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็”ฑ stvrl0v3r

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2.2K 65 21
็”ฑ stvrl0v3r



"Who is this guy, Safari Sam?" Klaric asked, after opening Alaric's closet. He walked over to Katherine. "Okay, bad or badder?"

"The dark colors suit you better."

"Oh, thank you, honey." Klaric spoke, sarcastically. "Okay, pop quiz. The dagger and white ash are in the Salvatore's possession. Correct?"

"The dagger was used to kill Elijah. You'll find him in the basement of the Salvatore house."

"Okay, that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is. The last thing I need to do is resurrect Elijah. Oh, that guy is a buzz kill."

"Don't forget you're on the outs with Jenna." Katherine reminded him.

"Right, Elena's aunt. For all the lies about Isobel. What else?" He asked, as he walked closer to her.

"That's it." He stroked her hair, making Katherine tremble in the chair she was sitting on.

"Oh, so jumpy."

"Please just kill me. I've told you everything that I know."

"You see, I believe that you believe that." He spoke, while leaning closer. "But what would you not know? What could they be keeping from you? Anything? Tell me." Klaric compelled her.

"They were trying to see if Bonnie could find a way to kill an Original without a dagger."

"Bonnie the best friend?" Klaric questioned and Katherine nodded.

"You said she didn't have her powers anymore."

"She doesn't or didn't. I don't know. You kidnapped me. I'm kind of out of the loop."

"Well, we'll have to get to the bottom of that."

"Please, just kill me, Klaus, and be done with it."

"And show you kindness?" He asked. "I've searched for you for over 500 years. Your death is going to last at least half that long. You know, you're way too jumpy. What are you holding back? Or should I wake Victor and torture him. Tell me." Klaus compelled.

"Arabella's here." Katherine spoke, trying not to but after all she was compelled to tell him.

Klaric's face lit up. "My lovely Arabella, of course she's here. Tell me anything I need to know that changed."

"She hates you." Katherine spoke, trying not to say the other thing Klaus would want to know way more. Arabella would become Klaus herself if it was Katherine's fault that something happens to him, to Stefan.

"Tell me the other thing you're holding back about her." He spoke. He already knew she hated him, other sides she wouldn't have run. But he would change her feelings, after all he did it once before.

"She is dating Stefan Salvatore." Katherine spoke and Klaric's face hardened, before his hands grabbed her throat.


"He is also her soulmate." Katherine spoke, in pain.

Klaric let go of her. "That's not possible. She's mine."

"I don't know. She just is."

He smiled at her before taking a knife out of his pocket.

"Now, I want you to take this knife and stab yourself." He handed her the knife, which she took hesitatingly, before stabbing herself in her leg.

"Now, take it out."

She removed the knife from her leg, grunting.

"While I'm gone, I want you to do that over and over and over again. And if you get bored, switch legs."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go lay eyes on my precious little wife and the doppelgänger." He kissed her forehead. "Oh, don't look so glum, Katerina. The fun is just beginning." He walked over to the door. "Again."


"You really think Bonnie can take on Klaus?" Damon asked Stefan, as they both stood outside, waiting for Elena to invite them in.

"Bon Bon has her powers back?" Arabella half yelled as she joined them.

"Where the hell have you been?" Stefan asked, after he kissed her, and as soon as Arabella was done making some very weird arm movements.

"Where I have been I would like to know as well. I woke up in some random building after Katherine snapped my neck. Where is she? She and I have a lot to talk about. Also where is Victor. He hasn't been responding my calls since I started calling?" She asked while looking around. "And why in hell are you outside?"

"Were giving Elena the house." Damon spoke.

"Okay, what were you saying about Bonnie?"

"She said she'd channel enough witch's power to kill him. Elijah thought that would work and he was an original, so."

Oh, Niklaus. Duh.

"We just need to find him."


"Can't you do one of your little witch tracking spells?" Damon asked, turning to Arabella.

"Nope. Not without something that belongs to Klaus."

"And you're telling me you don't have anything of him?" Damon asked her, with one eye brown raised. Arabella shook her head.

"Do think he killed her?" Damon asked.

"Katherine?" Stefan asked.

"Katherine?! He has Katherine. That damn bastard. Fuck you. What are you all sitting down on your asses for we need to save her. Do you think he has Victor as well?"

The front door opened. A man and Elena appeared. "Thank you, Mr. Henry."

"Wait I do have something of him. But where is it?" Arabella said and the two Salvatores looked at her.

"What do you have of him?" Stefan asked, jealousy slightly noticeable in his voice.

Arabella just shook her head. The three of them walked forwards, only Arabella stopped in time not to get hit by the invisible barrier. That could not by said by the two males.

