Transformers Bayverse Story

De Amethysts_Child

8.8K 361 29

Elizabeth Witwicky, the niece of Ron and Judy Witwicky and the cousin of Sam, finds herself rescuing an Autob... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 14

247 8 0
De Amethysts_Child

Several weeks had passed, and Elizabeth's anxiety had begun to skyrocket. Dino hadn't returned to the barn, and she was beginning to get tired of eating the canned goods she happened to find in the attic. Figuring it was finally time to leave the barn, she hoisted the hunting rifle and the shotgun over her shoulder while also grabbing the sack of clothes and tools. Quietly opening the door to the barn, she looked around the entrance before hauling herself and her belongings into the tall grass. Taking one final look at the giant red barn, Elizabeth clenched her hand around the small strap of the bags before breathing a long sigh. Her heart was pounding as she got further from the barn, but she knew that she couldn't stay there forever. Reaching the small pathway that she had found weeks ago, she started making her way down the overgrown path in hopes of finding somewhere else that could sustain her for the moment. She had been walking for several miles before she came across the first few signs of human life. Ahead of her was a water tower and power poles, which alerted her to the town that she was getting ready to come upon. At first she was feeling anxious as she came close, but once she finally found the town, she realized that it wasn't as large as she was initially expecting. The town only seemed to have one main road, and was set up with shops lining that road. Everything looked like it was straight out of an old western movie as she entered the rundown town. It was late in the evening and no one was out and about, so she had the freedom to roam around and look at the different shops without feeling like she was being watched. However, as she walked from shop to shop, she realized that most of these stores were permanently closed. Most of the buildings seemed to be completely empty, but there were a few that still had product inside. This little town only had a single clothing, grocery, and hunting shop, which in a town like this was all it really needed. Reaching the end of the road, she looked out at the farmlands that stretched for miles upon miles. Her feet was beginning to hurt from all of the walking, and fatigue was beginning to set in as she visualized her upcoming journey.

"What are you doing out here in the middle of the night, young lady?" An old voice suddenly spoke from behind.

"I'm sorry, I was just passing through." Elizabeth squeaked as she spun on her heel to meet gazes with the man behind her.

"No, no, I apologize for startling you. But, what are you doing out so late?" The old man smiled warmly.

"I, uhm, lost my friend while we were traveling and I'm trying find them." She wearily answered.

"Oh my, that's unfortunate. Come with me, it's dangerous out here at night. Perhaps I can help you find your friend in the morning." The man beckoned as he turned around and started to head back into the town.

"Thank you for your concern and hospitality, but I really do have to get going. And besides, I do have the means to protect myself." Elizabeth smiled as she adjusted the two guns on her shoulder.

"Don't get me wrong, little lady, but I don't doubt that you can shoot. It's just that at night this place becomes dangerous. Those guns won't help you." He frowned as he watched the woman.

"I see. Well, thank you." She grimaced as she slowly began to follow him.

The man led her through the small town and towards the one and only hunting shop. Unlocking the door, he stepped inside and waited for her to step inside. The moment she was through the door, the light flickered on and allowed for her to take a good look at the guns and bows that were showcased on the walls. At first she was in awe at the sheer amount of weapons and equipment that the man had, but then her awe turned into confusion. Moving towards the back of the store, she recognized a few of the guns that were displayed behind the glass. The entire back wall was encased in glass with roughly twenty guns, ranging from pistols to rifles.

"Those are from a dear friend of mine's daughter. She went missing some time ago, and I was able to get a bunch of her belongings before her home was seized." The man sighed as he stepped up beside her.

"She seems to know her stuff." Elizabeth awkwardly praised.

"You certainly did." He nodded while turning and giving her a knowing look.

"Mr. Lean?" The woman choked out in surprise.

"You really have changed in the last few years that I haven't seen you. When I saw your face on the news a few weeks ago, I thought the worst." Mr. Lean frowned as he pulled the woman into a tight hug.

"What are you doing here? Actually, where am I?" Elizabeth laughed awkwardly.

"Well, we are in Monowi, and honestly, we are the only one's here. Of course, there is one other person that lives here in town. My sister's husband passed away not too long ago, so I came here to live with her." The man briefly explained with a small smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss." She mumbled.

"Thank you. Now, let me take you up to the spare room." Mr. Lean beckoned while walking through a set of doors by the back wall.

