, I'd be considered the weak link on any team, but now I'm leading one!"
Willow got excited.
"Okay girl, don't let the power get to your head just yet!"
She finished.

Willow looked around only to see that Caleb was walking away.

Willow and Y/N shared a look before Y/N pushed herself off the wall.

Y/N called going after him.

Y/N caught up to him, asking;
"Where are you going?"




"The field is this-a-way!"
She pointed in the other direction as Caleb came to a stop, yelling
"You said you'd find the best witches for this team,"
He placed a hand on his face before gesturing behind Y/N.

"But them? They're pathetic."




"You just met them."
Y/N replied calmly.
"Give them a chance."

Caleb gestured to himself.
"Well, where I come from, even chances have to be earned."

He turned away.

"Especially if you're considered half a witch like me."


"Sorry Wise woman. Good luck with your match."
Caleb turned and walked away.






"I know that you're not who you say you are."

He stopped.

"I know that you're lying. To everyone."

Caleb turned around.

"Why didn't you say anything?"
He asked, cautiously.

"Because I can also see something else."


"You're scared. The one consistent emotion I've been able to see in your aura all day is fear."

Caleb was silent before being rapidly dragged underground.

Y/N's eyes widened as she too was dragged underground.

Y/N and Caleb then both shot up from the ground, Caleb immediately getting into a defensive stance as Y/N took in her surroundings.

After a minute or two, Skara approached Caleb.

"Sorry, I was distracted earlier."
She offered a hand for him to take.

"Been playing Grudgby for so long, I needed to catch up on the latest Flyer Derby strats."
Skara pulled Caleb up one-handed, surprising him, whipping her scroll out and showing him some diagrams on penstegram.

"Those look... complicated."
Caleb muttered, surprised.

"They are."
Skara agreed.

Caleb examined the scroll screen for a moment before Viney spoke, causing him to look up.

"Whew! Okay, finally. Got Puddles down for her nap."
She spoke, wiping her brow that, along with the rest of her body, was covered in scratches from Puddles' claws.

Viney quickly drew a spell circle over her head and as it dropped down, it healed her.

"Now I'm only scarred emotionally."
She said confidently, finger gunning Caleb.

Gus flew behind Caleb and into the air, standing in a tree pose on his staff, one leg raised, jumping, doing a spin and landing back on his staff before flying back over to Caleb and landing in front of him.

"I thought you couldn't fly?"
Questioned Caleb, an eyebrow raised in confusion.

"So I can't fly like everyone else, but my way's more fun."
Gus shrugged it off.

"Oh, that's, uh, cool. I guess."
Caleb muttered.

"Oh, what was that?"
Gus asked, mockingly.

"I said it was cool!"
Yelled Caleb, irritatedly.

Willow popped up from the ground, startling Caleb.

"Gus is a natural speed demon, Skara's a strategic wizard and Viney's the best healer in school."

"And Y/N, well,"

Gus and Willow shared a grin.

Y/N sped by, dangerously close to their heads.

She swooped up into the air, letting go of her staff and falling to the ground.

As she fell, she grabbed a red flag from both Skara and Viney, and when she was centimetres from the ground, her staff suddenly reappeared, catching her, and speeding her towards the spikes at one end of the pitch which she then stabbed the flags onto, circling the stem of the spikes before reaching the ground and lifting off again, hanging upside down and flying in between Willow and Caleb, looping an arm around her staff, righting herself and dropping to the ground neatly, her staff falling into her hand.

Everyone stood in a line now as Willow went to the front, looking at Caleb.

"At one point or another, we've all been misjudged."

"Still think we're pathetic?"
Y/N grinned.

Caleb was silent, but shook his head, no.

"Good! Let's get our game faces on!"
Willow exclaimed, whipping out some green face paint and applying it to her face in a cool striped fashion.


After everyone got into their uniforms and applied their face paint, Caleb went off to speak to someone over the crow, saying it was urgent

Called Y/N, causing him to look her way.