"Arabella? Huh? Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. Arabella would you like to come inside my house?"

"I would love to." She replied, stepping inside and hugging Elena before vamping upstairs.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Don't know."

"Stefan, would you like to come in?" Elena asked and Stefan passed her muttering a small thank you.

"What are we, twelve?"

"One of us is."

"HAHAHA, GOOD ONE, LENA!" Arabella yelled through the house still searching for something as she could just imagine Damon's face.

"If I let you in, do you promise to obey the owner of this house?"


"Seriously, Damon. My way, you promised. I call the shots. No lies, no secret agendas. Remember?"

"Yes, Elena, sure."

Elena smiled widely. "Then please come in."

Arabella came walking back downstairs, not having found what she wanted to find. Bonnie walked in right behind her, holding Elena's jacket.


"Wait, where are you going?"

"To school." Arabella answered.

Now, Damon turned around too. "No, no. We didn't create a safe house for you to leave it."

"Yeah, guys, Klaus is out there. We know that."

"Right. But where?" Elena asked. Damon wanted to speak but she cut him off. "No one knows. Look, really appreciate what you guys are doing. And I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I'll be safe here but I'm not gonna be a prisoner."

"Your way, Elena."

"Don't worry, I'm ready. If he shows his face, I can take him. I know how."

"Uhm, Bonnie Bennett, no." Arabella said, making everyone look at him.


"Klaus is a thousand years old. If you go up against him, you'll die. No matter how much power you have. And you don't even know how he looks. He can kill anyone in this room, before they could even try to do anything. God if he heard this, his ego will grow for the next five centuries."

"How does he look like then?" Bonnie asked.

"Oh, hmm, he has dirty blond hair. Which was long back than, he probably let it cut short by now. I mean other sides he would look like a freaking viking. Dark blue-green eyes. Around 5'11. Muscles. A whole bunch of muscles. And abs, oh and-" Bonnie cut her off by placing a hand over the vampire's mouth, seeing Stefan jealous expression.

Arabella seeing Stefan's grumpy face, shook Bonnie off her. "Not better than Stefan's thought, cause wow."

Stefan felt slightly better that his soulmate thought his abs were better than Klaus', even though it quite bothered him, that she still remembered him so good.

"The way I see it, next to Bonnie and Arabella is the safest place that I can be." Elena spoke.


"Hello, class. What are we learning today?" Klaric asked as he stepped inside the classroom.

"With the decade dance, we've been covering the '60s all week." Dana answered.

"Right. The '60s." Suddenly Klaus saw the doppelgänger. She was finally here. The last part of the curse. He only had one person left to find. And as if fate spoke. Arabella talked.

"What's wrong with him? Is he hangover?" Arabella asked Stefan, who was sitting in the seat next to her. He just shrugged. As Arabella's gaze fell back to the front off the class, she saw Alaric staring angrily at them, before he blinked.

He could deal with the ripper later. But there she was. His Arabella. His sweet little innocent angel. She was still that kind person he had met back in 1492, believing the rumors that had been going around about her.

"The '60s-" Klaus started speaking and Arabella turned towards Stefan once again.

"Were boring. No fun the '60, the '20s were way better. Or the '90s." She said and Stefan agreed with her.

"I wish there was something good I could say about the '60s, but actually they kind of sucked. Except for the Beatles. They made it bearable. Um, what else is there? The Cuban missile thing, the We walked on the moon. There was Watergate."

"Watergate was the '70s, Ric.- I mean, Mr.Saltzman." Elena quickly added as everyone started to stare at her.

"That was awkward." Arabella muttered, only to be heard by Stefan who started chuckling. And that got heard by Klaus, who liked the ripper less by the second.

"Right. It kind of mushes together up here, the '60s, '70s. Thank you Elena."

What in hell is wrong with him?

As class ended the gang left but Arabella stayed behind, after promising Stefan, Klaus wouldn't just storm into the building and kidnap her. If only she knew, he would.

"Hey, Ric, you okay?"

"Arabella, yes, of course."

"Good, good." Arabella spoke, sitting down on the desk looking around. She didn't tell anyone but the thought alone of seeing Klaus again, scared her to death. How was she supposed to react when the man she once loved before he murdered her entire family was suddenly standing back in front of her?

"You seem to have something bothering you."

"It's just this whole Klaus thing. You know? He is here and we know it. He'll just come and sacrifice Elena. And he already has my sister. What if he killed her? And I have no bloody idea where my brother is."

Klaus looked down a bit. He would spare Katerina for her, after torturing her at least for the next century.