Silently following the older man, she glanced around the storehouse before noticing the set of stairs at the opposite side of the room. Staying close behind him, they ventured upstairs and entered what looked like a small apartment made for maybe two or three people. The first room they entered was the living room that was connected with the kitchen. It was an open concept space with a small breakfast bar that divided the two spaces. Three doors lined the back wall of the living room, the middle door led to a small bathroom with a walk-in shower instead of a bathtub. The other two doors led into medium sized bedrooms, both already furnished with twin sized beds and dressers. Mr. Lean's room had a small built-in closet, but the room that Elizabeth was now occupying had a small wardrobe in the corner. Dropping her bags on the floor next to the bed, she released a small sigh of relief as she looked around the plain but cozy room. Glancing up at the door, she noticed that Mr. Lean was standing near the breakfast bar, seemingly tinkering with a coffee maker.

"Why don't you get some rest, then tomorrow I can get some of your stuff that I managed to snag." Mr. Lean smiled as he finally put the coffee maker away.

"Thank you, Mr. Lean. I really do appreciate all of this." Elizabeth grinned as she finally sat down.

"Anything for you, and your father. But please, you're an adult now, call me Edmund." The man laughed.

"Speaking of my father, do you know what happened to him? I know that you two were close." She asked quietly while looking down.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth, but he never said anything to me before he disappeared. The only thing I can tell you is that he loved you dearly, and he would do anything to keep you safe." Edmond frowned.

"I know he does, it's just that, I can't figure out what would be so important that he would just up and leave the way he did." She grimaced before leaning against the doorframe.

"Unfortunately we'll never know what his true motives were. However, I can say that there was something that weighed heavily on his mind. He made sure to teach you everything he knew, so that you would be able to fend for yourself. Trust in his judgment. He will come back for you one day." He smiled genuinely before disappearing into his room.

The apartment fell silent as the soft click of his door was heard. The click prompted her to also close her door before crawling into bed and finding a comfortable position to sleep in. The feeling of laying in an actual bed felt like a dream to her, as she hadn't felt a real mattress in several weeks. It was almost like laying on a cloud as she sunk into the cushion and the pillow was extremely soft. She felt as if the bed was made specifically for her to sleep on, and almost like Mr. Lean had prepared this just for her. Although, she knew that he couldn't have known that she would show up to this tiny little town with a population of two. The comfiness of the bed muddled her racing thoughts, and before long, she was dead asleep. Her dreams were nonexistent and she slept as soundly as a baby in the safety of her good family friend's home.

The next morning, Elizabeth awoke to the smell of eggs and bacon, and she couldn't help but drool as she slowly got out of bed. Rubbing her eyes gently, she stepped outside of her room and glanced towards the kitchen to see Edmund slaving away over the stove and placing different foods on the plates that he had laid out beside him. From the array, she could see eggs, bacon, strawberries, and pancakes. However, she noticed a third plate resting to the side that was currently empty. Glancing at the empty plate, she wondered if his sister was going to be coming over for breakfast. Of course, her thoughts were interrupted when the door to the apartment suddenly opened and an older woman came sweeping in. The woman was of average height, and had short gray hair. Her eyes were a deep brown, but the way she unconsciously smiled told Elizabeth that she was a kind woman.

"Good Morning, Ed! Breakfast smells amazing, I could smell it from down the street!" The woman grinned as she immediately took a seat at the table.

"Good Morning to you too, El. Let me get your plate ready." Edmund laughed as he quickly piled food onto the once empty plate.

"Oh? I didn't see you there! Who is this?" El's smile seemed to retract as she eyed the newcomer.

"This is Liza, remember, the girl I was always telling you about?" The man stated wearily while placing the plate in front of his sister.

"Oh! Yes, I do remember. She certainly is a very beautiful girl! It's a shame that she is on the run, but I still don't understand why." The woman sighed as she began to eat her food.

"It's nice to meet you." Elizabeth awkwardly smiled before grabbing the plate that Edmund handed her.

"Elise, please promise that you won't report that she's here. After everything that her father has done for me, I owe it to him that I keep her safe." Edmund spoke with a serious face.

"I won't make a peep, Edmund. I understand that with the latest developments around the world that she has become a target. It's honestly too bad, she should be living a peaceful life with a husband and children running around all carefree." Elise spoke with a far-off look in her eyes.

