Inferno Hearts | Xu Minghao

By the8buddy

99K 5.2K 8.4K

In a world haunted by tragedy, Minghao seeks revenge for his sister's death, believing Kim Nabi to be the cul... More

1. Under His Control
2. Terror
3. Tears and Anger
4. His past
5. Hope
6. In the Embrace of Darkness
7. Her past
8. Blow!
9. Into the Abyss of Unspoken Fears
10. Trauma
11. Enigma
12. Problematic
13. Bound by Struggle
14. Danger
15. Fears and Secrets
16. Medicine or drugs?
17. Broken
18. Echoes of Pain
19. A trail of joy
20. Shadows of the Past
21. Escape?
22. No way back
23. Stripper?
24. Beneath the Surface
25. Unfolding Desires
26. Sensual
27. Traces to you
28. Dark Intrusions
29. Shattered Dignity
30. A Dangerous Game
31. Whispers of Forgiveness
32. Ink and Redemption
33. Beneath Broken Skins
34. Kindness or Intentions?
35. Lust and Desires
37. Promises and Arrivals
38. A Storm Brewing
39. Bitter Truths and Buried Secrets
40. Won't let you down
41. Emotional Confrontations
42. Find Light In The Beautiful Sea
43. Vengeance and Secrets
44. Panties and Preparations
45. Missed me?
46. A Fine Line Between Love & Fear
47. Haunting Memories and Desperate Escapes
48. Through the Darkness
49. When Nightmares Become Reality
50. A Heavy Revelation
51. Breaking Her Wings
52. Breaking her heart
53. Broken Angel
54. Stay With Me
55. Whispers of Love
56. Just the Three of Us
57. The Past That Connects Us
58. Painful Confessions
59. When Rivals Meet
60. Insanity
61. Drunken Whispers, Sober Hearts
62. Gone Without a Trace
63. Save Me Please
64. Come to you
65. Arms Around You
66. Eyes Don't Lie
67. A Promise Of Fire
68. Ink & Hearts
69. Trace My Skin
70. All My Scars
71. Your Lips Against My Scars
72. From Dusk Till Dawn
73. Tears and Truths
74. Stars, Sand, and Second Chances
75. Rain Over Us
76. Into the Unknown
77. Champion Of Death
78. One Last Kiss
79. In the Eye of the Storm
80. Sacrifice
81. Back To Black
82. The Light Is Fading Now
83. Tearing Us Apart
84. Fading Hope
85. Abyss
86. Numb The Pain
87. Lucifer, Please Hide The Light
88. Outroduction

36. Fragile Plea

1.2K 62 99
By the8buddy

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Nabi found herself trapped in a recurring nightmare, one that felt like a cruel echo of the events from a week ago. If she thought those were bad, the current situation with Jeonghan was proving to be even more rough and aggressive than her previous encounter with Minghao.

As Jeonghan moved his lips against hers, it was as though he had fallen into a trance, oblivious to the fact that the person beneath him was none other than the one he despised the most—the supposed murderer of Min. In that moment, the overpowering grip of lust seemed to dictate the turbulent currents of his emotions.

His kiss crashed upon her with a fierce intensity and roughness, as if every one of his nerves had erupted to the surface. Once more, Nabi was thrust into the painful role of the victim.

His grip on her wrists was vice-like, as if it were a dam holding back the flow of blood through her veins. Meanwhile, his other hand tightened around her neck.

Pressing his body against hers, he appeared oblivious to Nabi's frantic attempts to break free from this nightmarish situation. If he had noticed her struggle, it seemed entirely likely that he would have persisted, unyielding to her desperation.

Her sobs emerged muffled, her body contorting with a desperate force as she sought an avenue of escape. Yet, the futility was evident – a stark reality that Jeonghan's strength stood leagues above her own.

The kiss persisted for several more minutes, Jeonghan's hand that had been wrapped around her neck gradually descending, exploring her body.

However, a sound abruptly shattered his entranced state, yanking him back from the depths of his reverie and grounding him in reality.

"Yes, hyung, I'll be there in 5 minutes. I just came to check on her," Minghao's voice resonated from the other side of the door.

Hearing Minghao's voice from beyond the closed door, a wave of relief washed over Nabi. "Please, save me," she thought urgently, her silent plea echoing in her mind as she yearned for Minghao to hasten his entrance.

Jeonghan disengaged from the kiss, his gaze locking onto hers. He lingered, mere inches from her face, his eyes capturing the sight of her teary orbs, frozen in a moment of profound observation.

Retreating from her swiftly, he gestured for her to remain silent, his index finger coming to rest against the very lips that had kissed her so roughly mere moments ago. The touch lingered for a brief, charged instant.

Nabi, still sobbing, scrambled to her feet with urgency. However, as she reached the edge of the bed, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over her, forcing her to sink back down. She clutched her head in her trembling hands, her sobs now subdued to quiet, trembling whimpers.