"Waiting on you, mate!"
Y/N waved, smiling.
Her face paint was swirls across her cheeks and an eye in the middle of her forehead.

Caleb finished his crow call, jogging over to his team just as the opposing one approached.

"Thanks for asking me to join, guys! I think we're gonna have a-"
A squeaky-voiced witch began, smiling before they noticed Viney, gasping.

She frowned, dragging a finger across her throat.
She hissed menacingly.

"Fun afternoon..."
Jerbo finished weakly, a tear rolling down his cheek.

Everyone lined up, floating in their starting positions glaring at the other team.

"All we gotta do is fly high and snag some flags."
Willow said, the rest of the team nodded.

"Let's see what you can do, captain."
Said Hermonculus

An abomination blew the starting whistle and the match began.

Hermonculus sent a sheet of energy at Viney, but she punched it, causing it to break into shards.

Caleb flew incredibly quickly before teleporting next to someone on the opposing team and taking their purple flag, smirking as he flew past, handing it to Gus who sped to the other end of the pitch, attaching it to a spike.

"Gus! That was amazing!"
Caleb congratulated, causing Gus to chuckle.

One of the opposing team threw an abomination slime ball at Gus, but he dodged just in time, Willow caught the ball in one hand just before it hit her face, throwing it with all her force back at them, hitting the flier directly in the face.

Caleb laughed
"Nice one!"

Willow flew by, high-fiving Caleb.


.... And Skara was thrown off of her staff, against a wall by a different abomination ball.

The opposing team successfully stole Skara's flag and spiked it.

Viney, enraged, flew at Jerbo at full force, him hesitantly reciprocating.

They met in the middle, slamming into each other, staffs spinning off in opposite directions.

Y/N and Gus flew at their last two opponents, who threw abomination slime at them, missing every time.

"She's right there! Can't you see?!"
Exclaimed Hermonculus in indignation.

Caleb suddenly appeared beside him in a flash of yellow saying


And teleporting behind him, stealing his flag.

Y/N flew at full speed towards the final opposing player, causing them to cover their eyes.

Y/N flew rapid circles around them, spinning them around, disorienting them and stealing their flag, speeding away before the player even had the chance to register what had just happened.

Y/N now held a flag in either hand and was in a standing position on her staff, flying determinedly towards the opposing team's spikes.

Everything was going well, until a pillar of abomination slime shot up at her, throwing Y/N off of her staff.

"Oops! My hand slipped!"
Hermonculus said with false upset present in his tone.

As Y/N fell, she joined her hands with Caleb's, passing him the flags she held.

Just before she hit the ground, her staff returned to her, scooping her back up into the air, where she quickly flew to the left of Caleb, as Gus was already on his right.

The last opposing team member left came at Gus, and they were both stopped in their tracks, but it bought Caleb enough time to snag all of the three remaining flags on the spikes, winning the game.

He flew back to the floor below smiling.

And then he was immediately doused in red goo by Viney.

He paused, surprised for a minute before lifting his staff to the air and cheering with the rest of the team who had come to meet him.

"May I please have your team name?"
Professor Hermonculus asked begrudgingly.

"Shoot. We never thought of a name."
Realised Willow.

"The Emerald Entrails!"
Caleb suddenly let out.

"You know, because we're green, and there's more to us than you think?"
He explained awkwardly.

Everyone smiled and began chanting

"Entrails! Entrails! Entrails! Entrails! Entrails!"

"Entrails team photo."
Willow began, pulling her scroll out.

"We're number one!"

Everyone posed, smiling.

Caleb was surprised as if he didn't know what to do, so he just did the first thing that came to mind.

Willow gave Caleb her scroll to look at the photo. Everyone was smiling (including Caleb eventually) with a few peace signs, Caleb's arm wrapped around a grinning Y/N's shoulder.

"I Can't believe I almost bailed on you guys. Today was amazing. Thanks for giving me another shot."
Caleb said, looking away and smiling.

"Always nice making a new friend."
Viney stated before glaring over at Jerbo.