"I agree, but you know how the government can be. Labels are so difficult to get rid of." The man sighed as he shoveled a piece of pancake into his mouth.

"You've got that right. Say, Liza, why don't you spend time with me at the Tavern? It would be fun!" Elise suddenly asked as she turned her gaze towards the younger woman.

"If that's alright with Mr. Lean, then I'd love to!" Elizabeth smiled in return.

"Great! After breakfast, you go wash up and we'll go!" The woman grinned once again before digging into her meal.

Giving a small nod in acknowledgement, Elizabeth continued to eat her meal in silence while listening to the sibling banter back and forth. The feeling of longing etched it's way into her heart as she listened, and her mind wandered towards her cousin. Elizabeth never had any siblings, but Sam was the closest thing to a sibling that she had. With the news from Bumblebee regarding Sam's death still fresh in her mind, she couldn't help but feel tears prickling in her eyes. She was really all alone at this point, and there wasn't anything she could do to change that. Her father had gone missing years ago and with no evidence that he was still alive. Her aunt and uncle were also gone, but she had no idea if they were actually still alive or not. Granted, she wouldn't want to put them in anymore danger than they probably already were. Then her mind moved on towards the Autobots. She had already lost her closest friends, Ironhide and Jazz, and now she could only think that Dino was gone too. From her experience with the Ferrari, he never lied or went back on his word. If he said he was going to do something or be somewhere, then he would make sure that he followed through. The only way he wouldn't, would be if he was taken out of commission. Clenching her fist tightly under the table, she glanced up to see the siblings still speaking with smiles on their faces. Their happiness in each other's presence was almost soothing as she kept her gaze on them. If only she still had someone that could be like this with her. However, now probably wouldn't be the time, as no matter where she goes or who she meets, she would inevitably put them in grave danger. Her raging thoughts were suddenly put to an end when Edmund's hand suddenly squeezed her shoulder gently. Looking up, she noticed the worry in the man's eyes as he gazed down on her.

"You've been staring off into space. Are you okay?" Elise questioned as she grabbed the plates from the table.

"I'm sorry. Yes, I'm fine, just thinking is all." Elizabeth smiled gently as she stood to help Elise clean up.

"I know that this may not ease your worries, but I'm sure your friends are fine. They are smart beings, and they care a lot about you. You will cross paths with them again, I'm sure of it." Edmund smiled before he disappeared into the bathroom.

Giving a small smile of thanks, Elizabeth turned to assist the older woman with the dishes. It only took a few minutes, but the two women were beginning to get along splendidly as they washed and dried the plates and utensils. At first, Elizabeth was surprised by the hospitality that they were showing, but after some time, she realized that they were just overall nice people. However, she couldn't help but feel nervous when Elise offered for Elizabeth to live there permanently with them. Not wanting to hurt the woman's feelings, Elizabeth told her that she would think about it, but she figured that after a few days of rest she would have to be on her way again. After the two females had finished cleaning up the kitchen, Edmund left the bathroom and stated that he was heading downstairs to tinker with the few guns he had. Taking that as her queue, Elizabeth went to her room and grabbed some clothes so that she could change after her shower. She made sure to make her time in the bathroom quick as she scrubbed any excess dirt off of her body and hair, before slipping into her clothes. Stepping out of the bathroom, she came face to face with Elise, who was smiling while waiting for the young woman.

"Now that you're all cleaned up, you look absolutely stunning." The older woman grinned before she turned to leave the apartment.

"Thank you." Elizabeth blushed as she followed behind.

Humming a simple tune, Elise walked through the abandoned town towards the Monowi Tavern at a leisurely pace. The sound was very soothing to the young woman as she listened and felt the cool breeze softly caress her face. It didn't take long for the two females to make it to the tavern and enter the building, but Elizabeth couldn't help but stare in awe at the interior. It was beautifully maintained, and the whole inside was cleaner than she had imagined. Pouring a glass of water, Elise slide the glass over to the young woman before heading into the kitchen to get some food prepped in the case that someone would come and visit her town. At first, Elizabeth was confused that the woman was preparing anything, but after a few minutes, the jingle from the bell above the front door sounded.

"Welcome to the famous Monowi Tavern! What can I get started for you?" Elise beamed as she reappeared at the front.

"Just a burger and a Blue Moon would be nice." A man smiled as he meandered over to the bar.