Jeonghan's gaze remained fixed on her. In stark contrast to Minghao, who had vented his frustration by pounding his fists into the walls after his forceful advance, Jeonghan displayed no hint of remorse. His unwavering stare remained trained on her form, his ears attuned to the sound of her quiet sobs echoing in the room.

Lowering himself to her level, he leaned in close and whispered with a hushed intensity, "Quit your tears."

Minghao's voice persisted from beyond the door, the call persistent, so Nabi's tears continued to flow.

Growing increasingly frustrated by Nabi's inability to obey him, Jeonghan's voice took on a darker, threatening tone as he warned, "If you don't stop those tears, it will only worsen for you. Never forget, we share the same roof. I can resume what I initiated at any given moment."

Nabi quivered with fear, her entire being succumbing to the weight of his threats. Her body trembled uncontrollably, and her breaths came in ragged, uneven gasps. The proximity of Jeonghan's presence only intensified her struggle to regain control.

She abruptly lifted her head from her hands, a determined fervor in her eyes as she forcefully wiped away her tears. Her gaze darted around the room, desperately seeking a solution to deceive her body into believing that everything was okay.

Then, her eyes fell upon the medicine beside her. Without hesitation, she unwrapped three of them, her trembling hands struggling to hold steady as she swallowed them all in one anxious gulp.

The room seemed to resonate with the rhythm of her breathing, each inhale and exhale a testament to her struggle. Jeonghan's gaze remained fixed upon her, his hands casually sliding into his pockets.

With a deliberate yet nonchalant movement, he distanced himself slightly from her, his awareness heightened in anticipation of Minghao's imminent arrival.

The door creaked open, revealing Minghao's entrance as he stepped into the room. His brows knit together in a perplexed frown upon finding Jeonghan in Nabi's presence.

Casting a swift glance at Nabi, who had her back turned to him, Minghao attempted to decipher her emotions. The sight of her visibly trembling form left him even more bewildered.

His confusion deepened as he took cautious steps toward her, intent on glimpsing her face and searching for the truth behind her turmoil.

While approaching Nabi, Minghao's gaze shifted to Jeonghan, his brow furrowing with a mix of confusion and suspicion. In a tone that demanded a swift response, he inquired, "What are you doing here, hyung?"

"I was just passing by and thought I'd pay her a visit," Jeonghan offered in explanation, his gaze unwavering as it met Minghao's.

Minghao's attention swiftly shifted to Nabi as he reached her, noticing that her face was downturned. His suspicion deepened, and he crouched down to her eye level. In a gentle tone, he urged, "Nabi, look at me."

As he drew nearer to her, he observed her condition more closely. The severity of her trembling and the state of her disheveled t-shirt became increasingly apparent, deepening his concern.

Nabi slowly raised her head, her vulnerable gaze meeting Minghao's bewildered expression.

In Nabi's gaze, Minghao found the unspoken confirmation to his suspicions. Her eyes seemed to have released all the tears they could muster, her lips were swollen, and her nose showed signs of redness from crying. Above all else, he detected an overwhelming fear in her eyes—a palpable, panic-stricken terror.

As Nabi's eyes locked onto Minghao's, tears pooled once more, but her gaze swiftly shifted to Jeonghan, who stood behind Minghao. A dagger-like glare from Jeonghan silently commanded her to remain silent.

Minghao's heart sank as he recognized the same terrified expression on Nabi's face that she had worn when he had forcefully kissed her.

"What did he do to you?" Minghao inquired softly, gently tucking a strand of hair that had fallen onto her face behind her ear. But Nabi's body reacted sharply to his touch, a visible shiver coursing through her, amplifying her already trembling form. Minghao's eyes locked onto this involuntary response, deepening his concern.

Nabi stuttered, her voice shaky, "We were just... talking." However, the intensity and focus in Minghao's gaze were so acute that she realized he wouldn't be fooled by her lie.

Placing his hands gently on either side of her, Minghao lowered his gaze even further, attempting to catch her eyes once more. She, however, quickly averted her gaze to the floor, fully aware that she couldn't manage to conceal her impending panic attack in his presence.

"Please don't lie to me," Minghao implored in a gentle tone, his hands still poised on either side of her. "Tell me. He can't harm you. I'm here." He knelt down in front of her, a pang of sorrow coursing through him at the sight of her vulnerability, the memories of her previous distress resurfacing painfully.

However, Nabi couldn't disregard the looming threat of Jeonghan, who observed their interaction from behind Minghao.

Gripped by the fear of potential consequences, she pressed on with her lie, her voice quivering as she insisted, "He didn't do anything to me. We just talked." Her eyes met his once again, her attempt to mask her turmoil playing out in every gesture, while Minghao struggled to unravel the truth from her demeanor.

The effects of the pills seemed to take hold, evident in the gradual relaxation of her body. The tremors that had wracked her form were subsiding, her condition slowly improving. Perhaps, mixing with this shift, was the solace she found in Minghao's presence, a glimmer of hope that, at least for the moment, Jeonghan's threat might not manifest itself in harm again.