"I had an opening for one."

"We wouldn't have gotten here without you."
Willow said.

"Yeah, I shouldn't have been so suspicious."
Gus put a hand on his hip.

Caleb waved him off.

"We can forget all about that when we play next time. As a part of the Emperor's Coven!"
Caleb said excitedly, like it was some kind of great surprise.

Everyone looked on, confused.

"The WHAT?"
Asked Gus

"My name isn't Caleb! It's Hunter!"
Hunter spread his arms out wide before placing his right on his chest.

"And I'm the Emperor's right-hand man. The Golden Guard!"

Willow chuckled uncomfortably.
"Y-you can't be serious? You're not the one Luz told us about, right?"

She turned to Y/N, who had an unreadable expression on her face.





"He's dead serious."
She said, flatly, unsure of how to react.

"Yes, I am!"
Hunter said, looking to the palisman on his shoulder and nodding.

The little bird flew above his head, transforming into a staff which Hunter grabbed, swinging it down and changing his uniform from a Flyer Derby one to his Golden Guard armour.

Once he had put the mask over his face he spoke.

"Yeah, this would usually look cooler with the cloak, but, I don't have it at the moment, long story..."
He said awkwardly.

The small team gasped as they were surrounded by coven scouts.

A scout came from behind Hunter and he put his hand out to stop them.

"Woah there, scouts. I didn't give you orders to come here."
Hunter said, time still light.

The scout crossed their arms saying
"Darius sent us to collect your recruits."
Stepping past Hunter.

"Ah, okay. Very good. Then there won't be any delay in branding you with coven sigils and taking you away from your friends and family forever. Hooray!"
Hunter said excitedly with jazz hands.

Skara promptly started crying and Y/N stared at Hunter.


"Okay, listen, I'm sorry about this whole cell thing, but did you really have to punch Steve, Skara?"
Hunter asked, maskless as he propped everyone's palisman against the wall next to the cell they were currently in.

Hunter gestured to Steve who sat on the opposite side of the room, an ice pack on his head.

Steve raised a hand.
"I get it. Emotions are running high. Ice pack for Steve."
He gave a thumbs up.

"Well, I don't get it. You're joining the best coven there is."
Hunter said, facing the cell.

"You can keep all your magic, you get free room and board, you can even play Flyer Derby on your day off! Well, this year's day off has already passed, but next year's is only 52 weeks away."
He listed these things off as if they were an acceptable form of consolation for taking you away from everyone you love.

"We don't care. None of us want this!"
Yelled Skara.

"You will eventually. Trust me I'm your friend now."
Hunter said, leaning down and smiling.

"Friends don't stab each other in the back."
Gus said.

"Sure they do. The Coven Heads do it all the time back at the castle."
Hunter dismissed.

"Wise Woman! You're on my side, right?"
He turned to Y/N who was sitting in the corner.

She didn't face him, but spoke in a somber tone nonetheless.

"You seek validation. I'm not sure where from, but you seek it. You crave affection, but you're struggling to find it. But yet, you're also scared. All the time. You're scared of disappointment. You're scared that you're not good enough."

Hunter's smile dropped.

Y/N continued, still not looking at him.
"If what you want is validation, affection, happiness- this is not how you go about it."

Suddenly an arm made of abomination slime came through the ceiling of the cell, causing everyone to scream as it scooped them up, disappearing into a small blob on the floor, and then eventually nothing.

The Flyer Derby team, minus Hunter, reappeared, still screaming while being clutched in the abomination hand, on the deck of a ship where Darius Deamonne stood.

Someone must have spoken to him from below as he spoke.

"Yep, and you're making me work on my day off. Take this and quit bugging me."
He drew a spell circle, summoning a white cloak, and sending it down to whoever was on the other end.

After a moment he spoke again.

"Can you?"
He asked, before turning back to the group of teenagers.

"See you at the castle, Golden Guard."

He turned fully away, the ship beginning to move.


The Flyer Derby team sat in a circle, still trying to figure out what to do.