Arabella went on. "And it is just this whole thing that somebody decided I have to end up with Klaus AND Stefan. Like who even gives a person two soulmates. And what will he do when he finds out about Stef? God, what will he do when he finds out that I slept with Elijah."

Klaric's jaw was tight. She slept with Elijah? If he finds him, he might actually throw him in the ocean. At least he will have the fishes to keep him company.

When did they even sleep together? Elijah promised if he would ever lay eyes on Arabella, he would let him know. Well then, the dagger for him.

"And what is he gonna do with me if he finds out I can still practise my magic. God he's gonna kill me, isn't he?"

Klaus was slightly starting to get offended. First she sleeps with Elijah, then she gets with someone even though they are married. She didn't even wear her wedding ring anymore. And now she thinks he would ever kill her for her powers, or just for anything, even the thought of hurting her on purposed hurts his mind. And directly after he had killed her family, he regretted it. He wanted revenge on Katerina for what she done, and maybe a little on Arabella for running from him, even though she promised she would never do that.

"Thanks for listening. I've gotta join Stefan and Elena at the cafeteria. Bye." Arabella said, waving goodbye to him and quickly left.

Who knows Arabella would have made things worse for everyone just by talking about her problems, with the person who is supposed to be her history teacher and Damon's drinking buddy?

For Klaus it was time to look for Elijah and prepare his coffin for the next 200 years. Stefan could join his brother.

"Hey, where's Stef?" Arabella asked as she arrived in the cafitaria and didn't see her mate anywhere.

"I don't know. Haven't seen him." Elena answered, making Arabella look towards Bonnie, who shook her head. She took a place next to Elena, still looking around for Stefan.

"Hey, Arabella, there you are. Okay, this is gonna sound freaky but this totally hot guy just asked me to ask you if you're going to the dance tonight." Dana said as she joined them.

Arabella chuckeled.

"Tell him she has a boyfriend." Bonnie said.

"You could at least meet him." Dana spoke, looking to Arabella. "He'll be at the dance tonight. Look for him. His name is Klaus."

"Oh, for fuck sakes." Arabella said, putting her head down at the table.

"I'm sorry what did you just say?" Elena asked, looking very alarmed.

"His name's Klaus. I know the name's stupid, but I swear he's hot."

"Where is he? is he here?" Bonnie asked, turning so she could look around.

"I don't know." Dana answered, but with a frown on her face.


"But he wants to know if you'll save him the last dance. How cute is that."

"Oh, freaking adorable." Arabella spoke, while sighing. Her mood grumpy now.


"So we go to the dance and find him." Damon said as the three girls finally were done explaining what had happened at school today.

"Really. How are we gonna do that? We don't know what he looks like."

I gave you a whole ass description.

Despite thinking it, Arabella kept her mouth shut.

"Something tells me he's not gonna be 16 and pimply. And little miss sunshine does." Damon spoke, before getting a pillow throw to his face by Arabella.

"He could be anywhere at any time. He compelled somebody at school. This is not as safe as you guys thought, huh?

"There you are." Damon spoke as Klaric made his way through the door, finally after waiting for ten minutes.

He chuckled. "Sorry I'm late."

"Hey, I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move."

"Okay, so we find him and then what? What's our plan of attack?"

"Me." Bonnie said.

"She's joking." Arabella said.

"No I'm not. I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel." She turned away from Elena and looked at Arabella. "If you can find him, I can kill him."

"That's not gonna be that easy. I mean, he is the biggest, baddest vampire around."

"Alaric has a point. I mean, what if he-?" Damon cut himself off by speeding towards Bonnie, who just moved her hand and throw him on the floor.

"Well, I was impressed."

"It doesn't matter if he's an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can kill him, Elena."

Arabella wasn't even gonna try and stop Bonnie, because she knew how much more she was gonna say wouldn't matter. She would die to protect Elena.

While Bonnie was doing it to protect Arabella and Elena.


Elena was going through Arabella's old boxes of clothes. "God, how do you have so many clothes from the '60s?"

"I lived in them." Arabella replied, digging deeper into the box, in hope to find a perfect outfit for tonight.

"Okay, twiggy or sexy hippy?" Elena asked, holding up two outfits, forcing a smile.

"Elena it's gonna be alright."

"All this time I spent worrying about Klaus and I think I convinced myself that he's not real."

Arabella nodded.

"But he is." Elena continued.

"And tonight we will put an end to him."

"Are you okay?" Elena asked.

"What do you mean?" Arabella asked, confused. Why would Elena ask how she was doing? She was not the one getting sacrificed.