Minghao couldn't help but discern the complexity of the situation. He sensed her fear, her reluctance to reveal what had occurred, yet he also perceived a deep-seated desire to unburden herself, to share her suffering with someone. The irony was stark—seeking solace in sharing her agony with someone who had, just a week ago, inflicted similar pain.

With a resigned sigh, Minghao recognized that pushing her to talk might not yield the desired results. It was apparent that the weight of her own thoughts was already a heavy burden for her to bear, and he decided to give her the space she needed.

His gaze shifted to her body, seeking any additional signs that might corroborate her distress. A subtle shadow on her neck indicated the unmistakable mark of Jeonghan's grip. Minghao's anger surged, but he fought to rein in his emotions, recognizing that his escalating rage would only further unsettle Nabi.

Minghao's eyes descended to Nabi's wrists, which lay in her lap, her fingers restlessly entwined. It was there that he noticed the crimson imprints, the red marks standing out starkly against her pale skin. They appeared far more painful and distressing than he had initially imagined.

As Minghao gently took her wrist in his hand, Nabi let out an involuntary hiss, not anticipating his touch. Their eyes locked in a moment of shared surprise, and he reassured her, "It's okay."

However, as he carefully examined her wrists, Minghao's anger surged beyond containment. He closed his eyes briefly, struggling to manage his emotions. Then, he placed her wrist gently back on her lap and stood up suddenly, his frustration and anger palpable.

Turning away from Nabi, Minghao's gaze locked onto Jeonghan, who had been a silent witness to the unfolding scene. Swiftly advancing toward him, Minghao seized his collar, his voice a hushed but intense whisper, "Hyung, what the fuck do you think you're doing?"

However, Minghao's grip on Jeonghan's collar loosened abruptly at the sound of Nabi's sobs, his realization dawning that his actions had only intensified her fear. "Follow me," he directed towards Jeonghan, his tone clear, before he turned his attention to Nabi. She looked at him with a mixture of panic and desperation, understanding that if Minghao confronted Jeonghan, her own safety might be compromised.

Offering her a small, reassuring smile, Minghao said, "I'll be back in a moment."

However, as he turned to leave, Nabi reached out, grasping his wrist firmly. Her voice trembled with fear as she implored, "Please don't," her eyes reflecting her deep-seated fear and panic.

Minghao's gaze met Nabi's panicked eyes, and he exhaled softly. Gently, he removed her hand from his wrist and placed it on the bed beside her. Lowering himself to her eye level, he spoke reassuringly, "Don't be afraid. He won't touch you anymore."

Upon hearing those reassuring words, a solitary tear escaped Nabi's eye, betraying the overwhelming emotions she had been suppressing. Seeing her vulnerability, Minghao couldn't maintain his composure any longer.

Stepping away from Nabi, he motioned for Jeonghan to follow suit. Casting her a significant look, Jeonghan left the room, and the door closed behind the, leaving Nabi to her tears and inconsolable sobs that flowed freely, her emotions finally breaking free.

Minghao forcefully propelled Jeonghan into his bedroom, the action underscored by a harsh push. The door slammed shut behind them as Minghao's face betrayed his emotions—anger etched across his features without reservation.

Without a moment's hesitation, Minghao's frustration erupted into action, his fist connecting with Jeonghan's form. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he spat, his words punctuated by the force of his blow that sent Jeonghan sprawling to the floor.

Jeonghan's smirk remained intact, his fingers brushing against his lip where Minghao's punch had landed. He responded mockingly, "Don't tell me you suddenly care about her. Did you conveniently forget what you did to her last week? Now you're her knight in shining armor?"

Jeonghan's smirk and taunting words drew a scowl from Minghao. He retorted, his voice edged with anger, "Don't play games with me. I don't need a reminder of my own actions. But I won't let her suffer any more because of you."

Jeonghan's continued smirk only fueled Minghao's growing anger. "I won't hurt her anymore so you can continue doing so, huh?" Jeonghan taunted.

In an instant, Minghao's restraint shattered. He seized Jeonghan and hurled him forcefully into the wall, the impact resonating with a frenzy of pent-up frustration. Minghao's ears rang with the intensity of his own unchecked anger.

Gripping Jeonghan's collar in a swift, unyielding hold, Minghao's eyes blazed with an anger that couldn't be ignored. "Hyung," he spoke through clenched teeth, the intensity of his emotions palpable, "I've let it slide every time you've crossed the line with her. You've pushed her to the brink, and yet I held back my rage. How much longer do you think I can keep my composure?"

Jeonghan's gaze met Minghao's, the smirk still etched onto his features. He retorted, his tone dripping with an unsettling certainty, "You're blinded by her, Minghao. Can't you see it?"

Jeonghan's words prompted a furrow in Minghao's brow, his confusion apparent. Sensing his perplexity, Jeonghan clarified, his tone cutting and incisive, "Let me spell it out for you. You've developed feelings for the person who's responsible for your sister's death. How fucked up is that?"

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to be continued..


Hello guys! What do you think? Does Minghao truly feel an attraction towards Nabi, or is his intention more about exploiting her for some purpose?

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