Skara reached out an arm, attempting to grab the cage that was holding their palisman, but a tendril of abomination goo stopped her.

Said Darius.

Willow gasped as Skara was dumped in front of her, immediately conjuring a spell circle and growing vines around the box.

Darius said an abomination hand slapping Willow on the head.

"You're gonna need to be a little more clever than that."
Darius got up, stalking towards them.

He stood, a hand on his hip as Hunter teleported beside him, exclaiming

Yelled Y/N, standing up the others following suit as they ran towards the other side of the ship, jumping off.

Gus paused to give a mock salute with his tongue out before following.

Hunter and Darius rushed to the side, Hunter gasping as they disappeared with a spark.

"An illusion!"
Said Darius as he and Hunter turned around, seeing the teenagers all sitting on a beam above the steering wheel.

"Land the ship!"
Said Willow.

They jumped down, immediately taking to the ship's controls.

Yelled Darius.

The ship came to a crash, hitting the ocean, and the kids jumped out and ran to shore as the ship went up in flames.

They were almost home free, when a huge abomination stopped them in their tracks.

"Did you really think you could get away with endangering a Coven Head?"
Darius asked, climbing atop the wreckage.

"Do you have any idea what I'm capable of?"
His arm morphed into a sharp scythe.

Willow sent a fleet of vines his way which he chopped down.

Y/N's eyes started glowing purple.

'𝙒𝙤𝙬, 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙗𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙝 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨? 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮? 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙜𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩 𝙤𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙.'

Darius shook his head, surprised and confused by the new voice present in his head.

He stumbled towards the group and Willow formed a protective bubble of vines around herself and her friends.

'𝙊𝙝 𝙢𝙮 𝙏𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙣, 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜. 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨, 𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣'𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪?'

'𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩, 𝙄 𝙜𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙨. 𝙄 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚. 𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙡𝙮 𝙘𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙧. 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨.'

Despite Y/N's mental barrage, Darius managed to stagger over to the pod and slash it open.

He raised the scythe above the kids and they braved for impact.

Hunter dashed in front of them, splaying his arms and exclaiming


Darius glared down at him.
"Out of my way, little prince."

"No! I was mistaken. These five are insolent agitators who aren't fit for the Emperor's Coven."
Hunter looked down, grasping his cloak.

"And I'm unfit to wear the sigil of the Golden Guard."

He took his cloak off, holding it in front of him and dropping it to the floor.

He turned back, looking Y/N in the eye for the first time since they were captured.
"You can go."





Y/N's eyes welled up with tears, and she stood her ground, grasping her palisman closer.

"Please, Wise Woman."
Hunter muttered.

Y/N lowered her palisman, her stance weakening.

"Let's move, team. We need to find a replacement."
Willow said, turning away, the rest of the group following.
"After all, it'll be 52 weeks before Caleb's next day off."
Y/N added.

The team began walking away, but Y/N halted in her tracks, turning back around and looking Hunter in the eye.

"Hunter... you are good enough. You don't need to be any more than what you already are. Anyone who tells you any different has their own problems that need sorting out."

Without waiting for a reply, she turned and followed after her friends, leaving a blushing Hunter behind.


"Did he just make an account?"
Viney asked, bemused as she looked over Y/N's shoulder.

"Wow. He is a slow typer."
Y/N said, showing her scroll screen to Gus.

"He's worse than my dad!"
Gus laughed.

Willow looked up from Y/N's scroll, seeing Amity and Luz a short distance away.

"Oh. Hey guys!"
She waved as they met in the middle.

"I am really digging those outfits."
Said Luz, finger-gunning them.
"So, how was the rest of school? Did we miss anything?"
She asked.

"Just... had our first team win as the Emerald Entrails."
Willow said confidently as everyone struck a pose.

"Ooo, let me see! Let me see!"
Luz exclaimed as she and Amity came forward to look at Willow's scroll screen.

Willow showed Luz and Amity the photo she had taken right after the match, causing them to gasp.


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