"I mean, you once loved him. Klaus. Don't you think it will be hard to kill him?"

"I loved a version of Klaus. The one were I though he wasn't as bad as people said he was. But that version of him disappeared when he tried to kill Katherine and then murdered my entire family.

"Why did you marry him?"

Arabella sighed. "He was nice to me. Concerned about me. After my parents disowned me, I went through a hard time. And when I met Klaus, I felt cared for."

Elena smiled at her before handing her an outfit. "I believe this was the one you were looking for."

"Yes, thank you, Lena."


The six of them made their way inside the gym for the dance. Loud music was playing as they entered and people were dancing.

"Thank you for being here, everybody." Dana spoke through the microphone making everyone applause. "We have a special shout-out tonight. This is for Arabella, from Klaus."

Dedicated to the One I Love started. "This slimy bastard." Arabella cursed. "Even for me this is to cheesy. Ew."

"That was a lame, cheap shot. He's just trying to bait us." Damon said.

"I know everyone here." Elena said, looking around, trying to find a face that could be Klaus.

"Arabella?" Bonnie asked.

"No, I don't see him."

"Maybe he's not here. He just wants us to believe that he is." Stefan spoke, hoping that he was right.

"It's a party, people. Blend. Let him come to us."

"Good idea." Bonnie spoke as she grabbed Jeremy's hand.

"No, I really don't feel like dancing."

"Too bad."

"There's Ric. I'll be back." Damon spoke before walking away. Elena followed behind him.

"Well?" Stefan offered his hand.

The two started dancing. Stefan normally wouldn't offered to dance, seeing as he hated it so much. But he knew Arabella loved it, and he wanted to take her mind of it.

After a few minutes of dancing Arabella saw Caroline and Matt walk in. "Caroline's here. They don't know. We have to tell her."

Stefan nodded and the couple made their way over to Caroline and Matt.

"Do you mind if I steal your date for a moment?" Arabella asked Matt.

"No, not at all. I'll get us something to drink."

"What's wrong?" Caroline asked as soon as Matt was out of earshot.

"Klaus is here."




"We have no idea. But keep your eye out for anything that might look weird, okay?


"We need to talk to you." Arabella spoke to Bonnie as Elena and her went over to the Bennett witch. Stefan has just informed them what would happen if Bonnie did take on Klaus.

"How could you not tell us?" Elena asked as the three girls were finally outside.

"Because I knew how'd you two react."

"No way, it's not an option."

"It our only option."

"Then we'll find another way, okay? Bonnie, you're not dying to save my life."

"I have the power to save you and Arabella. If I don't use it and something happens to you guys, that would kill me."

"I can't let you."

"Yeah, me neither." Arabella said, shaking her head. This was the only thing she feared more than seeing Klaus. Bonnie dying today.

"Just answer one question. If the situation was reversed would you two do it for me?"

"Bonnie, that's not fair. Of course we would."

"So you know why I have to."

Arabella hugged Bonnie, all three girls crying by now. What the two others didn't know, was that Arabella cast a spell on Bonnie. That she would be okay.

"Elena." Klaric came running towards them.

"What is it?" Elena asked.

"He had Jeremy. Come on." He started to walk back to the building.

"Okay, so where are you taking us?" Elena asked after a few minutes of running but there was no sight of Jeremy anywhere yet.

"Just a little further."

"Something is wrong." Arabella whispered.

"Where's Jeremy?" Bonnie asked louder.

Klaric started laughing. "I just had to get away from that dance. The '60s. Not my decade. I mean, whose call was that, anyway? I much prefer the '20s, just like you Arabella."

Arabella started to put the two girls a little behind her. Something was indeed very wrong. Bonnie and Elena shared a look. What the hell was going on here? Elena grabbed onto Arabella's hand.

"You know, the style, the parties, the jazz."

"Alaric. Are you on Vervain?" Elena asked.

"Now, why would you ask me that question, Elena?"

He started walking closer to them.

"He's being compelled." Elena said, that was the only thing that could be happening, right?

"Nope, try again."

"What's going on?" Bonnie asked.

Klaric sighed. "Okay, I'll give you a hint. I am not Alaric."

Elena and Bonnie looked both confused while Arabella sighed. She was totally done with this day.

"You stupid bastard." She scoffed, hitting his arm. "Really?"

"You never fail to surprise me with your smartness, my angel."

"Klaus." Elena whispered out as Arabella's face scrunched up in disgust.


"No, it's not possible."

"Just relax, Elena. I'm not here to hurt you. You're not on my hit list tonight." He said to her before moving his eyes to Arabella. "I would never hurt you, you know that." And then his eyes landed on Bonnie. "But you are."