"Coming right up! Beth, why don't you help me in the kitchen." The woman's smile remained on her face as she took a quick glance at the woman.

"Of course!" Elizabeth smiled before quickly darting around the counter and into the kitchen.

Stepping into the kitchen, she was surprised by how clean and tidy the kitchen was. She was honestly expecting for it to be dirty and unorganized, but then again, Elise was full of surprises. Having already pulled out the ingredients, Elise got the grill fired up and was already grilling the hamburger meat while Elizabeth worked on chopping the lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. As quickly as they had started, they finished, and Elise grabbed the food and served it to the man that was happily waiting at the bar. Standing near the door, she could hear as the man began asking questions about the young lady that he had never seen before around here. Nervousness began to spread as she listened, but she was once again surprised when Elise began sprouting an amazing backstory for her.

"Yes, that's Beth! She's my best friend's daughter. It's really sad, but my friend had moved to Chicago and sadly passed away several years ago. Her father was still around though, so Beth had continued to live with him up until that whole fiasco with the aliens. He died while trying to get her out of the city." Elise sighed dramatically as she wiped down the counter around the man.

A small smile had graced Elizabeth's lips as she listened to Elise spin up that tale, but she couldn't help but feel bad that this kind old woman was risking herself just to keep her identity a secret. A few moment later, Elise came back into the kitchen with a wide grin as she laid eyes on the young woman.

"You don't mind if I just keep calling you 'Beth', right?" Elise asked with what seemed to be a permanent smile.

"I don't mind at all, thank you for everything that you're doing." Elizabeth smiled.

"There is no need to thank me! I know how much Edmund loved you and your father, so if this is how we can pay our respects to the great man that raised you, then this is what we'll do. But, we need to do a little something about your appearance. You'll stick out like a sore thumb if you keep looking the way you did when you went on the run." The woman nodded as she crossed her arms.

"You're doing too much, Elise! I won't be in your hair long, just some time to rest and then I'll be on my way." The younger woman spoke quickly as she waved her hands in front of her.

"Nonsense! You're staying here!" Elise scolded before grabbing Elizabeth's wrist and dragging her to the back of the tavern.

There was no way to change that old woman's mind, and Elizabeth realized that pretty quickly. Sighing in defeat, she allowed the woman to have her way and silently complied with every demand. Several hours had gone by and Edmund had swung by the tavern to check on the two women. Although, at first he was concerned when he didn't see them at the counter, but that concern washed away when he heard his sister laughing about something. Making his way to the back of the tavern, his eyes immediately widened to see the state that Elizabeth was in. Her hair was no longer reaching the small of her back, but was instead cut just above her shoulders. Looking at her face, it seemed to have slimmed a little with this haircut, and she started to look a little more like Elise. To him, Elizabeth looked like an entirely different person, but that was probably a good thing.

"Oh Edmund! Look at how pretty she is!" Elise beamed as she turned to look at her brother.

"She looks a lot like how you did when you were her age. Absolutely stunning." He smiled as he watched the blush spread across the younger woman's cheeks.

"Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?" The woman suddenly changed the subject when she noticed the time.

"Ah, yes, could I have a burger with an IPA." Edmund chuckled as he turned to return to the bar.

Giving a quick nod, Elise motioned for Elizabeth to start working on getting the burger together while she went to pour a drink. Awkwardly standing before the grill, Elizabeth grabbed one of the prepped patties and placed it on before gathering the other ingredients and placing them nearby. A few moments later, Elise came back into the kitchen and checked on the patty before flipping it over and putting the burger partially together. Minutes later, Elise was serving the burger to her brother and the two women went back to their beauty session.

Later in the evening, the group of three met up at Edmund's apartment and began talking about the future. Elizabeth was still voicing that she felt that she shouldn't stay too long for their safety, but Edmund and Elise both disagreed. After a very long discussion, she finally caved and agreed that she would stay for as long as they would let her, and she would do anything that she could to help them out. Elise went over her elaborate cover story for the young woman, and it was agreed upon that she would go by the name, Beth, from now on and she would refer to Edmund and Elise as Uncle and Aunt. They all knew that what they were doing was dangerous, but at the same time, they all wanted to do something to protect each other from the harshness of the world around them.


I do not own Transformers as it is owned by Hasbro and writer/producer Michael Bay.

I really only own Elizabeth Witwicky, who is Sam's cousin, and the employees of Ben's Mechanics.

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