He tried to attack Bonnie, but Arabella had him already being flow back into the lockers, before he could reach them.

"Come on, love, you should now better than that. Now, did I mention that I know a witch? You're gonna have to hit me a lot harder than that." This time it was Bonnie who made him fly back, right into the trophy cabinet.

He just got up again, laughing. "By all means, fire away. If you kill this body, I'll just get a new one. Maybe Jeremy."

"Go, run. Now." Arabella yelled at the two. And the two did. Arabella heard the door close with a loud crash behind her.

"I'm sorry, my angel." Klaric whispered in her ear, before injecting her with something. Arabella feeling weaker by the second fell, but before she could reach the ground, his arms found their way around her waist.

"Nik." She breathed out.

"It's okay, my love, I've got you." And with that her eyes closed.


"Is Bonnie okay? Where's Lena? Damon? Are you okay, Stefan?" Arabella said as she woke up on Stefan's bed.

"Everybody is okay. Bonnie-"

"My spell worked? Bonnie's okay?"

"Spell?" Stefan asked confused.

"Yes, when you told me what she was gonna do. I put a spell on her, so she would be fine, whatever happened."

"Seems like Bonnie did the same one. Now Klaus thinks she is dead and we have a secret weapon."

"Bonnie is not a secret weapon, Stefan. She is a person. You can't just use her for her powers." Arabella said.

Stefan nodded. "I know. But what happened with you. Me and Elena found you on the floor? Why didn't Klaus take you?"

"He injected me with something. Don't know what. But that doesn't matter I'm fine. Can I ask you something?"


"Do you wanna complete the bond?" Arabella asked quietly.

"Of course I do but you're not-"

"Don't even ask. I am not doing this because of Klaus. I'm doing this because I want to."


Stefan started kissing her, more passionate and roughly than he would normally do. The making out went on for the few next minutes before Arabella turned them over and sat down on his lap.

He put one of his hands down at the zipper on the back of her dress. She moved her hips a little, feeling his length getting harder underneath her.

He slowly removed the dress, dropping it on the floor when the whole thing was off her body.

Stefan's eyes filled with love. "So beautiful." He muttered as he kissed her again.

Arabella, who didn't find it fair that she was the only person in the room to be half naked started fiddling at the buttons of his shirt.

Stefan turned them over, so he was above her and removed his shirt as Arabella started to take off his belt.

He moved his lips from her lips to her neck, down to her torso. His eyes landed on Arabella's panties, which he removed quickly while he also put a hand behind her back, unlocking her bra.

Arabella moved her hand over Stefan's abs. She wasn't lying before, she really did love his abs. His pants and boxers flew through the room next.

As they were both naked now, Stefan looked into Arabella's eyes. She nodded.

And before she knew Stefan had pushed two of his fingers inside her, curling them to find her sweet spot.

"Ah Stefan." Arabella whimpered as he hit it seconds later.

Sensing his mate arousal he pulled his fingers out, getting a little pout from Arabella.

"So beautiful."

That got replaced with a gasp as Stefan pushed his full length into her. He looked down at her.

"You can move." She told him.

And that's what he did. First slowly, but going faster the longer they were busy.


Arabella's veins started to get visible as Stefan started to kiss her again. Her eyes landed on his neck.

"Together?" Stefan asked.

Arabella nodded and now also Stefan's veins appeared. Their fangs coming out before sinking into each others neck.

As they removed their fangs from the others neck, their eyes flashed back for a minute as they both fished together, too.

Arabella groaned a little of the feeling of emptiness as Stefan pulled out.


"I love you Arabella Pierce."

"I love you Stefan Salvatore."

Arabella didn't feel different. She thought completing the mate bound would do things or at least make her feel something. But she didn't. She felt like she did an hour before. Just in love with Stefan, maybe a little bit more.

While Stefan did feel different. He felt more protective of Arabella. Now more than ever he wanted to keep her away from Klaus and everyone else.

Now even the thought of her and Damon being in the same room, irritated him, which didn't before.

"Stefan?" Arabella whispered.


"I'm hungry, I'm going to feed downstairs." She said while putting his shirt around her, which was long enough to cover her.

She kissed him before she actually left the room. Passing Damon in her way to the basement.

"Sunshine." He called her back.


"You smell of Stefan. And be a little bit quieter next time will you?"

Arabella just walked away, embarrassed.


I never wrote smut before, but hey here we are. No idea if it was good, but I guess reading it helps to write it.


Thank you for reading❤️


Words: 4329

Posted: October 15, 2023

Be sure to comment. I love reading them and it keeps me motivated!

x Kat


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